My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 84 Surpassing Zhu Yuanzhang's Ambition

Chapter 84 Surpassing Zhu Yuanzhang's Ambition
Xu Jingchang's assassin strike has at least 20 years in terms of skill.

Lords of the cabinet, it is cloudy and rainy at the moment... Xu, you can't go too far!

It's just that they complain and resist, which is useless.

Xu Jingchang is strict with justice and has a lot of reasons.

"Your Majesty, I know that you need civil servants by your side, and so many heavy official documents are inseparable from manpower. But as the saying goes, a prime minister must start from the state department, and a strong general must be sent to the army. Although the cabinet scholars are not real prime ministers, but They are by His Majesty's side, giving good advice and participating in government affairs. If they are only good at writing, it is not enough. They must be familiar with local affairs and understand the people's sentiments, in order to better assist His Majesty."

Zhu Di was a little moved, but still hesitated, "Can they do it?"

"Your Majesty, all the scholars are erudite and smart talents. They uphold the holy will and went to the four mansions of Susongchang Town. They are all in front of the emperor. The court is fast, and they can go back and forth in a day or two. If something big will happen, the minister It is absolutely unbelievable. Just take advantage of this move to implement national policies and train talents. In a year or two, several bachelors will return to the court, and they will be able to better assist His Majesty. At that time, the treasury will be full and the finances will be very different. Yes. In short, I think this matter is really the best, please look into it clearly, Your Majesty."

Zhu Di pondered for a moment, "You also said that. But do you have any ideas about which four scholars need to be sent from these four prefectures?"

"Yes!" Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "I thought we could send Yang Shiqi, Hu Guang, Jin Youzi first, plus..."

Xu Jingchang paused. These three were all from Jiangxi. According to the original idea, if Xie Jin was inserted, the four Jiangxi people would be perfect.

However, Xu Jingchang was still careful not to go too far in everything, especially the promising cabinet bachelor, so Xu Jingchang said: "Add Yang Rong, he is from Fujian, he is mature and prudent, he is the head of the four. He is in charge of Suzhou, the most suitable."

Zhu Di thought for a while, and after removing these four people, there are still Huang Huai, Xie Jin and Yang Pu left, and if Hu Yan is counted, there are still two Jiangxi people.

That is to say, in the cabinet of the Yongle Dynasty, out of the eight bachelors, Jiangxi people accounted for five.

As the largest province in imperial examinations in the early Ming Dynasty, Jiangxi produced high-quality Jinshi and a large number of Jinshi. Therefore, it is said that half of the imperial scholars are from Jiangxi, and Hanlin Duojishui.

Due to the large number of Jinshi and civil officials in Jiangxi, it was also the province with the most tax arrears in the entire Ming Dynasty.

No matter how much you press, you just can't pay the tax in full.

Earlier, Xu Jingchang asked Xia Yuanji to include the retained part of the local households in the income of the household department... It turned out that the savings in various places were generally about half.

But when they arrived in Jiangxi, not only did they keep more than [-]% of the money, but they also continued to default on it. Those who should be shipped to the court were not shipped.

Anyway, most of the officials who handle affairs are from Jiangxi, what can the imperial court do to us?
If it were an ordinary person, they would only think about suppressing the Jiangxi gentry, dispatching capable officials, and trying to find ways to get up the tax arrears.

But Xu Jingchang opened up a new track and came up with a new method.

I sent a few cabinet scholars from Jiangxi to Jiangnan and asked them to be in charge of the four prefectures of Su Songchang Town.

This is an important place for the imperial court to pay taxes, and it is also the key to Zhu Di's enrichment of the national treasury.

If everything goes well, the emperor gets the money, the common people get benefits, there is nothing to say, and everyone is happy.

But if it can't be done, then Xu Jingchang will remonstrate and send officials to thoroughly investigate Jiangxi's outstanding debts.

At that time, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and the fun will be great.

Jiangxi gentry, or Jiangnan can choose for yourself.

For the sake of outsiders, sacrificing his hometown, such a selfless person will definitely be remembered by the people in his hometown. As for the result, you can think for yourself!

So Xu Jingchang's badness is really deep in his bones, and he specializes in embarrassing others.

The decree was conveyed to the cabinet, and the color suddenly changed. Several bachelors were dumbfounded.

Yang Rong, Jin Youzi, Hu Guang, and Yang Shiqi, who were named, and Yang Pu, Huang Huai, and Xie Jin who were lucky enough to stay, looked at each other, and it was difficult for any of them to speak.

After a long time, Yang Shiqi said: "Brother Jie'an, where are you from?"

Jie'an is Huang Huai's number, he said in a deep voice, "I'm from Wenzhou Prefecture, Zhejiang."

Yang Pu also took the initiative to say: "I am from Huguang Shishou."

Yang Rong is from Fujian. Fortunately, there is no Nanzhili in the cabinet.

"Now that things have come to an end, let's make it clear. This is a matter of gouging out flesh and mending sores. The court's intentions are already very clear. We are the sharp blade. Whether we can cut it off depends on us." It's up to you." Yang Shiqi said in a muffled voice.

The rest of them looked at each other, only Xie Jin hesitated and said: "It's not possible, I read the imperial court's strategy, and it is still beneficial to the country and the people."

"It's good for the country and the people, but it's not good for the gentry and wealthy families." Yang Rong hummed: "If things can't be done in Jiangnan, it will inevitably fall to Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Fujian... all we can do With one heart and one mind, no matter those who go out or those who stay, we must take care of each other and do our best to get things done. Otherwise, not to mention that the imperial court has no foothold, the elders in our hometown will poke our backs! "

A few people exchanged glances, and it was true that there was no way out.

Yang Shiqi suggested: "Let's have a drink, let's just leave this."

The rest of the people nodded one after another, raised their glasses, and drank the mixed spirit.

Later, Yang Rong and others, with the title of cabinet bachelor, were respectively appointed as prefects of the four prefectures, and went directly to their posts.

Xie Jin went to see them off, and looking at the backs of several people, he suddenly had the feeling that the wind was rustling, the water was cold, and the strong men would never return.

He shook his head quickly, but he couldn't shake the thought.

Thinking back, I was put on gardening leave by Xu Jingchang and hibernated at home for several months, almost ending my career.

Now it was Xu Jingchang again, with a few words, he dispatched several upstarts in the cabinet to serve as magistrates, and charged into battle.

What does it mean to turn your hands into clouds and cover your hands as rain!
Xie Jin has learned the lesson thoroughly.

According to his past temper, he was proud of his talents, and he would not pay attention to Xu Jingchang, who was young and relied on his family connections to become an envoy.

But after his own lessons and witnessing what happened to his colleagues... Xie Jin suddenly realized that although he had not experienced the baptism of the imperial edict and was not considered authentic, Xie Jin had already seen it through. It works better than the emperor.

A few days later, Xie Jin went to the market, carefully selected a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, and then came to Xu Mansion to visit Xu Jingchang.

"The lower official's family is poor, that's all I have in mind, I hope the envoy won't mind."

Xu Jingchang smiled, "Do you mind? This is the first time for you, Bachelor Xie, to give a gift? Have you ever given it to others before?"

Xie Jin lowered his head and said embarrassedly: "I gave it to my teacher."

Xu Jingchang smiled all over his face, "Thank you, Bachelor Xie, I will cherish this Four Treasures of the Study."

With that said, Xu Jingchang got up, took Xie Jin's wrist, and the two went straight to his small fish pond.

"Can you fish?"

Xie Jin said: "Yes, but fishing is not good."

Xu Jingchang said generously: "It's okay, once you are acquainted, you will get used to it."

They sat down by the fish pond, Xu Jingchang put on the bait, threw out the hook, and chatted with Xie Jin, "Your Majesty asked you to study books, do you have an idea about this?"

Xie Jin was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Xu Tongzheng, I went back and thought about it. If I recruit Hongru to Beijing and revise books together, not to mention the huge cost, some people are too old and have traveled thousands of miles to Beijing. It might be gone, it’s really not a virtuous government. It’s just the holy will, and the officials don’t know how to persuade His Majesty, and they are in a difficult situation.”

Xu Jingchang smiled, "Actually, you have to think about it carefully, what is the matter with the holy will? Your Majesty doesn't know how to practice the Yongle Grand Ceremony...but he thinks it's a big tome, majestic and dignified, and can promote his martial arts and martial arts, and highlight his status. .In fact, our Majesty is very concerned about Jing Nan."

Xie Jin nodded hurriedly and said: "The lower official understands, but the lower official still can't figure out the essentials."

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Big tomes have their benefits, but a book has thousands of copies, and the number of words is incalculable. How to publish it? How to spread it? Even if someone wants to buy it, who can afford it?"

Xie Jin was taken aback, "That's true, Xu Tongzheng has a good opinion."

Xu Jingchang said again: "Then what is the most popular book on the market in the opinion of Bachelor Xie?"

Xie Jin thought for a while, and said with a smile: "In addition to the three-character scriptures and hundred surnames used by children, I'm afraid it's the perpetual calendar. Every household, even if they don't know a few words, can use it. Choose an auspicious day and grasp the farming season , are inseparable."

Xu Jingchang nodded again and again, "Sure enough, he is a great talent, and he can see through it at a glance. You can make a pamphlet for His Majesty to spread, that's all."

"Then what are you going to write?"

"Just write that our country is called Daming, the reign name is Yongle, there are six ministries in the imperial court, there are county magistrates in the local area, the people have to pay taxes, and they have to appeal for grievances... In short, I write about things that the people can use, and then subtly instill something. Go know what I mean?"

Xie Jin looked at Xu Jingchang like a monster. I refused to accept anyone, but Xu Tongzheng.

There are also two shoulders carrying one head, how can the gap between people be so big!
For him, editing such a booklet is easy and easy for him, and it is easy to spread. In his opinion, His Majesty will definitely be happy.

"Xu Tongzheng, thank you, sir, this method is great, I want to ask His Majesty for credit..."

"No need." Xu Jingchang waved his hand, "Don't let your majesty do as he pleases, just spend money recklessly. Otherwise, even if there is a golden mountain, it won't be able to hold your majesty to toss, and it will be hard for us all."

Xie Jin nodded, "I understand, I'm going to make preparations now."

Said it was preparation, with Xie Jin's talent, he compiled this book in less than half a month.

When he came to the palace with an excited heart and trembling hands, and handed it over to Zhu Di, his whole body seemed to hang.The feeling was not much better than that of a prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

Zhu Di just watched silently, and after a long time, he said slowly: "Bachelor Xie, how much can you print?"

Xie Jin was taken aback, and replied: "At the beginning, the Emperor Taizu wanted every household to have a copy of the Great Law, but the content of the Great Law is still too much. Such a book is only one-fifth of the Great Law. The minister thought that everyone should have a copy of the Great Law. , can be about the same."

Zhu Di took a deep breath, and said slowly: "So, I finally have one thing, which is comparable to Huang Kao!"

(End of this chapter)

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