My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 89 Be Kind to Your Cousin

Chapter 89 Be Kind to Your Cousin (Happy New Year)
Xie Jin's statement made Xu Jingchang very satisfied, even a little unexpected joy... He really hates the complicated government affairs of the Secretary of General Administration, but he doesn't want to give up the power he has so easily obtained.

Seemingly contradictory things, with Xie Jin Xianyu turned over, Xu Jingchang saw the perfect solution.

Support Xie Jin to take over as the general political envoy. He is capable and talented enough to be promoted to this position.

However, he is proud of his talents and has a shallow foundation. He must rely on Xu Jingchang's strength to secure his position as a general manager.In this way, Xu Jingchang can retreat behind the scenes and control the court remotely.

The benefits belong to me, and the risks are yours.

Simply perfect!
By the way, why is this operation a bit familiar?

Yao Guangxiao, the old thief bald encouraged Xu Jingchang to come out and connect with the political envoy last year, isn't that what he thought?

But it's a pity that Xu Jingchang is more deceitful than expected, he has not become the old monk's puppet, on the contrary, he is now actively planning, and has the potential to retreat and evolve into a great devil.

"Xu Tongzheng, I would like to ask, if you come down, who else will take over as the Tongzheng envoy?" Xie Jin's heart rose to his throat. If someone stronger came out, his chances were too slim .

It was too short a time for him to re-enter the court, and it was not long before he was promoted to be the minister of the Ministry of Rites. He had no qualifications, no prestige, and few people in the court could sincerely respect him.

How could such an important position as the general administrator fall on his head?

Xu Jingchang smiled, "Bachelor Xie, let me tell you, I really can't find a more suitable candidate, so you can just rest assured."

Xie Jin was very surprised. No matter how he measured it, he couldn't do it himself. Why did Xu Jingchang swear again?He couldn't figure it out for a while, but he didn't dare to ask more.

I'm afraid that this great and beautiful matter will be lost.

In this way, Xie Jin was worried and uneasy. Even when he was working, he often lost his mind. The big guys thought he was sick. Yang Pu and Huang Huai asked in private, do they need to rest for a few days?

Xie Jin smiled wryly in his heart, if I go home now, wouldn't the envoy fly away?

Xie Jin had to force himself to be calm, "I'm really not feeling well, but there are only a few of us left in the cabinet, and I can't hide at home. I can only grit my teeth. Now that there are so many government affairs, I also heard that Jingcha has also reached a critical moment, if you give me a low-level evaluation, I am afraid that my career in this life will be over."

When Jingcha was mentioned, Yang Pu got some news.

"I heard that Jian Tianguan and the Inspector's Office are working together to assess hundreds of officials, and all the departments are pretty good... It's hard to say who will take the blame in the end."

Xie Jin was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized that there was a slight relationship between this Jingcha and Xu Jingchang's resignation, and he couldn't help but wondered: "There are rules and regulations for how to evaluate officials, just follow the rules, what's the difficulty? "

Yang Pu said with a smile: "It's a bit funny to say... This is not the time of the Chinese New Year. Xu Tongzheng is in the sky prison, forcing all the yamen to submit the annual strategy, which can be regarded as a military order... Until now, the state treasury The income has increased by [-]%, and the Ministry of Industry has also completed the repair of the main hall. The Ministry of Punishment punishes corrupt officials, the Ministry of Officials recommends talented people, and even the Ministry of Rites presides over the imperial examinations, providing a lot of talents for the court. After all the calculations, only the Secretary of General Affairs is nothing Jianshu, if one has to take down a high-ranking official to gain power, it can only be Xu Tongzheng."

Xie Jin almost laughed, "Let's stop joking, shall we? Xu Tongzheng didn't make any achievements? It's not his credit that the Tongzheng Secretary is so fierce and powerful now? Also, Xu Tongzheng brought down the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry, and then rectified the finance and taxation, increased The treasury revenue, including the recent downfall of Li Zhigang, wasn’t he also responsible for it? Let me tell you, he can’t make a fuss about all six of them.”

At this time, Huang Huai also came in, and said with a smile: "This is true, but if you are not in his position and do not seek his own government, punishing corrupt officials can only be credited to Xu Tongzheng himself, not to the Secretary of the General Administration. Taxation, Xu Tongzheng's credit is really not that big, because it falls on the enrichment of the national treasury, it actually depends on the treasure banknotes, and the treasure banknote bureau is hung in the household department, this credit should be counted on the head of Xia Shangshu... Count Xu Tongzheng He made wedding clothes for others!"

When Xie Jin heard this, he also felt absurd... Xu Jingchang, who had done the most things, was taken down in the Jingcha because of his mediocrity. How ridiculous this matter sounds.

But to a large extent, it will become a reality again.

And I don't seem to be able to succeed Xu Jingchang, maybe I can succeed in being the general manager.

Is it ridiculous?

But it seems that this is the court!
Xie Jin was secretly feeling emotional, but he could only restrain his edge and be honest, for fear that something might go wrong.

The court has never had any secrets at all, and there is an undercurrent in the Jingcha, and Hu Yan also got the news. He was shocked when he heard that Xu Jingchang might be captured.

Because he knows it well.Zhu Gaochi's success as the crown prince is inseparable from Xu Jingchang's contribution.

Now there are six departments and nine ministers, the only one the prince can rely on is Xu Jingchang.

But at this time, Xu Tongzheng, who has great powers, is taken down. Who knows what will happen?
He hurried to see Zhu Gaochi and told Zhu Gaochi the news.

Fatty Zhu who got the news was also very frightened, what a joke, there is no one in the court, and Xu Jingchang cannot be lost!
He hurried over, only to find that Xu Jingchang was still by the fish pond, holding a fishing rod, and the old god was there.

"I said cousin, have you heard of it? Someone is going to take down the position of Tongzheng envoy?"

Xu Jingchang laughed loudly, "How could I not know what His Highness knows."

"Then, what can you do?"

"How? What way? If you don't stay here, you have your own place. At worst, just quit. I just listen to music and go fishing, and being a rich and idle person, isn't that good?"

Zhu Gaochi's complexion changed suddenly, and he was stunned for a while, then he moved closer to Xu Jingchang, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Jingchang's wrist, without opening his mouth, tears welled up.

"Brother, my good brother, you have helped me so much these days, allowing me to sit on the position of prince. If you step down from the position of envoy, who will protect me from the wind and rain? My brother, No matter what, you can't give up this position. Even if it's for our Ming Dynasty, I beg you."

Xu Jingchang was covered in goosebumps by these words, "I said Your Highness, I am horrified when you speak like that. Instead of worrying that no one will protect you from the wind and rain, you should worry about your own body... What's the matter, eat less these two days Not at all?"

"No." Zhu Gaochi said bluntly: "My dear brother, you don't know. After such a long time, I've gotten used to it. It's a crime not to eat something good!"

Xu Jingchang looked at him, then stretched out his hand and slapped Zhu Gaochi hard on the back of the neck twice. It was full of fat and bulged with a huge rich bag.

"Okay, it just so happens that I'm leaving too. Starting today, I'll lead you to lose weight... Within a year, you must lose fifty catties."

"Fifty catties? Isn't that too much? Brother, you have to know, these fat meats are loyal and have been with me for so many years. Even my wife and children are not as loyal as them. How can I bear to abandon them? "

Xu Jingchang snorted coldly at him, "What are you talking about, hurry up and run around the fish pond for me."

Xu Jingchang picked up the purple bamboo fishing rod, stopped fishing, and turned it into a whip for beating Zhu Gaochi... He followed behind, and the big fat man ran in front, a little slower, and the big fat man got hit on the buttocks.

"Brother, I am also Daming's prince after all, can you show me some face?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "You want to face? Then do you want to have a face? How can you rule the world with a fat body? Stop talking nonsense and run away!"

Xu Jingchang urged from behind, and forced Zhu Gaochi to run for half an hour. He was panting, sweating profusely, and his stomach was growling.

It was almost noon, and Xu Jingchang finally showed kindness and asked Zhu Gaochi to stop.

"Your Highness, it's time to eat."

"Dinner?" Zhu Gaochi looked up to the sky and sighed, "These two words are so kind, they are closer than my parents... Hurry up, I want to eat sweet and sour carp, lion head with crab powder, by the way, especially the lion head, give it to me Get twenty!"

Xu Jingchang didn't care what Zhu Gaochi yelled, but he still wanted to eat the lion's head?Go dreaming!

After a while, all that was placed in front of Zhu Gaochi was a bowl of brown rice, a bowl of wild vegetable soup, and a plate of steamed yam.

Seeing these things, Zhu Gaochi walked outside directly.

"I want to go back to the East Palace, you are bullying me! You can't bear to have a meal without even a little bit of oil and water? If you treat a big fat man like this, you will go to the [-]th floor of hell."

Facing Zhu Gaochi's curse, Xu Jingchang turned around and fetched a jar of small ground sesame oil.

Xu Jingchang took out another copper coin, tied it with a thin silk thread, and sank it into the jar.

When he lifted the copper coin, dipped a little sesame oil on it, and then put it into wild vegetable soup. Finally, a few drops of sesame oil floated on the vegetable soup.

"Okay, eat quickly, Your Highness."

Zhu Gaochi stared at those pitiful drops of sesame oil, his eyeballs almost fell out.

"Xu Jingchang, I finally understand, no wonder so many people want to drive you out of the court, you are so hateful!" Fatty Zhu sighed.

Xu Jingchang laughed happily, "Thanks for the compliment, I will continue to work hard."

Zhu Gaochi wailed, and could only lower his head, doing revenge like revenge.

When people are hungry, everything is delicious.

Brown rice, wild vegetable soup, and a plate of steamed yam were all stuffed into Zhu Gaochi's stomach.

It's just that this little thing is not worth half of the usual amount.

Zhu Gaochi looked at Xu Jingchang pitifully, "My dear brother, can you give me some more? I'm begging you, okay?"

Xu Jingchang nodded, turned around and brought an empty basin from outside.

"Your Highness, this place is filled with the freshly blown northwest wind, please enjoy it, Your Highness."

Zhu Gaochi stared at the empty basin, and suddenly let out a wail.

"Xu Jingchang, you will go to the [-]th floor of hell!"

At this moment, someone suddenly coughed outside the door, "Prince, what are you talking about? Why didn't I hear clearly."

Zhu Gaochi looked up hurriedly, only to see his old lady Empress Xu walking in from the outside, holding Zhu Zhanji by the hand.Zhu Gaochi was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

"Mother, the child didn't say anything, didn't say anything!"

Empress Xu said with a cold face, "I'm sorry you don't dare, listen to me, be nice to your cousin, or I'll slap you."

(End of this chapter)

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