I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 154 The Sixth Peak Inheritance!

Chapter 154 The Sixth Peak Inheritance!
If this can be achieved, then Gu Changsheng would rather not repair the Kunlun Mirror - he has no idea about the relationship between the guy on the opposite side and Qin Wuyi. The gain outweighs the loss...

He put his ears close to the surface of the Kunlun mirror, and seemed to be able to vaguely hear the wind over there.This repair turned Kunlun Mirror from a chat software into a microphone software.

I don't know if that senior's voice is good or not?
Being able to get so close to a goddess of Qin Wuyi's level, there is a high probability that there will be no difference, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Changsheng suddenly became a little excited. If the senior netizen opposite is also a good sister with a sweet voice, then it is not a bad idea to have an online relationship.

So he cleared his throat, sat up straight, and said loudly:
"Are you there, senior?"

"Are there?"

"Senior, are you taking a bath?"

There was no response for three consecutive sentences, and Gu Changsheng inexplicably had the illusion of being a goddess licking a dog. He flipped and pressed the Kunlun mirror in annoyance, and began to study other rewards.

Thinking about it better, maybe this senior is running around looking for the inheritance of the Sixth Peak, so he has no time to talk to me?


Inside Tianquan Ancient Road, Lu Qingming's long sword was covered with dark brown blood, and his eyes were as snowy as he stared at the several ancient road phantoms in front of him.In front of her lay a large number of corpses of phantom monsters, blood staining the sky, even these monsters who were condensed from remnant thoughts and had little consciousness left were faintly terrified.

They didn't even think about it. Not long ago, the evil star woman had already passed through this level and went to the next level, but in a blink of an eye she came back to torture the monster... as if she had a grudge against them!
However, Lu Qingming did not come here to fry fish. Seeing that the phantom demon no longer took the initiative to attack, she raised her sword and walked towards the entrance of the ancient road on the upper floor.

The leading phantom demon Ling Zhi is much higher than the other younger brothers. Seeing that the evil star female devil finally wanted to leave, she almost didn't kowtow to Lu Qingming on the spot - her younger brother can indeed regenerate infinitely, but that's not the case. It takes time, and if she kills him one more time, he will become a polished commander.

Lu Qingming stepped into the entrance of the upper floor with a calm expression. This ancient road has already been crossed by her once. The challenge of walking from the top to the bottom is naturally much lower than that from the bottom to the top.

But in this ancient road surrounded by desolation and silence, it is not an easy task to break through the many murderous opportunities to find the burial place of a passer-by.She didn't know where the Taiyi Sword Master died, and she didn't know if there were any bones left of him.All she knew was that she agreed to that guy surnamed Gu to find the inheritance of the Sixth Peak for him.

She always walks the talk, and this time will be no exception.

Just when her body was about to be completely submerged in the light curtain, her movements suddenly stopped for unknown reasons.Such a layer-by-layer speed is still too slow after all.And the monsters on some layers would feel tricky even if she killed them again.

It's too dark here, it would be nice if there was some light.

Lu Qingming thought for a while and suddenly stretched his feet back. With a thought, the long sword stood in front of him, and his fingers were drawn together to form a sword and lightly slashed across the sword.

The next moment, a burst of extremely dazzling snow-white sword light erupted in front of the eyes of the phantoms on the ancient road. The pure and terrifying sword-like Chilong hovered and soared into the sky, and shattered into pure sword light at the highest point, briefly illuminating this side. world.

In the east wind night, flowers and trees are bloomed, and the stars are like rain.

Lu Qingming's powerful spiritual consciousness instantly covered and disappeared, and the vast sea of ​​sword intent became her eyes to see every corner here.A group of phantom demons from the ancient road turned into ashes without even humming, as if they had been hit by a nuclear bomb.

This kind of efficiency is really much faster.Lu Qingming panted slightly, but his eyes were astonishingly bright.There was no harvest on this floor, and she stepped into the previous floor after a short rest.

As a result, the nightmares of the ancient road on the seventh floor of Tianquan Ancient Road soon took turns to watch a free fireworks...

When the fireworks were placed on the ninth floor from the bottom of Tianquan Ancient Road, Emperor Qiang Rulu couldn't take it anymore.But the god of luck seemed to be on her side. On this floor, she saw a corpse standing with a sword upright.

That was the aura of Taiyi Sword Sect. It was different from any sword peak inheritance that Lu Qingming had come into contact with, but it carried a strong Taiyi Sword Sect aura.

Is that him?He is... my nominal master?

Lu Qingming walked over slowly, one step and two steps, but easily covered hundreds of miles.She stood before the unyielding skeleton and stared for a moment, then bowed slightly to him.

Regardless of whether he is his nominal master or not, he is at least the former Tianjiao senior of the Taiyi Sword Sect. In order to find an answer, he gave up his own road to immortality and resolutely embarked on this hopeless road.

In front of the corpse stood a stone tablet with messy handwriting carved with a sword. After being eroded by the Tianquan Ancient Road, the stone tablet showed faint signs of weathering.

"In my life, I am ashamed of heaven and earth, but I am ashamed of two people. One is my father. I can't repay my love for my son. I am not by my side when I fall. I am ashamed. Then I entered the road of Tianquan to find the way of resurrection. The other The second is the head teacher of the Sword Sect. Due to a moment of suspicion, he mistakenly thought that my father's death was the fault of the sect, and refused to hand over the inheritance of the sixth peak. As a result, one of the inheritance of the 24th peak of the Sword Sect might be cut off... If the person who comes later, if it is the sword The younger brother...return the inheritance for me...fulfill my long-cherished wish...my inheritance..."

After reading this, Lu Qingming confirmed the identity of the corpse, and his expression became more and more complicated.Strictly speaking, the Sixth Peak where Supreme Sword Master resides also has a deep connection with her.

The person who taught her art was Qin Wuyi, but Lu Qingming should be a disciple of the sixth peak.

The content under the stele is already a bit difficult to distinguish. Taiyi Sword Master seems to have been seriously injured when he wrote this, so naturally he doesn't have much strength to write it later.

If Supreme One Sword Master wanted to leave behind an inheritance, where would it be most likely?

Lu Qingming's eyes looked at the long sword supporting his dead bones. Even after countless winds and frosts, this sword is still sharp and radiant.She was silent for a moment and saluted again, and said softly:
"excuse me."

As Lu Qingming gently removed the sword from Taiyi Sword Master, the dead bone without support fell to the ground as if it had fulfilled its mission, and the aura around it also dissipated like smoke.

Maybe I will die here and turn into dry bones like him?Lu Qingming suddenly thought, Sword Master Taiyi's obsession is to return the inheritance, so what is my obsession?

Let the mistress and the others relax?Find your own way?

Thinking of this, the confusion that flashed in Lu Qingming's eyes quickly turned into firmness.If her fall is a foregone conclusion, then at least this tragedy should be brought to an end.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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