I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 166 Qi Hansu, You Are the Chosen Yellow Hair!

Chapter 166 Qi Hansu, You Are the Chosen Yellow Hair! (3k)

Her black hair was randomly scattered behind her head, except for her blushing face from the alcohol, the girl's appearance did not change at all.

It is rare for Gu Changsheng to see Miss Susu drunk, her drinking capacity is normally amazing, even Gu Changsheng is not her opponent.To be able to drink like this, except that she didn't use spiritual power to resolve the accident, she must be very happy, right?

He looked at the ordinary wooden hairpin in his hand, and turned to look at Qi Hansu again.

Is this what Little Green Tea and Qin Wuyi were talking about?

Xie Qingzhi told him that if Qi Hansu really used this magic weapon to change his appearance, then the wooden hairpin would disappear.But now he took off Yi Nian Qianyan with his own hands, which is enough to show that Senior Sister Su Su is the real face of the Holy Maiden.

But here comes the question again, who is the real face of the tall and cold lady she pretended to be in front of Gu Changsheng before?

Gu Changsheng also inquired secretly, and the immoral saintess used that cold face in front of most of her disciples, elders and others, but only in front of him, Qin Wuyi, little green tea and other insiders, she would use her real face Show people.

In other words, most people in the Taiyi Sword Sect think that the saintess is the image of the cold and proud little sister of the sword fairy.

He was keenly aware that there must be something wrong with it, and tentatively asked Little Green Tea, but it was a pity that Little Green Tea, which had always been given for nothing, had no intention of revealing to him on this question.Xie Qingzhi faltered and refused to speak, and Qin Wuyi didn't know how to speak.

According to this situation, the big sister Susu promised you the benefits of Baisi and so on, will she also use this clear and hot sword fairy face to post it?
Qin Wuyi suddenly felt very ashamed. I was known as the Yellow-haired Little Emperor, but I didn't have a strange magic weapon at hand.On the other hand, a certain holy man and big sister...

The damage of spells and swords can be shared, and the happiness of being day can also be shared, right?

Lu Qingming: "..."

Lu Qingming responded nonchalantly, but you are worried about Qin Wuyi, you know Gu Changsheng and Qi Hansu very well, dear Qin Wuyi is really a person with such character, behavior and integrity, Gu Changsheng would also go to sleep outside my room so frankly.

Qin Wuyi was firm for a moment, Gu Changsheng was sleeping under my bed at this moment, if I went out to practice the inheritance of the Eighth Peak, if Junior Sister Pei came over to take a look, wouldn't it prove that I was working part-time stem.

If you made some substantial impact on the big sister of the holy man, just 'Daxin' fell down and kissed you, is it equivalent to kissing Qi Hansu?
"The elder sister of the younger generation is indeed talented and intelligent, one in a million sword-practicing geniuses!" Qin Wuyi licked and said, "If he is allowed to come to the Taiyi Sword Sect, I am afraid that the head teacher will go out and recruit him as an elder! Your admiration for him is like..."

You are the woman who wants to defeat Lu Xiaodi head-on!


Cough cough, bad, that kind of plot can only happen outside the dream.The most improbable thing in reality is that Sui Liqun would kill Daqin Wuyi for the two of us.

"The person Sui Liqun bound is called Qi Hansu." Lu Qingming replied fiercely, "If he wants to burn you with a candle, I will try it first."

"What if... let's change tomorrow?" Qin Wuyi tentatively said: "He also knows that the holy man is lying outside your room. Even if you attack you, you should take care of him by the side."

"My younger sister is still talking about business... Why did you suddenly find you today?"


Drowsiness and amnesia, bricks, a thousand faces... You thought those two magic weapons were not the magic weapons of the yellow hair world, but did you think that there is no magic weapon of destiny that is more brave than us!

Qin Wuyi took a breath, and turned to look at Gu Changsheng who seemed defenseless.

Is it Qi Mengde?Killing me while drunk?
"Ahem, there was no one next to the bed just now." Qin Wuyi glanced back at the muddy holy man through the window without any guilt, and somehow felt strange about stealing food behind his boyfriend's back.

"Sister junior, what's the matter?"

Of course, if you want to kiss, you have to kiss in an upright manner, so what if Qi Hansu is difficult to get close to the Raiders?

"What did he ask that for?"

What a magic weapon that is!Why are the magic weapons in your holy man's hand so strange!
Mistress and Gu Changsheng, you should be misjudged... right?

Qin Wuyi wiped the tears from the corner of his mouth, and while looking away, a timid thought suddenly popped up in his heart:

When Sui Liqun was mentioned, his eyes lit up, and he cheered up and said: "Your junior, he still knows! Lu Qingming's aura came from outside Tianquan Ancient Road! I'm still alive!"

"It's broken if it's so slow?"

Lu Qingming withdrew his thoughts, and said in a heavy voice: "Is he going to learn the inheritance of the Eighth Peak?"

And he, Sui Liqun, is the number one yellow-haired little emperor chosen by heaven in the fairy world!

"That's nothing?" Qin Wuyi asked strangely, "You burned you with a candle again."

"That's in line with the education you've received since childhood!"

"Sister junior, what does he mean by that?" Qin Wuyi was stunned for a while, "Can the holy man draw his sword and cut you when he is drunk like that?"

Lu Qingming: "..."

By the way, I can't even take this opportunity to complain to Sui Liqun - just say that every time the sage man runs towards me when he's drunk, it's a test of my concentration.It is said that Zhun Qi Hansu, in order to eliminate the risk of bad disciples being pouted, took the initiative to help me eliminate...

"I'm afraid you will win the agreement between the seven of you!"
You Gu is such a glorious person, how could he do such a thing?
"He means... Gu Changsheng is sleeping under your bed right now?"

There is no doubt that if the magic weapon similar to the telepathic function of twins is definitely operated, there will be many boring gameplays.For example, the object bound to the link is doing business, and suddenly feels a strange feeling
Cooperating with you, if you took advantage of the drunken sage boy and slapped you, Qi Hansu appeared at your door with a sword in his hand in the last second?
"By the way, younger sister, since Elder Qin and the villain saint will be linked together, did you offend Elder Qin when you hugged the villain saint out of bed just now?"

"It's a good thing he didn't." Lu Qingming said lightly, "Otherwise he might not be able to stand and talk to you now."

"To tell you the truth, it is Sui Liqun, the sage of your sect! It's not the target you've been letting you approach!" Qin Wuyi proudly puffed out his chest, "Since Gu has agreed to the younger generation's affairs, he will naturally act in the opposite direction. Work hard!"

"Yes, the proportion of damage shared by Tongxin Jue has been adjusted personally, and it is naturally the highest when Qindi is not facing the enemy."

I turned my head and looked at the big sister Susu who was lying under the bed, and then I carefully pushed aside the quilt under my body before confirming that you were really drunk, and ran into the room to arrange a soundproof method Before the formation, the Kunlun mirror was opened.

"My junior, he misunderstood. The relationship between you and Senior Sister Qi is still very pure. You just came to sleep outside your room when you were drunk. How could you, such a glorious person, take advantage of your drunkenness?" How about getting started with you?"

"Who was around him just now?" Lu Qingming asked earnestly.

"Yes, you don't have a destiny magic weapon called Taichu Tongxinjue. As long as it is bound to you, any damage you suffer will be shared by this object."

Although it is not a pity that this holy man's vest has more or less breasts, it is the legs that are mainly seen in the white silk benefits.At that point, the heat-clearing holy man's vest didn't have a certain temperament bonus.

You know why, you always feel that Qin Wuyi's tone of caring about the holy man and villain at the beginning is not weird...

"What's the matter. You don't care about the villain."

Even if Gu Changsheng could miss him, could Qi Hansu do the same?If you doubt your mistress' vision, mistress will misjudge someone!

Lu Qingming on the side of Tianquan Ancient Road paused for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Gu Changsheng, why are you such a naughty person, drunk and sleeping under his bed?"

"Yes...why does Shengnan Qi possess so many strange magic weapons of destiny?" Sui Liqun said in a toneless tone.As the protagonist, I am far inferior to you in that respect.

Qin Wuyi thought about this scene for a while, and suddenly shuddered.



"I have to say what I have left." Lu Qingming interrupted me: "Now kiss?"

Thinking of that, Qin Wuyi resolutely held back, turned around and sat down.That time and the next time the situation was obviously the same, the holy man was drunk and spent the night outside my room, as a girl I must of course remain confused.

"He asked you, how do you know?" Lu Qingming asked back: "You are the way of heaven again."

I whispered into the old thoughts in my heart, and turned to the Kunlun mirror and said, "Young sister must be worried. Although you promised him to win the heart of the saintly man, you will definitely use that kind of Despicable means!"


Lu Qingming looked up at the Taiyi Sword Master's sword standing beside him.Your retreat is actually a little faster than expected, because the time flow in Tianquan Ancient Road is much slower than that in the inner world, so Qin Wuyi's side seems to be uninterested.

"How did he pick it up so quickly?" Lu Qingming asked with a big face, "Did you say that he is on call at any time?"

Two wishes, one fulfillment!
"I see…"

Qin Wuyi sighed faintly, sat cross-legged and prepared to practice for a night.But at that time, no one was willing to let me practice peacefully, and there was a sound from the Kunlun mirror in the Qiankun bag.

Why can't the goods be right boards!Qin Wuyi just wanted to yell at him in a low voice, but then he turned his head and thought about it, using the heat-clearing sage's vest to distribute benefits seems to have no contrasting temptation...

The Destiny Magic Treasure is like a special magic weapon. It is almost impossible to change the owner. Once the master dies, it will dissipate between heaven and earth, so it is also called the exclusive magic weapon of the Son of Destiny.Just like the jade pendant with a guilty conscience that Qin Wuyi punished, it is also a typical destiny magic weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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