Chapter 236

But even without Qin Wuyi and Qi Hansu, I can still ask Little Green Tea~
Gu Dahuangmao is not worried about his source of information at all, even if Xie Qingzhi is young and doesn't know the secrets of the past, the big green tea is not young, right?
I believe she will be very willing to share things about Qin Wuyi with me!

Thinking of this, Gu Changsheng was not in a hurry to ask, and replied decisively: "Senior sister, you have misunderstood! I am by no means curious about the secrets of this, I just think that there is no such thing as a beautiful fairy like you in Jianzong. Shelter, there must be something shady here!"

"I'm mainly feeling sorry for you, Senior Sister! Such a sword sect, it doesn't matter if you don't wait!"

Lu Qingming glanced at him lightly, and she knew in her heart that with this guy's traitorous personality, she would definitely investigate.Of course, unless he can ask Qi Hansu and Qin Wuyi, it is absolutely impossible for others to know that Emperor Lu is still the former Saintess of the Sword Sect.

That is to say, we can hide the fact that she is Lu Qingming for a while... Maybe it won't be too long, but as long as we can delay the matter of her getting the connection medium from Gu Changsheng and successfully solve Carmen's bug, everything will be fine. The dust has settled.

When Gu Changsheng is hung upside down to smoke, she will definitely talk to him about everything that happened.

"It's good if you have this kind of heart. This matter is a problem between me and Qin Wuyi, and I will naturally deal with it." Lu Qingming paused for a moment, then suddenly asked: "It's you...why did you clearly agree to fix it? The medium made me come, but...but..."

When Lu Dadi spoke here, he suddenly turned dark and silent, because she was afraid that if she continued to speak, it would bring back memories of her death.When Gu Changsheng heard this, he quickly called Qu and said:

"I'm wronged, senior sister... I did restore a large part of the medium, but the matter of getting stuck is not up to me... Do you think I'm stuck now?"

Lu Qingming bowed his head and pondered for a moment. The two times he got stuck so far were from the Yaoguang Domain to the Tianquan Ancient Road... Gu Mengde was greatly hindered when he tried to reach out for the first time. chest.

Thinking about it, it seems right. Every time the ancient road of Tianquan is opened, it needs the joint efforts of the three sects and five sects to open it. It is almost impossible to easily enter in such a desperate situation.

From the outside, it seems that Gu Changsheng's mirror medium still has flaws that have not been completed.I don't know if it's because of this, but Lu Qingming always feels that his cultivation seems to have declined a lot after returning to the fluctuating light domain, and it continues to decline.

Take the time when Gu Changsheng entered the door, for example, with Emperor Lu's powerful cultivation base and fierce and unparalleled sword intent, even if she wanted to keep her hand away from Gu Changsheng, it was impossible for him to just draw out his sword casually and kill him. Blocked her sword intent.

Tianshuang Sword Intent is famous for its killing power, and its attack power can never be so soft... The only explanation is that although her physical body came to the fluctuating light domain, her cultivation level was also affected by the rules of the ancient road of Tianquan.

If this problem is not resolved, then even if she goes back, will she gradually become a useless person?
The confession was not over yet, and Gu Changsheng wanted to continue asking something, when suddenly the paper crane circle around his waist moved, as if someone was using paper cranes to contact him.Gu Changsheng was stuck in the stone wall and couldn't move, so he turned his eyes to Lu Dadi for help:
"Senior reach out and help me connect the paper crane." Gu Changsheng spread his hands to indicate that he was restricted by the rules at the moment, and he couldn't stretch his hands back at all: "Please, this voice sounds like my junior sister Pei's. Paper Crane."

His hand couldn't be stretched back, but Lu Qingming's hand could indeed be stretched from the direction of Tianquan Ancient Road to the Yaoguang Domain.Emperor Lu thought for a moment, and asked with great interest:
"Are you sure you want to pick up your junior sister's paper crane at this time? Aren't you afraid that she will bump into your shameful posture when she comes back?"

Gu Changsheng sighed and said, "It's because I was afraid of her coming back that I picked her up..."

Senior brother hitting the wall can explain a thing or two, but if he pushed himself into the wall and got stuck, if Junior Sister Pei knew about it, Gu Changsheng's image of stalwart in her heart would completely collapse.

"Please, senior sister! Please help me this time!"

"How to help?"

"You stretch out your hand and listen to my command... Keep going down, stop immediately when I tell you to stop..."

The ice-cold little hand of Emperor Lu followed Gu Changsheng's instructions all the way down, and gradually reached his waist. Gu Changsheng then directed:
"Yes, that's right there. You first pull to the right... Pull it all the way to the end, then reach in to get the paper crane magic weapon. It's hanging in the Qiankun bag on my waist. I've already opened the Qiankun bag restriction, you just reach in and get it Enough."

"Senior sister, you should pay attention. My ancestral paper crane is relatively fragile. When you take it out, you must be gentle. Don't pinch the head of the paper crane, or it will break."

"it is this?"

"Hiss...cough cough..."

Gu Changsheng suddenly took a deep breath and made Lu Qingming stop. She turned her face and glared at Gu Dahuangmao: "What are you calling?"

"My name is Gu Mengde." Gu Changsheng replied innocently.

Because Lu Qingming wanted to help him hold the paper crane, the distance between the two was close. He silently admired the cold and peerless face of the netizen lady, while lamenting that the professional beauty of the Saintess of the Sword Sect is really boundless. .

Su Bao is so good-looking, and this former swordsman saint netizen is also so death...meeting such two saintesses is simply raising the standard for me to find a Taoist partner in the future.

Lu Qingming: "..."

Hold it back, you must hold it back, now that this guy is stabbed to death with a sword, he probably won't be able to go back.

Lu Dadi took a deep breath to calm himself down, secretly remembered a grudge, and then continued to grope calmly.

"Next the left, yes, this is the direction, has it touched the head of the paper crane magic weapon?"

"Okay, now inject a little spiritual power and open the restriction on the paper crane."

"I haven't taken it out yet." Lu Qingming frowned and said, "Are you sure the magic weapon is here?"

"Of course I'm haven't found it yet?"

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

"Why don't you come?" Emperor Lu said coldly.

"No, no, you're still here." Gu Dahuang said awkwardly, "Come on, I won't rush you."

Just as Gu Changsheng and Lu Dadi were busy connecting with Pei Ningning's paper crane sound transmission, a figure slowly approaching outside the door stood there for a long time, his eyes full of inconceivable strangeness.

Xie Xiao Green Tea:?
"Brother Gu... what are you doing there?"

As soon as the voice came out, Gu Changsheng froze in place, and Lu Dadi also froze, and his little hand groping for the paper crane froze in place...

Pei Ningning's paper crane voice transmission was still ringing, but the atmosphere was obviously not harmonious anymore.

Gu Changsheng:? ? ?

I said that Little Green Tea might come, but I was just trying to scare the netizens. Who would have thought that Xie Qingzhi would really come!

Damn, Qin Lushe died first, and now our society died. Should this Kunlun mirror be renamed Sheshi mirror?

However, from the perspective of Little Green Tea, all this seems a bit weird... After arriving at the Sixth Peak, Gu Changsheng's residence seemed to have been demolished for no reason. who are you talking to...

Is this person really Brother Gu?Oh... It seems that he still has the Yangjiantang Shopping Jade Plaque I gave him hanging around his waist.

Xie Xiaolvcha heaved a sigh of relief after confirming the identity of the person who plunged headlong into the wall. She originally thought that Gu Changsheng had encountered some kind of ambush.Gu Changsheng is fine if nothing happens...

Um?Wait a moment…

Little Green Tea continued to look down, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a small white hand on his waist moving there.Under the block of sight, it seems to be doing strange things.
I'm super, Gu Changsheng, are you so flamboyant? !
You don't want to mess around anymore, do you?I want to see who dares to seduce my exclusive licking dog!

Relying on such low-level methods to make men happy, I thank someone who looks down on this kind of person the most!
(End of this chapter)

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