I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 240 The Secret of Tianquan Ancient Road

Chapter 240 The Secret of Tianquan Ancient Road

"What did Han Su say to you?"

Back at Zunshang Palace, Qin Wuyi was the first to ask a question in a neutral manner, breaking the silence that had been going on all this way.Gu Changsheng was a little confused about the situation, and replied with a guilty conscience:
"Back to the elder, because of my sister Xie, the Holy Maiden didn't tell me much useful things."

"Oh, I see."

Such an understated answer made Gu Changsheng even more confused, and he said cautiously, "Does the elder have something on his mind?"

"Oh? You think I have something on my mind?" Qin Wuyi glanced at him lightly and asked back.

"It's not what I think, but the elder revealed it unintentionally." Gu Changsheng said seriously: "If the elder is worried about Senior Sister Qi, then there is no need to worry. This disciple will definitely do his best to share the elder's worries."

"I do have concerns over Hansu, but right now I am not really worried about her." Qin Wuyi glanced at him meaningfully, and said softly.

"I don't know what the elder is worried about? This disciple is willing to solve the elder's worries and problems!" Gu Changsheng quickly bowed his head to show his loyalty.

"Do you know the ancient road of Tianquan?"

"I know." Gu Changsheng replied honestly: "It is said that the ancient sword of Taichu, the most precious treasure of our sect, was lost in it. The purpose of my sect's first Tianjiao, Senior Sister Qi's fiancé Lu Qingminglu, the purpose of going there is to find the treasure of my sect and reforge it. The glory of Taiyi Sword Sect."

"These are just the rhetoric of the three sects and five sects of Yaoguangyu. The reason why Lu Qingming really went to Tianquan ancient road is not just to find the innermost treasure."

Qin Wuyi's eyes fell on Gu Changsheng's face, and she made up her mind to dig out Gu Changsheng's secrets bit by bit from the ancient road of Tianquan.

Countless powers in the Yaoguang domain could not invade Tianquan Ancient Road, but Gu Changsheng was able to contact Lu Qingming who entered it. Qin Wuyi would not believe that this kid only knew so much about Tianquan Ancient Road. .

So she pretended to talk to Gu Changsheng about the secret behind the ancient road of Tianquan, and naturally led the topic to Lu Qingming.Unexpectedly, Gu Dahuangmao made an expression of being extremely curious and seeking knowledge, and listened to Qin Wuyi's words in a serious manner.

Put it on, put it on!
"Also ask the elder to explain the doubts for the disciple."

Qin Wuyi snorted coldly in his heart, and said lightly: "The Kunlun Great Realm has a total of Seven Immortal Realms, named after the seven stars. The Kunlun Yaoguang Realm where you and I are located is one of them."

"However, a long time ago, great changes took place in the Kunlun Realm. The seven immortal realms were eroded and corrupted by unknown forces, and the immortal realm turned into ghosts and dimmed one after another. Among them, the strongest Tianquan realm gathered several elite sects from the immortal realms, and carried out a battle here. Resist, and the rest of the people will go to the back to take refuge in a few temporarily safe fairylands, "

"So, the Taiyi Sword Sect is actually not the local sect of the Yaoguang Realm, but a refuge from another fairyland?" Gu Changsheng quickly realized.

"That's right." Qin Wuyi nodded: "Our Taiyi Sword Sect's original sect's name is 'Tai Chu', it used to be the top sect in the Kunlun Realm across several immortal realms, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, 'Tai Chu' They also received the most blows during the catastrophe in the Kunlun Great Realm."

"In order to preserve the fire of the fairyland, the elites of the sect died in battle, the top inheritance was left behind, and the ancient sword of the beginning was broken and lost..." Qin Wuyi said here in one breath, and his tone was a bit heavy: "Those ancestors sacrificed their blood and lives for their lives. When I reopen the Immortal Road, the fire will never go out, and someone should remember their kindness, but it's a pity..."

It's a pity that most people living in Yaoguangyu don't know about this... Gu Changsheng sneered in his heart, and then he thumped in his heart.

He thought of the inheritance of "The Record of Washing the Sword in the First Beginning" and "Slaying the Immortals in the Beginning" in his plundering rewards, as well as the mysterious and elusive aura of the origin of the beginning...

Damn, it can't be such a coincidence, can it?I just got the script of the main character of Rekindled Fire?

Gu Changsheng's face was slightly moved. He subconsciously wanted to touch his Taichu·Yaoyin Sword and take it out to have a look, but after thinking about it, Qin Wuyi was still there, so he had to hold back first.

"So, the fact that our Fluctlight Domain can survive, does it mean that our ancestors have defeated the erosion of unknown forces?"

The change in his face naturally caught Qin Wuyi's eyes, and he was not in a hurry to pierce it. He just shook his head and said softly: "Without victory, the Tianquan Domain has also become a ghost. The gathering of the strongest forces in the entire Kunlun Realm, Still haven’t been able to expel that force.”

"Then how did we survive?" Gu Changsheng was puzzled.

"It disappeared of its own accord."

"Why is this?"

"No one knows." Qin Wuyi said: "No one knows where that power came from, and they don't know why it came from. They only know that five stars have been dimmed in the Kunlun Seven Immortals since then, and only two stars are left. A lingering last breath."

"The last monk who came back from the battlefield died in the Yaoguang Realm. He yelled frantically that the Kunlun Realm was dead, the fairy road was broken, and no one could ascend. It's just a matter of time... and then he was imprisoned by several Yaoguang domain masters, and died in depression."

Gu Changsheng said in his heart that I understand that the operation of covering his mouth is the same everywhere, and that he didn't let the old man commit suicide with eight bullets in the back, which is already considered a shame for the bosses of the Yaoguang domain.

If the cultivator is allowed to continue to spread despair, the order in the Yaoguang Domain that has finally stabilized will fall into chaos again.So from the perspective of the overall situation at that time, it was the best choice not to let most people know the truth.

"Then, is our fairy road in the Kunlun Realm really broken?" Gu Changsheng asked tentatively.

Qin Wuyi stared at him without saying a word, Gu Changsheng understood the meaning behind this silence, and took a breath.

Guigui, I still want to become a yellow-haired fairy, so you won't let me become a fairy?

"Brother Lu went to Tianquan Ancient Road, in fact, to find the reason why other fairylands were eroded and died?"

"En." Qin Wuyi added: "Not only our Taiyi Sword Sect, but also the other three sects and five sects will also send the top Tianjiao to enter the ancient road of Tianquan - this is the only possible place left after the Tianquan Domain's war that year." To open the ruins, only one person can enter each time, and the cultivation base should not be too high."

When Gu Changsheng heard the words, he immediately understood that the co-author Lu Qingming and a group of resentful geniuses from three sects and five sects actually died because of a crisis that did not know when it would come?
What you guys are doing is not as good as the whole Wandering Immortal Realm project.First organize a few large formations at the level of the Immortal Realm, and push the entire Yaoguang Realm to run outside the Kunlun Realm. That scene, if you take a photo, it must have a high box office~
No, the script I took should lead everyone to kill the big boss, and running away with all the belongings is what kind of protagonist behavior!Gu Changsheng calmly reflected for a while, and felt that he should not need to worry about these things at present--besides, didn't Lu Qingming say that he would come back?
The sky is falling and his hat is on it!Can't hold me down!

(End of this chapter)

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