I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 248 Give me my first kiss first!

Chapter 248 Give me my first kiss first! (4K)

"Why, your good brother Gu still ignored you?"

Beside the blazing fire, Miss Saint Qi Hansu pierced both ends of the forked wooden stick in her hand into the body of the cold pool spirit fish, skewered them and placed them on top of the flames to roast.

After the baptism of the holy lady's skillful fish killing skills, there is no fish scale on the two plump spirit fish in front of me, and the flames slowly urge out the hidden fragrance of the fish, which makes a certain little green tea that smells the fragrance even more Don't get angry.

She had already sent several messages, but there was no response, and she didn't know if Gu Changsheng was really asleep or if he was really dead!
hateful!As my exclusive licking dog, he is not on standby all the time!I'm going to take your treatment down a notch!Next time you accidentally hug me, you only have to hug me for three seconds!
Originally, he was thinking of relying on the feeding of the exclusive licking dog Gu Changsheng to hit Qi Hansu severely, but now he is fine, instead of being hit by the opponent, he was hit badly by her instead...

They are so dependent on Gu Changsheng!
"Don't care about your business! Go away! Your grilled fish is making noise in my eyes!" Xie Xiaolvcha turned her head away resentfully, holding her little hands out of sight and out of mind.

"Oh, don't be sad." Su Bao carelessly put his arms around Little Green Tea's shoulders, took out a bottle of Immortal Jade Drunk from somewhere, and said softly, "Men are stupid dogs, they are unreliable."

"Don't get close to me." Little Green Tea sniffed her nose and said with a vigilant face: "If you hadn't fought with me, how could I have fallen to the point where I am called Tian Tian Responsible and the land is not working...Qi Hansu, You are responsible for this matter!"

"Okay, okay, I'm in charge, I'm in charge." Su Bao replied, and then wrapped his arms around Little Green Tea, saying in a bewitching tone: "I did something wrong today, do you think I caught a fish to make amends for you?" Come on, there is also this treasured spirit wine, I am usually reluctant to drink it!"

"In order to apologize to you today, let's get drunk!"

"Your fish...you have one of mine too?" Little Green Tea asked with still vigilant eyes.

"Of course, we are now good sisters who share the same disease." Su Bao blinked innocently and said: "We are good sisters, how could I lie to you~"

"Qi Hansu...don't try to fool me with this low-level emotional card..."

"Look at what you said, think about it, you are so smart, if I lied to you, wouldn't you see through it at a glance?"

Xie Qingzhi thought about it and felt that she was right, she and Qi Hansu were both punished to think about it now, even if she wanted to do something, it would be difficult for her to fool the witty and clever fairy...

So she dubiously took the Xianyuzui that Su Bao handed over, smelled it and asked a little strangely: "Why do you..."

"How did you hide it, right? Ann, once born and twice familiar, Zhuo Jianpu thought about me, but I have been here many times, and I am more familiar than my own family~"


Looking at the proud Qi Hansu, Xie Qingzhi's mind immediately popped out a few words:

Not ashamed, but proud!

This saint is hopeless, and Jianzong still wants me to be the saint!
"I'm asking why you started drinking fake wine." Xie Qingzhi asked: "Didn't you always drink good wine at the expense of cheating and abducting?"

"Is there? Why don't I remember?"

"Yes, because we were the ones you cheated and abducted before." Xie Xiaolucha said expressionlessly.

"Ahem...these are all old things, why mention it!" Su Bao waved his hand grandly: "I drank it once and thought it was not bad, so I bought a few more bottles~"

"Who did you drink fake wine with?"

"Uh... this is an old story, so don't mention it, sister Qing Zhi! My sister will mention one today, and I will take it as an apology for you!"

Let's talk, Su Bao took a sip of the clear wine, the unique fragrance and softness made the eyes of the saintess shine, and he licked his lips with some insatiable desire.

Little Green Tea looked at Qi Hansu, then at the wine in her hand, looked back and forth vigilantly like a little rabbit, and said decisively:

"I'll exchange a bottle with you!"

"It seems that sister Qing Zhi still can't trust her! Well, I'm too self-willed in ordinary times! Change it!" Qi Hansu generously handed Xie Xiaolu the green tea he had drunk. The face is open and frank, but it seems that Xie Qingzhi has a bit of a villain's heart and a gentleman's belly.

Xie Qingzhi: Qi Hansu is so close suddenly, there must be something wrong, and then I just need to play tricks, pretend to be ignorant and let the situation develop, and then...


With a clear bang, the Xianyuzui porcelain bottle in Xie Qingzhi's hand fell on the stone platform and rolled towards the distance.Didi's fragrant wine flowed from the corner of the girl's mouth, she raised the empty bottle that didn't exist with drunken eyes, and said to Qi Hansu:

"Come again! Who said I can't drink you anymore!"

Xie Xiaolucha seemed to have completely forgotten her original plan, and was about to lie down drunk on the ground after being so drunk by Qi Hansu.

Seeing this, Su Bao showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and his drunken eyes that were hazy just now became extremely sober in an instant.

Little sample, fight me for drinking, don't you look... hiccup... who is your opponent.

The two of them also had their spiritual powers sealed, so Qi Hansu would definitely not be afraid of Xie Qingzhi in a pure drinking competition.She smiled smugly, and then looked in the direction of Zhuojian Waterfall path.

I'm sorry, Little Green Tea, you called Gu Changsheng, so I had to take over the order!For the realization of my great plan to clear the way, you just have to sacrifice a bit!

She waited quietly for a while, taking the opportunity to drink and drink alone to enjoy herself, and after a while, Gu Changsheng, who came late, finally appeared at the end of the path.

finally come!

Miss Susu was shocked, she took a deep breath and blinked her eyes, the originally clear eyes suddenly became drunk, and almost instantly entered the state of explosive acting.

He had already arrived at full speed, but Naihe secretly used the unclothed order to enter the Zunshang Palace late at night. It was somewhat unscrupulous. He carefully avoided the sight of the Zunshang Palace's sword attendants, and found a hidden route to sneak in. Come in.

Although he can open the restriction without being found if he has a no-clothes order, but after all, it still takes a lot of time to go back and forth like this.Now that the gurgling sound of Zhuojian Waterfall is not far away, Gu Changsheng's heart was suddenly excited.

Wet body temptation!Where!

Gu Changsheng couldn't wait to rush over with food and spirit wine, but when he got to the fire, he only saw a saintly lady who seemed drunk but not drunk, and a little green tea who was drunk beside him.

Gu Changsheng:?

Didn't you say that there are people who are tempted to get wet here... Why are the clothes almost dry!
I was blinded by all my anticipation!Gu Changsheng was very regretful in his heart, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all. He quickly walked over to support the crumbling Lady Saint, and said in surprise:

"Senior Sister Qi, you...why did you and Junior Sister Xie drink so much?"

"Junior Brother Gu?" Su Bao tried his best to open his eyes to recover a little clarity, but he still couldn't avoid saying dizzily, "Why are you here..."

"Junior Sister Xie asked me to come." Gu Changsheng replied righteously: "She said that the two of you accidentally fell into the cold pool, and you didn't have any dry clothes on you. I specially brought some food and clothes here..."

"So that's how it is... Junior Brother Gu has a heart."

Because of the posture of being held in Gu Changsheng's arms, Qi Hansu's breath with the smell of wine inevitably hit Gu Changsheng's neck, and the warm and fragrant breath filled the tip of his nose, and he didn't know it was the body of the girl. The fragrance is still the sweetness of her breath.

Gu Da Huangmao thumped in his heart, and looked at Little Green Tea with a strange expression.

Could it be... this wave is not a wet benefit, but a drunk benefit?

One was drunk and unconscious, and the other also closed her eyes for longer than opening them... The colors of the two girls are unparalleled...

Use this to test Huangmao?

He looked down at this exquisite and picturesque cold face. Lu Qingming's vest was still unparalleled, and with the drunken eyes of "Lu Qingming" in his arms, it seemed that people had the urge to commit crimes .

Calm down, calm down... Su Bao and Qin Wuyi are connected by Taichu Tongxinjue, so we can't push her away!
He secretly bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up from the beauty of "Lu Qingming".If Lu Dadi knew that I was sticking out the Susu that was wearing her vest, he probably wouldn't let me have a good fruit to eat.

"Senior Sister Qi, should I help you go back to rest?"

"Sorry...Junior Sister Xie and I did fall into the cold pool just now, so we lit a fire to dry our clothes...By the way, we drank some spiritual wine to keep out the cold." The Holy Maiden closed her eyes and gasped for a while, then opened her eyes after a while Seems to have regained some sanity: "I'm too strong to drink, I made my junior laugh."

As long as you are not strong enough to drink, you forgot that you used to drink up my stock that Junior Sister Pei respected me?

Gu Changsheng was slandering in his heart, then he thought that it was the wine she drank, so what did it have to do with Susu in my arms?
"Then shall I help you go back to rest?"

"No... Junior sister Xie and I haven't finished thinking about our past, so we can't leave Zhuojian Waterfall without authorization." Qi Hansu struggled from Gu Changsheng's arms: "I appreciate your kindness."

Seeing the girl in his arms break free from his arms, Gu Changsheng secretly felt a little regretful, but his face was extremely upright and said: "It turns out that this is the case, then the junior brother will not be a waste of help. Is there anything else I can do? Sister, just say, I will definitely Done for you."



"Have a few more drinks with me."


Gu Changsheng was stunned: "But Senior Sister Qi, you seem to be almost drunk..."

"I haven't been drunk for a long time, so I want to let it go." Qi Hansu asked with burning eyes: "Junior Brother Gu is unwilling?"

"That's not true...it's just good, why does Senior Sister Qi want to indulge herself?"

"It's been a long time since the Sixth Peak entered the top four of the Inner Sect Grand Competition, isn't it something to be happy about?" Qi Hansu asked rhetorically.

"Yes...but..." Gu Changsheng seemed hesitant to speak, and Su Bao replied indifferently when he saw this: "Don't forget that I was also famous on the Sixth Peak. In a sense, I am also the Sixth Peak." Feng's disciple."

"So that's it." Gu Changsheng nodded, but he still can't figure out the way of Subao...

Could it be that she really came here to congratulate me just because of this?
"Alright then, I'll have a few drinks with Senior Sister Qi today!"

The two sat facing each other, the seal of the spirit wine was lifted, and one cup after another, Miss Susu looked up at Gu Changsheng calmly as she raised her head and drank the liquid in the cup...

Very good, Junior Brother Gu should have no doubts, and it's time to show his true feelings and lay the groundwork a little bit.

Yes, she has a plan, an evil plan against Lu Qingming!
Not to mention Lu Qingming's bad behavior since childhood, just because she squeezed Su Bao to go to Tianquan Ancient Road, and went to death for Su Bao, Qi Hansu has always been brooding...

Do you think you are so handsome!Do you want me to live in guilt towards you for the rest of my life?Lu Qingming, you have no heart!
The furious Qi Hansu was full of thoughts on how to make Lu Qingming feel the feeling of being arranged. In the past, Emperor Lu was still on Tianquan Ancient Road and did not come back, so the plan was kept secret.But now that she has said that she is coming back soon, Susu's revenge plan will naturally be put on the agenda.

Originally, the direction of Su Bao's pure revenge was limited to a violent beating, and by the way, he used Lu Qingming's face to do some bad things to tarnish her reputation.But ever since she met Gu Da Huangmao, it seemed as if the door to a new world had been opened, and the direction of her revenge had gone astray...

Anyway, they want to tarnish Lu Qingming's reputation, so why don't they just keep doing it and let her wear a fresh and natural hat on her head!

Jianzong's inner sect grand competition, many people pay attention, right?Especially when the awards are presented, the inner and outer sects, and even other people including the three sects and five sects will see what new characters Jianzong has produced this year...

And she, Qi Hansu, as long as she confesses her love to Gu Changsheng at the most attention-grabbing moment and gives Gu Changsheng an affectionate kiss in return, she can make Lu Qingming green enough to shine!
At that time, half of the people in Yaoguang Domain will know that Lu Qingming's fiancée, Qi Hansu, has run away with someone else!When Lu Qingming returns, she will find that everyone is looking at her with strange and sympathetic eyes...

Lu Qingming, you are green!
Thinking of this, the immoral saintess couldn't help but let out the laughter of the elder of the Soul Palace...

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie... hiccup...

Of course, this plan is perfect and perfect, but there are several flaws:

First of all, she sacrificed a lot - the vest was put on top of the vest, and the person who kissed Gu Changsheng was her, Qi Hansu, and the touch from her lips could not be passed on to other people!This is quite a test for her, a pure saint with a single mother and fetus.

Of course, she also thought about not kissing, but after thinking about it, she didn't give everyone a big one, I'm afraid Lu Qingming's hat won't fit properly.After all, people are always more willing to believe their own eyes.

Forget it, I can't let my first kiss hurt Lu Qingming!


She had never kissed before, and the first time she kissed was in front of so many people, it made Qi Hansu a little guilty...

Just in case, I mean, in case I get stage fright at that time, after confessing my confession, I stumbled and didn't dare to force kiss, wouldn't that give Master a chance to slap me away?
Then wouldn't I be at the mercy of grandma's family!
When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!Today, I, Qi, will go forward bravely, and I will definitely win the hat of Lu Qingming!

You shall be crowned king.jpg
Drink, keep drinking... When the drink is almost done, I can almost use the drunkenness to rehearse first!

As long as you hand over your first kiss first, won't you be nervous?
Susu felt that this operation of hers was a lot of wit. She could use the guise of being drunk as a fig leaf, and she could practice in advance to avoid being nervous when kissing in front of everyone. She even called Junior Brother Gu in advance. A vaccination!
Kill three birds with one stone, as expected of me!

Gu Changsheng: "..."

There is an inexplicable feeling that Jie Jie cannot escape... Is it an illusion?
 [-] in [-]!Tomorrow at least one kiss before leaving!
(End of this chapter)

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