I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 283 There's Nothing That One Brick Can't Solve!

Chapter 283 There's Nothing That Can't Be Solved With One Brick!
broken!Junior Brother Gu hasn't finished yet!

Su Bao slapped herself on the forehead in frustration, regretful and ashamed at the same time... Facing Gu Changsheng's possible confession, her mentality was too unstable, which made her nervous and didn't hear him clearly. After saying something, he slapped it with a brick.

Qi Hansu, oh Qi Hansu, as a saintess of the Sword Sect, how could you be so flustered!

Isn't it just a confession!Since you were young, so many people have been courting and expressing their hearts to you, but you have no feeling for any of them, and you even want to laugh a little bit. Why do you panic a lot when it's your younger brother Gu?
That's all, it's useless to talk about the matter so far, since the filming has lost memory, then it's better to make a mistake.

Qi Hansu silently found a reason to comfort himself in his heart, then squatted beside Gu Changsheng and looked at the unconscious Gu Changsheng with a sad face...

Could it be that I was unknowingly attacked by Junior Brother Gu, right?
Such a dangerous thought flashed through Susu's mind, and she was quickly crushed to death—how could this be possible!Obviously, when we first met, I asked him to go to Niulu Qingming. Even after that, his personality and temper were very suitable for me, and it was very happy to play around with him; Even if I know it's my job, I still feel uncomfortable...

That doesn't prove that I've fallen!
Yes, I admit that I didn't have much thought of resisting when I was hugged and kissed by him, but so what?

Is there such a possibility that Junior Brother Gu's kissing skills are too superb, and I, a weak chicken who has never kissed before, was severely manipulated by him?
Didn't Xie Qingzhi also have no power to resist being kissed by him! ?If he hadn't let Xie Xiaolvcha go in the end, I'm afraid that on the night of Zhuojian Waterfall, I would have seen my living enemy make a small quilt in a small theater.

Yes, yes, it must be like this!It was my body that was given to the CPU by his technology, it was definitely not me who was captured!

Miss Susu sat next to Gu Changsheng, her face was full of sadness for a while, and she smiled for a while. Others would only think that such a beautiful little girl looked like a schizophrenic...

Gu Changsheng had already fainted, so Qi Hansu was not in a hurry to go back to the sect, so he simply stopped and waited for him to wake up.

That magic weapon of destiny can only make him forget his short-term memory, it is impossible to delete the whole part of him coming out from the sixth peak to catch the witch Yanxi.If he woke up and found that he had returned to his room, he would definitely become suspicious.

Su Bao's mind is full of thoughts on how to properly resolve the matter tonight, neither to make the relationship between her and Gu Changsheng weird, nor to let him delay her grand plan of Niulu Qingming.

The girl propped her chin up and waited for Gu Changsheng to wake up and come back. Just when she thought that she was too nervous and hit hard, Gu Changsheng, who was lying on the deck of the flying boat like a corpse, trembled violently and woke up faintly. turn to...

"Junior Brother Gu, you're awake~"

Miss Saintess squeezed out a rehearsed smile, and said unintentionally, "How do you feel now?"

"Senior Sister Susu...?" Gu Changsheng sat up straight with a dazed expression...

What is this familiar feeling?

He sat there in a daze for a long time, then suddenly touched Bao on the back of his head and said angrily, "I'm talking to you, why did you hit me with a brick!"

"Didn't it just kiss you, the big deal is to let you kiss me back! Is it unbearable to beat someone with a brick!"


Qi Hansu was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but took out his destiny magic weapon and looked at it in confusion...

no effect?How is it possible, this thing has always been very powerful...

Gu Changsheng looked at this very familiar bluestone brick, and suddenly remembered the magic weapon of fate that could make people lose their memory that she introduced when he and Su Suye were exploring Duanjianya Prison, and he immediately took a breath. gas…

This bitch actually wants to take a photo of me with amnesia and pass the test! ?

I'm super, too ruthless!Is it not the first time she has done this kind of thing! ?Have I already confessed my love but lost my memory after being beaten by her?
Conscience of the Emperor of Heaven, he originally just wanted to follow the atmosphere to tease Senior Sister Su Su's vest!After all, my confession with Susu won't affect my relationship with Qi Hansu!Such a move can not only smoothly affect Su Bao's plundering progress, but also not tilt his delicate spy balance.

Even if Susu refuses, Gu Changsheng can still leave a deep impact on the heart of the Holy Maiden, making her think of him from time to time and care about him... As time goes by, her mentality will naturally change.And if Susu agrees to confess...

Then I had no choice but to turn on the master mode of time management, while enjoying the benefits of Subao in a legitimate way, while secretly flirting with Little Green Tea and Qin Wuyi...

It's just that the development of the matter is obviously not as simple as Gu Changsheng thought...

I am super crispy!Don't come here!

Gu Dahuangmao looked in horror at Su Bao, who was in deep thought with a brick in his hand, and carefully wanted to move his body to run away, but Qi Hansu, who hadn't thought about it, jumped at him, raised the brick and threw Gu Changsheng to him again. Shot fainted.

Don't worry about it so much, let's give it to Junior Brother Gu first!
Not once, but twice should work, right?
Qi Hansu looked at the magic weapon of destiny in his hand and thought about it.Although this magic weapon of destiny can make people lose their memory for a short time, it is not unlimited. If it is someone who has never used it, it will naturally be accurate, but if it has been photographed for a period of time or many times, it will be natural. produce a certain resistance.

But the problem is that she doesn't remember when she took pictures of Gu Changsheng...

I am the only one who has this magic weapon of destiny in this world... Could it be that I took a picture of myself so I don’t remember?
Oh, by the way, and the half-brick of destiny that I lost to Lu Qingming in a bet... But is it possible?

Haha, I died laughing, how many times did Lu Qingming hit Junior Brother Gu hard from Tianquan Ancient Road?How could such a thing happen.

Su Bao thought for a while and found that his inference was a bit absurd, and he couldn't help but laugh. In the end, he could only attribute the reason to the fact that Junior Brother Gu's head is not very good...

Well, if it doesn't work this time, let's do it again!
Poor Gu Dahuangmao just wanted to push forward the progress of Su Bao's plundering, but he suffered such torture. When he woke up for the second time, there seemed to be a little remnant memory in his eyes. Three times, fainted again.

Gu Changsheng:? ? ?

It should be stable now!Susu patted the dust on her little hands and thought.

Following the third amnesia slap of Lady Saint, the Kunlun mirror hanging high in Gu Changsheng's Heavenly Palace suddenly trembled, and the value of the sky on the mirror also slowly changed...

Secret value: -21…

 There will be more updates later (ps: The last one went into a small black room! Oh my god!)

(End of this chapter)

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