I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 292 The Saint Is Not Known To Be Hated By The Bull

Chapter 292 The Saint Is Not Known To Be Hated By The Bull (4K)

With Qi Hansu's usual temper, this might really be something she would do!

Qin Wuyi quickly glanced at it with his divine sense, and he didn't see anything strange in his own villain's steamed bun, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

At first, she thought it was Gu Changsheng's task... Now that she thinks about it, maybe she really thought too much, and her misunderstanding of Gu Changsheng was too deep.

Although he is not a good person, he should not dare to play with her first apprentice like this.

"Hansu...why is your forehead sweating?"

Miss Saintess hastily covered her mouth with one hand to prevent her from making any unclear sounds.She wanted to cry without tears and shook her head violently at Qin Wuyi, forcing out a smile:
"No, it's nothing, maybe it's because I'm too tired from practicing swords recently and didn't take a break..."

Qin Wuyi: "..."

Can the words "too tired from practicing swords" have anything to do with you, Qi Hansu?Are you kidding me?

The suspicion in Qin Wuyi's eyes was even heavier, he grabbed the wrist of Miss Saintess, and used his spiritual power to walk around and look inside at her situation...

However, this move is doomed to achieve nothing. The destiny magic weapon is different from ordinary magic weapons, not to mention that the person connected on the other side is still far away in the ancient road of heaven and power.Except that Qin Wuyi found that Su Bao's breathing and heartbeat had become a little faster, and the spiritual power in his dantian was also a little restless, everything else was as usual.

Didn't dance pills... and didn't eat weird things, so why is it like this?

At this moment, Su Bao's heart is full of remorse, she never thought that Lu Qingming would do such a thing alone on Tianquan Ancient Road...

If I had known this earlier, I should have just adjusted the sensitivity of Taichu Tongxinjue to the highest!I am!

Waves of throbbing came from the depths, and the old-hearted saint felt that she was going crazy... But she still had to pretend to be calm and strong in front of Qin Wuyi.

Once Qin Wuyi found out that she had changed Tongxinjue's binding partner to Lu Qingming on her own initiative, she would definitely be furious.Because in this way, once Lu Qingming falls, Qi Hansu's life will be in danger accordingly.

With one heart and one heart, the Holy Maiden originally wanted to live and die with Lu Qingming to make up for her guilt. Who would have thought that this dog would play so big...

What the hell is she playing with...why is it so hot!

Damn it, I shouldn't have the slightest bit of guilt for that bastard Lu Qingming, love her, I'm going to turn her into a fool!Let her live in the shadow of Junior Brother Gu every day!

Su Bao didn't know that Lu Qingming was already living in the shadow of Gu Changsheng at this moment, and there was still a big shadow.With He Huanzhu's continuous strength, Lu Dadi, who had been clenching his teeth and refusing to kiss, was also broken by Gu Changsheng's defense line in a trance.


Qi Hansu was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but slowly typed out a question mark:
Why does this feeling feel a little familiar?

Whether it's the strength or the continuous rain-like suppression, Susu can't help but think of a person:

Crazy, I must be crazy, how can I always think of being little Gu Shidi!
But this feeling is unmistakable, if she had only kissed Gu Changsheng once, she would not be so sure, but not long ago she was hugged by Gu Changsheng...

Why the hell are they all the same...

Wait, something is wrong.Isn't Lu Qingming on Tianquan Ancient Road?There wasn't even a single ghost there, she was so fine, how could there be someone who seemed to be Junior Brother Gu kissing her?
Could it be that Junior Brother Gu traveled to the past and poked her up?

For no reason, Su Bao suddenly remembered that little green tea glued Gu Changsheng because of a misunderstanding... At that time, Xie little green tea said that she had heard the "sage of the sword sect" say strange things to little brother Gu?
If this illogical detail was normal, she would definitely think that Little Green Tea was generating electricity again.However, if you look at it in conjunction with the incident of Lu Qingming being pouted, it instantly becomes suspicious...

By the way, there is also the inheritance of the sixth peak!
Su Bao trembled suddenly, and asked with a trembling voice: "By the way, Master...Has Lu Qingming not been in contact with Tianquan Ancient Road?"

"Never." After looking at Qi Hansu for a while, Qin Wuyi really didn't find any clues, and finally could only look away - anyway, her villains are often weird, so it's not surprising if you think so .

"Headmaster of Tianyan Sect, Headmaster of Jianzong, and the strongest of the other three sects and five sects joined forces to spy on the ancient road of Tianquan, but still found nothing, and even suffered a faint backlash." Qin Wuyi said lightly: "There is no Qingming." If you take the initiative to use the fragments of the Dao Clock to provide coordinates, it will be too difficult to find her in Tianquan Ancient Road."

"So it's like this... Ah... Then... Then Master, do you think... there are other people in Tianquan Ancient Road?"

"Or, is there anyone who can enter the ancient road of Tianquan by chance?"


Qin Wuyi was slightly taken aback when she heard the words. If it was the past, she could tell Qi Hansu with certainty that there were no living beings in the Tianquan Ancient Road.Every generation of Tianjiao who explored the ancient road would send a new pathfinder after the soul card was broken.

But since she had such a miraculous existence as Gu Changsheng, she was suddenly a little uncertain.In the end, he had to shake his head slightly and said, "I don't know, maybe we can only tell us the answer when Qingming comes back."

"Then... do you think it is possible that Lu Qingming has actually returned, but he just hid himself and didn't see us?"

"Probably not. Qingming has always been smart and cautious. Even if she really came back but didn't see us, there must be some difficulties." Qin Wuyi asked strangely: "Why do you have such an idea?"

"I see... ha... um... master... I'm not feeling well, so I'm leaving today, and I'll come to hold your shoulders and do my filial piety for you... ah..."

Su Bao suddenly raised her voice a little while she was talking, and she was about to kneel down as soon as her legs softened... She faintly felt as if someone had beaten her buttocks, and the already narrow space was suddenly crowded.

Why was it beaten at that place!Lu Qingming, what posture are you using to get pouted? !
Fortunately, after beating Tun'er, Gu Changsheng seemed to be sanctioned by the furious Emperor Lu for a moment, and Su Bao suddenly found that the spiritual root parasitic inside had stopped moving.

This discovery made her overjoyed, she bit her lip and stood up.He took a few steps forward and saluted Qin Wuyi, then turned around and was about to leave this incomparably deadly place immediately.

Qin Wuyi: "?"

The cold and crisp face...is it a bit too rosy?
But before she took a few steps, Gu Dahuangmao started to exert his strength again. This time it seemed that the fight was over. The more violent and violent parasitic attack made Su Bao's eyes go dark, and his whole body seemed to fall from the clouds.

As soon as her legs were weak, she staggered and supported the door frame of the main hall, covering her mouth with tears in her eyes to bear the attack damage that Emperor Lu was receiving at this moment.The wave after wave of parasitic spiritual root fluctuations made her Dao heart flustered.

The turbid waves emptied, the sun and stars shone, and the turbulent liquid spiritual power burst through the embankment, instantly breaking down her defenses and making her lose her eyesight and slowly slid down the door frame...

"Cold crisp...?"

"Master...I'm fine...I just slipped..."

Qin Wuyi:?

Why is the voice so weak?
So bullying... woo woo woo...

She, Qi Hansu, had never been so wronged in her life. She felt the embarrassment of having experienced such a thing inexplicably, and also the regret of turning on the highest sensitivity because she thought she was smart. In the end, thousands of words turned into one sentence:

Lu Qingming, you wait for me!


Inside Tianquan Ancient Road, Gu Changsheng, with his horny head, seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and sat up in a bewildered expression while rubbing his head.

"Senior sister, my head...what's going on!"

"Didn't you fail to refine Yaoyang Sword just now? What about the sea of ​​fire? Where did it go?"

Gu Dahuangmao has shown his lifelong acting skills at this moment, because this is the third time he has woken up.

After all the liquid spiritual power was infused, everything settled.The ancient and warm-hearted Lu Dadi turned his face in an instant, and without even lifting his skirt, he raised his hand and sucked the bluestone slab towards him, and smashed it hard.

Before Gu Changsheng had time to experience what is called a sage's time, he passed out straight with black eyes.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Qingming seized the opportunity to calm the turmoil in his body, put on his dress and held the bricks quietly waiting for Gu Changsheng to wake up.

When Gu Changsheng woke up for the first time, because he hadn't realized how Lu Dadi was wearing his clothes, Lu Qingming saw through his eyes for an instant, and fell unconscious with a brick before he even opened his mouth.

When Gu Dahuang woke up for the second time, Mao learned to be smart. He closed his eyes tightly and did not give Lu Qingming a chance to confirm his eyes, but Lu Qingming seemed impatient to wait for him to open his eyes, so he simply gave him another one just to be on the safe side. There was a brick.

Gu Changsheng: "..."

In this way, in the third week, Gu Changsheng entered a state of overwhelming acting skills the moment he woke up. Anyone who looked at him would feel that he was a weak, pitiful and helpless person when he opened his eyes. little yellow hair.

Lu Qingming stared at him for a while, but at the end he didn't seem to see any clues, and the heart he had been holding was slightly relieved.

The last time I hit it three times, I succeeded, so this time, three times should be enough, right?

Otherwise, one more insurance?
Gu Changsheng suddenly felt that Lu Qingming's eyes staring at the back of his head were full of murderous intent and malice, and quickly said, "Senior sister, are you alright? Where is your refined sword?"

"On top of your head." After thinking about it, Lu Qingming didn't feel so frenzied. After all, when Qi Hansu gave her this brick, he only mentioned occasional failures, and didn't say that it would be successful in the short term. Resistance comes.

Gu Changsheng pretended to be slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then he raised his head and looked at the skyline of Tianquan Ancient Road. He saw two spirit swords flying around each other in the air in a yin and yang formation, faintly merging together signs.Seeing this scene, Gu Changsheng's heart was bleeding.

My Yaoyin sword... Ah Yin, how can I compete in the inner sect competition without you?

"What's going on? Why is my sword fused with senior sister's." Gu Changsheng was shocked and said, "Is there any way to separate them?"

Lu Qingming sneered and did not answer.Even if she had a way, she would never talk to this bastard who beat her up while her mind was lost.Reasonably speaking, it is already a miracle of life that Gu Changsheng is still alive in this world.

Forbearance, Lu Qingming, forbearance, when you get out of Tianquan Ancient Road, you can beat that bastard Gu Changsheng until he doesn't even know the person next to him!

"Just now I had some accidents in refining, but I solved them." Lu Qingming said lightly: "After you came in, the spirit sword suddenly flew out, and it reacted with the spirit sword I just refined. Then you were also killed by a huge Shockwave stunned...understand?"

"So that's how it is... Elder sister, if they are fused together, who would this sword belong to?" Gu Changsheng said shyly, "Why don't we discuss how to use it in turn?"

"Hey, it's a blessing for me to suffer a bit as a junior. That's good. I'll leave this sword with you for now. If I'm in any crisis or I need to use it, you can save me with the sword. What do you think? how?"

He doesn't dare to show out with an ancient sword from the beginning, but if he uses it today, the sect will have to check his family's genealogy tomorrow, and then politely invite him to talk to the head teacher. drink tea.

Even Qin Wuyi couldn't save him!

Emperor Lu hummed noncommittally, followed the two spirit swords in the air with a slight hint of relief in his eyes.

As a disciple of the Sword Sect, she is naturally happy to see the treasure of the sect reappearing in the world one day...

It'd be nice if only the cost of this recurrence wasn't so high...

"Senior sister is really understanding." Gu Changsheng said with emotion: "Come on, let's sit down and talk about the details of taking turns, such as when I summon you..."


"I won't sit down anymore." Lu Qingming's face froze slightly when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, Gu Changsheng had already forgotten that memory, so it was naturally impossible to know that she couldn't sit down at all now, so he could only say with a cold face: "I I suffered some minor injuries when refining the sword just now, you should step back, I am going to heal your injuries."

"Senior, how did you get hurt?" Gu Dahuangmao said enthusiastically, "This junior has some wound medicine from Elder Qin, do you want me to rub it on for you?"



Emperor Lu raised his hand and slapped Gu Changsheng, and the sword energy surged into waves, blowing Gu Changsheng out of his mind. He pretended to be puzzled and nodded repeatedly, then turned around and used the Kunlun mirror to teleport away from Tianquan ancient road.

Lu Qingming watched Gu Changsheng turn into little stars and dissipate in front of his eyes. He couldn't help clenching his fists with murderous aura, and his body trembled slightly. The liquid spiritual power slightly overflowed from the connecting point with the movement range, and flowed along the smooth and clean surface. Yu's thighs are slowly flowing down...

The bastard, the bastard!

Returning to the sixth peak of the Sword Sect of the Yaoguang Domain, Gu Changcheng let out a long sigh of relief...

From a rational point of view, Gu Changsheng lost a Yaoyin sword, Yaoyang origin and a Taiyin chaos lotus seed in this wave. It can be said that Gu Changsheng has lost to his grandma's family.But emotionally...

Gu Changsheng: The experience is very good, I will come again next time!
[Daughter of Destiny: Lu Qingming; Destiny Quality: Great Emperor's Appearance; Current Destiny Related: Qi Hansu (fiancee); Qin Wuyi (teacher's wife); Xie Qingzhi (junior junior sister); current plundering progress: 30%;]

[Remarks: The saint doesn't know how to be hated by the bull, but she still sings the flowers in the backyard from across the bank]

(End of this chapter)

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