I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 321 Drinking with Wuyi!

Chapter 321 Drinking with Wuyi! (4K)

If the former Qin Wuyi traveled through time and saw that he had been unknowingly made into this state by the CPU, he would definitely slap her trembling with anger.

What is insignificant cheapness!Since when did your cheapness, Qin Wuyi, be irrelevant! ! !After so many years, there are only a handful of men who have seen your true face, so why should you give Gu Changsheng a junior advantage!

Are you pampering him too much, or are you reaching puberty?

Although there was a majestic and indifferent expression on his face, Qin Wuyi, who changed his apron and came out again, took out a cup and poured Gu Changsheng a cup of unknown clear liquid.

"Drinking it will make you feel better, I'm doing this as punishment for your disrespect!"

Gu Changsheng accepted the jade cup with an aggrieved face, and shouted: "Elder Qin, what are you talking about? I have always respected you... Can't you see it?"

Qin Wuyi sneered twice expressionlessly, but did not answer.She has seen how hardened Gu Changsheng's filial piety was in Xianqingchi.This time, he secretly asked her to put on the cook's apron and cook noodles, and this kid's heart was full of joy.

Gu Changsheng drank a few sips of the mellow and thick jade liquid, and finally suppressed the churning feeling in his stomach. At this moment, he suddenly found that Qin Wuyi seemed to be sitting there silently, so Gu Changsheng had no choice but to fight silently. Drink water…

The scene fell into an eerie silence for a while.Qin Wuyi obviously rarely had the experience of being alone with the man Ye Shenrenjing like this, and the dazzling halo of the noble and arrogant elder had no effect on Gu Changsheng, a naturally rebellious guy.

Qin Wuyi soon realized that she seemed to have no reason to stay here anymore.

This trip is said to be condolences and rewards, and he cooks noodles for him in the middle of the night, and he is even younger than a young daughter-in-law.Following the end of the normal process, she should say a few words before turning around and leaving, but Qin Wuyi's ultimate goal is for Lu Qingming, how can she leave so easily?
How did Qingming come back with the help of Gu Changsheng's body?Is it just a simple will coming, or is she already in the Fluctlight Realm but for some reason can't show up?

What is the relationship between her and Gu Changsheng?
The inner sect master used such a powerful Tianshuang sword intent just to let Gu Changsheng win?Could Lu Qingming become the white-bearded grandfather in Gu Changsheng's ring?
Qin Wuyi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he unconsciously glanced at Gu Changsheng's body. He didn't seem to find any strange accessories, such as rings, jade pendants, pendants, etc., not even his weird little black The sword was also gone.

If they want to use Gu Changsheng's physical body to use their sword intent, it means that there must be an intermediary between the two of them. What exactly is this intermediary...?
Gu Changsheng sensed Qin Wuyi's gaze, and felt a little guilty inexplicably.One of the impacts of Emperor Lu logging in from a different place is that he might be discovered by someone. If the person who is discovered is Qin Wuyi, then he will be very cold.

"Elder Qin? It's late at night." Gu Changsheng blinked and said, "Is there anything else you want to say to me?"


"Yes." Qin Wuyi's heart moved slightly and he suddenly said: "You and Han Su's quarrel today is not small... She will definitely come to you, do you have any plans?"

"Elder Qin, this disciple has a strange premonition when I mention this matter." Gu Changsheng said with a strange expression, "I always feel that the Holy Maiden seems to know about our cooperation..."

"Huh? Why did you say that?"

"Just think of me as unfounded worry." Gu Changsheng sighed, "It's just a feeling... The Holy Maiden is smart and not easy to fool. There is no way to keep many things secret. This time she suddenly I never expected to 'refute rumors' in front of everyone."

"I think this is the one big thing she said before coming to do it."

Qin Wuyi nodded, and said in a deep voice, "That's right, I'm not surprised that Han Su would do such a thing. The relationship between you and her is known to the world, and it will have a great influence on you."

"That's right! Elder Qin! I was almost eaten when I came back by flying boat today!" Gu Changsheng wiped away his tears and began to complain: "You have to make the decision for me."

"Okay, didn't I send Jianjiantang to escort you back to the peak?" Qin Wuyi said indifferently: "The villain will definitely come to you next, you should pay attention to contact me at any time."

"Alright Elder Qin, I will definitely remain loyal to you!"


"There is one more question." Qin Wuyi suddenly said softly: "You and Hansu...what's the situation now?"

"What's the situation?" Gu Dahuangmao pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, "Didn't I always follow your instructions, Elder Qin?"

Qin Wuyi said lightly: "I know Han Su's temperament best, even if it's a mess, even if it's for a purpose, it's impossible for her to kiss someone who doesn't feel it in front of everyone."

"In other words, the relationship between you has broken through the relationship between ordinary senior sisters and younger brothers, and she has developed a good impression of you."


Gu Dahuangmao's heart skipped a beat, feeling that something was wrong.

I was only urged to marry by Little Green Tea's parents, wouldn't I be urged to marry by Qin Wuyi now?
"Elder Qin, Senior Sister Qi and I..."

"You don't need to explain." Qin Wuyi said softly: "Although I secretly instructed you to approach her, if she has a crush on you, there is nothing I can do about it."

"As long as you tell me in advance, I can keep the secret for you, or explain it for you. As for success or failure, it depends on the fate of the two of you."

Gu Changsheng: Huh?
"But... what about Senior Brother Lu?" Gu Changsheng asked cautiously.

"It was you Hansu who kissed in front of everyone." Qin Wuyi replied lightly. This sentence has already shown her attitude. If Qi Hansu really fell in love with Gu Changsheng, then Qin Wuyi would not Will forcibly ask Miss Saintess to perform the marriage contract.

In the end, it was just a marriage letter. She herself didn't get married according to her elders' wishes, so how could she use the same rules to restrain her disciples?
The only thing that is wrong is probably Lu Qingming's face.But this time she made such a great contribution back from Tianquan ancient road, maybe it is not difficult to show her true colors?

"Elder Qin, what if I already have someone in my heart?"

Qin Wuyi was slightly taken aback, and there was a little coldness in his beautiful phoenix eyes: "Oh? Who is in your heart? Qingzhi, is the junior sister who started with you."

Gu Changsheng shook his head, and said sincerely, "Elder Qin, I don't want to lie to you. In fact, the person who ranks first in my heart is far away, and right in front of me."

"Presumptuous!" Qin Wuyi's heart sank, he stood up with a flick of his sleeves and said coldly: "Who allowed you to talk to me like this?"

Although Gu Changsheng had hinted similarly before this, Qin Wuyi always regarded him as lustful but not courageous. Today was the first time that Gu Dahuangmao spoke his mind so bluntly in front of him.Rao, who is always noble and arrogant, can't help but use such an angry gesture to cover up his inner anxiety at this moment.

"Gu Changsheng! I think you are a junior, and the young Mu Ai doesn't know the importance. If I take back what I just said, I can pretend that I didn't hear it!"

"No." Gu Changsheng rarely put away his cynical attitude, and said seriously: "The fact that I like Elder Qin has never changed. It hasn't happened before, and it won't change in the future."

Gu Changsheng's action of going up to A tonight was completely impromptu and unprepared.But he has no regrets at all.He clearly felt the meaning contained in Qin Wuyi's words:
If you and my apprentice are in love, I have no objection to being together.

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that he was pushing him towards Qi Hansu.Let Gu Changsheng completely stop thinking about Qin Wuyi for her.How could Gu Da Huangmao accept such a result?
If he was with Susu first, then thinking about it, Qin Wuyi would be [-]% useless.She would never allow herself to share her disciple's man.

Can he really bear to be only mentor and apprentice with Qin Wuyi in the future?nonexistent!
If you want to complete the two methods or even the three or four complete methods, you must pay attention to the order of the strategy and the location of the main palace.This is despicable, but Gu Changsheng has never considered himself a gentleman.

If Qin Wuyi ran away, he would regret it for the rest of his life.So Gu Changsheng didn't think too much about it, and just went forward recklessly.

Don't say anything, let's set the tone of the relationship first, the relationship between the two of them has advanced to this point, and if they continue to dawdle, I'm afraid they will spend their entire lives getting along in this junior filial piety mode!
When it's time to act, you have to act decisively!Why did Qin Wuyi's plundering progress always lag behind Little Green Tea and Su Bao?Wasn't it because he was too cowardly to be slapped to death by Qin Wuyi?
Now that everyone is so familiar, you can't break my leg just because I confessed, right?

No matter what kind of woman she is, being confessed by someone close to her will always cause some waves in her heart. What Gu Changsheng has to do now is to use this wave of waves to fight for more chances!
Faced with Gu Changsheng's sudden confession, Qin Wuyi's first reaction was to frighten Gu Changsheng with anger and scowling, hoping that he would be as cowardly as before and then laugh and say that he was joking.But this time she made a mistake.Not only did Gu Changsheng not persuade him, but he even said his words more seriously.

This is all right, Gu Changsheng wasn't kidding, he wasn't even drunk!
Damn it, if only Han Su's magic weapon of destiny was here!
(A yellow-haired man knocked out of resistance by the same destiny magic weapon:?)

"Gu Changsheng, do you know that it's impossible between us!" Qin Wuyi snorted coldly, "You don't need to waste time on me!"

"Elder Qin just said that it is impossible between us, but he didn't say that you don't like me... Does this prove that as long as we overcome those difficulties, we will be in love with each other?" Gu Changsheng blinked and said.


"I don't like you!" Qin Wuyi gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Is that enough?"

"Is there such a possibility that you are terminally ill and don't want to drag me down?"

Qin Wuyi:? ? ?


"Hey...Elder Qin, I was just joking to brighten up the atmosphere. Don't draw your sword, really don't! I was wrong!!!"

Seeing that Qin Wuyi was about to draw his sword, Gu Changsheng immediately confessed, "Okay, I know Elder Qin is not in love with me now."

Qin Wuyi snorted coldly, and put the spirit sword back into its sheath.After thinking about it, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, Feng Mou glared at him and said coldly: "I will never fall in love with you in the future!"

"I know." Gu Changsheng said with a light smile, "But it doesn't matter, I will still like Elder Qin."

"It's useless to like it!"

"It's useless and I like it."


"Elder Qin, don't you like not breaking the law?" Gu Changsheng calmly looked at the pair of indifferent and angry phoenix eyes, and said with a slight smile: "I liked you before, didn't you feel it too? We can still Get along as before. I will continue to go through fire and water for you, and you will continue to protect me."

"But you said it!" Qin Wuyi suppressed his anger and said, "Some things will be different if they are said."

"What's the difference?" Gu Changsheng asked back: "Do I have to hide all the truth in my heart, and regret it when I'm old?"

"At least I said something today, then I will live up to my love for this match."


Qin Wuyi gradually calmed down, and said in silence for a while, "Don't like me, we won't have any results."

"If you like someone, why must there be a result? I like a flower, but I don't have to pick it off; I like the wind, do I ask the wind to stop; I like clouds, do I have to let the clouds float down and hug me?"

"Sometimes you care too much about other people's feelings, and you will lose yourself, Wuyi."

"Don't call me Wuyi!" Qin Wuyi snorted coldly with phoenix eyes: "Smart words, smooth tongue, no matter how much you say, it can't change this fact!"

"Gu Changsheng, you are so disrespectful to me, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"It doesn't matter if I can change it or not, as long as I have a clear conscience." Gu Changsheng chuckled lightly and said, "Wu Yi, if you have wine today and get drunk today, it's better for the two of you to have a drink together. Nothing happened, how?"


It has to be said that this method is indeed what Qin Wuyi wants to see.In fairness, although she can't be with Gu Changsheng, she can't turn against him either.Just because he showed his heart, we will avoid him in the future and never see him?
What about Qingming?I don't see Gu Changsheng, but Han Su always sees him, so can he be dispatched to a place where he can't be seen?
To this day, Gu Changsheng already has an indissoluble bond with her, Qi Hansu, Xie Qingzhi, and even Mrs. Xie, which cannot be cut off so easily.

"You'd better do what you say!" Qin Wuyi sat down with a cold snort, lightly waved his water sleeves, and dozens of bottles of top-quality spiritual wine of different colors, shapes and sizes appeared on the table.

"Pour wine!"

Gu Changsheng:?

Elder Qin, are you sure you're not going to drink me to death?
It's a trivial matter for me, what should I do if Emperor Lu can't come back?You also don't want your apprentice to live on the ancient road of Tianquan, do you?

Gu Changsheng swallowed secretly, silently took back the pirated wine he was going to take out, picked up a jade bottle to remove the cork, filled a glass for the two of them respectively, and held it up first:
"No clothes, let's drink together tonight, both of us can't hangover with spiritual power, and we won't return if we don't get drunk, what do you do?"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Wuyi lifted his wine glass and drank it with his head up. Putting down the glass, his eyes were clear and cold:

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Gu Dahuangmao was slightly taken aback, and the hand holding the wine glass trembled a little.

Bad, I thought I could get Qin Wuyi drunk with my drinking capacity, but I forgot that she is the master of Qi Hansu, that little alcoholic saint...

I won't get drunk by Qin Wuyi and do whatever I want, right?
If she really wants to do whatever she wants, do I have to untie the belt in advance to make it easier for her?
 Today's June [-]st, I have no reason to ask for leave, I am a big step ahead of other authors!Rounding up is equal to adding more! (In the first ten days of June, there will be ten thousand days of early-month eagle strikes in the sky, let me charge up first!)

(End of this chapter)

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