I became a stand-in for Destiny's Son

Chapter 339 Ah Zhu, let's take the yellow hair for another rush!

Chapter 339 Ah Zhu, let's charge with the yellow hair again!

Because of the curse in Tianquan Ancient Road, Gu Changsheng couldn't get too far away from Qin Wuyi. In order not to be knocked out again by Emperor Lu, he resolutely chose to put the Kunlun Mirror into Qin Wuyi's room. In his arms, he said solemnly:

"Elder Wuyi, my magic weapon is already in your hands. If that senior wants to knock me out and have a long talk with you later, you have to help me block it!"

At that time, the two had already stepped into the ancient road of Tianquan, and the familiar sense of curse and oppression came like a tide, mixed with a familiar yet unfamiliar coercion.Qin Wuyi did not get better until she got the Kunlun Mirror. She looked at the Kunlun Mirror in her hand with a strange expression, and nodded after a moment of hesitation.

Of course, she didn't want to sit beside the dead fish-like Gu Dahuangmao as before, holding his hand and chatting with Lu Qingming... that would be too weird.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingming opened his eyes not far away and noticed the aura of Qin Wuyi and Gu Changsheng approaching. He got up and took a step, and his figure seemed to disappear and reappear. in front of people.

The appearance and disappearance of Emperor Lu really surprised Gu Changsheng. He dodged behind Qin Wuyi vigilantly, grabbed her by the hem and said, "It's now...Elder Wuyi, remember to take action! I feel like she is It's going to knock me out anytime..."

At this moment, Qin Wuyi has no time to take care of Emperor Huangmao's plea for help. Her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and she said with a hint of surprise in her tone:

"Qing...Qin Lu, have you stepped into the realm of Guixu?"

This ability to shrink the ground into an inch and travel through the space of Xu Mi mustard is the unique symbol of the Guixu Great Realm. Before Lu Qingming entered the Tianquan Ancient Road, she had only transformed into a baby seven times. She never thought that she would break through to the Guixu Great Realm after the experience The first state!
You must know that the nine transformations of infants require a lot of hard work and resources for each transformation. A monk with ordinary talent may only take a few steps on this road in his entire life. Being able to transform into an infant in such a short period of time is already an extraordinary talent generation!

The corner of Lu Dadi's icy cold lips pulled a faint smile: "Half a step back to the ruins, after finding the blindly returning to the ruins medicine, you can completely enter the first level of returning to the ruins..."

"Okay...Okay!" Qin Wuyi's eyes were full of relief and pride: "You really did it! It's not in vain for your daily hard work!"

The road to cultivating immortals, leaving aside the initial novice village of condensing Qi and building a foundation, after the Nine Layers of Heavenly Palace of Formation of Alchemy, it is the Nine Transformations of the Infant, and the Nine Transformations Return to the Market!At this point, they are already powerful enough to stand out from the crowd, and the strength of the elders in ordinary sects has also hovered around Huaying and changed three times to the first level of the Guixu Great Realm.

Like Qin Wuyi, there are no more than ten people of the same level in Jianzong who are strong in the third realm of Guixu.

In other words, Lu Qingming's current cultivation level is enough to be a senior elder of a top sect!

Gu Changsheng was stunned when he heard it, and looked at the smiling Emperor Lu with weird eyes, thinking that everyone is messing around, why is it that you, Emperor Lu, are reading the book alone?

Could it be that...the two sides practiced at the beginning...Lu Dadi also gained a lot of benefits, but she never said it?
Thinking about it, it seems to be the case, a chaotic lotus seed of Taiyin has refined more than half of the medicinal power, and the aura of primordial origin that he has overcome... Lu Qingming is making a fortune in silence!
Gu Changsheng watched and suddenly realized that Lu Qingming's frowns and smiles were full of temptation, and he had the urge to immediately start practicing with her...

Gu Da Huangmao:?
Something is wrong with me... Qin Wuyi is still here!

Originally, Lu Qingming had just made a breakthrough recently, and she was praised and comforted by her teacher. She should be very happy in her heart, but when she glanced at Gu Changsheng's weird expression and the eyes that were intentionally or unintentionally looking at her lower body, her smile suddenly froze. on the face...

Damn, forgot he was here too...

Gu Changsheng's guess was right. Lu Qingming's ability to break through the Guixu Realm in Tianquan Ancient Road was of course inseparable from her super talent, but Gu Dahuangmao's aura of primordial origin and the medicinal power of the chaotic lotus seeds of Taiyin also provided Without these two, Lu Qingming's breakthrough would have to be delayed for a while.

If you dare to tell my wife that I made a breakthrough after practicing honestly with you, I will definitely crush you to death!

Lu Qingming's eyes were full of warning, Gu Dahuangmao looked away in silence, coughed twice and said: "Then what... senior sister, elder Wuyi, you guys talk first, I'll go and sit for a while, the chat is over Come find me again."

"Okay." Qin Wuyi responded lightly: "In a while, Senior Qin Lu and I..."

"Master, you don't need to act with him anymore." Lu Dadi suddenly interrupted the chorus between Qin Wuyi and Gu Changsheng: "He already knows that I am Lu Qingming."

Gu Changsheng: "..."

Qin Wuyi:? ? ?

The former Gu Dahuangmao had a headache on his face, while the latter's Qin Wuyi was shocked, her eyes flicked between Gu Changsheng and Lu Qingming for a moment, and finally asked softly: "What did you tell him? "

"He knows it himself." Lu Qingming didn't continue to hide it, and simply exploded everything if he wanted to blow himself up, so that he and Qin Wuyi could handle this good guy together.

"How is it possible!" Qin Wuyi was full of surprise: "If no one told you, how could he know that you are Lu Qingming?"

"Master forgot, he even came in the ancient road of Tianquan, why is it impossible?" Lu Qingming sneered and glanced at Gu Changsheng: "He knows a lot more than you think..."

Gu Dahuangmao lowered his head and drew circles with his feet, pretending to be innocent, as if he had no intention of participating in the discussion of this issue.

Qin Wuyi also fell silent when he heard the words, yes, Gu Changsheng has too many secrets, why is it surprising to know Lu Qingming's identity?
Wouldn't it be more surprising to say that he would be cheated?

"Qingming, you reveal this matter... Could it be that the next plan has something to do with him?"

"Master's wife's lesson." Lu Dadi slowly took out the fragments of the Dao clock that Gu Changsheng gave her earlier, and then took out a golden book page, a red-faced soul banner with golden thread, and a fist-sized ball.

The moment he saw the ball, Ah Zhu in Gu Dahuang's body immediately became excited, as if a fellow villager saw a fellow villager with tears in his eyes.As long as Gu Changsheng let go of the restraint, it can immediately rush over to have a meeting with that ball.

Gu Changsheng: I'm super, can't I?again?
Last time he was careless and sent his Taichu·Yaoyin sword to fuse with Yaoyang sword, which greatly reduced his combat power. In the ring, he had to rely on Lu Dadi to log in from a different place to win the game—if Taichu· With Yaoyin sword in hand and Taichu inheritance, the Yunzong of the first peak may not necessarily be his opponent!

Now Lu Qingming, you actually took out another thing that attracts each other with my Azhu Yinyang?You are sincerely letting me die!
Yao Yin Sword can be thrown away!Azhu must not be lost!

Gu Changsheng mobilized his whole body's spiritual power and primordial energy and began to desperately suppress the jumping of the Albizia Jubilata. Lu Qingming glanced at Gu Changsheng calmly, and said slowly:
"Master, these are the innermost treasures of the three sects and five sects that I have found in Tianquan ancient road for so long, the fragments of the Dao bell of the Tianyan sect, the fragments of the scriptures of the Wanfo sect, and the soul banners of the Lingling sect... There is half an Albizia Pearl from the Albizia Sect."

When mentioning the Albizia Jubilee Pearl, both Lu Qingming and Qin Wuyi glanced at Gu Changsheng in unison. Obviously, they both knew that Gu Changsheng had a treasure of the Albizia Jubilee Sect in his hand, but the difference was that Qin Wuyi thought it was Lu Qingming. It was given to him, and Lu Qingming thought that he got it from some mysterious way.

Now the pressure has quietly come to Gu Dahuangmao's side, He Huanzhu (yin) hit his face, and he is still stubborn and puzzled:
"Huh? Senior Sister Lu, is this the legendary Hehuanzhu? It doesn't look any different..."

Lu Qingming expressed that he didn't want to deal with this bastard, she said calmly: "In these treasures, the fragment of the Dao Clock was given to me by Gu Changsheng, if you want to return it to Tian Yanzong, he needs to nod, and the rest can be returned To each sect."

"It's a pity that Qianjimen and Zhulijiao are missing..." Qin Wuyi pondered for a moment and said: "The two sects were originally friendly, if they become enemies because of such things, it will not be a good thing for Jianzong..."

As she spoke, she cast her eyes on Gu Dahuangmao, and Lu Qingming also looked at him, and the meaning of their gazes was self-evident.When Gu Changsheng saw this, his heart skipped a beat, and he pretended to be stupid and said:
"Elder Wuyi, Senior Sister Lu, what do you see me doing, don't you think I have the treasure of their sect's heritage in my hand?"

"I'm just asking casually." Lu Qingming said casually: "Master, do you remember that the Albizia Jubilee Orbs of the Albizia Sect have a very magical characteristic? Holding Yin Orbs will attract people full of yang energy." ? Especially those who hold Yang beads..."

"If I remember correctly, the Acacia Sect of this generation is the Holy Son, not the Holy Maiden, right?"

"Well, you beat him before." Qin Wuyi seemed to have sensed Lu Qingming's intentions, and said calmly: "I often hear people say that He Huan teaches Sheng Xuzi to like masculinity... Maybe this is also some kind of evil in the dark. A coincidence of fate, right?"

Gu Changsheng: "..."

Damn, I don't want to have any inappropriate thoughts about that kidney monster who wears gay purple all day long!
Gu Da Huangmao's expression changed instantly, he looked at the Yin Pearl in Lu Dadi's hand uncertainly... He couldn't accept returning this thing to Hehuan Sect.

Unless the Acacia Cult changes a virgin Bichi saint overnight, I, Gu, will be the first to say no!

But what if you don't agree?After all, the Yin Pearl is in the hands of Emperor Lu...

I don't know if I exchanged other things with her, did I mess up?

Gu Changsheng felt a little moved in his heart. He might not be able to use the ancient sword from the early days after the fusion, but after the fusion of the Albizia Jubilee Pearl, wouldn't he be the one who benefited?

Now half of the Azhus can occasionally explode and affect Qin Wuyi, and the Azhus in full bloom can't just take off! ?

Ah Zhu: As long as I develop, I will show you even Qin Wuyi's silver party!
Even though he already had an idea in his heart, Gu Dahuangmao didn't show the slightest expression on his face.The way of negotiation is the most taboo to expose one's cards, especially when negotiating with a shrewd young lady like Lu Qingming and Qin Wuyi on the opposite side.

Negotiation, the main thing is to pull!
Gu Changsheng: "I didn't expect the Albizia Sect's Albizia Sect to be so miraculous. It is worthy of the sect's innermost treasure... Senior Sister Lu, when are you going to go out and return the innermost treasure to them?"

"This matter is up to my wife to decide." Lu Qingming said lightly: "But you...are you really willing to selflessly contribute rare things like Dao Bell fragments to the sect?"

"Senior Lu, what are you talking about? I, Gu, have always loved Zong and respected Zong, let alone a fragment of a Dao clock, even if I have the whole Dao clock in my hands, I would never blink!" Gu Changsheng was upright He said awe-inspiringly: "As long as the sect remembers my contribution, everything I do will be worth it!"

"Very good, it seems that you really have deep feelings for Jianzong." Lu Qingming nodded slightly as if appreciative, and then said: "Master, if there are two sects missing, let's do it. Anyway, our Jianzong's ancient sword from the beginning has returned. It is enough to deter those young people."

"That's right." Qin Wuyi nodded and said slowly, "Perhaps we can come up with a plan to kill three warriors with two peaches in the Demon Sect..."

Gu Changsheng:?

No, are you accepting your fate now?No more trying?
You guys make me look like a clown here...at least ask again?

Gu Dahuangmao glanced at Lu Dadi speechlessly, and Lu Qingming gave him a puzzled look.Seeing this situation, Gu Changsheng felt that he could no longer play cards according to common sense, so he said decisively:

"Elder Wuyi, I think this strategy of killing three warriors with two peaches is very subtle, but we should think about the matter of the Albizia Jubilata."

"Oh? How do you think about it?"

"Elder, you also know that the Acacia Orb in Senior Sister Lu's hand is incomplete, that is, half of the Yin Orb, and the other half of the Yang Orb is still missing. The so-called Sheng Mi En and Dou Mi Chou, take half of the inner treasures to the Acacia Sect. Maybe the exchange is not gratitude but complaints?"

"In my opinion, why don't we just hide it secretly, and when we find Yangzhu, we can return it to Hehuanjiao together, and give them a surprise!"

"It makes sense." Qin Wuyi said indifferently: "But I can't find it in the ancient road of Tianquan, so where in this world can I find the other half of the Yangzhu?"

"If Elder Wuyi can trust me, this disciple is willing to shoulder such a heavy responsibility!" Gu Changsheng said righteously: "For Jianzong, for you, Elder Wuyi, I, Gu, will do anything!"

"This thing is of great importance, I'm afraid you can't bear the responsibility of losing it."

"What Senior Sister Lu said is so true... why don't I mortgage some things to you?" Gu Changsheng glanced at the broken pages of the scripture in Lu Qingming's hand and said, "I seem to have a scripture similar to that in Senior Sister Lu's hand..."

"One piece?"


"Okay, two, only two left! This is all my net worth!"

"It's just these two pieces of paper... It's hard for me to bear this responsibility for you." Qin Wuyi said slowly with a hint.


Everyone here is a master at pretending to be confused. As long as no one breaks the tacit understanding, the most basic tacit understanding can be maintained.

I, Gu Changsheng, have nothing to do with any inner treasures, I just used what I got by chance as collateral to Qin Wuyi!

"Add a candlestick?" Gu Changsheng continued to pretend to be stupid: "How about a candlestick that has a little connection with Zhuli Sect?"

"Huh? And?"

"No, this time it's really gone! Not a single drop!" Gu Changsheng said: "Elder Wuyi, I really just want to share your worries, please give me this opportunity~"


That's not what I asked... What is there is no drop!
Qin Wuyi glared at Gu Changsheng angrily, and was very displeased with Gu Changsheng's secret behavior of treating her as some kind of juicer girl.

She and Lu Qingming looked at each other calmly, and both seemed to think that the exchange terms of the deal were okay, at least half of the deal was exchanged for one and a half.From a quantitative point of view, it is definitely a win.

Gu Changsheng: As long as I get that... as long as I get to that place, I can reverse everything!After taking down the progress of the two of you, then these are not left-handed and right-handed?
It's just a matter of temporarily storing things with them for a while. If it is done properly, maybe Lu Qingming can get all the treasures of the inside story and Gu Changsheng!
You may win a little, but I will never lose money!
Ah Zhu, let's charge Huangmao again!please!

(End of this chapter)

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