I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat group

Chapter 135 What kind of group are you guys?

Chapter 135 What kind of group are you guys?
"Kill Matt Kill Matt
Wash, cut, blow, wash, cut, blow ~ blow, blow, blow ~”

A magnetic male voice came from the mouth of a red-haired young man in front of the camera, who was cutting a passerby's hair for free with Mr. Tony's hair clipper at the entrance of the village.

"The veterans who entered the live broadcast room pay attention to Bo, look for my ID, the last Shamat royal family." Although he has Shamat on his head, the hairstyle he cut for passers-by is pure and handsome!

"No money, no gift, the housekeeper sealed all the gifts for me."

This is Tony Su, a well-known Internet celebrity on the local city network during this period.

Although it is free to help people wash, cut and dry in public places, the quality is nothing to say, and by the way, beauty and makeup are also used. The skin care products and cosmetics used are famous brands.

"The beauty salon randomly selects two viewers every day, Tiezi, the time is limited, the time is limited, remember to follow my other account later, Su Yulin, a high-quality human male, that's right, that's my tuba."

"Let's dance again tonight."

Luo Shengying knew that her boyfriend had a brain problem many years ago. After all, at that time, other worlds had not invaded, and the society had no supernatural abilities, but this guy was always doing weird things on the Internet.

But what she didn't expect was that after so many years, he still couldn't forget the whole job.

Her eyes were glazed, and she kept saying that this guy was not Su Lin. Su Lin was refined and easy-going when he was normal, and he was polite to others.


Su Lin: "Your name is Zijin Shenlong? Come, come, I will let go of the world authority, so you come here directly!"

Su Lin: "@紫金神龙, you don't even need to pay for the cross-boundary talisman, come here!"

Su Lin: "I'm a very friendly person. The group rules also say that group members can't kill each other. Let's come and exchange ideas."

Zhang Chulan was in Biyou Village. She had just moved into Biyou Village and hadn't had time to rest. She glanced at the news in the chat group and shivered unconsciously.

Now Zijin Shenlong doesn't know whether he really went to discuss the dragon's birth with the little mother dragon or he is too scared to speak out. Anyway, Zhang Chulan only hopes that this big boss who has finished his work in other worlds will not pay attention to him.

In this group, except for him and the new cultivator named Song Shuhang, everyone's combat power seems to be crushing his existence.

He didn't sleep last night and deliberately searched the names of these people on the Internet, and roughly researched the outlines of novels related to these people.

Some people found it, some people didn't find it, the God of Light Su Lin, Song Shuhang, Irena, and Zhong Li were completely absent.

What kind of group are you guys that you found? !

Ye Fan who covers the sky, Xiao Yan who fights against the sky, Han Li who is a mortal, and Lu Mingfei who is a dragon. Is this a group I can join?

The fighting power described in these books seems to be the lowest in Lu Mingfei, but if it is set according to the setting, this guy can crush temporary workers even if he is ruthless.

The fighting power seems to be different from that in the novel. Not long after the Dragon Clan in the world on his side finished serializing the Tide of the Black Moon, Zhang Chulan looked at the content compiled on the Internet. The Dragon Clan has the power to destroy the world. The girl in the middle of the story ends in tragedy.

But judging from the situation of his live broadcast last night, it seems that the guy named Lu Mingfei is completely inconsistent with the original work. He couldn't figure out how that Herzog's villain could win.

Is it because of the improvement brought about by things like chat groups?I don't know how long these people have been in the chat group, and I don't know why they fought last night.

Zhang Chulan was thinking intently, trying to restore the whole story from the fragments of those chat records.

And in Song Shuhang's world.

After Song Shuhang "snatched" the senior white who had been closed for a long time and turned into a statue from ordinary people last night, the senior white broke out from the statue.

To be honest, this senior white is like an exiled fairy in the world of mortals, with long jet black hair falling behind him, bright stars in his eyes looking for someone, dancing in white clothes, the most important thing is that this senior white has a passive charm that does not distinguish between men and women , left a deep impression on Song Shuhang last night.

'If only there wasn't that horrible flat fall. ' Song Shuhang thought silently in his heart.

This senior white is now a venerable of the seventh-rank realm. When he is distracted, he will fall down accidentally, and a huge crater will appear where he fell.

For a little first-rank cultivator like him, this kind of power is still too early.

When communicating with the white predecessors about the changes in modern things, he mentioned that he had just joined a special chat group, which seemed to be a new method for the monks, which could directly communicate in words in other people's minds.

This made Doudou and Senior White very interested.

"Wang! The chat group you mentioned seems very interesting. Is the leader of the group a senior?" Doudou asked.

Some monks in the cultivation world usually like to invent some inventions for fun when they have nothing to do. This kind of chat group that appears in other people's minds is more convenient than chatting with QQ on mobile phones.

"Let me take a look." Song Shuhang checked the members of the chat group in his field of vision, "There is only one administrator, and his name is Su Lin."

"I've never heard of it." Doudou shook her head.

The white predecessor also said that he had never heard of this person.

"Let me see, there are also Ye Fan, Han Li, and Xiao Yan." Song Shuhang suddenly realized that something was wrong. He usually likes to read books, whether it is novels, literary works, classic anthologies, or even books that make people's heads grow bigger just looking at them. He can read all kinds of boring theoretical knowledge with gusto.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha." Doudou, the demon dog, rolled on the ground laughing when he heard Song Shuhang's name, "You've been screwed."

"Or these monks in the group are helping novel lovers."

This Jingba dog monster stood on two feet and said to Song Shuhang: "In the 30th year of Hedong and in the 30th year of Hexi, I will suppress all enemies in the world for Emperor Doutian. I am a mere child from Huangshan Mountain. What can I do?"

"Haha." Song Shuhang disturbed his head in embarrassment, and saw that the group of friends were talking about the live broadcast, so he clicked in and took a look.

next moment

Infinite light strikes

Song Shuhang sat slumped on the ground, his body covered in cold sweat.

next day
Song Shuhang woke up from his dream and washed his face with clean water. He dreamed about the last live broadcast he saw in the chat group last night.

He was directly frightened by Doudou and Venerable White's gaze last night, and they asked him what happened because he felt trembling and nervous.

Song Shuhang briefly described the scene he saw, and then began to browse through the relevant information of this chat group in his mind.

After more than half an hour of research and what the group friends said, he conjured a cross-boundary talisman out of thin air under the watchful eyes of Doudou and Senior White, and only then confirmed that the chat group of the heavens and ten thousand realms was real. .
He tidied up, opened the door, and Doudou rushed in directly.

"Wow! Quick! Let me be healthy!"

"What are you looking at?" Song Shuhang pushed Doudou away, saliva almost dripping on his face.

"That chat group!" Doudou said excitedly.

"How can I show you!" Song Shuhang said helplessly.

"Senior White has a way, you will know when you go down."

Song Shuhang stood up and walked downstairs. Senior White seemed to have not slept all night. After he had a preliminary understanding of modern things, he began to study mobile phones and QQ. Chat groups across the world are of interest.

(End of this chapter)

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