I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat group

Chapter 209 Like a Demon Lord from the Heaven, He is Really the Tai Sui God

Chapter 209 Like a Demon Lord from the Heaven, He is Really the Tai Sui God
In the chat group, Lu Mingfei started his first group chat live broadcast.

If you click into his live broadcast room, you can see Lu Mingfei wearing a black men's suit, standing heroically in the void, and countless scarlet energies attacking him in various shapes.

There is a bottomless abyss under his feet, and a long crimson river above his head that is enough to make an angel lose control. Even if the whispering in his ear is weakened by the live broadcast room, it makes people feel extremely gloomy and depressing.

The remake of the Seven Deadly Sins has already been taken out by Lu Mingfei. He holds "Rage" in his right hand and "Arrogance" in his left.

Every time he breathes and moves, there are thunder, lava, and strong winds raging, plague, poisonous gas, and severe cold spread, and every time he swings a knife, there is the energy pouring out when the stars are shattered.

Surrounded by the ultimate masculine power, it annihilated the extreme yin power from the fallen mother goddess. At this moment, Lu Mingfei became the embodiment of all disasters in the world.

If someone sees Lu Mingfei like this for the first time, he will inevitably sigh:
"Like a demon lord descending from the sky, he is really the god of Tai Sui in the world!"

Zhang Chulan: "Brother Lu, I know you are handsome, but you have been slashing in place for almost 5 hours."

Irena: "Good night, I'm going to sleep, I hope Zhongli is okay."

Emiya Shiro: "I'm going to cook, come on! Lu Mingfei you can do it!"

Lu Mingfei was puzzled, why did this happen?
Obviously, it was the first time to broadcast live, the first time to play in person, and the first time to have a chance to show off...

Shouldn't today be the day when Lu Shenren rises and his fame resounds through the heavens? !
Why!Why can a fallen mother goddess with residual blood still trap him here!

Lu Mingfei: "Although I don't have the extraordinary characteristics of uniqueness and Sequence One, is there something wrong with this fallen goddess being too strong?!"

Ye Fan: "He is the character suspected of being the final boss, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Lu Mingfei: "I seem to be the final boss of our world..."

Su Lin: "Your role as the final boss is long gone."

Lu Mingfei wanted to cry, but the knife in his hand tightened a bit.

Lu Mingfei: "Also, having said that... What about the promise? What about the teammate! Save me!"

Klein: "The plan cannot keep up with the changes."

Su Lin: "Adam in the top lane, Amon in the jungle, and Klein in support. I'm an ADC. You don't wait for anyone in the mid laner. I didn't expect that you would dare to single-handedly fight the dragon with a three-piece suit."

Why do you want to accept Lu Mingfei?Good question.

Although this guy once gained an advantage after entering the Land Abandoned by God, he was quickly taken down by the fallen goddess and sealed in the abyss beside the cliff.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Lu Mingfei didn't play a role, at least the Fallen Goddess split up a considerable amount of power to target him, which greatly slowed down the speed at which Zhongli and the Fallen Creator were eroded.

Lu Mingfei: "Aren't I worried about Zhongli's safety?"

Lu Mingfei: "And wasn't the Fallen Goddess abused by you last time? His current situation is too exaggerated..."

Su Lin: "You also know that it was the last one. Where's the old man in your body?"

Lu Mingfei: "I'm full from the City of Disaster...still waiting for the cooling time."

Su Lin was a little puzzled looking at the mountain-sized lump of meat. Now the opponent is entrenched on the cliff, and they are only defending unilaterally so that they can't do anything about him for the time being.

Any attack is effective, but immediately there is a corrupted power coming from the earth to replenish it.

This is even more difficult than the fallen mother goddess who used the evil Siea as a container back then
There is no need to worry about Lu Mingfei being taken down by the Fallen Goddess, but it is impossible to fish him out with both internal and external cooperation.

An Origin Castle as big as Klein can't attract the opponent's attention... The first moment the fallen mother goddess saw him, she didn't rush to catch Klein, but blocked the abyss beside the cliff for defense without fighting back.

Is it really okay for you to be so cautious as a pillar?

Su Lin decided to temporarily change his strategy, no longer retaining his personality, and tried his best to disperse the pollution forces in the nearby area, and planned to enter the giant king's court first to try to rescue the soldier Zhongli.

Unexpectedly, those black tides and crimson mist did not resist but contracted cooperatively.

"Something's wrong." Klein reminded, "It's impossible for the Fallen Mother Goddess to be so afraid of you."

If the Fallen Mother Goddess was really afraid of Su Lin becoming like this, she would not try to invade the Land Abandoned by God without fully recovering.

This behavior is very abnormal and totally illogical.

Su Lin nodded. Klein was right, but he couldn't think about it carefully now.

"Leave him alone, go!"

The current preliminary plan is that Adam will go to the Real Creator's Kingdom of God for support, and Su Lin and Klein will go to the Giant King's Court to check the status of Amon's clone and Zhongli.

According to Amon, there is a high probability that his avatar will transfer the pollution to Zhongli, so don't worry. Shit!So now Zhongli is suffering double pollution!Su Lin and Klein must hurry up and try to rescue them.

And the real Creator can't let it go. If He is completely eroded, Chaos Sea will suffer accordingly. In that case, everyone can almost finish playing together.

"Come on Lu Mingfei! You can do it!" Su Lin sent a message in the chat group: "If you really can't, let go of your defenses and let the mother god come and have a baby with you."

In Lu Mingfei's cursing response, Su Lin quickly brought Klein to the Giant King's Court.

Suddenly, Su Lin turned his head sideways, and at this moment, a pitch-black rock spear crossed the space and flicked across the space from Su Lin's right. Lieyang broke out.

"Hello." Su Lin put Klein on the ground, and asked, "Is this a limited version of Zhongli? Blackened or fallen into the sky? It shouldn't be corroded by Honkai, right?"

In the opposite door at the height of the royal court, Zhong Li, with dark hair and dark golden eyes, slowly walked out of the shadows holding a pitch-black spear. Ten pairs of phantom-black wings spread out from behind, and the hair that was originally tied was scattered and draped over his shoulders. , slightly rolled.

Su Lin took a deep breath, Blackening Rock King Dijun?Fallen Morax? !If this skin is released, I don’t know how much money it will cost!

wrong!Not this mess!

The point is, Zhongli was polluted so quickly?

"He's not Zhongli." Klein said. Compared with mobile games, he was more exposed to console games, so he didn't quite understand what Su Lin meant by Honkai erosion: "He was the one who was pushed by Zhongli's avatar before and opened the door." Contamination, individuals formed under the influence of the omniscient pathway."

At the same time, Klein hastily exchanged positions with Secret Puppet, leaving the historical projection in place, and running towards the unknown First Epoch in the fog of history.

Su Lin frowned slightly, the aura from the other party seemed to be very similar to the real Zhongli, and this feeling was still increasing at a slow but determined speed.

No wonder the Fallen Mother Goddess didn't want to move at all, and didn't stop them. It turned out that they were waiting here.

"This clone is much stronger than before." Klein used the real field of vision above Sefirah Castle to observe, and found many brass-colored eyes in the shadow of that clone: ​​"The path of the omniscient has been improved, and this The level of Dao Clone is also far beyond before."

Klein keenly discovered that when he was looking down on Sefirah Castle, those brass-colored eyes stared towards the sky for a second.

This also means that the level of this polluted avatar must have been raised too much before.

"I'll give you a piece of advice." The black clock left the mouth and said, "Leave this place quickly and try to hide somewhere outside the world."

"You really, I'm crying to death." Su Lin shook his head. After the avatar was polluted, the tone and tone of his speech were exactly the same as Zhongli's body.

But the next moment, countless spikes made of shadows burst out from under the floor tiles, piercing Su Lin into a hedgehog, and the communication was just for delay.

boom! boom! boom!
Two heads and four hands grew out of the black Zhongli's neck, and a pitch-black spear appeared on each of his hands to block the three pure white rays of light.

Su Lin sighed, walked out from behind a stone pillar in the hall, and conveniently gave Klein's secret puppet many buffs and even gave him a divine descent.

"Although I can use god-level spells unscrupulously this time, can't you give me another type of opponent?" Su Lin had a slightly bitter expression, "You don't know how to open a shield, do you?"

Just after Su Lin finished speaking, a pitch-black rock ridge appeared out of thin air and stuck on the ground, and a black shield lit up on the black Zhongli.

"Yes." Su Lin disappeared in place in an instant, and a "Gate of Heaven" that almost covered the entire Giant King's Court opened from above.

The countless palaces and towers lost their outlines in the endless brilliance, the strong wind blew from the center to the edge, and countless deformed monsters along the way were completely purified and disappeared as soon as they stepped out of the darkness.

There is no amount of light, no amount of heat, there is no need to use any circuits to form light elements into spells, and there is no need to go through complicated chant in exchange for miracles.

Light itself is the meaning of everything.

In this ray of light, the mountain-sized mountain of flesh howled fiercely, but it still stood firm on the cracks in the canyon. The flesh and blood kept disappearing and multiplying, reaching a delicate balance with this ray of light.

The light continues.

In the inexhaustible pillar of light, just like a giant whale jumping out of the water after swimming for a long time, the fallen power turned into a black dragon head and roared towards the "door" above, but in mid-air, there were wisps of it. collapse.

Klein sensed that the pollution accumulated here had weakened, and he seized the opportunity to control the secret puppet to quickly run towards the barrier relying on "light immunity".

"I hope I can reach my destination immediately." Klein made a wish.

After he was promoted to become a master of miracles, he didn't have many wishes accumulated, and he didn't have the time to fulfill the wishes of others. This kind of "wish" to reach the destination is one of the few "miracles" he has mastered in a limited time.

Klein controlled the marionette to come to the barrier, and took the initiative to put a monocle given to him by Amon himself on his right eye socket.

The Amon clone inside pushed the monocle on the right eye socket, and glanced at Klein in surprise, as if he didn't expect such a joint situation.

'It seems that the ontology did not capture him after he escaped from God's Forsaken Land.'

'Fortunately, I also tampered with that follower of the Hanged Man. '

'Is there any external factor interfering? '

He smiled and said:

This clone of Amon took back the "first slate of blasphemy" from the barrier made by Zhongli, and took advantage of the cracks in the barrier itself to steal the time that the barrier might have continued to exist.

At the moment when Zhongli's barrier disappeared, Amon successfully parasitized onto the secret puppet through Klein's secret puppet's act of wearing a monocle, under the influence of fate.

At this moment, in a hidden location, the long-haired Amon pushed the crystal-carved monocle, and "purified" the most basic light-type spell through the "loophole" to put the effect on the Maximum, successfully cut off the pollution connection in this Sequence [-], close to Sequence [-] clone.

Originally, there was not much pollution left in the body of this branch, and the pollution was transferred to Zhongli. It was only necessary to cut off the connection between mysticism and the fallen mother goddess.

"Holy light? This power is really useful." She was a little excited, as if she had found some new toy, but she didn't show it too much.

And after Amon's clone completed memory synchronization with the main body, he sent the "first slate of blasphemy" in his hand into the void.

Then, he glanced at Zhong Li, who was about to wash away all the talisman seals due to exposure to the light, and smiled at Zhong Li, whose face was gradually ferocious.

Above the gray fog.

Klein immediately summoned the "Fool" card he obtained from the Evernight Goddess and contained it in his body. Instantly, his state changed.

Colorful clothes appear on the surface of the body, and an extremely gorgeous headdress appears on the head. The temperament is obviously extremely deep and terrifying, but it also has a sense of humor and absurdity, presenting a strange and contradictory state.

The Evernight Goddess can't make a move during the critical period, so the acquisition of the Fool card can be regarded as a logistical guarantee.

For Klein, if it wasn't for the external attack that would cause "An Banyu" to wake up, he actually wanted to add the uniqueness of the Fool's Path to the list of logistics supplies.
Now, Klein's personality on Origin Castle has almost reached the level of gods, and then, he took the extraordinary characteristics of the mysterious servant and put it on his body.

He looked at the red star representing Zhongli, and shook his hands casually, a piece of paper figurine thickened rapidly, expanded, and flew into the shrinking and expanding red star with a very thick gray mist.

Following the connection, Klein leveraged the power of Origin Castle, trying to remove the dark and crimson power from Zhongli's spiritual body.

Amon sensed the changes in Zhongli's body. The gray mist that emerged from the depths of his body was resisting the pollution from "Original" and "Fallen Mother Goddess", but they were just fighting against each other.

He pushed the monocle, and interfered with the gray mist in Zhongli's body through the transfer of fate that once transferred the pollution to Zhongli's body.

Amon began to steal part of the pollution and return it back. This behavior disrupted the balance. He seized the loophole to expand the effect of the fog, and at the same time, the power of the holy light was injected into Zhongli's body in the way of transferring pollution.

Gradually, Zhongli's facial expression slowly eased, and the eyelashes on his eyes moved.
(End of this chapter)

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