I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat group

Chapter 84 Thank You, I Just Became the God of Light, and Hidden

Chapter 84 Thank you for the invitation, I just became the God of Light and disappeared (two in one)

What kind of experience is it to earn a lot of money in a different world?

In the past, Su Lin would not call this kind of sentence pattern.

I care what kind of experience you have, not mine.

7 W
With more than 3000 draws, there are almost no problems except that the side effects are greater.

Of course, the side effects were also blocked by his card bug.

Jie Jie Jie Jie!

Simply take off!
The numbers behind the system points are still rising!It is estimated that the final income can reach nearly 10 W.

In the process of ascending to the gods, he used the highest holy-level healing spell, using light as a medium to bring the entire earth into the scope of the spell.

This is an attempt, and several sets of controlled experiments are needed before he can figure out how to maximize the points obtained, or in other words, whether the number of points has other variables besides the number of people.

This is a question worth pondering.

Only then did Su Lin realize that there were many messages in the chat group.

The avatar was waiting on Shuijing Peak for Party A to pay when he was done. His consciousness was attached to the God of Light, and he manipulated the light elements in God's country to create a bed that looked like a cloud floating in mid-air.

The brightness is turned to the lowest level, and the dim twilight is just right.

A smile appeared on Su Lin's face, and the main body jumped into sleep, lying leisurely on the bed.

Flip through and look at the history on the Intranet.


Xiao Yan: "@Su Lin, what are you doing in Jiangxi?"

Ye Fan: "It's been so long since I haven't responded to the news, maybe I was beaten by some dragon king."

Ye Fan: "@Su Lin, Xiao Su, do you need brother to save you?"

Ye Fan: "Look, nothing happened."

Zhong Li: "There is no news from Lu Mingfei."

Zhong Li: "In that case, I'll go to cross the tribulation first."

Han Li was on a small island, looking at the sky 100 nautical miles away. This was Zhongli's second calamity in this world.

Even if the development of the Immortal Dao is incomplete and the direction is strange, the background of thousands of years is not a joke.

Seeing the content of the chat in the group, Han Li lamented Ye Fan and Xiao Yan's ability to harm others, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Han Li: "With Brother Su's true ability, the Dragon King of that world may not be able to do anything to him."

Xiao Yan: "You can't say that. Is there such a possibility that he was caught by Lu Mingfei's younger brother. Lu Mingfei is trying to find people, and he will use 1/4 of his soul to post bail."

Xiao Yan: "@Lu Mingfei, where did you go?"

Klein: "I don't think Su Lin lost contact in Tokyo."

Xiao Yan: "Oh? Tell me in detail."

Ye Fan: "It's not fun to talk about it! Private chat."

Ye Fan: "I think that the bail money will probably need to be paid by Lu Mingfei."

These grandchildren are really bad, it's time for me to pretend to be slapped!
Su Lin: "Laxatives, people are on the earth, just become the god of light, don't disturb."

Su Lin: "[Picture]"

This is a selfie he took before enlightenment.

In the picture, Su Lin was standing above the city, with three pairs of light wings on his back, his white golden eyes showed no emotion, and a giant pure white tree seemed to manifest behind him.

Xiao Yan: "?"

Xiao Yan: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Ye Fan: "Are you kidding me?"

Klein: "?"

Klein: "Are you kidding me?"

【Su Lin asks you to use the cross-border talisman, do you agree?】

Klein: "Why did you come to my world?"

Su Lin: "Whether you believe it or not, I plan to confront the Eternal Sun of your world head-on."

Klein: "Damn it, are you serious?!"

Of course, Klein couldn't really agree. After Su Lin finished fighting, what would he do?
If it was found that it was related to him and Su Lin left, he would be in big trouble.

[Klein rejected your application]

Even if Klein agrees, Su Lin won't go, what a joke, he is a little embarrassed by the group of gods in the world of the Lord of Mysteries.

I don't know how much power I can exert with my godhead, let alone whether I can beat it, even if I can beat it, what if the godhead is cracked.

That is, bluffing.

Su Lin: "From now on, you can call my honorable name. The kingdom of heaven will not fall, and you will be blessed. You will not go to hell, and your true spirit will not be destroyed!"

Xiao Yan: "So crazy..."

Ye Fan: "The last one who was so crazy was An Lan."

Ye Fan: "How long has it taken you to become a god? Is it still a Western style?"

Su Lin: "Two days ago, I got a light godhead, and I just stuffed him into the history... avatar."

Klein: "Did you just want to talk about historical projection?"

Klein: "I have long suspected that your ability is not right!"

Seeing this, Klein shed tears of envy in his heart.

This guy became a god like a player, and he was still stuck in Sequence 4. Sure enough, that guy's ability was historical projection, just as he guessed.

I just don't know where this guy got the historical projection. Is there a similar ability in the heavens and worlds, or does he have something related to their world?Why is this guy not alienated, but still a human being?

"Sigh." Klein sighed, time is running out, he will be promoted to Sequence 3 as soon as possible.

Advance to the high-level ranks as soon as possible, and you can take the initiative to grasp more initiative.

In the past few months, including the more than 2 months spent on another earth, he has digested most of the potions of the Sequence 4 crafty mage, but the materials for the ancient scholar potions have not been collected yet.

The ability of historical projection is really easy to use. Klein is a little greedy. He can summon historical images of people and things from past history.

With this ability, coupled with his expanded spiritual reserves, many sealed items can even go whoring directly without paying the price.

You can also pull people out to help fight.

The first thing Klein thought of was Ms. Arianna, Mr. Ards, and Will Auceptin. These three were angels he knew and was more familiar with.

Then there are the group friends in the chat group. To be honest, although everyone in the novel has a promising future, it is unknown how capable they are now.

Under Xiao Yan's introduction, he traded with Yao Lao for a reappeared yesterday, maybe he can take a look at it next time Yao Lao uses it.

Although the one named Zhongli is the Demon God of Rock, it is still unknown whether it will work well in their world. Klein predicted that his combat power is guaranteed to be at the level of an angel. He has never seen Zhongli use his full strength, so he can only guess.

After thinking about it later, this guy Su Lin has become a god of light, and he must have the confidence to dare to confront Eternal Lieyang head-on.
"Hiss!" Klein gasped, and he had a bold idea in his heart.

If there is no moisture, if you pull this product out directly to fight
Thinking of this, Klein's eyes showed anticipation and excitement.

Su Lin, wait, I will come to deepen our relationship with you when I reach Sequence Three, and increase the success rate of pulling out images!The copy of George III may be able to brush alone this time!
Han Li: "What is the godhead?"

He has not been in contact with the relevant knowledge about the godhead.

Ye Fan: "Equivalent to the crystallization of the personality and divine power of a god, a mortal can become the next god after obtaining the godhead."

Han Li felt something was wrong.

Han Li: "Why do you want to fuse the avatars, can't you use them yourself?"

Su Lin: "Because I don't know when this godhead will be shattered."

Xiao Yan: "Where did you find the defective product?"

Su Lin: "Are you polite? What is a defective product? The durability is obviously still 99!"

Su Lin: "It's just that it can't be repaired."

Su Lin: "By the way, I have formed a pill (laughs)."

Han Li: "Brother Su. The sky is outstanding."

Han Li shook his head. When Su Lin first joined the group, he was still a mortal who didn't know how to cultivate. It's only been less than a year now.

According to other group friends, this guy may be the hero of Shuangwenliu.

It really is. It makes people a little envious.

While chatting in the group, Lu Mingfei, who hadn't heard from Lu Mingfei, was in a half-asleep state, looking at the beautiful girl with red hair in front of him through the diving helmet.

The girl was holding him, looking at him curiously.

Vision is a little blurry.

It's strange, he is obviously a Qi practitioner, his physical strength should be sufficient now, but why can't he exert any strength.

Are you Eriyi?
Consistent with the image that appeared in his mind yesterday.

Obviously never seen it, why?
The girl in his arms was as soft as a cherry blossom, Erika pointed upwards, and Lu Mingfei shook his head weakly, indicating that he could not swim up.

Why do I make these movements by myself, I can't control my body
But there is no difference in reality, there are at least a few hundred meters away from the sea, and Lu Mingfei's current status means that he can't go up there.

"Don't die."

The girl's sweet voice appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind.

Eriyi let go of Lu Mingfei and floated up. When saying goodbye, she stuffed something into Lu Mingfei's palm.

Lu Mingfei looked over, it was a yellow rubber duck.


"I won't die."

What Lu Mingfei, who fell into a coma, didn't know was that in the past few hours, the whole world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Either human or hybrid.

Outside the principal's office, Schneider and Manstein glanced at each other and rang the small bronze bell on the door.

"Gentlemen, come in." Angers' voice sounded.

Schneider pushed open the door, and what he saw were many bookshelves, reaching the top of the two-story building.

The patio made up of bookshelves and ancient books is filled with golden sunlight. After the snowfall stopped, someone has already cleared the heavy snow from the skylight.

Angers sat drinking tea under the skylight on the top floor while squirrels scurried about on the shelves.

"I am very happy to see that you can take off your oxygen mask." Ang Ren smiled, "I should have opened a bottle of red wine that has been stored for many years to celebrate you, but I need to think clearly."

"Next time," Schneider said.

"Don't be sad, come up, I know what you want to say." Anger said with a smile: "Have a cup of tea to warm up."

Schneider and Manstein sat down opposite Angers, not knowing what to say for a while.

Ever since that cosplay lunatic bombed a Japanese park live-streamed worldwide, all sorts of things have happened.

Especially in the past few hours, various things have taken turns.

The biggest thing is that the gods came to the world to bless all beings. Now there is not even a single patient in the hospitals all over the world. Doctors and nurses are on holiday collectively, and the stocks of pharmaceutical companies have lost money to the point of melting!In contrast, all kinds of consumer tourism have skyrocketed.

Almost at the same time, the ancient dragon city in the Japanese Trench appeared, the Japanese branch betrayed, the submarine volcano erupted, the nuclear power cabin exploded, the life and death of the Caesar team were unknown, the tsunami and mermaid tide hit Atami, and the Seventh Fleet weapon system of the US garrison automatically Attack.

The intricate situation really complied with what the gods said before, and it became a mess.

"Has the Kaiser team got in touch?" Angers asked.

"No news." Manstein shook his head and said, "The Ditrieste disintegrated in deep water, plus factors such as volcanic eruptions, nuclear explosions, and corpse guards."

"En." Ang Hot nodded, not worried at all, he took out a roster, opened the cowhide cover, and there were photos on it.

"Which girl do you think is prettier?" Angers asked.

"Are you still in the mood to care about this?" Schneider looked at Angers in disbelief.

"Otherwise?" Anger asked back, "I didn't see that god complaining to us, why didn't he find a girlfriend for Lu Mingfei when he was in school?"

"I don't think it's too late now, um, how about this Wu Yuxiang, who is younger than him and has the attributes of a schoolgirl."

"Principal, she left with that god to meet the Black King." Manstein reminded, and then he looked at Angren: "You want to say that with the attention of that god, Lu Mingfei is fine, Caesar and Chu Zihang who are with him will probably be fine, right?"

"That's right." Anger continued to flip through the roster, "How about this Antinhorst, 179 in height, measurements."

"I think Lu Mingfei may be the core of some things." Schneider said after a moment of silence.

"Well, I think that god might be his uncle." Anger agreed.

"Principal, I'm not joking."


Anger closed the roster and asked the two of them: "Is there any girl who has a better relationship with Lu Mingfei? We can directly ask her for her opinion."

"I just posted on the night watchman forum to find a girlfriend for Lu Mingfei. Applicants can go to Japan with us and have emotional exchanges with "S"."

"But it's a pity that no one has replied yet except Fingal."

"Would you like to wait any longer?" Manstein squeezed out such a sentence, he really didn't know how to reply to Angers.

"Don't wait, Fingal's post has thousands of likes."

"What did he say?"

"Lu Mingfei is indeed Anger's illegitimate son." Anger turned on the laptop indifferently, "What do you think of the grade G?"

"Oh?" Anger made a surprised voice, "Someone signed up."

"Who?!" Schneider was a little shocked.

"Zero Razumovskaya Romanova."

Lu Mingfei woke up from the hospital, surrounded by nurses and doctors.

It was really difficult to communicate with the nurses with his half-level Japanese, until a nurse took out a mobile phone, and there was a Chinese report on it.

There is a familiar face standing in the sky with three pairs of wings behind it.

"The true god came to the world, healed all beings, the medical stock market melted, and the patients in major hospitals were cleared."

This also explained why a bunch of nurses and doctors surrounded him, and the first few looked like experts and professors.

Look at the chat history again.

Did I sleep for too long? Why do some people become gods of light when they wake up?

Lu Mingfei shook his head and looked towards the pillow, where there was a little yellow duck.

 It's another day of overtime work hahaha. Please follow up and recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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