My wife is a passerby villain

Chapter 101 My friend wants to try

Chapter 101 My friend wants to try
Self introduction?

Should the new students of the joint training class also follow this form?
But he didn't know what to say.

It's okay if everyone introduces themselves together, at least someone can set an example.

But if you let him come by himself, it is to introduce your age, hobbies...

Or introduce your own ability type and strength level?

Some Yin Hang can't tell the truth, but he knows too little about the world after the recovery of spiritual energy, and lying is easy to be seen.

However, when most of the people in the class cast strange glances at him, Yin Hang stood up in embarrassment, coughed dryly and said, "My name is Yin Hang, nice to meet you all."

Then he sat back straight.

The other students in the class stared blankly.

Is this gone?

What did you just introduce?

"Well, okay," Tang Jiu still smiled softly, then turned to the people in the classroom and said, "Okay, everyone is ready for class."

"Hey, do you know Tang Jiu?" The turtleneck youth next to Yin Hang saw him sitting down straight, and sneered with a twitching corner of his mouth: "I've been chasing her for more than half a year, and it's the first time I saw her focus on class. who."

"I don't know." Yin Hang opened the first page of his notebook, ready to go to class.

"My name is Pei Yan." The other party lowered his voice and said with a chuckle, "She is my future wife. I suggest you stay away from her."

Yin Hang didn't want to talk to him at first, but he was still annoyed by such rumors, so he replied in a low voice: "You misunderstood, we just..."

The other party waved his hand casually and said, "Two thousand."

Yin Hang was obviously choked by the other party's understatement of two thousand.

But after he regained his strength, he still explained: "I just met once..."

"Five thousand, transfer the money to you after class."

Yin Hang swallowed what he wanted to say.

Where did this come from, bro?
It's 5000 yuan to open your mouth?

Yin Hang is not familiar with Tang Jiu, and he is just an ordinary joint training class student. It may be because she has a good relationship with Yu Yu that he noticed him.

In this way, wouldn't the other party give me 5000 yuan for nothing?
Although the other party's attitude made people uncomfortable, Yin Hang really liked this way of handling it.

If you really have this 5000 yuan...

Then I can buy a diamond ring for An Tong and put it on her hand.

However, people say that the transfer is only after class, and the money has not yet reached my pocket. It is useless to think about it. It is more pragmatic to go to class first.

Then Yin Hang looked at the podium, and soon entered a state of studying without distractions.

Tang Jiu started today's lecture after talking about some topics for foreshadowing and introduction.

"As for the students of the joint training class, in the future practical homework, you may frequently come into contact with a type of props..."

Tang Jiu spoke softly, turned around slowly, and wrote two words on the blackboard with chalk.


"If we expand the detailed knowledge of the talisman, there are about three theoretical courses for the basic introduction."

"For example, there are three main ways to use the talisman. One uses its own spiritual power as a guide to draw the spiritual power stored in the talisman; the second uses the seal of the talisman as a guide to act on its own spiritual power; Inject the talisman for one-time use."

"Spiritual talismans and spirit stones have similarities and differences in essence, and their impact on the aura environment or physical environment... This part of the content will also lead to the effect curve of the interaction between the aura environment and the physical environment."

"There is also the correct use and prevention rules of the talisman, as well as its management rules and regulations and the fundamentals of ideology."

At this point, Tang Jiu apologized slightly: "But I am not a professional teacher, so it is difficult to describe his rigorous theoretical knowledge."

"However, I still hope that through some more intuitive ways, I can teach you the basic way to use the talisman."

"In this way, in the future, if there is a shortage of manpower, everyone needs to go to the front line to prepare for the battle, but if they are unprepared, at least everyone can have the ability to protect themselves."

After Tang Jiu finished speaking, he took out a magic talisman from the lesson plan and handed it to the students in the first row for everyone to pass it on.

After passing it to Yin Hang's hands, he found that it was the size of a banknote with a light yellow mark on it.

Yin Hang remembered that in the box Qin Shimao gave him, the second layer was filled with similar things. There were about 800 sheets. The paper was either black or red. The hollow feeling on the top.

So it was a magic talisman? He had roughly similar guesses before, but he didn't know how to use it.

Pei Yan seemed to disdain to look at this kind of thing, so Yin Hang passed it directly to the front desk, and finally, after the talisman was passed back to Tang Jiu, she continued to lecture: "The full name of this talisman is the sixth edition. Charms for intermittent lighting."

"Light symbol for short."

"However, the sixth edition is only of teaching value, and its practical application is not as good as the mobile phone lighting that everyone carries around."

As Tang Jiu said, she gently twisted one end of the talisman with her jade fingers, and then the talisman really emitted a faint light.

"So, is there anyone who wants to try... Yin Hang?"

It's daytime now, Yin Hang couldn't see the faint light of the talisman at all, so he simply lowered his head and took notes.

And when he heard someone calling him, he looked up suspiciously and found that Tang Jiu was looking at him from the podium.

Seeing him looking over, Tang Jiu asked with a smile: "As a freshman, you should be very curious about these, do you want to come up and try?"

"Um... I won't." Yin Hang said his three-character mantra with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'm a teacher, I will teach you." Tang Jiu still talked and smiled.

Yin Hang had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked up to the podium under the murderous eyes of the whole class.

And Tang Jiu took a few steps back lightly, and after keeping a distance of about one meter from Yin Hang, he said softly: "This is a teaching-type talisman, which stores a certain amount of static aura. You can use your own spiritual power instead of a little When touched, it will cause a physical lighting phenomenon."

"And it's all-encompassing, there's no beginning and end."

Yin Hang put his hand on the talisman hesitantly, but he didn't feel anything.

According to what Ping Youzhi said, only after the spiritual energy is refined in the body can there be spiritual power.

He is so disgusting that he can't even enter his body with spiritual energy, so where does he get his spiritual power?

However, when he pretended to try and think of a suitable reason to step down, he found Pei Yan in the distance, who was staring at him with gnashed teeth, and stretched out two fingers at the same time, repeating the same sentence in his mouth. type.

Two... ten thousand?

Twenty thousand!

Yin Hang immediately said apologetically, "I'm not very good at this."

Tang Jiu walked over with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you..."

But when he entered within one meter, Yin Hang took a step back abruptly, and at the same time added with some embarrassment: "But my friend... wants to try it."

(End of this chapter)

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