Chapter 308
Yin Hang pondered for a moment, then explained softly: "Now we seem to be talking to the secretary of the department manager that we can solve the problem of their group's billions of capital turnover difficulties."

"The secretary may really be able to report, but every subsequent floor may have to stay for a while, or be thrown directly into the trash."

"Also, the latter is more likely."

"How could this be..." An Tong's cheeks were puffed up with anger, it seemed that this hour of waiting was in vain.

Yin Hang also shrugged helplessly, and continued to explain: "After all, if you can really solve the problem of billions of funds, there must be private calls from the board of directors and shareholders of all parties. How can it be reported through the secretary of the department manager?"

"Besides, the current situation in the secret realm is a bit chaotic, with all kinds of messy news flying all over the sky. It's impossible for the two of us to come in like this and say that we can solve their most troublesome food problem."

"There are a lot of other important things to deal with at the same time, so even if they do want to connect with us, it must be a low priority."

An Tong's small mouth also pouted a little, "Then what should we do, why don't we go directly to their leaders?"

Yin Hang shook his head and said, "Maybe they really have more important things to do."

"I thought that I could find acquaintances here. If there are no acquaintances, the efficiency of various things is really not high."

"It's so troublesome. I thought that after we came, a group of people would beg us." An Tong folded his arms and said emotionally, "I'll just go and contact my classmates."

Yin Hang was stunned for a moment, "Is your classmate in charge of this work?"

"Yes," An Tong puffed up his cheeks and said, "And they are all in important positions. After all, the status blessings of the Daoyuan class are very high."

"It's the relationship between me and them. It's a little embarrassing. If you want to contact...huh?"

Yin Hang took An Tong's hand.

"Are you leaving now?" An Tong was a little puzzled.

Yin Hang nodded lightly and said, "I do know some other acquaintances, so go and see the situation first."

"The current administration of the camp seems to be too busy. Even if we help us, it may be difficult to mobilize a large number of people."

"In this case, let's solve it in a simpler way."

"Besides, we don't have time to wait here."

Yin Hang does know some other acquaintances, but this is not an official camp, but a private enterprise.

holding cloud.

When Yin Hang participated in the auction and realized that his room was No. 1, he was quite surprised.

After Jingjing's brief introduction, Yin Hang had a general understanding of Chi Yun.

The existence of the sales hall is the purpose of Chiyun to let Xinxin Trading establish a reputation between the two provinces.

Although Yin Hang doesn't think he is very familiar with Chiyun, but if there are enough interests, then this kind of commercial organization should be very interested.

If it doesn’t work, then move out of Qingyu Pavilion. The director of Xinxin Trading——Pei Yan, seems to be pursuing Tang Jiu from Qingyu Pavilion 4601 dormitory. If so...

Heck, heck, you can always help, right?

The transitional structure between the front hall and the back hall of the sales hall is not a "secret door" hidden in the corner, but a specially designed double-layer staircase. From the top of the stairs, every move in the sales hall can be observed. Then you need to go around two more times before you can enter the front hall of the sales hall.

After the auction last night, because many stall owners settled in, it seemed even more lively now.

After Yin Hang said he wanted to find Chiyun, the staff in the sales hall led them to a box on the second floor. After a while, a man who looked about 30 years old walked in.

"Mr. Chiyun is temporarily busy, and I will receive the two of you for the time being. Excuse me..."

Afterwards, Yin Hang briefly explained the situation, and the man's brows were obviously furrowed.

"In this regard, you can actually contact the camp officials directly, or you can allocate donations yourself," the man said after thinking for a while, "and this will ensure that all the food is in the hands of the survivors, so that it won't happen again. matter."

"As for our sales hall, we have no plans to carry out this part of the business for the time being."

What the man said was not particularly straightforward, because the main service objects of the sales hall were practitioners, and the current survivors were the group with the worst talents, and they were not within the scope of the business.

Even if you can find a way to collect some special food, but in the group of survivors, there is still the problem of 'not suffering from few but suffering from inequality'. If your food is only enough to supply a small part of the survivors, then other Survivors will have great opinions. If private companies undertake it, the risk is too high.

Therefore, the work in this area can basically only be carried out by the government, but the two practitioners in front of them brought some "special food" to the sales hall, probably because they thought the sales hall was rich and wanted to get some benefits.

"But our reserves are very sufficient," Yin Hang also considered these issues, and then specifically reminded: "So I think that in this regard, the commercial side may be more active than the official, and at the same time skip some cumbersome restrictions and have more sufficient manpower to advance the process as quickly as possible.”

But the man still shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "We are very busy with our affairs now. Maybe you think it is a big thing, but for us, there are so many big things."

"Of course, I don't want to refuse this cooperation, but I personally think that it is definitely better for the camp officials to coordinate this aspect."

"Hello!" An Tong, who was listening just now, couldn't help it anymore, and asked in a very incomprehensible way: "Aren't you curious about how much special food we have?"

"Why don't you ask?"

"Aren't you afraid that there are really too many, which will cause your boss to fire you?"

The man who looked to be in his thirties frowned again, but this time he stood up directly and said, "I'm sorry, Chi Yun really doesn't have time to spend with you right now, please forgive me for that."

"As for me, I came to this box because you used the name of Chi Yun."

"However, Chiyun has many friends, and anyone can claim to be Chiyun's friend."

"If you really have dozens of kilograms of special food that can actually solve the problems in the secret realm, then we will definitely provide corresponding specifications of hospitality."

"Return your forgiveness for the offense."

After the man finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but when he was about to step out of the box, there was a sound of heavy objects hitting the table, which made his footsteps stop.

"He doesn't know exactly how many goods we have, but the process of identifying authenticity and negotiating will incur a lot of costs."

"If he easily shows any interest, such as wanting to see our goods, he will be pestered by a lot of 'self-proclaimed cloud-holding friends'."

"And his behavior in doing so is actually saving these costs. If we really want to negotiate, we will be eager to prove it."

"Of course, the weight he just mentioned is actually drawing a standard line."

"If we do have tens of kilograms of special food, then just prove it to him."

Yin Hang explained on his own, but An Tong was a little puzzled: "Then...why didn't you just show it to him?"

"Well, because I also have my own costs that I want to save. Besides, the current food in the secret realm can be said to be a very sensitive issue."

Yin Hang said this, and then flicked lightly on the storage mirror with his fingertips, so that more food fell scattered on the table.

In appearance, it is actually no different from ordinary food.

Hearing this, the man turned around slowly. It was obvious that Yin Hang's guess just now...was completely wrong. He simply didn't want to get into this complicated muddy water because of some sporadic special food.

However, Yin Hang's words did arouse the curiosity of the man.

And when he saw the food on the table, his eyes narrowed immediately, because the packaging of the food has obvious signs, and if nothing else, the ingredients list will be clearly written, after all, men have eaten These have all been seen.

They are all genuine products, even weighing more than ten kilograms. If these foods are crushed separately and mixed with ordinary food, they can even provide a short-term special supply for hundreds of people, although that level is nothing more than hanging.

The man's expression changed instantly, and he immediately sat back and smiled and said, "May I ask how much of your special food is left, so we can cooperate and prepare it conveniently."

An Tong, who was sticking to Yin Hang's side, was amazed that this guy could change his face so quickly.

Yin Hang carried a total of six storage mirrors.

Two of them are slightly smaller and special. One contains his schoolbag and Qin Shimao's suitcase, while the other contains dozens of catties of spirit stones and dozens of rusty swords.

The storage mirror that senior sister Yin Youwei gave herself is 80m+120m, of which 40m is the food that is complete in all aspects.

The storage mirror purchased by myself is 120m+240m, with a total volume of 360m.

Because Yin Hang has no survival experience in the wild, the only preparation he can think of is pure food, which leads to Yin Hang's 360m storage mirror volume, which is stuffed with nearly 200m of food, and after the professional training of the Daoyuan class store owner Organized and stored almost 250m of food.

Yin Hang intends to keep the 200m storage mirror of the senior sister for himself, just in case, and the 120m material storage mirror is also kept for himself.

As for the 240m storage mirror with the largest volume, all he dumped now is food, which is still stuffed to the brim.

Now, Yin Hang took out the storage mirror.

When it was opened, the mountains of compressed biscuits, compressed dark chocolate, and marching rations (imitation) were all presented in front of the male.

in front of you.


"Ah... right?" The man couldn't find his tongue immediately, he felt that his thinking should be normal, but why was he thinking about whether he was normal or not?
After a while, the man coughed violently, but no matter how much he coughed, he felt that there was phlegm in his throat.

In the end, he stood up with weak legs, and this behavior was subconscious. He wanted to do something at this time, but he didn't know what to do at all.

The man vaguely felt that something big was about to happen, but he didn't know what it was.

In the end, he just walked out the door with some dementia.

"Is he... all right?" Yin Hang asked worriedly. After all, if something happened to this guy, he would have to find someone else to notify Chi Yun.

Afterwards, An Tong and Yin Hang waited in the box for more than 20 minutes. During this period, beautiful girls came in to make tea, but they were all forced back by An Tong's murderous eyes.

Three or ten minutes later, a young man wearing a short-sleeved vest, ordinary sweatpants, and dark circles under his eyes, who looked like a serious Internet addict, walked in.

"Chiyun?" Yin Hang didn't recognize this person.

"Brother Lu... who is this?" Although Chi Yun was a little haggard now, his tone of voice was quite calm.

An Tong didn't introduce himself, but hugged Yin Hang's arm directly, showing his identity with his actions.

"Hi, Mrs. Lu."

When An Tong heard this, she suddenly felt something strange, because the name sister-in-law seemed to make her 20 years older, but she was obviously much younger than the young man in front of her!
Then Chi Yun asked about the food for the second time, but after hearing what Yin Hang said, he still hesitated, and then asked with a wry smile: "I did hear some things, but it's convenient for me to take a look. Are you sure?"

"After all, there are some details that need to be explained when making arrangements."

Chi Yun's words were very euphemistic.

Yin Hang didn't hesitate. After all, he was entrusting someone to do things. He immediately pushed his 240m storage mirror on the table to the other party.

In fact, when Chi Yun saw Yin Hang's storage mirror, he was a little stunned, because this type of model couldn't possibly be a small size.

An Tong immediately had an opinion, how can such a valuable item be given casually, and we want the sales hall to help us, not us to help them, we must distinguish between priorities!

"Low..." Chi Yun bit his finger, and forcibly swallowed back the uncivilized words behind, "Is it still inconvenient to ask where it came from?"

Yin Hang thought for a moment and explained: "Actually, the process was quite embarrassing. This is what I prepared for myself. Because of the sense of security, I prepared a lot. After all, no one knows the specific situation in the secret territory."

"And when I bought it, I bought it in the small shop of the Daoyuan class, but I really didn't expect that it was all special food."

In fact, Chi Yun didn't pay much attention to Yin Hang's explanation, because what he saw now was all these mountains of food, and finally he gritted his teeth and talked about it.

"It is said that so and so saved the world in the previous life... We are afraid that we will save the world in this life."

(End of this chapter)

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