My wife is a passerby villain

Chapter 323 Argument Incident

Chapter 323 Argument Incident
When the leader left the room, there were still 7 minutes left before ten o'clock. The original plan was not for him to ask, and he shouldn't come out so late, but when the leader came, all arrangements must be made according to the leader's temporary Means to proceed.

They are all waiting for the leader to speak, and this is the last step.

"Now, all relevant departments in the camp are doing their best to ensure that the materials are handed over to the survivors safely and smoothly."

There was no cheering, no celebration, and no hesitation. When the leader finished speaking, the entire command area began to operate.

Of course, the leader's words will not be sent to the divisions urgently within 7 minutes. In fact, as long as the divisions do not receive a notice to stop before [-] o'clock, then [-] o'clock is the message for the full start.

Because this is the first time that large-scale food distribution has been carried out, and because of the serious hunger problem, it is impossible to simply queue up to receive it, but to carry out a second arrangement and combination according to the actual situation of the survivors, and to prohibit the survivors random movement to prevent further confusion.

As for the food distribution at the most basic level, the practitioners are also fully responsible to ensure that the special food is delivered to the survivors 'hand in hand'.

ten o'clock.

There was no ribbon-cutting as guessed by the survivors, and no speeches by so-called big men. There were just two ordinary girls wearing black identification tags of the F-level on their chests, and holding a box of ten servings in their arms, made of ordinary food. The sealed box matched with the special food, hurried out of the supply station.

At [-]:[-], when one of the girls returned to the distribution station, dozens of practitioners began to leave here in an orderly manner, and each of them held a sealed box full of food in their arms.

According to the regulations, after ordinary people finish eating, neither the public nor the cultivators can leave directly. They have to stay and observe the situation of the eaters, and both parties can leave after one hour after confirming that there is no discomfort.

There are a total of about 1000 practitioners in the secret realm, and now about [-] are devoted to this work. Even with such a number, the pressure is still very scary when facing a full [-] hungry survivors .

As the news spread, the order of the areas that had not yet received food began to have problems. When dispatching practitioners to maintain, the efficiency would lead to an overall decline. There are still many problems like this vicious circle.

After all, the survivors are now in a very poor mental state, and they are very worried about the food reserves. Even if they repeatedly ensure that the reserves are sufficient, no one will believe them before eating. After all, in order to prevent panic, the "sufficient but needs to be controlled" How many survivors have been starving until now.

An Tong, who was at the supply station, gently folded his small hands in Yin Hang's palm, and looked at the busy backs of the surrounding practitioners, and whispered anxiously: "Honey, why don't we help?"


Food matching requires special training, and dispatching and commanding on the map also requires strong ability. Finally, Yin Hang and An Tong found that the only thing they could help... seemed to be to deliver food.

But the more embarrassing thing is that the two boxes that Yin Hang sent at the beginning had to go around several times before finding the place because of the location problem.

During the third delivery, Yin Hang and An Tong finally became a little familiar, or An Tong himself became a little familiar. After all, Yin Hang is a road idiot. Almost, I only understood after changing it to left and right.

After all, the current time is close to 11 o'clock, and the sun is in the center. Yin Hang really can't tell the direction.

As for the place where delivery was needed for the third time, Yin Hang found that there were all elderly people, eight in total.

There is an old lady who looks the oldest, with gray hair, even sitting on a backpack that looks like a cultivator, she has to bend over and lean on crutches, but when she saw Yin Hang and the others coming, she hurriedly thought To stand up.

An Tong hurried over, not caring if there was a queue, and gently supported the old lady, then quickly opened the sealed box he brought, and took out the food specially prepared for the old man.

"Ai ai ai ai..." The old lady kept saying something vaguely, and after she received the food, she raised her hand a little stiffly, and at the same time lowered her head with difficulty, and continued to thank An Tong vaguely: "Alas, thank you country, thank you country, save my old lady..."

"Grandma, eat quickly." An Tong helped to tear off the packaging of the food again, and found that it was a very soft jelly, and then wanted to help the delirious grandma eat it.

Afterwards, the grey-haired elderly people also began to reluctantly line up in an order. Their movements were almost trembling slightly, but not to the point where they couldn't do it.

Because they are really too old, even if their aging meridians are stimulated by high-concentration spiritual energy, the amount they need is not a lot, and they have eaten some special food, so their current state is relatively good. , the main cause of weakness is because of the harsh environment.

But when Yin Hang was in charge of splitting the food and An Tong was in charge of helping them to eat, suddenly there was a quarrel in the next door partition. From the content, it seemed that the quarrel was due to dissatisfaction with the distribution of the practitioners of.

"A bunch of little bastards, some of them yelled after eating, they have never been hungry before!"

The old man at the end, although his gray hair was bald and clean, but his tall figure stood straight, and when he heard the content of the quarrel, he directly scolded: "This motherfucker If it was back then, those who disobeyed orders would have been dragged out with a pitchfork long ago!"

An old lady in front of the old man sighed sadly: "Oh, we deserved to suffer in the past, but now we have to suffer for these children. I really don't know what evil we did..."

An Tong just walked in front of this old lady.

"I'm not hungry, girl," the old woman smiled kindly on her haggard face, "give these to the children, you can eat them yourself, I'm over 70...not bad."

"What are those bastards doing? They're not your children." The old man spat at the neighbor and continued to curse, "If those bastards of my family dare to make trouble like this, I'll slap them to death!"

"It's long overdue for Te Niang to suffer!"

An Tong stroked the old grandma's hands full of age spots, the rough folds on them had been rubbed for a long time, but they didn't spring back.

"Grandma, we can all take good care of ourselves. After all, children and grandchildren have their own blessings," An Tong lowered his head, "And we still have a lot of food, you can eat it at ease..."

(End of this chapter)

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