My wife is a passerby villain

Chapter 360 Never Existed

Chapter 360 Never Existed
The realm where the chess master dropped the white piece does not seem to be as scary as imagined.

The temperature in the camp seemed a bit cold, but it was difficult for Yin Hang to describe everything in front of him, because it was obviously very familiar, but there was an atmosphere of vicissitudes of life lingering around him.

"An Tong!"

Under the extremely empty night, Yin Hang didn't get any response, and it was as quiet as being swallowed by the boundless darkness.

An Tong's realm cultivation is D level. In the process of sharpening Yin Hang in the past few days, her own combat ability has also improved slightly. At least the E level practitioners in the search and rescue team are no match for her. Moreover, Yu Yu seemed to have followed her into the camp.

Should... be alright?

Yin Hang pressed his temples to calm himself down as much as possible, but his teeth were still clenched tightly.

And as he went deep into the camp again and searched all the familiar places, including the fish house, all the places they had been to, there was suddenly a rumble of collapse in the empty distance.



Yin Hang didn't hesitate at all. After the huge explosion, Yin Hang immediately rushed in the direction of the sound.

But what surprised him was that he did not see An Tong or Yu Yu. Instead, there were more than a dozen cultivators fighting fiercely with a group of strange beasts.

Why are there other practitioners in the camp?
And just as Yin Hang was approaching, a strange insect-like beast stretched out its barbed mouthparts and attacked his neck.

Yin Hang also noticed this thing and directly released a water droplet and swept it towards it.

The water droplet moved extremely fast, but before the water droplet hit, the insect beast and its surroundings were frozen out of thin air by an icicle. Then Yin Hang's water droplet penetrated it, and the exploding ice crystals and the remains of the insect were together. Crushed into powder.

"Who is there?" A man stared at this side in the night, frowned and shouted: "Be alert and wait for the captain to arrive!"


Before the man finished speaking, a plain white figure flashed across the entire street in an instant, and with the sound of the rapier, Yin Hang discovered the group of strange beasts in front of him, as well as the spiritual beasts hiding behind the surrounding buildings, with blood all over his throat. Scarlet blood spurted out at the same time.

Yin Hang was stunned. The fierce battle that had been stalemate just now was ended in an instant.

Then, the plain white figure walked towards him.

When the other party approached, Yin Hang realized that he was a young man, dressed in white ancient clothes. His elegant demeanor was even more suitable than that of Ping Youzhi, and he also had a bun with white jade on his head.

However, he was not wearing any identification tag on his chest.

To be honest, the battles Yin Hang had experienced were basically all blunt tortoise boxing. Among other practitioners, he had never seen such gorgeous swordsmanship.

It is indeed rare for a boy like the young man in front of him to be able to seal his throat with such a cool sword.

After putting away his sword, the young man looked at Yin Hang in front of him with some confusion.

"Captain, it's been cleaned up!" A girl ran over, also wearing simple ancient clothes, but when she saw Yin Hang, she took a few steps back.

"Well, remember to investigate the cause of these monster riots," the handsome young man finished instructing, then looked at Yin Hang and frowned: "Which team are you from? Why haven't I seen you?" "And you are still standing alone. How did your team leader teach you in such a dangerous place?"

"Sorry, I haven't experienced systematic combat training yet," Yin Hang expressed his apology slightly, and then asked anxiously: "I came back here to find my wife. Have you seen my wife?" Wife?"

"Your wife?" The young man did not show any surprise because of Yin Hang's age.

"Yes, he is about as tall as me," Yin Hang hurriedly gestured with his hands, "The top is light red, and the black and gray coat..."

"Oh yes, there may be another girl following her." Yin Hang, thinking of Yu Yu, added hurriedly.

"Answer my question first, which team are you from..." Suddenly, the young man saw the identification plate on Yin Hang's chest, raised his eyebrows, and pulled it off directly, with anger in his voice, "Where did you come from!"

"Have you been to the south side of the camp?"

"This is mine." Yin Hang immediately took a step back and kept his distance.

"This is a relic of the remnants of our country. Do you think this is yours?" The young man in front of him continued to question.

Yin Hang always felt that something was vaguely wrong, because cultivators would pay special attention to their own strength when facing survivors, but when the young man snatched his badge just now, it happened in an instant, and what he said There are also some who don’t understand.

Then Yin Hang said in a deep voice: "Sorry, there must be some misunderstanding between us."

"But I still need to find my wife. If you haven't seen her, I have to leave first."

Yin Hang didn't know the situation of these cultivators at all, and he didn't know if they had any special missions. Looking at the angry expressions on the other side, he definitely didn't plan to stay for a long time.

"Hey, our centurion allows you to leave!" The girl next to him suddenly shouted in a childish tone, raising her face and yelling.

Yin Hang frowned. Although the camp where the white chess piece was placed was not as dangerous as he thought, how could he feel relieved before he found An Tong.

[Baichuan] began to gradually attach to his body, and seven of them were prepared together with [Fire].

The realm of the young man in front of him is definitely not low, but even if he can't beat him, he can still outrun him.

"That's it. He's dressed in strange clothes and very weak. I don't know where he ran in." The young man's fingers touched the strange three marks on the identification tag, and then he stuffed it directly into the lining of the ancient costume.

"Where did your wife get lost?"

Yin Hang was stunned. The other party's attitude changed a bit quickly, but he was still more or less on guard. Then he said: "It's the light curtain on the south side of the camp, but I have been looking here and haven't seen her." trace."

"Sure enough, it's the south side." The young man said no more, turned around and said, "Come back with me first. Now that you've come to the camp, whether you want it or not, you will be a member of the 'camp' from now on."

"Um..." Yin Hang frowned, "But I still need to find my wife..."

"Don't worry, no matter what you are like, since someone is missing, the immortal family in the camp will look for it."

After walking for a while, Yin Hang was wary, so he stayed at the back of the team. The girl who had been following the boy carefully ran over secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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