My wife is a passerby villain

Chapter 391 She's Pretending To Sleep

Chapter 391 She's Pretending To Sleep
12-9 Sword Tomb has not been conquered, and the same is true for 11-9 Realm.

If the picture was predictable, Black would move at 12-9.


Impossible to lose...

The young man stared intently at the gloomy shadows under the moon, which stood on the horizon like a wall.

At this moment, a transparent lotus suddenly bloomed in the gloomy shadow, but it withered and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Where is An Tong?
"Tempered body!"

Zhu Rong's veins clung to the young man's skin, and the piercing pain of tearing the skin instantly hit him, but he couldn't use [Ma Fei Powder]. If there was no clear pain to remind him to use [Qing Sang Shu] to treat him, he would be brought alive by himself. of burned to death.

The young man approached the spot where the lotus bloomed just now at an extremely fast speed. As he got closer to the position, those gloomy beings could not even raise their heads to see the whole scene, and their pressure was even greater than that of the white dragon.

The great master controls his own power meticulously, and also has the intention of 'not hurting' them, so that they can survive in front of the majesty of the upper level of the earth level, but these mysterious level spirit beasts have not restrained their aura at all. plan.

However, these Xuan-level spiritual beasts also do not take action. After all, this chessboard... does not belong to them.

There used to be existences stronger than them in this realm, even half-level spiritual beasts, but those who had been torn apart when the chess master and the chess master's family members were all destroyed, and even the spirit beasts were even destroyed. Not a trace of consciousness was left, and only those of them who hid on the edge and followed Bai Long survived.

As for the cultivators who came, they were no different from ants in their eyes, or they could not see these tiny ants at all.

But some of the yellow-level spirit beasts dormant next to the gloomy figures showed their bloody teeth and wanted to tear them apart.

There is not even an ordinary beast here, all are spiritual beasts with cultivation levels!

Zhu Rong's high-temperature flames slightly deterred many spirit beasts, but the spirit beasts with scales and high-temperature resistance immediately replenished their ranks.

"The anger touches Buzhou Mountain!" As the young man roared, he slammed himself in like a cannonball!
"An Tong——!"

An Tong was half-kneeling on the ground, her arms supporting the ground were wrapped with red ropes, and the ropes on her five fingers were connected to the five surrounding spiritual beasts in turn.

"Husband?" When An Tong heard the voice, she turned around quickly as she was a little weak.

The boy hurriedly held the girl in his arms, "Why are you here?"

An Tong leaned weakly on the boy's arms, and her fingers contracted slightly. The already stiff spirit beasts suddenly fell down weakly. As for the color on the red rope, it suddenly became more vivid.

An Tong's eyes were a little red, "Husband, I have a hunch..."

"But what should you do?" The young man knew what she was going to say and interrupted hurriedly.

"What's wrong with me?" An Tong raised her head, "We will also have children in the future!"


"I don't want to make a choice," An Tong shook her head, "I don't want to lose anyone."

The young man gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to die..."

"No—!" An Tong used all her strength to hug the young man into her arms, "Don't worry, silly husband, I will definitely bring our daughter back!"

The surrounding spirit beasts were restless, but they were all chopped up by the two red and blue threads. The young man remained silent for a long time before speaking softly.

"Then, let's go together."


An Tong agreed, but her voice became farther and farther away, and her vision suddenly blurred. Before she completely lost consciousness, she used her last strength to hit the boy's chest, and at the same time, two tears rolled down An Tong's cheeks. It slipped on the boy's collar.


As the red thread dissipated, a small yellow-level mid-level spirit beast with sharp claws hid in the darkness and approached the boy. But at the same time, a layer of blue bubbles immediately appeared in front of them, but they were instantly Cracks were torn.


The young man suddenly raised his foot, and the spiritual beast in front of him was instantly kicked through. Yu Yu, who was not far away, couldn't stand anymore and fell to the ground because of the bubble bursting.

She followed the boy's traces and chased after him, using up most of her spiritual power, and now she was in a state of overdraft.

Yu Yu, whose hands were both cut, raised her head, and when she saw the young man rushing towards her, she hurriedly propped herself up, and the wounds on her hands caused her heartbreaking pain.

"Yuyu, it's okay..."

The young man put his hand on her shoulder, and the inheritance of the "Green Bag Book" immediately glowed with a strong green light.

"Yuyu is really fine," Yu Yu held the spiritual weapon in her arms. The water layer above it was as transparent as a gem, but the blood stains left inside made it a bit strange. And when she saw An Although there were tears on Tong's cheeks, her lips were still a little pale and she said: "Senior, Sister An Tong..."

"I know it's selfish of me to do this, but this is the only thing I can do." The young man took out the suitcase from a storage mirror, opened it and took some of the items inside in his hands.

When he closed it, he did not lock it, and then pushed the suitcase to Yu Yu on the ground.

"Help me take care of An Tong." "Remember, don't open it unless absolutely necessary."

"Also, no matter what happens to me... don't come to save me!"

Yu Yu was a little frightened, "Learn..."


The young man stood up, turned around, took a deep breath, and then suddenly inserted a dark red potion into his jugular vein!
With the injection of the auto-injector, the boy's pupils began to expand and contract continuously, and finally seemed to form a double-pupil-like existence. At the same time, the Zhurong veins on his body were already surging like magma.

The young man took a step forward and put a little force on his front foot. The ground began to crack and spew out lava. Then he threw dozens of rusty swords into it. When he raised his hand again, an extremely thick sword floated up in the lava. .

The giant sword has no 'sword' appearance at all, just like a flat piece of iron.


Those Xuan-level beasts are preparing to go to pay homage to the birth of the true dragon. After all, even if they have a glimpse, it is a great opportunity, laying the groundwork for future advancement. But now, these Xuan-level beasts are He stopped and cast his gaze on the young man.

Then, the whole world... was stirred and rushed towards him.

The raging flames are tearing apart the entire world, but this is not a game. There are too many monsters, which does not mean that you can start mowing the grass at will.

There was even a slight interest in the mysterious beasts. After the boy was overwhelmed by the tide of beasts, he turned around and left, continuing towards the birthplace of the true dragon.

As for every spiritual beast at the middle level of the Yellow Level, they were all killed among thousands of wild beasts. They have wisdom and they also cherish their lives. How could they die casually in the hands of cultivators?

After all, practitioners are just monkeys in clothes...

However, with the blessing of Qingnang Shu, the young man not only exchanged injuries for injuries, he could even exchange lives for lives!

The spirit beasts in the middle of the Yellow Level also have the same awakening ability as practitioners. When the boy stepped on an ice bird at the cost of serious injury, its ice crystals pierced into the boy's thigh, but the high temperature quickly destroyed it. It melted away, making the red vapor that filled the surrounding area extremely rich.

The young man didn't know how long he had been fighting in the swarm of beasts all over the mountains and plains, but before his eyes, which had already been doubled, he suddenly saw a strange "hand" of a skeleton sergeant. He looked at his cuffs, but they were empty inside.

Then, the young man rushed to the skeleton in an instant and smashed it to pieces with a giant sword with one hand. After picking up his own hand, he pressed it directly on the fracture. With the treatment of [Qing Nang Shu], It was spliced ​​together in a blink of an eye, but there was a leaking scar at the interface.

The rebirth of a severed limb is a waste of time and energy, and the spiritual beast in front of him seems to have no end in sight. The young man simply cannot afford to waste this time.

At this moment, the golden chessboard appeared again in the sky that had long been dyed red. As for the position where the white chess fell, it was covered by a large number of spiritual beasts in the blink of an eye.


The little girl was scared.

There were scary animals all around, speaking words she couldn't understand.

And she was huddled in the corner, her thin shoulders trembling constantly, and there were shouts of fighting in the distance.

There were many practitioners who wanted to save her, but they were all stopped by those terrible animals.

She buried her head and hugged herself, becoming more and more frightened.

And just when she was about to run somewhere else, she suddenly heard a familiar sound of footsteps. When she raised her head, the little girl saw a familiar figure.

The young man went through many difficulties and dangers and came to her covered in blood.

Moreover, he was seriously injured and his steps were shaky. When she saw this, she hurriedly ran out, crying and trying to hold the cuffs of his sweater.

But the young man's face looked a little ferocious for a moment, but he seemed to have made up his mind and walked towards the little girl firmly without any retreat.

In fact, the little girl is very vigilant. When she was in kindergarten, she would wake up whenever she heard the sound of the Dogen class special service vehicle stopping.

But when she discovered that if the boy noticed that she was woken up, he would seem a little at a loss and didn't know how to get herself to sleep.

So after the little girl noticed this, she began to 'obediently' pretend to sleep and returned home quietly.

Moreover, she also likes the feeling of being hugged, which is not as cold as the well...

But this time, the little girl was really too scared. She had been waiting here for so long, thinking that she had been abandoned again...

But I promised him that he would take me out of the secret realm.

She doesn't want to break her promise...

But now, the little girl knows that he has finally come to take her home.

But just when she ran over crying and wanted to hug the boy's leg, he suddenly jumped away and raised the red sword in his hand high.

"elder brother……"

The next moment, scarlet color permeated her world.
Ending tomorrow(﹏)
(End of this chapter)

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