People are in the heavens, wealth can rival a country

Chapter 83 Traveler's Credentials

Chapter 83 Traveler's Credentials
"I've never seen you."

Gandalf did not respond to Tang Sen's dissatisfaction, and remained alert and unfriendly. He even moved his staff closer to better look at Tang Sen's face.

"You don't look like an ordinary person. From my experience, no matter whether it's Gondor, Rohan, or even those Haradians and pirates, it's impossible for you to have the same blood as you."

"Oh, I come from far away."

Tang Sen didn't respond directly to him, but turned to Sharin and said, "Take the dwarves around and leave some space for me and this impolite wizard."

Shalin looked at Tang Sen suspiciously, then at Gandalf, and said hesitantly, "We won't fight, right? I must remind you, Tang Sen."

"You can't beat him!"

"I never like to use violence to solve problems." Tang Sen said, "At least I don't."

"Okay." Shalin beckoned the dwarves to take two steps, then turned around, raised the hammer, and said, "I will always keep an eye on this side. If there is a fight, I will come over right away!"

Tang Sen couldn't help laughing: "Then are you going to help this wizard, or me?"

"Shakuen must be a good man. I have heard many stories about him." Shalin said, "But I swore an oath in Durin's name, so..."

She paused, "At least I have to make sure you won't be hurt."

"I'm safe, Sharin." Tang Sen said, "So, go around and look around until I call you back."

If Gandalf was really going to make trouble, even adding these dwarves would probably be useless. As a Maia, although most of his divine power was bound by his body, those who underestimated him would not end well.

When the dwarves were far away and no longer looked at them, Gandalf spoke again and said, "I have been to many places. Your words may be able to deceive the dwarves, but they are not convincing to me."

"You don't belong to Middle-earth, and you can't be from Valinor. Who are you? What's your purpose?"

"I hate explaining." Tang Sen sighed, "But if you can't dispel the hostility of a Maia, things will become very troublesome."

He took off his gloves slowly, and slowly stretched out his right hand towards Gandalf.

The hand passed through the boundary of the moonlight under the shade of the tree, and the flesh and blood in the first half disappeared in an instant. When it was only a short distance away from Gandalf, it was all bones.

"I think this should explain the source of your hostility towards me."

Gandalf can be regarded as a brave man with high skills. Although the scene in front of him was weird, he had seen even weirder things, so he didn't take a step back, but his face became more dignified.

"Undead creature? Undead? No, it doesn't feel like it." He said to himself: "You know my origin, this is very abnormal"

"You shouldn't focus here, wizard." Tang Sen reminded, "Although most of your memories as Maia have been sealed, I think it is impossible for any Maia to feel his breath. "

"A breath from the world."

Under the moonlight, the mithril ring exudes a mysterious light.

It caught Gandalf's attention, and then, a rare look of confusion appeared on the face of Maiya who was transformed into an old man.


He whispered almost ravingly: "Iluvita."

"This is a gift from the world, wizard." With a thought in Tang Sen's mind, a mithril coin appeared in the skeleton's palm, spinning and jumping in the knuckles.

"It's also a credential for being a traveler."

Middle-earth is a special world. In this world, the Creator God really exists. He is the only one, and He is the world itself.

Therefore, the Mithril Ring itself has indicated its origin, a gift from the "world", and no other existence has the authority to create such an item. Tang Sen suspects that the infinite purse in the previous world is similar product.

It's just that, in the last world, even the goddess Cory Busso didn't recognize the origin of the infinite purse, but Middle-earth is different.

This world itself is still in the movement of creation. Whether it is Vera, Maia, or even all creatures, it is part of the movement of creation. Although the existence of Iluvita has been seen in Middle-earth Not many, but it happens that Gandalf is one of them. As Maia, he played the movement with Iluvita even before the existence of Middle-earth. It is impossible for him not to feel the specialness of the Mithril Ring.

In fact, Townsend suspected that he was under the watchful eyes of Vera at this time. One, or a few, or even all the Veras gathered together and held a grand banquet, live broadcasting his story. what a creature from Outland did.

Of course, this kind of thing is not within the scope of Tang Sen's consideration. He believes that when the Mithril Ring is given to him, although it is only used as funds for procurement tasks, this does not prevent him from using it to take advantage of the situation. In this sense, this is also part of the procurement task.

As for exposing his cheating fingers?
Risks and benefits always coexist. At least in Townsend's opinion, Gandalf knows that the existence of the Mithril Ring is not harmful to him. It is impossible for this Maier to have any greed for Iluvatar's gift. It is even more impossible to easily reveal the existence of the Mithril Ring, which will cause a more serious disaster than the Supreme Lord of the Rings, sweeping across all races in Middle-earth.

On the contrary, because his purpose matches his to some extent, this wizard is naturally his help.

The benefits are big enough, the risks are small enough, there is no need for Tang Sen to hide his cheats.

"This is the power of creation?" Gandalf showed a puzzled look: "This is unreasonable."

"Whether it's reasonable or not, it doesn't matter what you say."

Tang Sen withdrew his hands from the moonlight and put on the gloves again.

"Now, please take your staff away, or do you plan to continue your hostility?"

Gandalf was silent for a moment, then turned off the light spell, allowing Townsend's face to be hidden in the shadow of the cloak again.

"All the gifts of Iluvita have deep meanings." He whispered, "However, this is not something I need to explore."

He took a step back and said seriously: "Traveler, please forgive an old man for getting up."

"It seems that our misunderstanding has been resolved." Tang Sen said, "Although you are not an old man, I accept your apology for the time being."

The atmosphere between the two eased up.

"I'm curious, what is the purpose of a traveler hiring a group of dwarves to go to the Iron Hills?"

Gandalf said: "I remember that the Iron Hills are also the territory of the dwarves."

"For the war, wizard." Tang Sen smiled: "A war is coming."

"The Great Enemy has awakened. He lurks in the shadows, ready to let darkness sweep Middle-earth. I need your help, Gandalf."

"The enemy?"

Gandalf frowned, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

The man's tone of voice—

Why does it sound like something I often say to others!
(End of this chapter)

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