Chapter 128 A Good Wife and Mother Ayi Ning

In the uninhabited depths of the secluded forest, the luxurious golden church still stands here.

Vermeer put away the stopped turning golden compass, watched as Luo Wei stepped forward, and knocked on the door of the golden church with a wooden coin.

"There are three breaths, all of which are in the widest space inside." A Yining said.

Luo Wei nodded, not surprised that she was able to detect her breath, after all, she could find someone under Vermeer's skirt across the counter.

"That should be in the prayer hall, pay more attention."

The two girls nodded, and the three of them grabbed their weapons and broke into the gate of the church. They cautiously and swiftly passed through the front area until they suddenly saw——

Vast halls fringed with trees of gold.

The centaur Shirley, who was wearing a sacrificial robe, fell to the center of the floor, and two men in black robes stood beside her coldly.


Luo Wei swung his sword without hesitation.

The aqua-blue circular sword energy swept across, and the opponent jumped up to avoid it in advance. They all wore a strange pure white mask to cover their faces, forming a sharp contrast with the dark robes.

A Yining also waved her sword to force them back, and Vermier, who followed closely behind, chanted spells to make them retreat further. After keeping a safe distance, the three quickly rushed to Xue Li's side.

"Be careful..." Shirley said weakly when she fell to the ground, her horse's leg was injured and she couldn't stand up, "They know that I don't have my hand, and they also know that you have read the note..."

Blocking Shirley behind, Luo Wei held the Cangliu Sword and looked coldly at the two men in black robes.

Is it a tail, or a trap?

The silence between the two parties lasted for quite a while, as if they were sizing each other up, hoping to get more information from it, but Vermier didn't speak, which meant that the strength of the other party could not be detected with magic power.

It happened at the same time as Colin went to the Lan Temple, and it was hard for Rowe not to think whether it was a coincidence or deliberate.

But there is no doubt that this is the first time he has stood in front of the relevant characters behind the scenes, no matter the status of the other party is high or low.

At this moment, one of the men in black robes suddenly put his hand on the other's head.

There was an uncomfortable cracking sound, and the black-robed man who was pinned down on the top of his head let out an extremely painful whimper, his clothes suddenly bulged, and long white horns poked out from the top of his head, and his figure suddenly widened a lot.

"It's not like the breath of the present world!" Vermeer finally sensed something at this moment, and reminded without blinking, "I can't tell what it is, but it feels very ominous!"

The wave of magic power coming from there has become like an entity, accompanied by a burst of impact, there is a continuous howling in the air, not from the opponent's throat, but the vibration caused by the abnormal space, Silt overflowed inside the church.

"Be careful!" Wei Mier and A Yining stopped in front of Luo Wei at the same time, and opened the barrier of resistance with magic power.

The black air immediately covered the entire field of vision, and it flowed out like a gust of wind. Luo Wei stared intently at the impacted magic barrier, feeling a faint sense of familiarity.

That's not just a high-ranking aura.

It's more like the smell of those goblin mutations when saving Caroline, but it's much stronger than that.Although I also went to investigate the underground space later and let go of the surveillance projection, the goblin inside seemed to disappear overnight, and it was reduced to an abandoned place with no clues.

It does seem to have something to do with the truth.

When the raging black wind gradually subsided, the three of them looked forward at the same time, and the mutated black-robed man had swelled to a height of nearly three meters, while the other one was no longer there.

Luo Wei's eyes widened sharply.

"Hold him!"

He shouted to the two of them, and immediately turned and ran towards the exit of the church.

The black-robed man who was left behind might be trying to deal with them, but the information hidden in the other person might be more important, so he didn't want to wait until the battle was over before leaving early.

He rushed to the gate at the fastest speed, and a black barrier stopped there. The magic power was guided by the mutant behind him, forming a barrier-like restriction inside the church.

Is that really the case?

Luo Wei drew out his long sword without any hesitation, but suddenly caught something out of the corner of his eye, and squatted down there abruptly.

In his sight, over the forest outside the church, white wings swept across the treetops and disappeared.


He was sure he saw the feather.

And it's white.

There was no time to think about it, the abnormal atmosphere behind him became more and more serious, and groups of monsters emerged from the cracks in the air, and he returned immediately.

The church suddenly became a battlefield for killing.

And those monsters that kept pouring out all had mutations far beyond their own race.


Outside the northern suburbs of Wuguan City.

Lanshen's faction belongs to the leader of the Broken Ridge Plateau Temple.

Saya changed into the Valkyrie battle suit after a long absence. The red and white ancient court color scheme made her regain a sense of familiarity. She spread her wings and flew up to the snow-covered cliff, facing the gate of the temple that mortals could not open.

After revealing her identity and entering the interior of the temple, the emptiness and endless steps made her seem to return to her own place, but the gazes cast by those angels and temple warriors made her look like a different kind.

Based on the current strength level, Saya did not admit that she is the fifth.

However, the sudden visit of an ordinary angel to other temple leaders makes people feel a little fussy, giving people a self-righteous impression.

"Don't stay with me, just do your own thing."

Seeing the only lower angel who led her leave, Saya lowered her eyes. Although she had expected it, all of this really made people worry.

The self-esteem accumulated in the past has now turned into flashy arrogance.

Showing an expression of unknown meaning, she raised her head, her crimson eyes stared straight at the steps of the mountain road in the distance, and a craftsman union cadre named Colin was slowly going up the mountain road.

"I will get this account back from you."

Hiding at a suitable distance to observe, watching the other party walk up to the plateau, it seemed that after expressing his intention, he handed a letter to the angel on duty.

A letter from the Artisan Association?
Although Saya has high-altitude vision all the year round, it is not possible to see the wax on the letter from such a long distance.

If only I could get that letter.

And she noticed that Colin didn't leave after delivering the letter.

After waiting for a while, she saw the angel come back and open the temple door to allow Colin to enter.


Saya frowned, not to mention that the other party was just a mid-level craftsman, those angels treated Colin more respectfully than they did themselves, as if they needed his help.

First of all, Saya is sure that Lan Temple will not collude with the traitors of the Craftsman Association. This is too detrimental to the majesty of the gods. The Crownless City does not even have a formal political system, and it is definitely not an option for the alliance camp.

So, how did he get in?

Seeing them heading all the way towards the main hall, Saya walked around the side of the cliff and couldn't help shaking her head.

I, an angel under Lanshen's banner, actually need to eavesdrop on the conversation of Lanshen's branch hall.

And she didn't succeed in the end.

Entering the area of ​​the main hall, she was quickly spotted by the temple warriors who came out from the front, so she pretended to be lost and came down from the sky, and followed inside bravely.

But Colin entered a deeper area under the guidance of the angel. Saya couldn't find a reason, so she could only wait outside dryly. Fortunately, there were not many people in the temple, but the passing eyes from time to time still made her feel uncomfortable.


It's been a while.

She looked sideways at the wide passage leading to the inner area, and couldn't help congealing her expression.

It's been too long too.


The golden church hall was filled with corpses of mutated monsters.

The space was filled with the magical power of light released by Vermeer, and Ayi condensed a vortex of brown earth, and the sword energy swung straight away, shaking the entire church.

Luo Wei leaned into his arms at this moment, facing the man in black robe who was constantly healing but lost his sanity, and the crazy monsters pouring out around him, he had no choice but to kill them.


It was almost impossible to recover from the injury, and Luo Wei slashed diagonally again, knocking the opponent down to the ground, and the bulging body under the black robe gradually shrank back, no longer alive.

"Has-has it been resolved?" Vermier asked behind him.

Luo Wei glanced at the surroundings, the aura of mutation gradually disappeared, the cracks slowly closed, and the remaining monsters were dealt with lightly by Ayining.

"It seems so."

The opponent's move was obviously prepared.

First, he quickly saw through Xue Li's disguise, and then, knowing that the Lieyang Divine Spear was not here, he deliberately waited until they came over to confirm who got the two fragments.

And after learning the information, one of them stayed here as an abandoned child, and the key angel flew away, using the mutation of losing their sanity to hold them back, leaving them no room for questioning.

But Luo Wei doesn't need to live.

He squinted his eyes. After all this, he was sure that the angel would not be able to escape for long.

Crouching down in front of the corpse, he found a piece of black crystal that had been split by him, and there was still an aura of mutation on it, which might be the source of that strange power.

If that angel also possessed such power, then it would be no surprise that he could lock the other party's position through the Resonance Device, and follow the vines to kill them all.

"What did you find?" A Yining walked over and said.

Luo Wei briefly talked about the angel and the resonator, as well as the note left in the church at that time "Beware of the Craftsman Association", as well as the monster mutation in the Caroline incident, all of which are inseparable from the present.

After listening, Ayining frowned.

"You also think it's strange, right?" Luo Wei looked at her face, and was sure that the other party thought of it with him.

"Yes..." Ayi Ning glanced at the black crystal, "If the other party doesn't know that you have an artifact that can find items, it can be explained, but after all, you used that method to find the fragments here last time. , I always feel that it is not rigorous..."

It's not rigorous.

Although it is inevitable to use the power of mutation to leave the crystal behind, what Luo Wei also does not understand is, what is the point of staying here to confirm the identities of the three of them?It's not something that Saya needs to hide when she's looking for the Blazing Sun Spear.

If he had planned it, he would have run away long ago when he knew someone was coming, and he would not be seen at all.

But the other party obviously came here after being fully prepared, which gave people the feeling that they had painstakingly devised a perfect plan full of flaws.

As if deliberately leaving a message.

A Yining stood there thinking for a while, then slowly opened her mouth against her chin: "After you said that, I began to feel that the battle just now was not real, as if it was just a test of our strength and consciousness, I don't know if it is It's not an illusion."

Luo Wei couldn't help sighing that there is a good brain in the team that really works. He himself doubts uncertainly. If A Yining thinks the same way, then he will probably be able to get a clue.

What a good wife and mother...

That's basically the conclusion.

The plan of the man in black just sounded very strategic.

In fact, it does more harm than good.

Although I don't know the reason, don't think about taking back the leaks that have been exposed so easily, and ask this angel carefully when the time comes.

Putting the crystal away carefully, Luo Wei got the answer, and lifted off the white mask on the corpse's face without any hesitation.


The face gave him a faint sense of familiarity.

Always feel like I've seen it somewhere.

Three seconds later, Luo Wei stood up abruptly, sweating all over his body.

"What's the matter?" A Yining looked at his appearance, and hurriedly approached him.

Luo Wei's complexion quickly darkened.

"Go back and find Saya."

That face is not someone else.

It was Caroline's husband Colin! !
(End of this chapter)

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