It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 130 It's Cold Outside, Come Come Over at 1:[-]

Chapter 130 It's Cold Outside, Come Come Over
The brazier in the tent was not lit, only the moonlight shining down on the valley.

Two girls with impeccable faces and figures stood on both sides of the door, wearing pajamas, holding pillows in their arms, blushing with embarrassment, clasping their hands between their thighs anxiously.

Luo Wei sat on the bed watching this scene, and opened his mouth slightly.

How did the two come in together?

All hugging the pillow, the intention is too obvious...

He could imagine the scene they ran into at the door, and couldn't help guessing, could it be that Vermier invited Saya to come in together?
However, Luo Wei failed to find any words related to tolerance and magnanimity on the girl's soft and beautiful face. Instead, he insisted "I won't give it to you".

Look at Saya again, not to mention, not only doubts on her face why she came in with Vermier, but also why she herself came in.

But the problem now is that neither of them left.

This is where it gets interesting...

Wei Mier glanced at Saya from the corner of her eye, pursed her lips slightly, she never thought of giving it up to her, but...

What Luo Wei didn't know was that the two of them didn't say anything after bumping into each other outside. They looked at each other for about five seconds, then stretched their hands towards the curtain of the tent at the same time, and then stopped at the same time. Walked in and turned into the current result.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Saya: "..."

Judging from what they meant, they obviously wanted him to choose.

Luo Wei sat there and sighed. Only children would be troubled by such a simple problem. He wanted to let the two of them see the next development, but if he continued to ignore it, Saya might not be able to bear the pressure. gone.

"It's cold outside, come here."

Seeing Vermier take a step, Saya choked up a bit, but thinking that since they were all here, it seemed a bit embarrassing to turn around so disheartened.

The two came to the end of the bed one after another, then took off their shoes and walked up with their knees, and covered their lower bodies under the quilt at the end of the bed. The three of them seemed to be having a tea party around the bed.

It's just that the atmosphere is a bit stiff...

"...Tell me about that angel." Saya didn't dare to look at Vermeer beside her, and looked up at Luo Wei opposite, trying to find a topic.

"I didn't see it too clearly," Luo Wei said peacefully, "And we agreed not to talk about business today, and if we think about it, we really won't be able to sleep all night."

Saya breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, the two of them must think that I came here to ask about something serious, and then they just need to make up a random reason to leave.

She forgot that she was still hugging the pillow, and said in an uninterested tone: "If you don't talk about business, there is nothing to talk about."

Guessing that she wanted to leave, Luo Wei smiled, "For example, you didn't answer my question last time, why you care so much about your feet."

Wei Mier on the side was a little dazed, and lowered his head to take a look. Could it be that Saya also started to use girl's magic on Luo Wei?
My exclusive rights... gone...

Although the bed was relatively wide, it was not that long after all. Sitting at the end of the bed like this, it was easy for the three of them to bump into each other.

Vermeer couldn't tell what kind of posture Saya was under the quilt, was it two legs arched or one leg?If it's one leg, what is the other leg doing...

Could they be secretly... just like I did in front of her back then...

She swallowed her throat, thinking that if she stretched out now, but touched Saya's feet at the end, it would be really...

"Foot?" Saya also gradually remembered the scene at that time. At that time in the hot spring, the bastard grabbed her ankle and put it in front of her face. She kept asking him to let go, but finally nothing happened.

After remembering, she gave Luo Wei a disdainful look, "What's so strange about this, the feet are the lowest part of the body, why should you show this kind of place to others? There should be the most basic respect for proper clothes, right?"

Vermeer: ​​"..."

When did I first let him see it?
Oh... When I went out with him for the first time, I was punished by taking off my boots for doing something wrong, but it was okay because I was wearing socks, and then...

"And," Saya continued, "this kind of place is easy to associate with dirty and smelly, just like shoes, can they not be dirty after walking so much? It's easy to make people feel disgusted?"

Both of them listened in silence.

Seeing them speechless, Saya shook her head disdainfully, "Being interested in this kind of place is simply a perverted hobby, which is completely unimaginable. In my opinion, it is no different from liking dirt. Why? Is there anyone sick enough to enjoy being insulted?"

"I don't're right." Vermeer slowly raised her head at this moment, turning her face to face Saya.

Saya froze for a moment, and glanced at her in surprise, but the persistence on the other side's face made her turn back quickly.

Why does she act like she wants me and theory?
"Then tell me, where am I wrong?"

"First of all, feet are also a very important part of the body." Vermeer sat up straight, and Saya's words were like belittling her magic to nothing, "Because they are usually hidden, it is more difficult to maintain, and they will not Let someone see it, so it has the meaning of leaving it to the loved one."

Looking at this scene, Luo Wei was overwhelmed with emotion.

"Then," Vermier said without giving Saya a chance to refute, "It's just your personal prejudice to feel disgusted. Beautiful things are beautiful. Don't you think you are ugly just because your face is covered with dust? Not to mention that it is a virtue to take care of the hardest-to-care places and show them to your loved ones. Even if there is any smell, it is your own smell, and it is the only one that other people will never be able to touch .”

"What..." Saya paused for a moment.

Is this girl crazy?Such a shameful place, what does it smell like...

Other smells on the body have never been avoided, let alone feet?
"Besides, you don't understand at all," Vermeer clenched his fists and said, "Whether you like it or not is a personal definition, as long as the other party likes it, even if it's the dirtiest place, muster up the courage to make the other party happy, that's how you feel." It's a girl's heart!"

Saya: "...!"

The full aura of the other party made her sit there for a while without reacting. She never thought that someone would be able to express such a concept with righteous indignation, so she glanced uncertainly at Luo Wei who was opposite.

"According to you, that guy is willing to accept your dirty side?"

Vermeer pursed her lips, mustered up the courage to stretch out one leg, even if she was shocked, she didn't want to admit defeat here.

Being handed to him, Luo Wei smiled and said "My pleasure", then lowered his body and kissed the soft back of the girl's foot covered in white silk.


Saya watched this scene speechless.

He actually...actually kissed her! ?

They must have done this kind of thing before, right?
Still planning to kiss me with such a mouth? ? ?
Angel Li felt that a small piece of her worldview had collapsed, and frowned deeply as she looked at Vermeer's feet, with soft arcs, gentle texture, and a transparent color as if covered by snow.


Taking another look at Vermier, who usually loves to be clean, Saya's brows gradually relaxed.

It has to be admitted.

Her feet... seem to look really beautiful, making it hard to imagine that they are dirty things.

Is it because of the socks?Is it because of the socks that whitewash such a place so well?
She repeated the confirmation in her heart, and didn't notice that Vermeer's face was slightly blushing at the moment, biting her lower lip unconsciously, and Luo Wei enjoyed the reaction on the girl's face very much.


It seems that Xiaoerwuzi is even better. I'm afraid he was ready to come to him before he took a bath and changed clothes. He secretly changed the stockings inside without Ahu Lili behind his back.

How can such a heart and the unspeakable shyness on his face not make people feel happy.

And Luo Wei is not in a hurry to make her completely become a relationship with him who can't get out for more than ten days after entering the room. Since Saya has been disturbing the way from Wuguan City, the two have not been in a hurry to have a second time. They were all hugging each other tenderly for sibling communication, and Vermier didn't even glance at them.

For Vermier, there are still too many things to dig out. Luo Wei wants to wait for her to ask for it, and is also afraid that too many faintings will affect her body.

As for Saya...

She is not as ignorant as Vermeer, but that haughty and reluctant attitude, looking at trash with disgust on her face and giving you a hug is another kind of wanting to stop.

What a wonderful different world...

The personalities of the two of them did not give Luo Wei a sense of design at all, as if this world existed in the first place, maybe even the game "Sword of Dusk" is a kind of erosion of this world to the world before crossing.

But what shocked him the most was that after timetraveling, he possessed the model of Rowe Brook. His core organs were completely unchanged, and even the position of the mole was the same, which almost made him think that he was a bull. wore.

Just passing through this is too outrageous...

But in this way, it also prevents the body of the predecessor from turning itself green, which is always good.

Luo Wei gently stroked Vermier's feet for a moment. Speaking of which, the greenest person with a hat and green head beside him is probably Vermier... After all, she was the first to come, and she will continue even in the future. When Valere, after all, he did not attack only the five of them...

"I..." Saya looked at Luo Wei's actions, feeling a little overwhelmed.

It was hard for her to describe what it was like, just stroking the back of her feet, just looking at them beside her, she couldn't help feeling blushing and heart beating.

And Vermeer's current reaction, that kind of ambiguous and ignorant and shy demeanor, really makes people... It's really easy to make people think wrong.

"Can I try?" Saya asked suddenly.

Luo Wei and Vermeer paused at the same time.

This statement was somewhat beyond Ro Wei's expectations. From the moment they entered the door, seeing the two of them wearing blue and red pajamas, discussing the topic of feet like a debate, Ro Wei never thought about making Saya like Vermeer. Learn the girl's magic, and she can't learn it, at most she is reluctant and forced.

But she actually proposed it?

It was the first time that Ramon crawled out of the ground, and Sherond became a beautiful girl.

If so, what is there to say no to?

Luo Wei nodded, looked at her and said calmly: "Although you want to try, don't think I can use my mouth."

"What!" Saya's eyes widened sharply, "Who wants to try this kind of thing with you!"

Luo Wei: "?"

So what does she mean?
Shaye was full of annoyance, gouging him over and over again with contemptuous eyes, trembling with anger.

Then, she pointed to Vermil's other leg under the quilt.

"I mean, can I try it too?"


Vermier sat there and blinked.

(End of this chapter)

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