Chapter 132
Wuguancheng, South Craftsman Street, Craftsman's Heart Restaurant.

Ayi Ning crossed her hands and stared at Luo Wei angrily, and when Luo Wei looked at her, she looked away angrily.

Luo Wei: "..."

She is still not calm.

No matter what Luo Wei thought about it, he felt that he was wronged. He was sleeping soundly, but suddenly he was grabbed from the bed by A Yining, and his lower body was still swaying there. After attracting the attention of three people, the younger sister's face flushed red. He yelled at him to put it on quickly, and slapped him with a blushing face.

It's not about venting anger, but just like avoiding shyness and embarrassment, the natural instinctive reaction of an innocent girl after witnessing this scene.

This further shows that it is also the first time for her to see her, so it is inevitable to feel afraid.

Luo Wei saw that the force angel on the opposite side looked like he had nothing to do with her, and immediately decided to give her a super double for this afternoon's training.

As for Vermeer, he was already drawing circles with the water in the cup in a self-contained manner, but looked up at him weakly from time to time.

Luo Wei: "..."

Early in the morning, that's obviously a normal reaction, okay?

"Don't talk!" Ayining blushed and roared, startling the customers around her, "I'm not going to finish this matter with you! How dare my sister..."

Luo Wei couldn't say it out loud, didn't you read it for your sister first...

If this is said, the sister-in-law will violently beat his brother-in-law in public, and he will definitely beat him to death, and maybe he will draw his sword and chase him the whole street.

But seeing such an energetic picture, how does it feel to her?
Confirm happiness before my sister...

"This is the information I sorted out last night," Ayi Ning angrily put a piece of plain and elegant letter paper on the table, "While I was carefully sorting out the clues, you guys are actually...!"

She glared at Luo Wei again, and felt very angry no matter how she thought about the whole thing!
Several people read the contents of that piece of paper one after another.

Ayi Ning organized it very carefully, and made a judgment based on her own analysis, and she also specially marked the places she was not sure about.

First, the craftsman will master some kind of substitute technology, perhaps with the help of the fallen angels, and start a project that lasts for more than ten years or even decades.

Second, the Artisans Association eliminated internal opponents, and the Sun God Spear was related to this. On the surface, it continued to maintain the order of the Artisans Association, but secretly carried out unknown plans in the depths of the mine.

Third, the current situation in Wuguan City, under the turmoil in various countries, is likely to cause craftsmen to further advance the progress and complete the entire plan before the city falls into the hands of others.

Fourth, there is an angel within this group of people who is trying to reveal information to them in a secret way. From the perspective of being able to make Colin an outcast, this angel's status within them is definitely not low.

Fifth, Ayning couldn't give an explanation as to why they were chosen. She could only speculate that it had something to do with Luo Wei's rejection of the forces of other countries and his focus on going deep into the mines. After all, the rapid development of Ke Luoxi's workshop was known throughout the city.


Ayi Ning recalled the information and sighed deeply.

Originally, he also lamented that Luo Wei could withstand such a great external pressure, disregarded everyone's doubts and carried out the matter of the mine to the end, and walked alone on a path of truth that went against everyone.

But his behavior last night...brought back his apparently majestic back, which really made people feel helpless against him.

This older brother... is as capable as his older sister, but unexpectedly worrisome in some respects.

"I didn't expect such an inside story to be hidden under the glamorous city. These people even walk in places we can see everywhere." Saya closed her eyes slightly and said.

"In today's chaotic surrounding countries, if the artisans are prepared to deal with these, it is hard to imagine what kind of actions they will take." Vermeer raised her eyes, and the surroundings had been sealed and isolated by her with the magic power of the wind. Possibility of snooping.

Several people were silent for a while.

"Why don't you speak?" A Yining looked at Luo Wei and said, he should have the most say in this matter, after all, he believed so from the beginning.

Luo Wei glanced at her helplessly, "Didn't you tell me to stop talking? Can I interrupt now?"

"Okay," A Yining prepared to listen, "You can intervene."

The air became dead silent, she suddenly opened her eyes, thinking of that specific thing, her face flushed red.

"I mean, you can interrupt, no, you can talk!!!"

She looked at Luo Wei angrily, complaining and gritted her teeth at him angrily.

It was intentional! !

Luo Wei shrugged unmoved, and they are now considered to be a trio of supervisors, "The things on the surface are equally important, but we are doing things that no one else is doing."

After getting the relevant information from the Artisan Association, he didn't think that this incident could retain its strength to wait for the opportunity like Baigang Town, and a certain degree of proactive attack was necessary.

At the same time, the anomalies of the Artisan Association cannot be known to other forces, otherwise the Hooffire Empire will surely destroy the Crownless City, and the Lion Garden will not be indifferent, pushing the curtain of the continental war that started after the destruction of the Crownless City ahead of schedule.

This is destined to be a task that can only be completed quietly by a small team.

Even if it seems absurd to disregard the situation and deviate from the trend, you have to catch that fallen angel in the dark depths where everyone can't see, before it's too late.

After eating, a few people went to the mine to explore the four-story ruins.In the afternoon, Luo Wei beat Saya extremely fiercely, and even made her spread her scarlet wings for a few moments on the way.

A Yining was watching from the side this time, and she frowned and asked Vermier: "Has he always beat Saya like this?"

"No...but," Vermier couldn't stop his treatment at all, "but it's true that each attack is more ruthless."

被揍趴在地的莎耶连一秒的喘息时间都没有,只要她不起来罗维就一直揍她,毫不留情地发动剑技,或者坐在她身上用左手拳套一拳又一拳Hit it down.

A Yining bit her back molars sympathetically.

This is too harsh.

In half an hour, Saya's bones were broken hundreds of times, and Vermeer's treatment never broke, and she was the only one who could support such a huge output of magic power.

Even her and her sister's practice is not so harsh, let alone the relationship between them is still like that.


Saya lost her temper under Luo Wei's offensive.

"Go to hell with me, bastard!!!"

The crimson wings opened for another moment, pushing Luo Wei away with divine pressure, and then picked up the spear and drove straight in.

This is too much! !
Saya gritted her teeth tightly, with extreme anger on her face, wishing to cut this man into pieces, and regretting the gentle side she occasionally showed to him.



Don't you really think of me as a woman...


Looking at this scene, Ayi Ning couldn't help sighing.

Apart from Vermeer's magic, only Saya's will can withstand such a temper.

At dusk, Saya was carried to the Wailing Valley, and before being sent into the tent, she did not forget to shake her fist at Rovi.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Ahu Lili went in to take care of her.

The remaining three people glanced at each other, and Luo Wei said to A Yining: "Why don't you leave after eating."

A Yining shook her head, "No, I won't go."

"Really, really?" Vermeer looked at her and said, "Then I'll get someone to arrange the tent~"

"No, I'll find a bed and move in later." A Yining still shook her head, then looked at Luo Wei and said, "I will live in a tent with you from now on."



The remaining two paused.

Her downplaying attitude almost made people ignore the amount of information expressed in it.

Luo Wei frowned, and Vermier's face quickly became frightened.


Huh--! ! ?
Could it be because after seeing it this morning... A Yining is also joining the competition!

Huh, I thought they were nothing...

"Don't get me wrong," Ayning looked at Vermier and said, "I just can't let you go on like this anymore, you have to have a limit when you sing and sing every night, it's almost noon and it's still like that. The last time I drank was also inappropriate If I don't come, I don't know how long I will sleep. I won't let you meet without reason. It doesn't matter if normal lovers communicate in front of me, right? You should go out I will go out when the time comes, I am only responsible for reminding you not to forget the business."

It doesn't matter if you don't go out...

Luo Wei wanted to say that, but this guy is a caring person, and he is also knowledgeable and sensible. This is... really planning to discipline the harem for my sister?

But don't accidentally put yourself in it, okay?
If he disagrees, this guy is likely to stay outside his tent every night to meditate, and once a certain time limit is exceeded, he will immediately come in to catch the rape. The younger sister is not necessarily a welfare, it may also be a hindrance...

Luo Wei doesn't mind, after all, she can't only be in the tent, could it be that she is still clinging to herself?
Now someone is with me every night...

Had dinner at Athetana's, because Ke Luoxi's workshop earned a lot, and Luo Wei bought a lot of rice from East Street unceremoniously and brought it over. The rice fields have not yet formed scale.

Speaking of this, John did not use groundwater, but diverted water from the Bowang Lake in the south of the valley. This move also obtained the consent of Lovely, and together with the craftsmen, knights, and orcs left by the five princesses, the water was carried out day after day. Hydraulic excavation work.

I believe it won't be long before the orcs themselves will be able to eat delicious rice. With the shortage of magical resources such as leather and black gypsum, businessmen keep coming and going, and life in the valley is finally getting better day by day.

Of course, prejudice and hatred are still there, but at least they will not be so obvious.

"This is too delicious." A Yining looked at the stew poured on the rice in surprise.

In the East, there is also a practice of cooking leftovers and leftovers together, such as scalding rice, but when boiled to this level, the viscous soup and spices that whet the appetite, except that it does not have the taste of frying in an iron pan , almost impeccable.

Oh, and this.

Shirley half-lyed on the ground, watching Ayi Ning scoop a large spoonful of chopped red peppers into the bowl, her eyes widened involuntarily.

" can eat it like this??"

After what happened in the Golden Church yesterday, Shirley stayed in the valley to recover from her injuries, but the strange thing was that the Goddess of Nature and Wealth seemed to acquiesce to this approach, even as if she had abandoned her, the guardian.

This made Shirley no longer dare to go back to the church, for fear that her behavior would blaspheme the goddess, but the goddess did not release her status as a believer, and she couldn't help but wonder, did the goddess want her to stay here?

It wasn't until Athetana also noticed this, and personally communicated with the divine power residing in Shirley's body, that she finally got the answer to let her stay.

——As the messenger of the Goddess of Nature and Wealth, he is stationed in the Netus tribe.

Luo Wei was a little surprised after hearing this. Could it be that the present god who doesn't care about worldly affairs realized in advance that the Valley of Wailing would be a key place for the future change of the continent's destiny?
After all, after the start of the war in Lion Garden, no matter Ryan or him, this place is extremely important, as the base for the Fifth Princess Lovely to resist Prime Minister Randall and terminate the continental war.

"I heard that some places in the East have the custom of eating spicy food," Athetana said with a gentle smile, "even girls who look very fair are no exception."

Ayi Ning nodded again and again, "Without this, it still lacks a lot of taste, thank you so much for your hospitality."

It was a surprise that the Wailing Valley was suitable for growing chili peppers. At first, it was not expected to drive the industry, but now it is cheaper for Ayi Ning.

"You're welcome, after all, in the future..." Athetana glanced at Luo Wei with complicated eyes, "I hope you can get used to it in the future."

Luo Wei ate with a sullen head.

It's really not me this time...

When there was not even a drop of soup left in the cauldron and everyone cleared up the tableware, Vermeer pouted and went to check Saya's situation with some resentment.

However, after Luo Wei ran over to give her a kiss, the girl burst out laughing again, and walked away in a skip.


After returning to the tent, Ayi Ning walked in with a bed suspended in a short while, and put it on the open space on the side.

"Would you blame me for taking too much care?" She asked while making the mattress, "After all, this is not something I should take care of."

Luo Wei closed his eyes and said nothing.

He could understand A Yining's intentions, and after avoiding the fate of going to the Lion Garden, she really took the affairs here as her own affairs, and made suggestions like a military adviser. Worrying about the road ahead is also normal.

After all, she is a worry-loving person.

After making the bed, Ayining sat there and said: "I think that ambitious people should not be stumbling because of these things. Although your observation skills are different from ordinary people, don't you also feel a little bit merciful? "

There was some resentment in her eyes.

"At least you can't be too sentimental. If you are like that, I doubt that if I don't come to tell you, it means you won't come out for ten days and half a month."

Luo Wei smiled helplessly.

Even after explaining it, she still didn't want to believe it.

Moreover, those few people are one of the reasons that indirectly led to the destruction of the world... including your sister, preventing them from interfering with the world line is the real main line.

"However, I won't make trouble unreasonably, at least let you make a request, as the price for me to supervise you like this."

Rowe froze for a moment.

Make... request?
However, before he could open his mouth, A Yining said first: "You saved me and made me have a happy new year. Although I can't call you brother-in-law before you and your sister get married, but...if it's just as a Sister, is it normal to supervise my brother's daily life?"

Luo Wei: "..."

It turned out that she had already thought about it.

What a thoughtful person.

In this way, she really took advantage of the loopholes. It was not so much a request as a rationalization of the current situation, and it was also a way of repaying other people's favors.

Since the end of the new year, she seems to have begun to believe that the relationship between herself and Anining is real, otherwise, why would she specially prepare such a New Year's Eve dinner for her sister?Acknowledging this relationship is also tantamount to indirectly acknowledging his brother's identity.

Who would have thought that it was really prepared for my sister?
"Let's call out first to listen?"

Ayining's face suddenly sank, "You really have such an idea, right?"

Alas... I really can't do anything about him.

I also said before that I asked her to call her brother, I am afraid I have already regarded her as a younger sister in my heart, my sister is really, even if she is not here, she will cause me a lot of trouble.

Regardless of Luo Wei's suddenly froze face, she sighed and slowly raised her head.

"Besides, I do this for a purpose."


"If I'm right, you've been worrying about the team's combat strength, right?" Ayining closed her eyes and said, "Torturing Saya like that is also to force out her potential."

Although it is unclear how he determined that Saya has a unique talent, judging from the crimson angel wings, it seems that there is indeed some kind of uniqueness.

At least she hadn't heard such a thing from other angels.

"Actually, I have a way to increase your combat power," she continued, "but this way must ensure that the two of you are alone and not disturbed by the outside world. I haven't told you about it before, and it's because of your side... ..."

Luo Wei couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

The two are alone, an oriental cultivation method that is not disturbed by the outside world...

How does it sound like a sense of déjà vu.

Could it be that……


She wants to double repair with me! ?
(End of this chapter)

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