Chapter 163


Ayi Ning did not expect this trick at all.

In other words, Luo Wei was so clear about her thoughts.

If he dared to touch the front, he would definitely not let it go, and would use this matter to make him unable to hold his head up in the future.


It stopped at a place like the armpit, although it didn't touch the front, but the feeling of being ready to attack at any time was extremely bad.

It can only be clamped like this.

As if resisting his aggression with limited means, it was even more embarrassing than actually encountering it.

"You...don't make fun of me."

Is it because he was dissatisfied with provoking a dispute between Vermeer and Saya, or did he blame me for taking too much control and wanted me to quit.

Luo Wei's hands were clamped like this, and as she twisted slightly, she could feel her fingers being squeezed and rubbed against the soft skin under her ribs and inside her arms.

"Are you so worried about my conspiracy?"


Ayi Ning blushed, and being exposed made her even more embarrassed.

He really knew everything.

Both of them knew what would happen before the attack, so they stopped at this position, and the things that didn't happen came true in mutual imagination.

There are no consequences.

so cunning...

"We agreed to only massage the shoulders, are you blaming me?"

"Is it your fault? Maybe," Luo Wei said calmly, "How can you tell others to look at yourself but make it clear."

"But... I'm a sister, not a sister."

"You think your sister is here, and the problem can be solved?"


Can't solve it.

Sister Anai will only get along with Lu Yi.

"In the final analysis, this is obviously something you should pay attention to..."

"That's right," Luo Wei smiled, "but you are so considerate of your sister, isn't it what you have always been doing to keep your sister's position?"


It should be said that we have been together for a while.

He seemed to be getting to know and understand my thoughts.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back and think about countermeasures, my sister's creaking nest is also scratched, it's okay."

"Huh? I haven't scratched yet."


Before she could react, Ayining suddenly fell lightly, her feet lifted off the ground, and she was lifted up with her arms under her arms.


Slightly surprised, Luo Wei lifted her up and turned her around, the long hair like a waterfall fluttering with the movement.

She now knew another part of the shyness.

Being held like this is almost like being hugged.

"Although I'm a younger sister, I'm not so young."

When the rotation stopped, she said helplessly.

Being lifted up and twirled is something that only children do.

"Then I can take you through the parts you haven't experienced as a younger sister."

Ayi Ning paused for a moment.

Then slowly lower your head.

"...It's better to stop scratching, scratching, creaking and creaking. No one would come across this kind of place in normal times. They really wouldn't be able to get married."

Luo Wei stopped behind her and sighed indiscernibly.

Should it be that I worry too much so I can't pay attention to myself?

There is only one man around her, and they live together in a tent. Even if other people have any ideas, they can't accept it after learning about it.

I can't get married a long time ago...

"Then, how about two more laps, no, three laps?"

"... just don't make me dizzy."

With her feet off the ground and her clothes twirling in the wind, Ayining smiled helplessly.

Originally, he was worried that his words would make him feel bad.

At this moment, this playful heart is so strong, I don't know whether it is satisfying him or satisfying myself.

But this feeling is not bad...

With his sister, she must be able to have a good time and learn how to restrain herself under his clever words.

Then as a younger sister, you must keep this happiness for your older sister.


The next morning.

A group of people picked up the ingredients from the wishing tree, and after working for a while, they finished their breakfast, bid farewell to Athetana and returned to the city without a crown.

Louie looked excited.

When I saw so many magical facilities and items in Ke Luoxi's workshop, I was immediately full of interest. I asked about this and that, and finally came out from the back, and saw Belle's cat tail. , looked up and down non-stop.

It is not allowed to touch and hurt things that you don't understand.

She seemed to be following it quite well.


Bai Lier, who was still yawning at first, lost all sleepiness after being made such a fuss, and looked at them with a bitter face.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, you really can come up with something new every time."

Luo Wei spread his hands and looked at her, "Is there anything worth noting during this period?"

Don't ask about the obvious situation, it doesn't mean that trouble won't come to your door, people like Marcus are typical.

Therefore, Bai Lier can be regarded as an intelligence officer on the front of the workshop, and she takes turns to rest with the other two orc girls, and all news worthy of attention will be reported to her.

"That scary uncle didn't come," Bai Lier said, "but I hope that someone from the church will come to look for Vermier. I guess Ke Luoxi didn't notice it, so she always remembered it."

"Find me?"

Vermeer was stunned.

It stands to reason that I am now a pilgrimage priest and not within the jurisdiction of the local church. Apart from saying hello before, I will only go to the church to ask for help when I have a need.

"Yes, she is a woman with very light hair, and her status looks quite high."

Hearing what Bailier said, Vermier blinked, and looked up at Luo Wei.


"Understood," Luo Wei smiled at her sincerity, "Let's go to church with you at the end of today."


Vermeer was stunned.

Why didn't I tell him that he knew...

Of course Luo Wei knew and knew who was looking for her, which meant that her story line was about to begin.

It's not that Xiaoerwuzai is worried that he won't be able to handle it.

It's just that in the face of such emergencies, she was afraid that she would be in danger and make him worry.

This kind of dependence and consideration makes people want to give her a hug, but in front of so many people, forget it.

A group of people went out in light clothes, and Iluth naturally found it troublesome to go shopping with the crooked demon, so she stayed in the courtyard and read a book comfortably.

"Ahahahaha~ It's so interesting over there!"

When she came to the street, Lu Yi suddenly seemed to be crazy, running around hissing, obeying the agreement and not teleporting with space magic.

"What is this! It's so bright, it's the same as my clothes!"

"Ah, come and see! So many strange people!"

Saya clenched her fists angrily.

Why do I have to accompany such a noisy guy...

A Yining deeply understands that her own interest in shopping is not so much shopping as relaxation.

But seeing Vermier and Luo Wei closely following Lu Yi, he felt a little bit sorry, after all, he said that he had to formulate countermeasures and find a way.

But speaking of...

Vermeer is really admirable, not so much because she is indifferent to the church looking for her, but more because of her trust in Luo Wei.

It seemed that as long as he was there, she would not be afraid of any difficulties, and nothing could weigh on her heart.

Would anyone be willing to trust someone so unreservedly?
Ai Ning expressed doubts.

But Vermier didn't seem to have thought about this at all, looking at her smile, I don't know why people are a little envious.

It also makes people a little curious.

How did they develop such a relationship?
"Hey, come here! Here is Saya's favorite chicken ball in white sauce!"

"What...!?" Saya blushed and trembled, "When did I say I like that kind of thing!"

Ai Ning smiled at the side.

They always make people feel relaxed.

If he wanted to keep Lu Yi at a respectful distance, maybe he shouldn't carry too much. After having a plan in mind, he pulled Saya, who had been told his preferences out loud, and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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