Chapter 166 Erwuzi is not called for nothing


In the cold stone room, Vermeer fell into a dazed state.

"I know it sounds amazing."

Xia Tesi maintained a solemn demeanor, staring at her unchanged.

"But I hope you can understand that this is not only the result of your past efforts, but also your duty as a member of the church."


Vermeer was speechless for a moment, and sat there with her head down.

On the contrary, Shatis was a little relieved.

Compared to cheering after hearing that she can become a saint, this thoughtful attitude is more in line with the requirements of a person in charge.

Only by understanding the burden on our shoulders can we understand where each step of the road under our feet is going.

In this last time.

I will do my best to guide her.


After thinking for quite some time, Vermeer finally raised her head.

Shatis looked at her, waiting for her determination.

Are you ready?

"I want to ask, can I refuse this matter?"


Xia Tesi's pupils constricted suddenly, she was too shocked to speak.

Refuse to become a saint, or even become... God?

"I don't think . . . I can't do what you say."

Vermeer said in a weak but firm tone.

"Why?" Shatis was puzzled, "Becoming a saint is something that many nuns and priests dream of, not to mention the road to becoming a god is right in front of you, as long as you have enough outstanding qualities..."

Vermier shook her head.

"But that's not the way I'm going."


After thinking about it carefully in my heart, there is actually no need to hesitate.

"I know what I'm doing, and I know the corresponding value and significance, as well as what kind of consciousness I have to pay, and what kind of weight I have to bear," Vermier said with bright eyes, "Since I have already embarked on this road, how can I bear the extra burden?" responsibility and give everything for it?"

Shatis raised her head and glanced at Luo Wei.

She began to feel what was going on with the uneasiness of being cooped up.

He is not a believer.

But the sense of existence of Vermeer is stronger than that of a real god.

"Is it because of this man? Are you going to betray your duty in the church?"

"That, that's another matter..."

Wei Mier felt a little at a loss for a moment, lowered her head and poked her finger.

I have already decided to go with him no matter where, no matter how much time I spend, this is of course a very important reason...!
But, it doesn't stop there.

Raising her head again, hers was firmer than before:
"I have seen pure evil, and I have seen the troubles caused by imposing kindness. Compared with self-satisfied giving kindness to others and creating a happy appearance, if the problem can be solved from the root, people don't know what it is What about the relationship?"

"In terms of practicing this, whether I am a saint, a priest, or just an ordinary believer, what kind of status does it matter?"

"This is the faith I found...and what Bishop Monica and the church have always taught me."

After speaking one after another, Vermeer took a deep breath.

No matter what kind of accusations and abuse, whether she betrayed the church or lived up to her cultivation and expectations, but just like him, it doesn't matter if she is not understood by the world, even if no one understands her, she will understand him.

Because every time he is doing things that no one can do.

Can he really not solve the current situation in Wuguan City?Vermier didn't think so, but he set his sights on the things that no one was doing, saw through the craftsmen's conspiracy, and was working hard to expose the truth.

This made Vermeer firmly believe that everything she did was meaningful and unique. Maybe she would encounter many difficulties along the way, and she might not be able to do what she wanted when she explored the relics of God War, but her consciousness would not lose to anyone in the team. people.

And she enjoyed the time with everyone like this.

Maybe she has to compete with the dog girl for food, and she will be jealous of the angel who was beaten up by him, but she never regrets it, and never thought that life can be as purposeful and colorful as this, and no day is boring.

How could this make her willing to sacrifice everything for other goals?
Shatis was silent for quite a while.

Should I be said to be one step ahead?

She never thought that what she thought was a newborn lamb in need of guidance had actually formed such a firm belief.

What the hell are they doing...?
The situation in Wuguan City was known on the way here, but from what Vermeer said, what they were doing surpassed these... no, it even surpassed the importance of choosing the successor of the goddess of water purification.

If this man named Luo Wei knew all this in advance and accompanied him at this moment, is he trying to be on guard or has other intentions?

This made Shatis feel that the whole matter was confusing.

"I don't intend to force it, it's just your talent and characteristics, it's really a pity."

she said with a sigh.

"Ah... Regarding this," Vermier thought for a while, and decided to tell the truth, "I have actually awakened the three elements."


Shates stood up, her slightly turbid pupils staring.

"Are you sure? Prove it to me."

Vermier thought for a moment that he had said something wrong.

But neither was he electrocuted, and Luo Wei never said that he wanted to hide it, so the magical power of the three elements of water, light, and wind appeared in his hand in turn, rotating around the palm.

Seeing this, Shatis couldn't control her expression anymore, she looked at Luo Wei in astonishment, and the latter didn't open his eyes until then, and gave her a meaningful look.

He knows?

Up to this moment, Shatis vaguely sensed something, and looked at Vermier with a downcast expression.

"Do you know what that means, Vermeer?"

"No, I don't know..."

Is it... some kind of talent?
After all, he has high expectations of me...

"This means that the entire church, not... the entire world of theocratic religions, will try to win you over."


Vermilion's face turned pale, like a little chick.

Also, it doesn't have to be so high...

Shatis put her hands on the stone table and looked at her, "How did you do it?"

"Just... slept for a few minutes, and then..."

How much sleep did you get?

Multi-element control that no one has researched for 200 years, how much sleep did she actually say?

Shates suddenly felt powerless.

Why is such a person unwilling to become a saint.

"This means that in the battle of gods, part of the collision of powers of the gods affected you," she said, "Even if you are still a mortal, you still have the excellent potential to awaken multiple elements or even all elements."

"Is... what's wrong with this?"

Doesn't this also mean that I am still me...

"It is true that the gods did not leave consciousness on your body. I am afraid it was just the result of an accidental birth. But our goddess is not the only one who left a god core at the last moment of the battle of gods, and you have this kind of physique, no matter which church you are in, you are the new chief god. the perfect carrier."

Vermeer: ​​()
Doesn't sound like a good thing...

I don't want to be the God of any church...

"Not only the gods of the light sects such as Shenhuo Sect and Fengling Sect, but also some evil gods including Yin God also fell in that battle of gods. We don't know if they left their god cores."


I...became a Yin God?
No, I will be hunted down by the whole world X﹏X
Rowe smiled silently from behind.

That is naturally a very interesting development. As the titular high priest of the Yin God, he must not offer his wishes to the great new Lord Yin God.

But Vermeer will not be their god.

Regardless of the Church of Wishing, Yinshen Sect or other religions, it will not.

In the last round, her identity remained as a saint until the end, and now Luo Wei will not let her develop.

Is it true that faith is a deep thought?The essence that Shatis began to discuss was nothing more than a second-level divine core, but it was entrusted with a huge burden.

Dedicate your life?
Be steadfast?

Make a vow?

He didn't intend to speak too much, there was no other reason, he just thought that the current Vermeer was fine.

Erwuzi's name is not for nothing.

But Luo Wei didn't expect that she would refuse so directly, and came up with the answer by herself without asking him.

Are you so satisfied with the current trap...

He raised his eyes and looked at Shatis.

and so.

what are you going to do
In the last round, Wei Mier's last performance was: "I didn't expect that, I'm actually a [-]-year-old boy." '

But now, she frankly expressed in advance: "I am a twenty-five boy, do you really want to do this?"

The physique awakened by all elements is the hot successor of the gods, no matter which church is willing to accept it, even if Vermeer is determined not to become the new goddess of water purification, I pray that the church will not sit idly by other churches, pull away its own followers and become a god .

"Vermier, I want to know, you have no plans to leave the Church of Wishing, do you?"

After pondering for a while, Shatis spoke.

"Eh?" Vermier realized, "Of course not."


Are you going to excommunicate me?
Shatis sighed, "In this case, I have a suggestion - to become a saint first, so that other sects will be restrained. As for whether to inherit the divine core, it depends on your future thoughts, and you don't have to be a saint." That candidate."

Let this child become a saint, and the senior leaders of other churches will know that she is the candidate for the next Lord God of the Prayer Church. If she does anything rashly, it is tantamount to making enemies of the entire Prayer Church.

After hearing the meaning of the words, Wei Mier was slightly taken aback.

"Doesn't this mean... I have been protected by the church? And I really can't fulfill the requirements you mentioned..."

Shatis shook her head, returning to that illusory demeanor.

"It's not for you. No church will allow believers to be taken away and become gods. Even if you resign now, once you become a god in the future, our faith in the world will be severely damaged."

"So you don't need to take an oath, just pass the test of spells and virtue."

"But I still have expectations for you. You still have a long time, and people's thoughts are not static."

Vermier pursed her lips after hearing this.


Only then will it not change.

How to do?
I don't want to be a saint, but what if my physical condition brings trouble and affects my current plan?
Originally, the strength was lagging behind...

This made her look back at Luo Wei for the first time.

woo, sorry...

Luo Wei closed his eyes and smiled.

"Okay, she can become a saint."

Shatis was also taken aback for a moment.

He hadn't expressed his attitude before, but now Luo Wei looked at the two of them and expressed his intentions:

"But what needs to be clarified is that you have to do this in order to avoid her being taken away by other church forces, not that she plans to participate in the election of her successor and inherit the seat of the Goddess of Purification."

"This attitude, I need you to pass it on to all the top leaders of the church, including the Pope, the cardinals, and the Judgment Court, and get formal approval."

"As for your expectations, you can continue to maintain them as much as you can, but don't forget that she has decided from the beginning that she does not want to become a god. If you force her to become a god, if you force her to be unwilling, then there will be no responsibilities and obligations."

This is just the beginning of Vermier's personal line.

Telling them in advance that they are twenty-five boys can save a lot of trouble in the future, and they won't be tied up.

Now as a saint, on the one hand, she can rely on the Church of Prayer, and on the other hand, she can learn the spells of the goddess of the Judgment Court, which is passed down by the apostle of the goddess of water purification, which is also helpful for future explorations.

Shates doesn't have much time left, so she will naturally try her best to teach her.


Does she really have little time?

Luo Wei has a way to save him.

But whether to do it or not depends on how she views Vermier's problem.


Leaving from the closed stone room and coming outside the Church of Wishing, Vermeer lowered her head and was speechless.

Looking back on what happened just now is still a bit shocking.

And if you think about it this way, isn't your talent based on the Goddess...

Luo Wei took her hand at this moment.

Before Wei Mier could react, she was pulled into a side alley by a dodge.


When she blinked her eyes and came back to her senses, her back was already pressed against the wall, with a few pedestrians passing by the church on one side, and his gaze was right in front of her eyes.

"You are mine, right?"


Vermeer's eyes widened.


There's no need to bother at all.

If you figure this out, you will have the answer to how to deal with everything else.

In fact, this has been the case since the first time I heard that someone came to the door.

Because it is his, so in the face of the unknown situation, I hope to let him accompany me.

Because it belongs to him, I don't want him to worry, even if I can protect myself.

Because it is his, it can only be possessed by him, and other people are not even allowed to look or speak.

he knows...

She raised her head.

"...Yes, I am yours."

The next moment, kiss without hesitation.

The lips and teeth were intertwined, as if they were about to be pressed into the wall and receive his fiery love.


Let me admit it, does it make him so happy.


There must be a lot of people coming and going.

But she didn't want to open her eyes, and she didn't want to break away from his love.



I don't know how long it lasted, but when the two were panting and slightly separated by a few millimeters, Vermeer's hand was hanging on his neck, still unable to calm down.

The feedback she received from that response made it impossible for her to control her emotions.

Panting for breath, she softly whispered in his ear with the most gentle and sincere tone:
"Yes, I am yours."

"Only yours."

The body is working hard.

The next moment, that fiery love flooded her again like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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