It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 201 Don't talk about chapters, just kiss me!

Chapter 201 Don't Talk, Just Kiss Me!
There was a faint hope in Saya's eyes.

"You mean to say that Maria is not dead yet?"

"Yes," Luo Wei nodded, "but if you don't find her body, she will only exist in the form of an undead."

Afterwards, he told about the fact that there was only half of the soul in the magic bottle.

After hearing this, Ayi Ning came to many conclusions.

"That is to say, the principle of the black crystal is to extract part of the soul to generate an identical self?"

"It seems so," Rowe agreed with this inference, "but Maria seems to be different from Colin and the others. She is a copy that truly inherits herself."

Maybe it has something to do with her being the third angel, or maybe it has something to do with the fallen angels in the depths, but in any case, even as a replica, she still controls her own will and destiny, not as a tool that craftsmen will drive.

What a powerful woman.

"Hehe..." Iluth smiled slightly from the side, "I'm even more curious that the soul vase should be top-secret knowledge of the Forbidden Church, and even the pope on the bright side has no right to check it. How could you Do you know how to make it?"

Rowe twitched the corners of his mouth.

Don't worry about the details.

The last round raised their lair, and he knew a lot about all kinds of secret synthetic knowledge, which is even more secret than Aquarius, but he lacked the conditions and materials.

"Then..." Saya took a step forward and asked the most critical question, "Where is Maria's body?"

Luo Wei took a breath slowly, and glanced at A Yining. From the eyes of this younger sister, it seemed that she also guessed it.

Since she also thinks so, the answer is most likely not wrong.

"Lan Temple." Luo Wei said intently.


Hearing this answer, Saya was in shock for a long time.

Luo Wei lowered his head, leaned over and picked up the mask on the ground.

It looks like this place.

I have to go.


While waiting for Saya to recover, Luo Wei roughly sorted out the incident.

The Maria they saw in the Golden Church should be the real body. After doing everything possible to make them aware of the truth, Luo Wei returned to the entrance of Lan Temple to meet Saya that day. The guidance of the resonance device did not indicate that there was a black line in Lan Temple.

But then it came up.

Explain that after doing that, Maria returned to the temple collar on the Broken Ridge Plateau. It was a strange phenomenon that black lines would appear on the main body, but her duplicate body did not follow the instructions of the Craftsman Association, and said that the black fire came from She, this abnormality is likely to be the root of everything.

And Maria said, "Don't save me, that's not where you should be."

Any corner of the God War Relics may be a place they must pass through. If this place is excluded, the only place outside that still has doubts and should not go——

Only Lan Temple is left.

"So, she has actually noticed us all the time? Because of Saya..." A Yining said softly.

The difference from the previous round should be that she got the fragment of the Blazing Sun Gun from the Golden Church, which attracted Maria's attention. Otherwise, she, who only appeared in the Temple of Lan and the Ruins of God War, would not have been able to notice Saya's arrival. City without a crown.

Perhaps, on certain days of the week, Maria quietly watched them from afar.

I love Saya so much.

He obviously loves her but can't meet her, nor can she admit her identity.

Shaye took the soul vase and mask from Luo Wei, and silently lowered her head.

"Go inside and have a look."

"……it is good."

In the depths of the palace, there is still a part of the undamaged wreckage. If it is Maria's living room, there may be something else to be found.

Several people came inside.

It can be seen that it used to be a bedroom, and most of the room was destroyed, and the bed was nowhere to be seen, but near the window, there are still some structures that are considered to be intact.

Saya walked over there, caressing those remaining objects with a heavy expression.

Luo Wei followed her.

A photo frame was placed on the counter with the cover facing down, and the rest of the objects did not fall over, indicating that the owner probably covered it like this on purpose.

Saya helped him up. The figure recorded on it had long golden-pink curly hair, his forehead was exposed, he was wearing a red and white Valkyrie battle suit, and his hands were placed on his abdomen. His demeanor showed elegance and dignity.

"So your benefactor is like this?"

Should it be said that angels are worthy of being a race with eternal lifespan? Judging from the age shown on the outside, they are not much older than Saya, and there is a subtle feeling between sisters and aunts.

Rowe twitched the corners of his mouth.

If one day her soul can be returned to its original position, the main body will be revived.

Hope she doesn't mind what I did to her...

"I used to be so close to her truth." Saya said with her head buried, and slowly clenched her fists.

She was talking about going to Lan Temple to investigate Colin.

Although Maria was not there at that time, what was hidden in Lan Temple must also be related to her.

The two just passed each other.

But who knows, did Maria predict that Saya would go to Lan Shrine at that time, so she met the rest of them in the Golden Church?

After all, Saya recognized it immediately.

Luo Wei patted her on the shoulder, "It's not time to be depressed yet."

"I know..." Saya lowered her head and gritted her teeth, her body trembling slightly, "I've been blaming her, why didn't she come to see me, why there was no news, I never thought it would be like this..."

Obviously enduring such torture and unable to recognize her, he kept wanting to question her, and almost called out her name like a fool.

If I did that, I don't know what the result would be.

"Why... do you always know so clearly?"


With tears in her eyes, Saya looked up at Luo Wei.

"Without you...I..."


Luo Wei knew that her emotions were difficult to ease, so he stepped forward and hugged her gently.

"Really, the best result has been achieved, so why cry?"


Ayining and Yilusi looked at each other, and they retreated silently, blocking Luyi who came closer and wanted to move forward.

Ai Ning glanced back slightly.

Now, let's leave it to them.

Sensing the departure of others, Saya could no longer control her emotions, and burst into tears in Luo Wei's arms.

She regretted that she couldn't see anything, only cared about her own emotions, and didn't understand why Maria would do this.

I am ashamed of the teachings of those years.

Obviously Maria thought of herself so much, even if she became a fallen angel, she hoped that she could continue to walk on the bright road and pave the way for her with her life.

But I... don't know anything.

And almost killed her.

"Didn't you listen to me later, didn't you poke and question?" Luo Wei hugged her gently, feeling the trembling of her body.

Saya hugged him tighter.

"Thank you...I...thank you for being by my side."


"Without you..." Saya raised her head with tears in his arms, "I really don't know what to do."

All crying.

After fighting so fiercely just now, his face was covered with gray stains, only those crimson eyes were extremely bright.

It was hard to see that gaze on her.

Fully exposed in front of him, the dependence, expectation, and gratitude to him are all covered in that look, as well as the fragility of yearning to be comforted by him at the moment of unbearable pain.


Luo Wei hesitated for a moment, and approached with his face sideways. Saya shrank back in a little panic, and subconsciously pursed her lips.

"It seems that I misunderstood what you meant." Rovello was a little embarrassed.

Didn't she just look at her like this because she wanted to be kissed?

"No, it's okay..." Saya blushed and lowered her head, "I was not ready just now..."

"Let me tell you..." Luo Wei laughed a little while looking at her, "If you do such a thing out of gratitude, I will be very embarrassed."

Although it was limited to him, if the relationship was wrong, wouldn't it really be a strong buy and sell.

He didn't do these things to get her.

After touching her head, Luo Wei let go of her lightly, but was grabbed by the wrist.

"Don't, stop talking nonsense!"

Saya rushed forward fiercely, and Luo Wei was led by her to stagger a few steps back. The angel hooked his neck and kissed him with his feet.

Rowe: "!"

He saw the angel in front of him gently closing his eyes, using his gentle side as much as possible, pinning all his emotions on this kiss.

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, and Saya retracted and buried her face in his chest, her arms still hooking him.

"It's not because I feel, thank, are you satisfied!"

Luo Wei looked down at her and smiled, "It's only been a while, it's just printed on it, how can you be satisfied."

"I... I haven't tried it, how do I know!"

"Then... Shall I teach you?"


Saya's face was dyed pink with shyness, and she looked to one side in silence, her heart beating pounding against her chest.

that kind of thing...

Luo Wei slowly held her face, and Saya blushed so much when he raised her head up like this, her eyes dodged from left to right.

Her shy appearance is too good-looking.

Luo Wei went down slowly, and it was impossible to let her escape by holding her with his hands this time. As he approached, Saya felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe, and her heartbeat was almost about to jump out.


She only hoped that this moment would come quickly, and regretted why she avoided it in the first place, she would have known that it would be impossible to be kissed by him directly.

Now like this...

Every time she got closer, the embarrassment in her heart doubled, and the emotion that was about to happen but did not happen for a long time made her extremely shy.

Finally, that moment came.

It was gentler than expected, the softness on her lips suppressed all her uneasy emotions, and replaced them with another emotion.

There is an urge to be desperate and desperate, just want to continue to be kissed by him like this.

Luo Wei opened his lips slightly, and slowly leaned against the angel's soft lips. Saya's heart trembled, and she spontaneously cooperated with him to perform the same movements.

He... so skilled...

Is this the well-proven kissing technique... I have tried it on them all, and when it comes to me, it easily makes me like this...

Saya's cheeks were completely flushed, as if she had been robbed of her psychological strategic position, she succumbed to the warmth of his constant demands.

The two stayed together for quite a while like this.

Luo Wei gently moved away from her lips, but they were still very close, as if he really wanted to see the look on her face.

Saya looked down shyly, her long eyelashes covering her eyes.

"It's not fair at all, you learned so much from them..."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said," Luo Wei's mouth trembled. "It doesn't have much to do with experience."

"What is that...!" Saya said angrily.

"Because I like you, Miss Saya."


Saya's blushing eyes widened slightly, and she opened her mouth dully.

Luo Wei held her face up again.

"I like you, Saya."


"So, can I keep kissing you?"

Saya swallowed her throat in shame, it's already like this, and you came here to ask me...

Like me or something... I...

She blushed and said: "...Just, just today! Listen, hear me!"

"Really?" Luo Wei stared at her slowly, "I thought you said no thanks because you like me too."

Saya's face was smoking, and she wanted to veto subconsciously, but was suppressed by some emotion.

Her eyes fluttered for a while.

Finally, with his eyes closed, he blushed and shouted at him:
"Don't talk, just kiss me!!"

"As you wish, Miss Saya."

Rowe replied with a smile.

Then he lowered his face again, deeply occupying her soft red lips that had just been picked.


 Why does the uploaded picture have quality compression... I don't understand

(End of this chapter)

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