Chapter 206 Do You Think They Didn't Fight Enough?

Ahu Lili joined in.

She sat next to Athetana, the dog ears on the top of her head trembled, and her legs were clamped tightly.

The mixed-color dress is bright and bright, holding a bowl of rice in her hand, lowering her head and opening her mouth slightly, revealing her pointed canine teeth.

"Is the tour over for now?" A Yining asked.

"Ah... I have been to all the cities near the south, and I will take a carriage to the north tomorrow."

After a brief understanding, ACB48's tour was quite successful. There was a Magic Projector to warm up the show first, and people were still shocked when they arrived at the scene. There were even fanatical fans who followed them to every city and did not miss every performance.

Since I went out to introduce the "Netes tribal leader in the suburbs of Baigang Township", thanks to him, the relationship between the valley and the town has developed very well recently. No matter how good the ACB48 is, there will also be a sense of pride spontaneously.

After all, every performance of ACB48 is free. In terms of peripheral sales, Albert's policy is to advise people to buy rationally, taking into account the free distribution and extraction methods, and gained a lot of goodwill.

As expected of a businessman with a good eye.

Aware of the importance of popularity, not only for quick profits, but to make the cake bigger, to grasp both profits and political interests, there should be Loveley's suggestion in it.

As for Prime Minister Randall, there was no movement.

During the preparations for the Continental War, the opponent should not reject this form of stabilizing the hearts of the people in the country and enhancing happiness, and part of the tax revenue has also entered the Shiyuan treasury.

"Be more careful," Luo Wei said in a deep voice, "but don't be too tense. When you want to relax, cooperate with the Knights and the Adventurer's Guild to make a schedule in advance."

"The knights are pretty reliable," Ahu Lili said without thinking, "It's just that the fans keep pushing for new songs."

Luo Wei: "..."

In his spare time, he copied two more poems and handed them to Lovely.

Is it still too little?

"I see, I will give Love another gift within the next week."

Seeing the somewhat haggard look on Ahu Lily's face, Vermier clenched her fingers slightly.


Becoming an idol is also very hard. No matter how tired you are, you must cheer up in front of the audience on stage.

"Since you're back, let's have a good rest tonight." Vermeer said.

"Yeah," Saya also said, "Your hands are shaking."

Ahu Lili quickly covered her hands.

"Ah, it's actually not that tiring. Everyone is very happy."

"Don't lie," Saya said with a look of disbelief, "When you were talking to Luo Wei just now, you didn't stop your hands, and your voice was a little trembling."

Ahu Lili: "..."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

"That, that's... ah!!" Ahu Lili was in the middle of speaking, when she was suddenly embraced from behind, she cried out in shock.

Lu Yi hugged her from behind.

"I like this sister so much! Her clothes are prettier than mine. Can Luyi take her away?"

Luo Wei joked noncommittally:

"Then it's not as simple as being kicked out of a city."

Lu Yi suddenly petrified.

"Why is this... The one who entered Uncle Luo Wei's room last night, the princess who is even flatter than Lu Yi, can't do it?"

Luo Wei: "..."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Saya: "..."

Ahu Lili: "...?"

Ayi Ning: "???"

Ke Luoxi exclaimed from the side: "Damn it, you didn't take me with you when you played with the princess!?"

Athetana watched this scene with a troubled expression.

"How about, I think everyone should do this today... I'll go and see the situation of the clansmen."

If this continues, she can't predict what topics will come up.

Standing up first, and giving them a chance to leave, Athetana saw Vermier and Saya turning to Luo Wei at the same time.


"You night..."

The two stopped at the same time.

This is not the first time that such a collision happened. The two glanced at each other and then staggered away. The atmosphere gradually became stiff.

"I... I want to discuss more about tomorrow's operation." Vermeer said.

"Guan, I still have some doubts about Maria." Saya also said.

Luo Wei sat in the middle and calmly took a sip of Lulu Niang, his face turned black when he saw Ayining.

You are so calm...

"Also... about Shatis, you haven't told me yet."

"Me, me too...! I plan to talk to you about the training."

It's getting better.

In Ayining's view, the two of them didn't do it deliberately, but it took courage to say it out, and they didn't want to take it back easily, so they had to bite the bullet and not back down.

And Luo Wei leaned back.

"Actually, if you have something to say, you don't need to be separated from me."

He leaned back with this movement, and at a glance, Vermier and Saya on the left and right made eye contact.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Saya: "..."

Ayi Ning's eyelids trembled.

Can this be done?
Under the general logic, shouldn't both sides be appeased, be a peacemaker, and say good things to make them feel satisfied?No matter how bad it is to let the two of them together, it's not like this has never been done.

As a result he...

Do you think the two didn't fight fiercely enough?

At this moment, Luo Wei slowly grabbed their backs, and then pressed towards each other——

The two of them immediately rested their chins on his lap, facing each other and almost touching each other.


Vermier blushed, turned to look at him with pouted lips, as if to indicate that he was too bad.

Saya also turned around with a dazed face.

Luo Wei looked at them and smiled. He didn't intend to make the atmosphere between them too heavy, and he didn't deliberately decide their status. Whoever wants to come to him can come to him. There is no need to discuss and discuss anything, just like when he thinks I will go to them without hesitation.


And random.

It's the second round. After controlling their shortcomings and keeping them by my side, it's up to each of them to do what they want in the future.

It's okay to fight.

Luo Wei really wanted to see the two of them quarreling. If he pulled his hair up, he would definitely move a small chair, bring a glass of cold drink, and even want to get melon seeds.

Such a cheerful attitude was conveyed to them along with the expression, Wei Mier only felt that his mood was disturbed, and he lowered his head with a blushing face.


Watching the bad guys...

But she also knew that when she was with him, no matter when, the topic didn't need to be so heavy.

He wants to convey that we can do whatever we want and be happy, but don't try to get any cheap from him...

Saya was still confused.

Vermeer smiled, then suddenly stretched out his hand, and lightly tapped Saya on the head.

Saya: "...?"

Why is she hitting me?

Knocked by a fool?
For some reason, she had the feeling that Vermier did this for Ro Wei. What did this silly girl learn from what happened just now?Why did you suddenly stand by his side?


Saya was puzzled.


Athetana looked at this scene and smiled. Should it be said that his solution is a bit special?

He didn't solve the problem, but he solved the emotion.

He can make people laugh when they are crying.

Athetana shook her head and smiled, she had nothing to worry about, and walked out of the tent as she intended.

Ke Luoxi remembered that there was still something left to knock, so she also finished the rice in the bowl in twos and twos, and then went out and returned to the quiet courtyard.

Ahu Lili also wanted to leave.

But Lu Yi hugged her.

"My sister hasn't eaten much yet, why is she leaving? Please spend more time with Lu Yi~"

"Ah, oh... ok."

"Sister, who do you think Uncle Luo Wei will be with tonight?"

"Eh, I, I don't know."

She sat down again, her ears trembled twice, and she ate the stew without a bite, hoping to reduce her sense of existence, and secretly glanced at the opposite side from time to time.

As for Saya, she was still in a daze.


After the dinner time, a group of people lined up to take a shower. This bathroom tent is for their exclusive use, and there is no need to expand it.

After Saya came out holding the little yellow duckling, she gave Luo Wei a strange look—although she didn't understand what she meant when she ate just now, she was definitely right to stare at him.

"Do you want to wash together? Lady Saint." Seeing that Saya walked away without looking back, Luo Wei asked.

Vermeer pursed her lips, hugged the change of clothes and bumped him with her head.

"There are still people behind... Besides, I... I didn't become a saint because of this kind of thing..."

"The holy maiden's first bath water, don't pour it out easily."

"Huh...? Huh!"

Luo Wei approached slowly from behind, "Or I'll wash it for you here."


Wei Mier went in blankly holding the clothes.

When she came out and replaced Luo Wei in, her face turned red like a persimmon.

"Please... please use it."

When she went in, Saya's bath water was not poured...

It's strange to have confidence in such a strange place, but even with bath water, I won't lose to anyone!

But, it's still a shame...

Vermier's legs were bare, her toes were hooked inwards, worried that she had some strange smell coming out.

Also dyed all over his body...

This made her unconsciously cover several places, her face puffed up as soft as a dumpling, with a beautiful red in her white skin.

Luo Wei couldn't help but stepped forward to hug her, his hands went down her back, and grabbed Roududu.


Vermeer's face turned even redder.

"Don't, don't squeeze it, go wash it..."


Luo Wei smiled, and suddenly pushed hard——


Wei Mier shrank into his arms, immediately understood what he meant, and slapped him lightly on the chest.

"It didn't bubble out like this!!"

Luo Wei looked at her shameful appearance, smiled and did not respond, turned and went into the bathroom.

Soaked in a wooden barrel, the water was as clear as if it hadn't been touched at all. I was wondering if the other party had been purified by magic, why didn't there be any stains on my body, and a faint warmth suddenly surged all over my body and gradually penetrated into my body .

This is……


Luo Wei froze for a moment, feeling that his upper limit of magic power had increased.


Can bath water make you stronger?
This is probably due to the fact that in the ceremony that Vermeer accepted today, there were items blessed by the Goddess of Purification, coupled with her own abundant magic power, which overflowed from her body to form a kind of existence similar to "holy water".

...The bath water of the goddess should not be used in the holy maiden ceremony.

No wonder only women are allowed to undergo the ceremony.

He glanced at the still clear water.

Now I have to drink it.


Coming out of the bathroom, Luo Wei felt refreshed. It might not be a big deal to the others, but for him, such an essential improvement was enough to be called a significant effect.

Coupled with the blessing of equipment and experience, this part of power can be multiplied by him again.

I didn't see Vermeer outside, I'm afraid he couldn't bear to make comments after he came out, so he went back to the tent to hide embarrassingly.


After all, such a good material is very useful no matter whether it is promoted or forged, and it is stored after being compressed by his magic power.

Just standing there thinking so, while drying his hair with a towel, a slender figure looked behind him cautiously, and walked towards him.

" seems that I finally got rid of it."

Ahu Lili wiped her head, breathed a sigh of relief, went around in a big circle, and finally got rid of that guy named Luyi.

When she turned her head, she was startled by Ro Wei standing there at a glance, and subconsciously took half a step back.

Luo Wei: "..."

Ahu Lili: "..."

The dog girl who was still wearing an idol costume was a little embarrassed, her hair was still sticking to her forehead, and she hugged one arm awkwardly.

Afterwards, she took a step and walked past Luo Wei, preparing to enter the bathroom just like that.

At this time.

Pa, da, da da...

A round ball the size of a palm bounced and rolled to a corner of the tent.

Ahu Lili: "..."

After hesitating for a moment, she walked over with a wheeze.

However, the next second she picked up the ball.

Someone picked her up.

"Aww >﹏<!"

(End of this chapter)

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