Chapter 211 In those years, the heroines beaten by Rowe

The leap of magic power flashed by.

Luo Wei was replaced on the spot, and the two of them staggered with their backs, completing the first exchange of swords and sticks.

Luo Wei: "..."

Iluth: "..."

The moment they turned their heads, they looked at each other, with a cold light in the brown and purple pupils.

Dangdang Dangdang!
With a quick triple slash, the two separated slightly and collided forward again.

Moira was a little confused, staring blankly at the staggered figures on both sides.

"How did they fight?"

Moreover, in this kind of place! ?
Saya didn't answer her, she lowered her eyes and looked forward, the spear was already in her hand, and Vermeer on the side had also accumulated magic power, ready to strike at any time.

"Don't help."

Luo Wei swung his sword to slash the air, and jumped up with swift movements. Iluth's robe was hunting and dancing in the air, staring down at him in parallel, and then disappeared into a purple mist.


Ayi Ning swung her sword to force the approaching Iluth back, the witch looked at her blankly, and several suspended objects burst out magic rays.

Luo Wei wasn't worried about Ayining's defense, and reached out to grab Iluth's back, but found nothing. The latter appeared behind him, and slowly danced the staff in a circle.

"It seems that you must stop me, don't you?"

Luo Wei didn't speak, and threw the white stone that restricted the magic power with a cold face, which was bounced away by Iluth's staff.

Afterwards, the two confronted each other again with swords and sticks, and fell into a dense offensive confrontation in a small space. The water-blue sword light scattered and splashed, until Vermeer created a barrier with magic power, completely separating the two of them.

In this way, he can go to fight with peace of mind.

Noticing the formation of the barrier, Luo Wei's body burst out with magical power, covering the body surface with a light blue bloom, and the speed was more than doubled.

"Refining Qi to Transform God."

Iluth, who had blocked three swords in succession, kept her eyebrows unchanged, leaped forward and pulled out a distance. When Luo Wei turned his head, the intensive magic bullets had already bombarded him.

With the sound of the blade piercing through the air, a golden dagger smashed through the magic spell, forming a dark blue spiral impact, followed by Luo Wei, who drove straight in, and drew his long sword out of its sheath.

"Ripple Sword Guangyi."

The narrow space was immediately covered with rings, and Iluth disappeared again. Rowe didn't even look for where she was, caught the dagger, and threw various magic props around from the cloak.

The moment Iluth appeared, she saw the trigger trap under her feet, opened her eyes slightly, and immediately changed places with Luo Wei.


Amidst the sound of an explosion, two clouds of smoke rose, and Iluth coughed twice in the smoke.

Unexpectedly, launching a trap under his feet?

Before he could frown, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes.

The force of this sword echoed on the staff, and Iluth was pushed half a step away, and the magic light blade gathered in her left hand.

"Cough cough!"

The tide-like offensive came again, and she retreated step by step, and still activated "Shape-Shaping" when she stepped on another trap.

This time, in exchange, she was entangled by the dark purple enchantment chains.

Iluth: "..."

The first time was an explosion, the second time was a chain.

To set the trap under his own feet, so that whether she changes positions or not, the result will be the same.

It is guaranteed that both of them will be recruited.

Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

He braved his own trap to fight with me?
Rowe over there blocked the flying blade with his slippery cloak, then raised his eyes, and narrowed the distance with Iluth again.

When another explosive trap was triggered, Iluth didn't change positions, just flickering normally.

Luo Wei's sword came faster than she expected.


The long sword passed through the circle, but Iluth managed to avoid it, and saw that the end of her long hair was chopped off.


She knows now.

Luo Wei is very clear about whether she is using transposition or flashing, and he knows the traps set by the ground, even if they are triggered at the same time, he will definitely respond faster than himself.

She is more familiar with her fighting style than expected.

For some reason, she was obviously of mediocre physical fitness, no matter how you looked at it, she was a mortal, but in such a battle, she felt oppressed.

Not only see through tricks.

Tactics are even more varied than hers.

Iluth fell into a passive position for a while, but the opponent seemed to be very aware of the consequences of keeping a distance, and the successive forward attacks made it difficult to breathe.

And the result of hiding "behind the scenes".

It's just a trap that appears all over the place.

But Iluth still activated the "behind the scenes", this is the isolated space she created, even if it is full of traps after going out, it doesn't matter.

Just destroy it once.

Singing the ancient witch's tune, a ballad deeper than darkness, dark characters emerged around Iluth, and the space trembled with a huge liberation.

And at this moment, the space was torn open.

Not by her, but by Luo Wei, the magic-breaking short blade tore through the space, and grabbed her ankle.


Forcibly pulled out of the space, Ilus fell to the ground, and the magic staff was taken away by the chain, and the interrupted magic power could not be subdued for a while.

The fallen blade was stuck in her cheek.

Iluth didn't blink her eyes, she calmly looked at Luo Wei who was restraining her.


She said something shallow, and the movement of raising her head caused her long hair to be cut off and dissipated into a purple mist.

And just when she appeared next to the staff and reached out to hold it——

An atmospheric impact knocked her down from behind, the staff was thrown into the air, and then raised her head, Luo Wei held up the staff with one hand, and the sword of Cang Liu was resting on her neck.


The staff is the bait.

Kneeling on the ground, Iluth smiled slightly, "I have no last words, let's do it."

Luo Wei's face was shrouded in the shadow of Liu Hai, and he didn't say a word.

"That's it, the fight is over?" Moira, who was standing in the barrier, said in a daze. She never expected that this group of people would still be fighting among themselves, and it was in this kind of place.

Is this... really reliable?

Saya couldn't stand it anymore.

"You bastard!" She gritted her teeth and walked over the barrier.

Walking towards Luo Wei, what was grabbed was the collar of Iluth on the ground, and she was lifted up.

She stared into the witch's purple eyes: "What are you thinking! I really hate you."

"At this point, there's nothing else to say," Iluth hung in the air without resisting, "It's better to let me go quickly."

"So I said, what the hell are you thinking!? He didn't want to fight you at all, can't he see it?"

Illus gave a mocking smile.

Whether it was A Yining's defense or the tactical arrangement of the entire battle, it was clearly planned long ago.

This Lanshen angel actually said that he didn't want to fight her?

She looked at the angel in front of her eyes unchanged, "I thought you had at least some brains in the battle, it seems that I think highly of you."

Saya suddenly lost her temper, and grabbed Iluth's neckline even tighter.

"It's because you didn't understand the situation. If he wants you to die, he can just let you into that bullshit sea. There's no need to design these things to prevent you from being stupid!"


"Although I hate you," Saya continued, holding her, "but I never said not to support you when it's time to support you! Don't you understand!"

Ilus was a little dazed when she was taken there.

Why is the angel angry?
She looks away.

Luo Wei, are you also angry?

"I remember that you couldn't ensure that I would stay in the team at first," Iluth turned her head to look at Saya, "Since I'm not indispensable, why bother to do such a thing."

It's just a transaction at all.

Standing by their side, observing the possibility, now that what she wants is close in front of her eyes, why should she be nostalgic?
This is what makes Saya feel the most angry.

It was the same when she was promoted to the fourth place. That guy was obviously reluctant, but he had to plan something for you and bear the consequences on his own.

What if you really didn't hold the gun at that time.

An annoying guy who can't do anything about him, always using tricks to upset people.

Saya's expression sank.

"Because he regarded you as a companion, he didn't avoid you when he could. He didn't ask you to make any guarantees, so he told you the truth he discovered, didn't he?"


Elise's eyes widened uncontrollably.

She opened her mouth slightly, lowered her head, her eyes were buried in her purple hair.


Did I betray my honesty and trust?

And he just made a bottom line to prevent the situation from turning to the irreversible side.

You should have been on guard all along, why...?
If you look at it this way, you have indeed lost.

Completely lost.

"I didn't expect that I would be preached by you," she raised her head and laughed dumbly. " are really a strange group of people."

"Obviously you are also very strange," Vermeer said holding the staff in the distance, "If we want us to sit idly by you, have you ever experienced our feelings?"

She knew Iluth was one of the "previous lives".

It's not like Luo Wei would make such a plan for anyone. Although Vermier didn't know why Iluth had been a bystander all the time, even if there was nothing between them now, he would never watch her go on a dangerous journey. .

From the very beginning, he had been protecting them.

Putting the long sword back into the scabbard, Luo Wei walked towards John coldly, still saying nothing.

Illus showed a bitter expression.

Now, it was her who was in trouble.

John in front of the huge eggshell didn't care about the battle on their side at all, and devoted himself to the research, and had been concentrating on it for a while.

"Is there a way?" Luo Wei asked.

"There is, but I'm thinking about what material would be most suitable," John said. "I'm not going to just fix it. If it makes the outer wall of the channel more difficult to destroy, then I don't have to worry about it in the future."

Moira on the side listened dully, and Rowe turned his head and looked at her as a matter of course.

"See, this is the real craftsman."

Moira was speechless.

I just finished watching the big drama over there with a dazed look on my face.

Now, she really can't tell whether this group of people is reliable or not.

After finishing all the analysis that should be there, John decided to go back and delve into the materials, and make up all at once when he comes next time.

Moira agreed.

But Luo Wei still reminded: "Don't worry about investigating the internal affairs. If even the chief combat officer falls, I don't know who else in this temple can trust."

"Okay, I see," Moira sighed, "Please allow me to thank you first."

A few people came out from the main entrance of the Lan Temple, let Vermeer purify it, and then teleported away. When they returned to the quiet courtyard, John ran to the workshop immediately.

No wonder no one can stop a craftsman who is entrusted.

Luo Wei returned to his room without saying anything. A group of people stood there, followed by Iluth, who had her head bowed and her long hair was cut off.

Vermeer couldn't help trembling.

Looking at it this way, it doesn't matter whether she knows herself, Saya or Iluth.

It seems that he has beaten them all...



After returning to Wailing Valley, Aining naturally shared a tent with Luo Wei.

She had accumulated a lot of things to ask, but in the end she stopped, and she could see that he was not in a bad mood, but was thinking about something.

Do you want to pretend to use the training of refining qi and transforming gods to ask him?
Just thinking about this, she slowly approached, and slowly came to his bed with her knees as a pillow as usual.


Just as the words were out of his mouth, a soft voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"May I come inside?"

The words in A Yi Ning's throat suddenly froze, and she glanced in the direction of the door.

The door curtain swayed, and she could vaguely see people standing outside.

It turned out to be Ilus.

(End of this chapter)

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