Chapter 214 This is the real double happiness

Lu Yi couldn't stop on the slide.

Saya was riding on the wooden horse, having a great time with a look of disdain.

But if anyone dared to snatch the Trojan horse from her, she would be in a hurry with him on the spot.

After Wei Mier was deflated on both sides, Ayning hesitated for a while, and then dragged her to the trampoline.

But no one was robbing her, Shaye suddenly felt that the wooden horse in her hand suddenly became unscented, and her eyes calmly began to covet Luyi's slide.

Luo Wei: "..."

He shook his head and looked at the group of women who had no childhood.

What kind of amusement park is this?

The whole is a children's paradise.

His original idea was that there should be a swimming pool, a water slide, a Ferris wheel and other large-scale facilities, but those cannot be knocked out in a short while. John's water conservancy project is now mainly used for the daily life of the Netes tribe. Further expansion is needed to create an artificial lake.

However, these children's equipment is very easy to make. Ke Luoxi knocked it out in her spare time to find inspiration, and only spent a little time on greening.

Seeing how much they like it, Luo Wei smiled wryly.

Obviously he originally wanted to play with a group of beautiful girls in the water in the paradise, but now it has become a kindergarten team building.

"What's in that castle?" Iluth, who was on the swing behind her, asked.

"Mirror," Luo Wei turned around and said, "The inside is all made of mirrors, you can go and try."

The witch stroked one side of her long hair behind her ear, lowered her head and stood up, her feet wrapped in black silk stepped on the green grass, giving her a different kind of beauty.

"Then I'll go and have a look."

Luo Wei choked up and didn't suggest going out with her. The witch should prefer the mysterious and romantic atmosphere. After all, the City of Mirrors is probably a dating spot for couples.

He still spent some design thoughts on the layout of the whole paradise.


Places that don't look like much at first glance.

"Why are those pits empty?" Saya came over at this moment and said.

"Didn't I say it wasn't built?" Luo Wei turned around helplessly, "It should have been a swimming pool, but you only saw 30% of it."

And it will be filled with Lily Happy Balls.

When the time comes, ACB48 will come together and jump into the water crazily when they see it.

Of course, the area on the other side is also indispensable to the duck boat that Saya will definitely like. This kind of toy is simply full of lethality to her.

"Really," Saya sat down on the swing, and pretended not to be having fun, "Then I will reluctantly look forward to it."

"Do you want me to push you?" Luo Wei asked with a smile.

"What...!? It's not that I have no feet, why should you push me?"

Luo Wei couldn't help but walk behind her. For this angel, not refusing is acquiescing.

He caught her from behind, then pushed her out with a little force, holding her back.

"How about it, doesn't it feel good not to move by yourself?"


Saya didn't speak.'s much easier than using wings by yourself, you just need to sit down.

"You can try to straighten your legs, maybe the experience will be better."

"No, I don't need you to teach me how to play!" Saya said with a dissatisfied face, and then lowered her voice, "I have seen others play..."

Swinging for the first time.

Look at the guy who made you happy, he said he was reluctant, but he completely didn't want him to stop.

And every time the soft touch from her back is also very beneficial to Luo Wei, especially when the long golden hair flutters in the air, bringing her sunshine-like fragrance.

Hmm... Only one man can enter this paradise from now on.

That's him Rowe.

After pushing Saya to play for a while, Vermeer hurried over from a distance and grabbed his hand.

"There's a fun one over there! But it takes two people, so come with me, okay...!"

"What...!" Saya was stunned for a moment, "But I, I need two people here!"

"Huh?" Vermier blinked, "You don't need two people to swing on the swing?"

"It's not that fun to be alone!"

"But on my side, I can't play alone at all...!"

Seeing them robbing him like children, Luo Wei felt amused. In his opinion, it was like a group of beautiful girls still lingering in the children's section of the mall. Of course, they didn't feel ashamed at all.

After all, there is no children's paradise in this world.

Looking at his special preparations, I thought it was specially designed for their age. There is no concept that you can only enter under 1.2 meters.

Hmm... the next time I pull Lovely over, maybe because of my petite stature, I can have more fun than them.

"I only lent you half an hour! Remember to return him when the time comes!"

"No, no way...! No matter what, it will take an hour!"

Luo Wei held his forehead with a black line on his face.

Am I a part-time worker?
Vermier didn't give Saya a chance to refuse, and pulled him to go there. Saya let out a nonchalant "hum" from behind, and then reminded: "Remember, it's only an hour!"

Rowe smiled wryly.

Should I say their relationship is good or not...

Pulled by Vermeer to the place she pointed out, Ayining met on the road was jumping on the trampoline happily, and when she saw the two passing by, she stopped immediately and started again after they walked away.


And what Vermeer said can't be played by one person.

It's a seesaw.

Luo Wei: "..."

Because of a seesaw, she forcibly pulled herself away from Saya.

"Are you... sure you want to play this?" Luo Wei asked uncertainly.

"I've researched it!" Vermeer said seriously, "Although I don't know how to do it, I can't play it alone!"

It can be seen that she really wants to know how this thing works, and has become almost paranoid.

And Ayi Ning might be reluctant to part with her trampoline.

"Then you sit down at the other end." Luo Wei walked to his end, stretched out his hand to lift up the seat board, and let Vermier's other end lower first.

This seesaw is no ordinary seesaw.

Instead, it is a special edition for lovers and couples that has been carefully designed by him.

Vermier obediently sat on the leather seat, with a silly smile on her face, as if full of anticipation for the next gameplay.


"Don't smirk, do you see the handrail in front of you, hold it firmly with both hands."

" that so?" Vermeer asked while grabbing the handrail according to his steps.

"Yes," Luo Wei nodded, "Are you ready?"

"Sure, ready!"

Vermeer slightly lowered her center of gravity, looking at her posture as if she was about to take off. Seeing that she was getting ready, Luo Wei turned his back and smiled sneerly, then jumped onto the seat above.

On the seesaw, I have never lost in the community!


Under the principle of leverage, Luo Wei, who pressed his center of gravity at the end, pried Vermier up. The overlong seesaw immediately gave her a fierce acceleration, and she was lifted to the sky at once, and his hands almost failed for a moment. Steady.

But Rowe has other priorities.

The shock when it reached the highest point made the girl's legs tremble violently, and the soft front of her body also shook violently.

"Hey hey~ It's fun!"

Obviously, she was so shocked that her eyes were closed, but because it was a seesaw, Vermeer didn't seem to feel anything unusual at all, and smiled happily.

Isn't this the result you want?

She enjoys the joy of gameplay, and he enjoys the joy of vision, which is the real double joy.

"What should I do next? How can I lift you up?" Vermeer probably guessed how to play, clenched his fists eager to try.

"You sit back and push your weight back as much as you can."

Because the seesaw is too long, the seats are also designed to be long from the beginning, which is convenient for both parties to adjust their positions.

Holding the armrest, Vermeer moved back a little bit with her buttocks pouted, this twisted appearance also looked very cute.

What an idiot beautiful girl.

Thinking back to when she was in the ancient city hanging upside down in the ruins of the war of gods, she also looked uncoordinated and clumsy.


And at this moment, Wei Mier suddenly pushed her butt back a lot, and Luo Wei was holding the armrest in a daze, when he was suddenly pushed up by a huge force.


He was quickly pushed to the top by this force, and he was surprised that this little boy dared to play with him like this, but he saw the moment Vermeer landed, because the butt thrust just now did not sit still, slap He fell out with a chirp, his buttocks upturned and his face on the ground on the lawn.

Heh... deserve it.

Just thinking about it, because the other end lost the weight of the guy, his side fell down quickly again.


I am special.

It fell to the ground so hard that his butt was almost numb from the shock.

As expected of you, Erwuzi.

Hurt self and others.

Vermeer quickly got up, her hair was still stained with grass, completely unaware of what was wrong with her, she raised her hands and jumped under the upturned seat board.

"Put it down quickly, let me go up~I still want to play~!"

Luo Wei shook his head and stood up, lifting himself up.

Don't you know how to fly? You're still a child at heart.

Afterwards, the two played up and down like this, and Vermeer quickly mastered the trick, smiling like a little lunatic.

"Hee hee, ha ha! Hee hee hee..."

The messy dark golden hair hanging in front of her eyes could not stop her happiness at all, and the flowers in front of her were trembling wildly, which made Luo Wei startled for a while.

The two quickly lost track of time.

Luyi and Ayining on the other side came over and heard Vermeer laughing very happily from a distance, and stood there awkwardly when he wanted to try.

Is it really that fun?

"You two, do you want to go together?" Vermier looked at them with a smile at the highest point and said, "Ro Wei said that four people can play together!"

"Really!?" Lu Yi clenched her hands with starry eyes.

Ayi Ning turned her head to look at her, expressing suspicion.

After Wei Mier was put down, she quickly waved to the two of them, "Come one to me, and the other to Lovina."

Seeing Lu Yi rushing out excitedly, the three of them were waiting there, and A Yining couldn't refuse, so she sighed and walked to Luo Wei's side.

Just... accompany them to see if it's really this fun.

After all, from a distance, both of them have been playing on it for more than two hours.

"How to do it?"

After getting down, Rovira sat back, leaving a large space in front of him, and patted the seat board.

I didn't expect it to be you...

He squinted his eyes calmly. He didn't expect that the first person to experience the real gameplay of this project was actually this younger sister.

Seeing that there were quite a lot of vacant seats, A Yining didn't think too much, and sat forward, there was still a lot of space between the two of them.

And when Luo Wei slowly stretched out his hands from both sides to hold the armrest, she felt something was wrong.

" want to help this too?"

"That's not the case, otherwise, wouldn't I just fly out when I went up?"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Forget it, since it is a designed project, the gameplay is probably like this.

She nervously put her two hands together and held them in the middle. This if Luo Wei was holding her in the air behind him.

Can't think too much... can't think too much... calm down...

When she was thinking this way, Vermeer's voice came from over there:
"are you ready?"

"Okay, let's start." Luo Wei behind him said coldly.


Vermeer had already discussed with Lu Yi, and the two of them jumped back at the same time.

A Yining suddenly felt a strong sense of being lifted into the air, and her whole body was lifted into the sky by the seesaw, and she was slightly startled by the strong shock when she reached a high place.

And just at this moment, Luo Wei behind him pushed heavily on her back from behind.


The surprise that had just arisen suddenly turned into panic, and she completely felt that on the slope, Luo Wei's whole body slid and pressed behind her.

"Wait, this... this is not..."

"It's your turn, hurry up!" Lu Yi urged over there.

Time for... us?

"How?" Ayi Ning was stunned, and asked subconsciously, she just wanted to get out of this embarrassing situation quickly.

"Move your butt back! This Ayining is stupid!~" Lu Yi yelled.

Butt... move back? ? ?

Isn't that...

In this situation, I actually want to move back! ?
"It won't be able to pry us like this, we must lean back!" Vermeer also shouted.

Only then did Ayining come to her senses in a trance, and looked back.

" retreat first!"

"This game requires cooperation," Luo Wei pressed her completely on the slope, leaned over and whispered in her ear, "It's the least effort to go forward together."


back together...

Ayi Ning tried to move back on the left side, and Luo Wei also backed up a little in cooperation with her left side.


Then came the right, and Rowe also went to the right.

Doesn't that mean I'm moving next to him! ?
Ayi Ning couldn't control that much, and immediately pushed back roughly, Luo Wei was pushed at the end by her, and the center of gravity of the two began to drop rapidly.


Accompanied by the fall, A Yining let out a subconscious cry, and when she fell to the bottom, she leaned into his arms tightly, tightly.


Is this game... really played like this?
Moreover, because of the few times of clinging and twisting just now, why did she faintly feel that... there is, a little change?

Before they had time to be dazed, Vermier and Luyi over there slammed back again.

"and many more!!"

Ayining cried out in horror, the two people on the side quickly lifted into the air, and Luo Wei behind her pressed hard on her back.

This time, she felt the existence of something very clearly.


(End of this chapter)

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