Chapter 221
Luo Wei tied a chain and led Domi back to Wailing Valley.

Ji Niang has no buttocks, and she is wearing a small foreign dress carefully designed for her by Ke Luoxi. She has an inexplicable feeling that the little daughter who has married abroad and changed her customs is returning to her natal family to visit relatives.

As soon as they entered the tent, the master and servant quickly began to greet each other. The machine girl was much more enthusiastic than the master, and Felica just responded without saying a word.

"Well... that's right, it's fine..."

It can be seen that the Marshal of the Imperial West has looked a little haggard in recent days because of Luo Wei's speculation about the goddess of mechanics.

She can't really think about it, otherwise if the memory is read, the location of the transfer may be leaked due to her guess.

This is a very sad thing for magic researchers.

He was not betrayed by his own creation, but he personally abandoned himself, and he still couldn't think about the reasons for this. Even because it was a secret mission, the empire didn't dare to find someone blatantly after knowing it.

The plan she used to have now completely troubled herself.

"Really, Lord Felika? They really didn't do anything to you?"

"No," Felica shook her head, she was used to the magic chains that bound her, and she glanced at Luo Wei quietly, "It's better to say that a maid wipes my body every day, and I don't have to do it myself when I eat and drink. The marshal has never been taken care of like this."

Luo Wei didn't bother them, and stood aside holding the chain, ignoring her seemingly mocking but helpless complaints.

"It's just..." Felica paused for a moment, closed her eyes and frowned, "Sometimes at night, I can always hear strange voices from other women."

Don't even think to know who it is.

Caroline in the tent next door, that **** who has never been touched by her husband, should have rewarded herself at night...

Luo Wei didn't even bother to go in and have a look, and her resources in Wuguan City also let Lewis and the others maintain them secretly.

"Your dress is very suitable." Felika stopped paying attention to this matter and moved the chain on her hands. "Come here and let me have a look."

Domi was startled.

"No... I, I'd better just stay here."


Felica was a little surprised.

My own mother-in-law doesn't even want to get close to me?

Is it because you think you can't escape, and avoid making each other suspicious after contacting each other?It was cleared up early tomorrow.

What Domi thought was that her master should not find out that she had no buttocks, and all the structures of her body had been changed.I don't know when the next meeting will be, so I can't make her worry for nothing.

What tauren drama...

Luo Wei looked at this scene and shook his head. At first she handed Domi to Ke Luoxi, but she never expected such a development.

My own machine girl has been transformed into someone else's body. She is someone else's from top to bottom, and she is still wearing someone else's clothes. Now facing the original owner, she has to cover up the fact that she has become someone else's shape...

Felika looked at Domi, feeling strange for some reason.

"You..." In the end she didn't say anything, "Since you think this is better, then so be it."

Filica-sama... no...

I've just been... I can't go back...

Luo Wei: "..."

He felt that if he didn't speak again, there would be no pure love in this tent.

"I was surprised to be able to capture Marshal Xi himself so easily until now," he said.

"Really?" Felica responded to him blankly, "You didn't deal with it or press it, but it surprised me."

"It's enough to confine you here," Luo Wei replied frankly, and then his eyes turned cold, "But do you really believe that the craftsmen will? As far as I know, they are planning more than just magical weapons and machines. Goddess of Work."

"I'm just an outcast now."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Luo Wei didn't bother to provoke her, anyway, it was a mule or a horse, and they would always be taken out for a walk in the end.

The master and the servant chatted about some recent living conditions, and Duo Mi faltered in answering, after all, she could neither praise Roxie for being nice, nor complain that her butt exploded in front of her.

"It's almost time." At the end, Luo Wei reminded.

"Then... I'm leaving," Duo Mi's expression was almost unbearable, "My lord, you have to remember to eat well, next time... next time I will come to see you."

Try to sell your body to Ke Luoxi, and then come to see your master, right...

Luo Wei held his forehead and pulled the chain.

Being led by him, Domi flew out backwards in a weird posture, waving goodbye to Felika with a smile on her face.

Filica: "..."

Came outside, turned a corner, Duo Mi glanced back, and then stopped with a sigh of relief.

"Thank you..." She lowered her head and said.

Luo Wei shook his head, "It's just that you abide by the contract, so I also abide by the agreement."

"I know!" Domi said angrily, "I will cooperate with Ke Luoxi! Next time... next time there will definitely be a chance, right?"

"of course."

Luo Wei thought it was hard to say.

If it continues to be developed like this, I'm afraid that you won't even want to come...

Thinking that her master was not in trouble, Domi quickly cheered up from her depressed mood, and turned her head to look at him.

"Maybe you're not as bad as I thought," Ji Niang said, and immediately realized that she shouldn't say such things to the enemy. "I'd like to declare in advance, this is not a compliment!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Naturally, Luo Wei didn't take this as a compliment, but he also thought of something.

"I want to ask you something," he said, "If you could only choose between your master's safety and your master's plan, what would you do?"

"Of course it's for the safety of Lady Felika herself!"

"I see."

Luo Wei lowered his head and showed surprise.

"Then maybe the two of us are on the same side."

Domi: "...?"

After sending the machine girl back to the workshop, Luo Wei went back to his room, changed out of his tattered clothes, and took a comfortable shower. By the time he got to the hot spring, there was no one there.

He was also happy to have this kind of time to enjoy alone. After soaking slowly for two hours, he came out just in time to catch up with a few people going back to the valley for dinner.

Surprisingly, Vermeer and Saya appeared together, chatting about skin care, and they stopped in front of him.

"I tried this cream on Saya's face, and she said it felt good," Vermeer looked at Luo Wei and said, "Do you want to try it for you?"

"Yes, it is quite useful, but is his face really necessary?"

Why are you still making fun of it?

Seeing them singing together, but it didn't look like they were reconciled, Luo Wei felt amused.

"Did you two have a fight?"

"Well... not at all!"

"I mean, remember to call me next time something like this happens."

"I hate it!"

Vermier bumped his head against him, his face was bulging, but Luo Wei pulled him into his arms.

"Why are you so cute..." Luo Wei whispered.

Saya didn't have that self-awareness, she knew it without thinking, it must have been Vermeer who said something on her own initiative, not so much confidence in her own status, but more consideration of his feelings.

How can she not be cute like this?

Wei Mier tugged at the corner of his clothes, suddenly couldn't help it.

He always feels it.

Every thought is conveyed.

There is nothing more gratifying than this.


She softly whispered in Ro Wei's ear, causing the latter's whole body to go numb, as if telling him that this is his willingness to belong.

Luo Wei's teeth were itchy because of her fragrance and softness, and he stretched his hands from behind to rub her head, and at the same time glanced at Saya who was standing there.

Contempt and disgust as always, as if he despised him for loving Vermeer and saying he liked her, but other than that, there was a hint of unyielding hidden in those crimson eyes.

There is no doubt that they will not reach a consensus.

But the bond between them is deeper than before.

Both companions and competitors.

Shura field.

A Yining watched silently from the side. For her... no, for her sister, it can be said to be the worst situation.

The brothers fought against the wall and defended against their insults.

The fight between them is limited to the inside. If the elder sister suddenly joins in after a long time, will they accept that such an "outsider" snatches Luo Wei from them, and even takes the position of the rightful lord?
A Yining believed that she would not do stupid actions that would hinder their relationship and tear the team apart, which made her feel even more anxious for her sister.

why don't you come back...

My sister can't stand it anymore.

During dinner time, several people received a letter from Athetana. It was not an urgent message from anyone, but it was sent from the quiet courtyard.

An invitation letter.

"The higher-ups invite us to attend the exploration meeting held in the courtyard square tomorrow night," Luo Wei said coldly after reading the content, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Who initiated it?" Saya asked with a frown.

At this time, many people who can explore the courtyard are not simple characters, and there must be a clear purpose for initiating a meeting.

"It's Ryan," Luo Wei sighed, "I guess it should be the result of weighing and weighing under the pressure of many forces, and invited all the teams and groups that explored the quiet courtyard."

After Ryan and the others entered the courtyard with a large group of people, perhaps due to the spread of information, many new teams arrived one after another during this period, but because of Athetana's god domain, no one dared to trouble them. It doesn't matter to them.

But not for other expeditions.

The ruins were already perilous. Not only did the teams suffer casualties, but the entire team did not come back. There were even fights with other teams because of the spoils. Under the alluring attraction of divine power materials and divine battle mysteries, the order can be described as one confusion.

"On the surface, it seems that they want to get our exploration information," Ayining said analytically, "but in fact, it is not ruled out that the craftsmen will beat them back."


The craftsmen will definitely have a backup in the evacuation of the lower floors, but they didn't take that road at all, so they didn't step on it.

Originally followed well, carefully guarding against the movement of their group, ready to respond at any time, but the person suddenly disappeared behind, and asked you if you were afraid.

No matter how you look at it, it is necessary for the craftsmen to find out where they are now. Even if they deliberately release the information, it is not surprising to trick the insufficient team in and kill them.

"It's too much," Vermeer felt a little annoyed after reasoning out the information, "Aren't they inhuman at all?"

"Heh..." Iluth sneered, "I've inquired specifically, the people who were tricked in are not only ignorant of their own strength, but also have excessive greed, who can tell right from wrong."

"So, shall we participate?" Shaye looked at Luo Wei and said, "I know with my ass, the other party will definitely not make it easy for us, and it is certain that they will plant us."

Then your ass may be better than your brain.

Luo Wei joked in his heart, and then recovered his calm look.

"Participate, why not participate."

It's just that in order to prevent the opponent from continuing to jump over the wall in a hurry, there are some preparations that can start to be arranged.


After having dinner and discussing various possibilities, Rowe returned to his tent.

Ayi Ning is naturally there too.

The two chatted a few words from a distance, and Luo Wei glanced over there inadvertently.

Since the weather has gotten hotter, the girl's clothing has inevitably decreased. From the cold weather to now, she is finally witnessing this scene.

Just when he thought so.

Ayi Ning skillfully pulled out a set of curtains from the box under the bed.

Luo Wei: "..."

I don't want to do this!
(End of this chapter)

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