Chapter 226 Then We, What Are Yours?
After Marcus spoke like this, no one dared to object.

Many lords showed regretful expressions on their faces.

They originally planned to arrest people after the end, but they didn't expect Marcus to be more direct, dragging the other party out during the meeting and slaughtering them.

I don't know what kind of information he got from Luo Wei?
" it actually because of this reason?" Bena who was behind Marcus suddenly laughed.

Looking at those who were afraid of her, Bella held her belly and waved her hands.

"I'm sorry, this is really ridiculous... What's the use of charging such a high price?" She looked at the other lords without hesitation, "Don't you know that even if we don't do it, the lords will want him later?" life?"

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became gloomy.

And the most surprising thing is that none of the lords came forward to deny it.

Ryan glanced behind him in embarrassment. This matter should not have been brought up to discuss, but the other party probably never thought of it. Although there is no intersection, all forces are paying attention to the information on Luo Wei.

This is probably a consensus that no one in the alliance mentioned. Ever since they entered the courtyard and saw that Rowe had been exploring for several months, everyone tacitly kept silent. After all, even Marcus was rejected twice. He also failed to form a relationship with the dwarf king, and Luo Wei's attitude of not getting involved is already obvious.

But that doesn't mean the forces don't care.

So, when Luo Wei finished the guide calmly, among other things, the lords of those dark camps must be arrested and interrogated.

As for the other lords, Bella's words have already made it clear that there is trickery behind the man's back, and she has a vested interest in information, so naturally she will not stand up and interfere.

Look at what Rowe did at the time:

——Use an attitude of staying out of the way to lead the other party to show their feet;
- Demonstrating hostility with killing intent;
——Using someone to set the blame on someone will attract the attention of various forces;

——Finally, use his strength to prove that he has the ability to do it.

On the surface, go back and forth with the other party and make a victim statement.


It's like constantly implying that there is something wrong with them, if you want information, don't miss it, otherwise he will do it himself, and he will not be able to catch up if it is too late.

My best friend...

In the place where people are playing around, it is really the same as before.

Sure enough, seeing that the scene was so oppressive that the matter might have been revealed, someone immediately knelt out.

"I don't know anything! It was the condition for someone to open the God Core, and they also prepaid 300 Sencoins to let us do this. They only said that they would hand over information to Rowe Brook at the meeting!!"

"We don't know that there are so many things involved behind this, please forgive me!!"

God core?

Ryan closed his eyes.

On the surface, it's a pretty good job.

It's really embarrassing to get such a generous reward just by saying a few words at the meeting and fighting Luo Wei tit for tat.

"Eh——? Is this the surrender?" Bella looked at the few people with disdain, "I also recorded the magic projection, and I will settle accounts with you one by one after preparation."

After speaking, the recorded content was projected in the center of the square.

As soon as she said this, another person knelt out of the crowd.

"Forgive me...! I can say anything!!"

"Don't kill me! Ahhh..."


Ryan froze for a moment, and cast his gaze at Marcus, who was still sitting there calmly, but even if he didn't respond, that posture said a lot.

Deliberately letting these people jump out by themselves is clearly helping him promote the establishment of order in the courtyard.

Also don't want to waste time.

After that, what is he going to do?
Ryan focused for a moment, followed his gaze, and took a look at the members of the Artisan Association calmly. These people had entered the courtyard with them and saw Luo Wei at the beginning, so they should be aware of their internal consensus.

This made him frown.

Does all this have nothing to do with them?

Ke Luoxi's second workshop, open-air hot spring.

"So, did you lead this way on purpose?" Ayi Ning asked in front of her, wrapped in a bath towel, keeping a distance.

"Well," Luo Wei closed his eyes calmly, "Speaking in public is naturally for everyone to hear."

If there is no accident, that person has already been slapped by Marcus, and even if not, other forces will not let him go after the meeting.

Vermeer and Saya sat on both sides of him, and Iluth was a little far away alone, but she could still hear their discussion.

"You guys who play tricks are really more insidious than the other," Saya said.


The other three women were also silent.

Ayi Ning shrank under the water in contempt, and Luo Wei seemed to be very good at using people's psychology to manipulate.

Whether it's dealing with business, or in...

Thinking that she was willing to be a younger sister, and she was the one who told stories before going to bed, and she had to take the initiative to coax him if he was upset, she pursed her mouth resentfully.

Needless to say those two.

Even Elise...

"Heh, on this point, it's rare for me to share the same feeling as you." The witch's voice came faintly.

Didn't he plan what happened in Lan Temple last time? Thinking about it now, it seems like he deliberately released information to lure her into the bait.

Four people: (▼ヘ▼#)
With black lines on his face, Luo Wei sat at the place where his eyes were focused and patted the water.

"Hey, your resentment is about to emerge."

Vermeer sank beside his arm, half of his face buried in the water, grunting.

I was just reluctant at first...

"Instigating, #¥......&@*#"

Luo Wei tilted his head and glanced at her, "Speak human."

Vermeer came out of the water and asked in confusion: "Speaking of which, is this matter arranged by the craftsman? This trick will not work for us... well, it will not work for you at all?"

All plans should have a purpose. Even if the craftsmen are confident that those people will not expose them, such an attempt will not shake their pace of exploration at all.

Could it be that he had no choice but to come up with a solution?

"In fact, their goal has been achieved." Luo Wei said in a deep voice.


He nodded and looked at the others, "Think about it, what is our greatest advantage in the eyes of the Craftsman Association?"

"Unrestricted?" Ayi Ning thought for a while and said.

"Yes," Luo Wei affirmed, "Because we don't participate in the affairs on the surface and are not held back by those affairs, we have enough leeway to explore the depths, and we will not be pressured by the other side with political stance."

"So..." Saya thought for a while without thinking, "As long as other forces get involved with us, can this advantage become a weakness and hinder our exploration progress?"


"Then you still attract other forces to attack like that??" Saya's eyes widened fiercely, and the abundance of the golden ratio burst out of excitement, "You give back the information to Marcus?? If he makes a move, don't you just tell him by force?" Everyone said that there is cooperation with us!"

Luo Wei didn't miss the moment when the water broke, and sprinkled hot spring water full of body, rich and generous.

Saya was stunned for two seconds, noticing that his vision was not right.

"Where are you looking, you bastard!!"

She sat down abruptly, grabbed his arm with one hand, and grabbed his neck from the side with the other hand, "Tell me what you think, maybe you did it just to show off for a while?" !!"

Several people looked over one after another.

They all want to know the answer to this question.

Since the true purpose of the Craftsman Association is this, those who jumped out of the meeting are completely abandoned, and it can even be expected that other forces will deal with it later.

After all, the Artisan Association has already had a deep understanding of how Luo Wei can speak nonsense.

How can you beat him with your mouth...

"It's very simple, isn't it." Luo Wei closed his eyes, "Do you still remember what Athetana said after we learned about the goddess of mechanics?"

Several people fell into short memories...

What did the Mother God say?
Luo Wei shook his head, "Let's find allies, don't try to solve it alone. You really don't take useful suggestions at heart."

The corners of their mouths trembled.

No... No matter how you say it, it would be strange to remember such words.

Do you care so much about every word Athetana said...

"So, the other party's goal is actually your plan?" Ayi Ning looked at him frowning.

"I said that I don't completely ignore what is on the surface, it's just that someone will do it, right?" Luo Wei smiled and said, "So since they want to find allies for us, there's nothing to refuse. Both sides are happy Isn't it?"

Iluth shook her head, "I'm afraid that the other party will have the last laugh and won't be able to cry."

Several people went around in their minds a few times, and finally figured out the relationship inside.

The artisans will use the abandoned sons to make things difficult for them at the meeting. The first intention is to prepare their location information, and the second intention is to attract the attention of other forces, interact with them, and hold them back.

Luo Wei rejected the first-level intention with an attitude of staying out of the matter, and the behavior of attracting the attention of other lords made him jump into the second-level intention of the other party.

But in fact, the opponent's second-level intention was precisely one of Luo Wei's plans, which instead gave him a chance to form an alliance with the forces on the bright side, and the Artisan Association did him a big favor.

Everyone: "..."

Their gazes became resentful again.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake just now," Saya apologized sincerely, "You guys are simply more insidious than those who play tricks!!"

Ayi Ning also sighed helplessly, and held her forehead.

She really didn't expect that there would be such a step. She is still better at plotting, and has no insight into layered insidious tricks.

It seemed as if they were the villains...

I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to design the plan so badly...

But it's really reassuring.

So, Luo Wei's plan is to integrate the forces of the bright side and the dark side?
Coming to this conclusion, several people couldn't help but get goosebumps.

He was actually making such preparations.

"Like in Baigang Town?" Vermeer asked in a daze for a while.

The suppression of the God of Bone and Blood in Baigang back then was also the last blow completed by the two of them working together.

She originally thought that the actions in Wuguan City this time mainly relied on forces such as Lovely, Athetana, Dongjie Suying and other forces, and their disputes on the surface were two ways away.

But now it seems that Luo Wei intends to call together the forces gathered by his friends.

Why does Luo Wei... care so much about his friend named Ryan?Even the speeches at the meeting were to some extent helping the other party.

Vermeer was slightly uneasy about this.

"I have one more question," Iluth interrupted everyone's thoughts, "The craftsmen will not worry. Are you really going to disclose their information?"

Several people bowed their heads in thought one after another.


Provoking Luo Wei like that at the meeting, what if he really told what he saw in the deep?
"Of course they are worried," Luo Wei closed his eyes and replied, "This kind of plan is also to test this point. I'm afraid they are all ready to jump over the wall."

"What kind of preparation?" Vermeer asked.

Rowe shook his head.

"I do not know."

Just like Urs was overturned by the appearance of the Machinist on the battleship, he is not omniscient.

But if the other party wants peace of mind, he can give it to them.

Lane will also need time before everything is ready.

"So by doing that, you are deliberately jumping into the pit set by the other party to cooperate with the other party's acting?" Saya frowned.

Ai Ning sighed deeply.

She no longer wants to know how many layers of meaning lie behind each of Luo Wei's actions...

"I also have a question!" Vermeer thought of something, and suddenly raised a hand to face him.

Are you a popular science class for kindergarten... How about just compiling a book with [-] whys?
Luo Wei shook his head and sighed, "Ask."

Vermeer looked at him, and then looked around.

"You said that we are not your subordinates—"

She said with bright eyes.

"Then we, what are yours?"

(End of this chapter)

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