Chapter 228 Saya's Kissing Style
Hearing what Saya said, Luo Wei thought that she probably had no choice.

Apart from massaging and hugging, all she could think of was unbuttoning.

"Yes," Luo Wei replied calmly, "but this time there is only 1 Sen coin."

"What!? There were 5 Mori coins last time..."

"Last time was the last time," Luo Wei looked back at her, "Since you have experienced it once, it shouldn't be so troublesome to do it."


Am I worth 1 Sen coin?

Luo Wei smiled lightly, looking at her unhappy look, and the buttons that were too full and curved along the lines.

"In this case, I have another proposal, 2 buttons, I will give you a total of 10 Sen coins, how about it?"

Two... two?
Isn't that...

Today's Saya didn't tie her hair up, and the long golden hair falling down her shoulders looked gentler than usual, but her crimson eyes and unhappy face still had a bit of vigor.

That is her proud stubbornness.

"The high collar you're wearing today is fine, it's already June, it's just a natural way to relieve the heat."


Ro Wei stepped forward and took her hand aggressively.

Saya's hands are not as soft as Vermeer's, but holding the gun all year round has not left any calluses on her hands, probably the angel itself is like this.

With slender fingers, tight skin, and perfect bone curves, it feels like a work of art when held.

"Can't you?"

As Luo Wei approached further, the other party backed away in panic.

In addition to unbuttoning, of course there is one more thing to do.

But Saya had never been mentally prepared for this, and unconsciously pursed her rosy lips.

Do you want to kiss A Yining on his bed...

For Luo Wei, Saya's arrival was like invading A Yining's domain, her scent was also so attractive, and she became more unscrupulous.

"I also want to see your wings."


"Anyway," Luo Wei closed his eyes, "Since you can't figure out how to satisfy me, I can teach you."

There are many things that can be done.

However, as far as this angel is concerned, she still doesn't understand anything, and the last time her video was taken also proved that she was afraid of that kind of thing based on the premise of ignorance, and she was so afraid that she didn't even dare to speak.

Luo Wei didn't intend to leave a psychological shadow on her.

Then take it step by step, let her accept herself, and experience each stage along the development of the relationship.


Seeing that she was still hesitating, Luo Wei unbuttoned the top two buttons of his pajamas.

"Look, it's nothing, I'm free."

"Who wants to look at you...!" Saya muttered impatiently, it seemed nothing, even if he walked out like this, no one would find it strange.

But that's him!
Who wants to look at his stupid human body!
"I'm like's weird...!"

There are high requirements for clothing.

Saya just felt that this was inappropriate. Even if only the collarbone could be seen, how could an angel open his buttons to people, and Maria would definitely say that she didn't even understand the most basic etiquette when she saw it.

"That's why it's called private order." Luo Wei closed his eyes, his expression suddenly turned cold, "If you dare to go out like this, I will get angry."


Saya clutched her neckline, hesitated for a while.

Luo Wei moved closer to her again, and the distance between the two became subtle, as if the cheeks were one step closer, and they reached the distance of kissing.

"You can refuse, I won't do anything to force you."


Would it disappoint him if he refused here?

If it was Vermeer, he wouldn't need to spend so much effort repeatedly... right?


Saya lowered her head and looked around, not knowing what to do, mainly because no one had ever taught her whether to refuse or give up at such a time.

This matter of's too difficult...

Isn't there a clearly written rule?
"That's...just because the weather is hot...that's all."

She gritted her teeth and bowed her head.

If a relationship calls for being honest with someone, she'll try.

It's not about worrying about losing to Vermeer.

Instead, he wanted to step out and have a look, otherwise he couldn't help but want to get close to him, but he didn't bring him anything.

She didn't want to be weak all the time, and always let this annoying guy in front of her understand her feelings and do those things for her on her own.

If that's what he expected... then... at least until he could bear it.

At least... this is a personal order, only for him.

"If it's not so hot... I, I'll buckle it back."

"Of course, all of this is up to you." Rowe responded.

Shaye looked down, took a breath slowly, raised both hands, and untied the first one tremblingly.

After exhaling without daring to make a sound, the second one followed.

It took her a lot of time, and when the collar collapsed by itself because of her fullness, she sneaked a glance at Luo Wei, not knowing what to do next.

Luo Wei grabbed her hand again.

It could be felt that because of nervousness, her hands were a little cold, and she covered her with her own hands.

at this time.

I'm afraid any speech will make her panic and think too much.

So Luo Wei didn't say anything, and pulled her to fall backwards. As he lay down completely, Saya was also guided to the top.

Saya: "..."

He knows what he wants without explaining.

Sure enough, I still have to...

He took the initiative last time, this time, should it be me?

Rowe just closed his eyes and waited.

Saya: "..."

Perhaps it was because of the gauze curtain that sealed the place, and in the small space, she felt a faint sense of security that she could evade.

Lower your breath and go down slowly.

Looking at his face, always staring at him cautiously.

She was very afraid, if the other party opened his eyes at this time and laughed at her.

Then she must be ashamed to see people again.

Until he reached a dangerous distance, he could feel his breath, and even if he deliberately controlled it, the other party would probably be able to feel it.

He still closed his eyes.

Confirming again and again, Saya leaned over, her hands were held in Luo Wei's arms, approached the last distance, and gently pressed his lips.


I'm... kissing him.

What does this feel like.

Obviously what he wanted.

It seems that it is not so annoying...

Luo Wei gently hugged her shoulders so that she could no longer escape, and Saya also supported his sides, so that he could better maintain a distance and not completely press on him.



Saya slowly touched his lips with her lips, rubbed them gently, opened and closed slightly according to instinct, and used her feelings to make each other in tune.

Luo Wei cooperated with her.

He is next to Saya, this is her own way of kissing, inexplicably has the innocence of a little girl, so she doesn't intend to spoil her experience.

At least...she was enjoying it.

Luo Wei maintained a passive posture, matched her pace, and felt the fragrance of her breath at this moment, the warm and slow kiss.

It seemed to be confiding to him, wanting to pay more attention to her, leaving all the unspeakable words to this moment to express.

so cute...

Luo Wei secretly opened his eyes and looked at her. At this moment, the appearance of the angel kissing him with his eyes closed was really too beautiful.

But you can only take a look.

One more look, and he would no longer be able to respond to her with pure love.



The two fell into a lingering and soft kiss on this simple and elegant bed.

It's been so long since the last kiss that I have been accumulating patience these days, and I have to make up for it all.

"What are you doing in my bed..."


Saya shook her body, almost like a rabbit that was frightened crazy, and was about to run away, but found that she was locked in the gauze tent, wanted to move and stopped several times, and the fear in her heart rose to the extreme.

Luo Weian held her in his arms and buried her face.

Saya's heartbeat was unbelievably violent, and she could feel the extremely fast pounding sound through her chest. If it was on flat ground, she would definitely dig a hole and bury herself on the spot.

Look at scaring the kids.

Luo Wei looked helplessly at A Yining, "Why are you walking so silently?"

"I still want to ask you guys." A Yining looked helplessly at Saya's reaction, "I found someone on my bed outside, and thought there was something wrong, so I came in holding my breath to confirm."

Immediately, her expression became contemptuous again, with so many questioning points.

"So, why are you in my bed?"

"Yes, there are mosquitoes." Saya explained in a panic while hiding inside.


You two...sneaked onto my bed while I was away, kissed so deeply, I waited by the side for a few minutes and didn't finish...!
Really, for that reason.

"Is that so?" She frowned and looked at Luo Wei in disbelief.

"Otherwise, is it possible that Saya has to smell your scent to feel it?"

Saya: "...?"

Ayi Ning: "..."

What are you talking about?

No, no matter how you look at it, it's all your suggestion.

Ayi Ning pressed her forehead, her expression still helpless, " are like this, where should I sleep at night?"

She is usually very concerned about her own small place, after all, it smells like hers, and she has a little cleanliness in this area, obviously he has always been very self-conscious, and has never cheated near her bed.

However, there was a feeling that I couldn't get out, I stayed with him almost every night for a while, and because of Iluth's sleep aid, I lay down and slept with him all night.

But I'm a girl after all...

Naturally, this aspect is not as casual as boys.

Seeing these two hugging on her bed like lovers, she didn't want to spoil their interest, so she could only hint a little.

Luo Wei raised his head and motioned to her, A Yining knew without looking, that he wanted her to sleep on his big bed.


Her eyes suddenly became resentful.

You two built a love nest together in my bed, leaving me alone in the big bed to feed the mosquitoes, right?

Brother smelly.

When my sister comes, see if I don't sue you...

She pursed her lips and said, "Then I'll go to sleep with Vermeer today, and if I'm free tomorrow, I'll install a mosquito net for you."

"no, do not want!"

Hearing the word Vermeer, Saya looked a little dazed for a moment, and hurriedly shouted out.

If she knew that she was here with Luo Wei... Thinking of what she did just now, a strong sense of guilt surged up.

She didn't want that fool to know.

In fact, at first...she didn't want to just come to him like this, but for some reason, the thought kept lingering in her heart.

Thinking that the other party might smile at her tolerantly after knowing about it, Saya felt a little ashamed.

"I... I'll go back first, don't go to her."

Shaye broke free from Luo Wei's arms, stood up and came out to meet Ayining's gaze, and the two stared blankly at each other.

Ayi Ning looked at her unbuttoned buttons and was a little stunned.

And Saya suddenly thought, if she doesn't know how to deal with the relationship with Vermeer, wouldn't it be good to ask Aining and Lovely for advice?
Before the two of them, they should have...

There is still a chance to ask about this kind of thing in private.

Saya didn't say anything, quickly fastened the buttons, and walked out of the tent without looking back.

Ayi Ning looked at her back in a daze for a moment.

Vermeer already knew about your coming to find Luo Wei...

The relationship between them is really unclear, even if I talked with Vermier just now, I still can't see it clearly.

Thinking of this, Ayi Ning sighed slowly, and turned around, only to find that Luo Wei had fallen asleep peacefully.


Shouldn't you...

Luo Wei: "zzZ..."

(End of this chapter)

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