It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 231 Catch the turtle in the urn and fight against the water

Chapter 231 Catch the turtle in the urn and fight to the death

"During this time, I have not acted rashly."

In the heavy rain, Moira led Luo Wei and others into the temple.

The ancient stone pillars were submerged in the rain, and the silhouettes of several people splashed water.

"But it's too quiet." She glanced around, "Do you feel this way? Even the temple master didn't ask me about your last visit."

It is very quiet.

Luo Wei closed his eyes and used his breath to feel for a moment. Although the temple has a small population, it is not like a no-man's land.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "I'm surprised that you can still walk."

"...?" Moira looked back at him, "Didn't you tell me not to investigate?"

Luo Wei didn't explain the problem.

He was just planning for the worst and treating her as a pig teammate. Sure enough, not all angels are named Saya.

If it were the person behind me who didn't know you well, how dare you tell her not to investigate?

Then she still wants to investigate for you.

The final result is probably being locked in the basement, waiting humiliatingly until they come over, shedding tears of regret.

"Where are the warriors and angels in the temple?" Rowe asked.

"Because of the influence of the taboo erosion behind the crack, the angels basically go back and forth to purify the Snowfall Holy Mountain," Moira walked in front and said, "Others should be in the temple, but they won't just walk around idle."

Luo Wei nodded, took out the resonator and glanced at it. There was still only one black line, and it was undoubtedly pointing to Maria.

It turned out to be the case.

He probably had a guess about the worst that could happen right now, but it wasn't the worst for them anymore.

Braving the heavy rain to reach the core area inside the temple, the closed palace is not luxurious, but it gives people a sense of ancient awe.

Just when a few people were planning to move on.


Hearing the familiar voice, Moira turned around subconsciously, but Luo Wei and the others passed her at this moment.

Shaye's spear swung a scarlet afterimage, and the two guards blocking the door were blown away, and the gunfire created a blank scene in the rain.

Not only Moira was a little confused, but even John, who was being held by the back collar by Rowe, was also dumbfounded, holding the craftsman box in his arms tightly.

And they didn't stop.

"Follow me!" Shaye shouted to John, and then rushed into the palace without looking back, and there was a heavy sound of gun blades smashing inside.

John gritted his teeth and got up, Vermeer applied wind spirit power to the two of them, then stood at the entrance and chanted a divine-level spell, the divine power imprint on the back of his hand suddenly glowed.


A huge barrier of water and light enveloped the entire palace in a semicircle.

"I leave it to you," Vermeer looked at the two people outside the barrier, and quickly cast a high-level protection spell on them, "Must... must persist until I come back!"

Then she ran inside without looking back.

Luo Wei smiled and looked at A Yining who was also guarding the door with him, "Are we so worrying?"

Ayi Ning lowered her head and smiled slightly, "Then use the sword to speak."

"Practice Qi... Transform God"! !

The ultimate qi training brilliance erupted from the two of them at the same time, and the rain in the air was stopped for a moment by the shock, and they opened their eyes one from the left and the other from the right, and determination burst out from the eyes holding the sword.

There were more than a dozen figures on the open space in front of the palace, and the head of the old man wearing a robe of gold thread said coldly:
"Moira, I didn't expect you to betray the temple."


Moira looked at Luo Wei and Ayining, who stood guarding the entrance with their swords drawn, with shock in their eyes.

"Luo Wei, what's going on here?"

They clearly planned it in advance, and they carried it out without any hesitation, not to mention her, even the temple warriors who blocked them didn't react.

Rowe closed his eyes.

"As a chief combat officer, you should have the ability to discern the truth."

He said, looking straight at the old man behind Moira.

Moira paused for a moment, then turned around suddenly, and asked the other party, "Master, what's going on!"

The person standing there is none other than the head of the Arashi Temple on the Broken Ridge Plateau——

Wiggis Brockley.

"Are you planning to question me?" Weggis said coldly, "Bringing unbelievers in to desecrate the temple, as the chief combat officer, are you planning to betray Lord Lanshen?"


Moira looked back in consternation, then looked down at the ground again.

"Master, I just want to ask you a question," she said with her fists clenched in confusion, "This matter has been on my mind for a long time."

Raising her gaze, she looked at Weggis, who had always been highly respected.

"Why not fix that crack?"

The atmosphere in the air was silent for a moment in the rain.


"Then it seems that we can't keep you." Weggis squinted his eyes and looked at her coldly, and the two slashes suddenly passed by.


Moira spread her wings, barely avoided the blow, and looked at the two who were attacking her.

"Mas, Corea, have you also betrayed the temple!"

The two temple warriors who were stopped by her said nothing, but raised their swords and axes.

Moira stood in the rain with her teeth gritted, feeling the overwhelming anger all over her body, her clenched hands shaking.

"How dare you have the face to say that I am the one who betrayed the temple!!!"

With a roar, she tore through the rainwater and took hold of the feather spear that had materialized, and stood in front of Luo Wei and the two of them.

"Why! Weggis! How could you! How could you!?"

No matter what, Moira couldn't imagine that, as the manager of a temple leader, she would betray Lanshen! ?

Nothing could be more ridiculous than this!
"Aren't you afraid of being judged by God!!!"

Facing Moira's attitude, Weggis looked very cold.

"That's not something you should know," the temple chief looked around without any mercy, "do it."

Several godheads exploded with divine power, the ground around them began to tremble, and the air was filled with pressure.

Moira just couldn't understand.

They were all braves and heroes from all over the world, some of them were even promoted to the rank of demigods with the godhood bestowed by Lord Lanshen, but at this moment...

How dare you! !
"Back back." Luo Wei stopped her in a deep voice from behind, "You must not be an angel who wants to die as soon as your brain gets hot."


Moira gritted her teeth and turned her head. There were still countless things she couldn't figure out or understand, but at least the situation was clear.

Luo Wei guessed that there would be an ambush, and everything they did was to dig out the truth.

But it was too decisive.

If it wasn't for the question that Wei Jisi couldn't answer for a long time, and it was imminent for Saya to bring the craftsmen in again, when her thoughts were confused just now, no matter how she thought about it, she would definitely think that Luo Wei and the others used her.

"We just made the most correct choice," Ayi Ning said slowly, "If we don't do this, we will be besieged now, and the other party will have a lot of time to persuade and deceive you."


Moira spread her wings and flew back between the two, pointing at the group with a feather gun in her hand.

"Weigis, I will definitely make you pay the price!"


Inside the palace.

Saya spread her scarlet wings and repelled the soldiers guarding like a broken bamboo. Although there were not many guards inside, everyone who saw them attacked without hesitation, and the intention to stop was written on their faces.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

Her long spear danced like lightning, and every blow was heavy, the stone pillars collapsed, and the walls were completely destroyed. These guards were not godheads, and no one could take her blow head-on, and even a slight stop made her stop. Can't do it.

John: "..."

He didn't react until now, he could only run behind with the box in his arms, not knowing what happened.

How did it...become a point of breaking through with force?

Vermier held the staff to cover behind. Now that the situation has developed to this point, it shows that the plan prepared by Luo Wei is useful.

During this process, the other party blocked at the gate of the palace, obviously intending to catch a turtle in a jar... Well, although this is A Yining's term, I am not a turtle.

And Luo Wei's response was also very simple.

That is to let the catch in the urn turn into a last stand.

If they fell into the siege of the opponent, it would definitely become a stalemate. Moira was also likely to be their enemy. Even if they broke through and entered the palace by force, they would be caught in a predicament.

But now, it has become a group breakthrough. They drove straight into the palace to repair the cracks and rescue Maria. The other party obviously couldn't just sit back and watch this situation, and had no time to drag them down.

In this case, Moira would at least be hesitant. If the other party showed their feet and decided to do something, it would not be impossible for the chief combat officer to stand by their side.


Still can't take it lightly.

There were only Luo Wei and A Yining outside, and to face most of the main force's offensive, he had to play a role.

"Hurry up! Don't fall behind!" Shaye waved away the obstacles blocking the way, and shouted to John behind him.

"It's good!"

Vermeer added Wind Spirit to the three of them again, and with calm eyes, he used spells to knock away the guards who had heard the sound.

Sure enough, Saya is also worried about the situation outside.


Raising the sword and swinging away the oppression of the giant axe, the water-blue sword light fell mercilessly, leaving shallow wounds on the opponent who retreated in time.

"Ripple Sword·Introduction"


Rings burst out from the long and narrow wound, blood burst in front of the opponent, and he staggered backwards.

This is a method of motivating the opponent's blood through qi. He has to activate it in advance to do it. If it fails, it will only waste magic power, but as long as the wound is cut, the opponent can drink a pot.

Luo Wei didn't even look at the opponent, he swung his sword to block the spear of the next godhead, and his figure intersected with the opponent.

The few people present were all excellent godheads. He had no intention of keeping his hands from the beginning, and with the cover of others, it didn't seem like an advantage to play more and less.


"Huagui Sword Tuliu"

A large area of ​​sword rocks rose up from the ground, separating the battlefield. Ayining rushed over with a sword, and the brown sword energy flashed across. While the opponent was dodging, Luo Wei leaned closer, and the sword of Cangliu burst into flowing flames. .

"Ripple Sword·Huanjie"!
The ring burst and knocked the opponent into the air, sprinkled blood trails, and swept across the sky vigorously.

However, after going through so many battles with A Yining, both of them are sword users and cooperate with each other tacitly, so it is impossible to get any advantage from them.

At the same time, although the angry Moira fought alone, she was not so reckless as to directly go to the temple chief to settle accounts, but confronted her former comrades-in-arms head-on.

A wave of sword energy slashed open the sword rock, Ayining flashed sideways, and glanced at Luo Wei.


Comprehending it, Rowe grabbed her right hand that was not holding the sword, and threw her towards the original position in a circle. Just as the temple warrior who wanted to attack Moira from the side raised his head, Yu Jian's brown aura suddenly fell.

Taking advantage of attracting attention, Luo Wei sheathed the sword, his expression suddenly sank.

"Ripple Sword Sparkle"

His figure crossed the flow marks on the battlefield, catching the attacking fighters by surprise. He never thought that he would leave the defensive position and actively tear their formation apart.

Ha ha……

Luo Weiyin sneered, aimed at the caster standing on the high platform, and drew his sword to split the soaring sword energy.

What's the use of defending blindly.

He has long been unhappy with those casters.

The formation was disturbed, the soldiers were falling, and the opponent was unscathed.Wiggis narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched this scene.

Whether it was planning or fighting, they were caught off guard.

"It seems that you want to struggle as much as you want."

When he finished saying that.

A temple warrior on the field roared in pain, with white sharp horns protruding from his head.

Luo Wei and A Yining glanced at each other.

That's the mutant.

Mutants of Black Crystal.

Appeared when the Resonator was not displayed.

(End of this chapter)

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