Chapter 236 Angels' Thanks
It was so close.

As he went down, Luo Wei's face was stuck at a very dangerous distance.

For A Yining, this is a restricted area that no one can reach. There is only a slight difference between the lips of the two, and with a slight movement, or even just pursing their lips, they will touch each other.

Facing the first kiss to be handed over at any time in the next moment, A Yining's heart rose to her throat, her eyes widened and she looked at him, not daring to make any moves.

Even talking can lead to touching.

Huh... Huh!

Vermeer looked at the two, and it was the first time she saw two people so close, unconsciously staring at the only remaining gap.

Hmm...they look at each other, as if they only see each other...

When is Ai Ning...

Am I the one who got robbed?
And at this moment, Luo Wei's face lifted a little.

"Think clearly, I won't show mercy."

Ayi swallowed her throat, "Mmmmmm."

She still couldn't get back to her eyes, the scene just now seemed to be imprinted in her memory, lingering in her mind.

I almost... gave him my first kiss.

This made her dare not speak again, she pursed her lips timidly, and her palms were sweating for a while.

"We'll discuss the details when we get back," Luo Wei looked at them and said, "Go to Moira and Saya when it's almost time, and don't mention it here."


"it is good."

The two girls nodded at the same time, and after waiting for a few minutes, the three of them pushed aside the covered wooden planks and stone pillars, and crawled out from under the ruins.

During this process, Vermeer glanced at Ayining calmly, but was still noticed by the latter.

The two looked at each other briefly.




The three found Moira pinned down in the corner of the collapsed palace.

She was seriously injured, and after Vermier treated her, she woke up and recovered after a while.

"It's you..."

Moira was relieved at first, and then gave Rovi a complicated look.

When Mang Lei fell, this guy protected the two of them and left her behind without hesitation.


dog man.

The entire hall was broken into two pieces, sunken in the middle, and the zenith disappeared. It is not a miracle that they survived, but the goal was defined by divine punishment, otherwise it would not be surprising that the entire temple would be wiped out.

"So, the crisis of the temple is lifted?"

"It's hard to say." Luo Wei got up and stood up. Before he could say anything, a woman's scream came from outside.

Several people looked over there at the same time.

this voice...

He quickly brought Moira outside, the ground had already been smashed to pieces, and there was not even scum left by Weggis and others. It seemed that the angels who came back after hearing the movement all knelt on the ground in pain, and their wings were burning with black flames.


"Understood!" Vermier's expression sank, he took out his staff and chanted the purification of the gods, and the brilliance covered a range of nearly a hundred meters.

Rowe turned to look at Moira.

"Did the angel go to the north to purify, was it suggested by Weggis?"

"Yes..." Moira nodded, her eyes became astonished, "Could it be...?"

"Looks like it is." Luo Wei narrowed his eyes.

Purification is a pretense, and the angels have already put on the shackles of depravity. If it weren't for the presence of the saint, Vermeer, the consequences would be disastrous.

Luo Wei continued to look at her and said, "You should know what to do. Call all the angels and temple warriors."

Moira nodded heavily.

"I'm going right now!"

She quickened her pace to go out, and Luo Wei hurriedly set off to find Saya.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the temple, he almost collided with the scarlet angel who rushed out holding a spear.

"Are you okay?" Saya looked at him blankly.

"You want something to happen to me?"


Luo Wei glanced behind her.

"Where are Mary and John?"

"Who is John?"


Luo Wei pursed his lips, not knowing how to complain for a while.

"You mean the craftsman?" Saya suddenly realized, "Oh no, I forgot him in it!"

Just as he was about to turn his head, John ran and leaned against the pillar panting, beckoning to them.

"Don't mind me...I'm fine...I'm fine..."

Saya came back again, facing Luo Wei, her expression became a little sad.

"Maria she..."

"Let's talk about it when we go back." Luo Wei probably guessed the result, and patted her on the shoulder from behind, "Come and help first."


hours later.

When everyone in the temple leadership had completed their purification, Moira bowed her head deeply to them.

"Thank you very much, this kindness cannot be repaid."

Several people looked at each other.

"You're welcome," Luo Wei wrote lightly, "This is the result of your choice to believe us, and..."

Turning back, Vermier sat on the ground wiping the sweat from her forehead, and shook her head facing the gaze cast on her.

"I can only suppress the pollution at the beginning, there is no way to eradicate it."

The kindling of the black fire seems to be bound together with the soul. This is no longer a field that can be purified, but can only be eradicated with the help of rituals.

And this ceremony is specific, and the Church of Prayer naturally does not.

Saya lowered her head aside.

She guessed the result.

Only when Mary continues to bear the burden, the angels will not fall.

"Even that is enough," Moira was not discouraged, "How can I thank you?"

Luo Wei laughed teasingly, "How about letting all the angels come and hug me?"

Moira: "..."

She turned her back and looked back. The angels all had clear eyebrows and maintained a holy reserve.

But after some hesitation and embarrassment, they came over here one after another.

"Wait?" Rowe watched Moira come forward first, and stopped them in a cold sweat, "I said that on purpose, so you don't have to thank me, I have received this kindness."

Actually agreed? ?

He originally thought that this casual request would be rejected, after all, the angel is not as enthusiastic as the orc girl.

Is it because they cherish their wings?

Luo Wei smiled wryly and said, "If you must hug them, just hug the three of them."

Most angels don't understand entanglements in the world, and they are very dedicated to love. If he really dared to spoil the angels in the entire temple like this, will he be entangled? Let's not talk about it. The sixth god will let him go?

He must not be killed by a thunderbolt.

Under Luo Wei's suggestion, all the angels hugged the three women present, and Vermier was trapped in a piece of white and soft feathers, giggling from being scratched.Ayi Ning did not resist, there is no such opportunity in the east, not to mention there are so many people, it feels good to be surrounded by feathers.

Saya was reluctant.

A mere lower angel...

But she still didn't refuse this enthusiasm, she only hoped that this matter would not be passed back to her temple leader, otherwise she would not be laughed to death by the group of angels under her.

Luo Wei stood in the middle and watched them. This action was thanks to the three of them.

Especially Vermeer.

Regardless of barriers, acceleration, or shelter, as well as mana supply and purification after rushing back, every action is critical.

Seeing her silly appearance in the whiteness, and looking at himself this way, Luo Wei also smiled.

In the distance, John sat silently at the gate of the palace, silently watching their hustle and bustle.


"They really can't see me..."


Before leaving, Rowe finds Moira.

"Although this is not something I should care about," he said looking at the other party, "but God's punishment has come, I suggest that you send some reliable people from the main hall, the people behind Weggis, I hope you can work hard. Check it out."

If the matter behind it is more serious than imagined, it is not a bad idea to use the power of the temple.

In the last round, the Temple of Lan was controlled by Weggis, but in this round, Rowe got on the line, not only unplugging the other party's arrangement, but also indirectly making the temple a helper for him.

The craftsman will know that he will be so angry that he will jump his feet.

"I see." Moira nodded thinkingly, "I will write a letter to clarify the seriousness."

"Heh, although you look indifferent, you are a sensible angel."

"What...?" Moira, with short blue hair, froze for a moment.

"Nothing," Luo Wei sighed thinking about his own angel, and said with a smile, "By the way, by the way, I will mention the two messages of "Goddess of Mechanics" and "Second Convergence" in the letter, as long as they are worth paying attention to. , without specific explanation. "

Moira pursed her lips.

She didn't know what it was, but since the other party found it useful, it didn't hurt to add it.

"Okay, I'll take it down."

Luo Wei nodded and waved to her, "Then we're leaving. If you still need purification or need to find us, please contact Ke Luoxi's Workshop on South Street of Wuguan City. Of course, it's not free."

"Isn't that craftsman a man? Why is the name of the workshop a woman?"

"Don't worry about such details."


Watching Ro Wei's leaving back, Moira stayed on the snow for a moment.

He behaves like a villain, but he is actually a good person?

As the chief combat officer, how could Saya travel with him?

She couldn't help laughing, and suddenly felt that this wonderful thing in the world was beyond her imagination, and she suddenly became a little envious of Saya.

But it's just thinking about it.

Turning around, Moira looked at the toppled stone pillar in the distance, and her expression quickly became severe.

She is the nightmare of the angels in the temple.

Just like just now, no one dared not go when he gave them a wink and asked them to hug Luo Wei.

At this moment when it is urgent to rebuild the order of the temple, she will never allow any feather to be lazy.


Back in the courtyard of silence, Rowe sent John to Ryan, and immediately summoned Ilus and Athetana.

Everyone gathered around the table and recounted all the things that happened in Lan Temple.

After listening, the scene fell into silence for a while.

"The Seraphim with black wings in the depths is not an enemy"?
I always feel that there is a certain connection between everything, but there is no effective way to connect the clues in series.


Vermeer suddenly broke the silence.

She stretched out her index finger, attached water to her fingertips, and began to draw on the table.

"Assume this is the Lan Temple controlled by the temple chief, and this is the Artisan Association."

She drew two circles and said.

Then, another point was drawn on the top of the Lan Temple, and connected with the Lan Temple with a line.

"This point is "he" who is manipulating the head of the temple behind his back. "

Everyone could understand, but no one interrupted her, which is indeed the result of the existing known information.

What is she trying to prove?
Under the eyes of everyone, Vermeer pursed her lips, and then connected the dot that symbolized "him" with the craftsmen.

"This, how about this?"

A point that connects the Lan Temple and the Artisan Association.

Several people watched this scene with frowns, and after a few seconds, they suddenly noticed something, and their eyes narrowed slightly.

Iluth narrowed her eyes, "Are you trying to say that the person who controls Lan Temple behind the scenes also controls the Artisans Association?"

"No, isn't it?" Vermier said not too sure, "After all, there is no exchange of information between the artisan association and the temple."

Several people looked up at each other.

The key point that Vermeer pointed out is that the Artisan Association is not a premeditator, but just like the Lan Temple controlled by Weggis, it is also a pawn.

The chess pieces are independent of each other, so naturally there will not be too many connections.

Instead, it is controlled by the players separately.

This means that this so-called "he" possesses unimaginable terrifying energy and can control multiple organizations at the same time.

"It's indeed possible." Luo Wei closed his eyes and said, "Weigis has insulted Lanshen countless times in the past and has not responded. The present god can't bear him for so long. This person behind the scenes not only has the ability to isolate The ability to manifest God's sight is even related to the intersection of the second world."

The second meeting, the world is destroyed.

If this is the same thing as the last round of destruction, then...

He climbed onto the table, water flowed from his fingertips, and drew two more circles opposite Vermier.

"This is the Black Winged Seraph, and this is the Goddess of Mechanics." He said in a deep voice.

Then, connect the two circles to that point.


Everyone who saw this scene took a breath.

Ayi Ning looked at him in shock, "Are you sure?"

She had goosebumps all over her body.

This means that the Fallen Angels, Artisans Guild, Lan Shrine, and Mechanic faction are all under "his" command and control! ?

But Luo Wei's answer was surprising.

"Of course I'm not sure." He sat back on the table, shook his head helplessly and smiled, "Even if we speculate on such a bad result, our actions will not change, and the truth will come to light sooner or later."

Several people cast contemptuous glances at him one after another, this guess is bold.

However, Rowe is not sure.

But he knew someone who could do it.

such as--

In the last round, the person who killed Ryan from behind.

So it's not impossible.

He sat on the table and looked at Saya after thinking for a moment.

"Do you want to see Maria?"


Saya was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

"What do you mean, do you know where Maria is?"

"Don't look at me like that," Luo Wei spread his hands, "Thanks for asking, isn't this location easy to guess?"

"where is it?"

Maria said, a beautiful place left to her by the Creator.

Looking at the faces of other people, Luo Wei could feel how many people had already guessed.


He said it as a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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