Chapter 241 Good!It's a ring!

"Why is Saya smoking?"

After joining the two people in front, Lu Yi looked at them curiously.

As a result of the competition, Luo Wei chose to surrender after A Yining stuck out her little tongue. As promised, she saw several girls blushing and showing an unbearable attitude towards him.

Eating spicy food will not harm them, and the magic power will spontaneously protect them when threats are about to occur, allowing them to experience daily life without harming their bodies.

Otherwise, the price of becoming stronger is the insensitivity of the senses, so what's the point.

As for Saya...

The digestive system of an angel is different from that of a human being. As a result of absorbing too much spicy flavor, her whole body is now on fire, emitting real green smoke.

Luo Wei felt that this was not a bad thing.

As we all know, if you eat too spicy, you will have to experience it again in the middle of the night. Like Saya, you can keep your butt at night.

But since a certain organ of hers does not need to be used, will it really not degenerate?

"woo woo woo woo……"

Wei Mier felt aggrieved at the side, and she still hasn't fully recovered yet.

She drank the yogurt that she hadn't usually drank, and there was still a circle on her mouth. Luo Wei smiled and wiped it off for her with his index finger, put it in his mouth and tasted it.

Yogurt has existed for a long time, but it has not officially entered the market as a product, and it is also the first time for others, including Ayining, to drink it.

"This taste is really good, and it feels very refreshing." A Yining commented while holding it in her hand, and it was obvious that they all liked it.


Is the yogurt of this era a bit too thick?

When A Yining continued to drink with her head up, Luo Wei couldn't help touching her elbow, squeezed the bottle in, and immediately splashed thick yogurt all over her face.


Ayining screamed out, her hands and face were covered all over, and she was still hanging between her fingers, with a face of resistance and she didn't know what to do.

"I... what did you do to your face!"

"Sorry sorry, I shouldn't be on your face..."

"Where do you still want to get it!?"


This stopped Rowe from asking.

It seems that although A Yining has read a lot of jokes, she is still a pure girl in her heart.

Then a little hint is needed.

"That depends on where it is in the novel."


Ayi Ning was wiping with a paper towel when she suddenly froze for a moment.


Her face was flushed with embarrassment, she chased and beat Luo Wei with her fists clenched, and became extremely angry from embarrassment.

This person is actually...

"You bastard, stop for me!! Today I will draw my sword and destroy your scourge!!"

Vermier thought for a moment on the spot.

Hmm... Does he like to put yogurt on his face?
Ah, maybe it can be used to make a mask.

Go back and try after asking the method!


Fantastic delicacies, weird gadgets, and all kinds of entertainment experiences that have never been seen before.

In the bustling city at night, several people also encountered an open-air circus, and Lu Yi joined in without saying a word, cheering the audience with brightly colored costumes and playful dances, and the circus people were stunned.

The others continued to walk forward, and when they passed a foot fish spa, no one except Ke Luoxi wanted to experience it.

"Eh? Aren't you all coming? Lu Yi and A Yining haven't come back yet, am I the only one?"


Who, who wants to show their feet in a public place.

Saya, who was not smoking at first, would never think about it.

Naturally, Vermeer is the same, but a few girls play together, everything is hot for 3 minutes, and after a while, they go to a shop selling iced drinks together.

Luo Wei glanced back, and Iluth, who was behind, squatted on the road after going uphill. Compared with the abyss on her upper body, the matte black leg socks caught his attention first.

This too foul.

"What's wrong?" He raised his eyes and asked.

Iluth stroked her ears and hair, picked up the unfinished skewers in her hand, and glanced at him pretending to be ignorant.

"Who made me like this, don't you know?"


Do you have a stomach ache?

Although it can be protected, the irritation is still there. Iluth doesn't seem to plan to use magic power to dispel it. After all, this is also an experience.

Compared with peppers, she usually prefers bell peppers. She didn't refuse at the beginning, so she didn't want to be left out.

"I'll get you some more bottles of yogurt."

"No, help me up."

Luo Wei was slightly stunned, probably hearing that she did this because she wanted to stay behind and say something to him.

So he stepped forward, stretched out his arms in a gentlemanly way, and asked her to help her up.

"Are you trying to say that Maria's matter has already been figured out?"

"Yes." Iluth nodded, let go of his hand, and walked side by side with him.

The two keep a subtle distance from each other.

Not alienated, not ambiguous.

"But I'm afraid that's not the result you want." Iluth closed her eyes, "I'm worried that when I meet that seraphim, she will give the same method as me."

Is that really the case?

Luo Wei nodded, "Tell me."

There are still worrying things about Maria, and the taboo technology also represents the unknown.

"Gui Wuhai's taboo resides in her soul," Iluth said, "as long as the nature of her soul is changed again, this taboo can no longer be tolerated."

"Change the nature of the soul?"

Luo Wei was lost in thought, this doesn't sound like a problem that can be solved easily.

"For ordinary people, this is difficult to do," Iluth guessed his concerns, "but it is different for angels, perhaps because of this, taboos will have different results on them."

Humans and other races are mutants.

Only angels can become fallen angels.

"So, what to do?" Luo Wei asked in a deep voice.

"It's actually very simple, and it even makes me wonder if the creator deliberately left this method."

"you mean……"

Luo Wei vaguely guessed the answer.

Since the Creator has left such beautiful scenery as a shelter for those who bear taboos, that is to say...

"Let her take the initiative to become a fallen angel." Iluth said affirmatively, "As long as her soul falls on its own, its nature will also change."


There is such a method.

Fallen angels only appeared after the Creator left. Whether it was intentional or not, if Maria herself was a fallen angel, then the forbidden power would naturally have no effect on her.

One is the origin left by the creator, and the other is the external erosion of Gui Wuhai.

Which is lighter and heavier, at a glance.

I have completely fallen, how else can you make me fall?

That external force will most likely be stripped out during Maria's fall, and will no longer be able to affect her.

"But this……"

"I know what you're worried about," Iluth interrupted her, "but the dead temple chief can guide this force, right? Maybe there are others who can do it. I suggest you prepare early. .”

"I thought of that," Luo Wei shook his head, and looked at her as he walked, "It's just that you plan to collect this power for research, right?"


Ellis paused, showing a mocking expression.

Is it like this again?

The man's attention to her, the witch.

Is it too sharp, or be wary.

It is still difficult for Iluth to adapt to being a companion and being cared about by him.

"Since you guessed it, I don't intend to hide it." She sighed slowly, "If you decide to do this, I hope you can lend me Vermeer."

"Of course I have no problem," Luo Wei smiled, "but you have to take the initiative to ask her about it."

Iluth: "..."

She knew that what Luo Wei was worried about was that she might be affected by the erosion of taboos during her research, and if Vermeer could provide purification help, she would be safe.


Obviously he needs to do this, but now he feels that he is trying to make him feel at ease, and he still owes Vermier a favor for this.


It's not that you can't play games with him.

It's just that standing in such a position, you don't even have the chess game of the game.

In layman's terms, it's the feeling that the wolf is doing good things for you.

But she is not easy to mess with.

Smiling meaningfully, Iluth looked at Luo Wei and said, "As for the method of degeneration, you should have a lot of experience."

Luo Wei: "..."

He does know this stuff.

But I always feel... the words have been filled with a knife.

The fall of an angel entails some sort of established sin.

Taking the seven original sins as an example, rage, greed, jealousy, and arrogance are all too extreme and easy to affect the spread.And laziness and overeating could turn Maria into a bloated monster.

Then all that's left is...

Isn't this the same thing as gambling and drugs...

Let that noble high-ranking senior... indulge in happiness and degenerate...


Luo Wei couldn't help covering his forehead. He knew that there were such fallen angels, but he couldn't let other men come to this matter. After all, if he really wanted to fall, he might need Saya's cooperation. How could he Nor will it be allowed.

Isn't that the only one who went up.


If there is really only this way, it is better to plan well in advance...


Hearing the shout, he raised his head, and saw Vermier rushing over from the front.

Every time she saw something interesting, she would rush back to find herself.

"Luowei Luowei, there is a very interesting one ahead, come and help me!"

"I think you're more fun."

"Hmm...! I'm serious, come with me, okay..."

I mean it too...

Luo Wei shook his head, keeping the matter of the fallen angels in mind for the time being, and glanced at Iluth behind him. The latter could understand without his explanation, and nodded to express that he would keep up with the large army as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Luo Wei was dragged by Vermeer, all the way to the booth she said was very interesting in the distance.

It's a stall with... ring rings.

"As long as you use this to catch what you want, you can take it away!" Vermier said enthusiastically, holding the colorful ring in her hand, "I have tried many times without success, but you will definitely be able to." !"

Judging by her appearance, she was fancying some grand prize, but she couldn't win it no matter what, so she asked him to save face.

of course.

People can set up such a stall, naturally it is designed to make it difficult for you to set up, otherwise how can you make money.

Luo Wei held the three hoops that Vermeer handed over, but suddenly frowned.

This guy……

Maybe it's because I'm a circle sword that I was pulled over to make a circle.

"Huh—?" He squinted at her.

"Aw? Aww... Aw..." Vermier looked at the sky.

Luo Wei immediately gave this guy a burst of chestnuts, and even guessed what she was thinking at the time.


Vermier held her head and shrank, looking pitiful.

Luo Wei sighed, looked at the rewards on the booth, "Which one do you want?"

"The bear doll in the farthest distance!"

I knew it.

His eyes were speechless for a while, learning sword skills and refining Qi to transform into a god, and finally used it to trap in the night market...

I fell too...

Holding the ring in his hand, he secretly pinched a sword formula with his left hand behind his back, causing the magic power to spread out in a ripple shape, constantly synchronizing with the ring in his hand.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the bear doll, and when the track of the ring happened to cover the upper position, Luo Wei's hand slammed outward.

Huanhuan came out of his hand and spread like ripples in the air. He didn't even look at it and continued to ask Vermier:

"What more do you want?"

When he finished speaking, the ring fell down, no doubt it was put on the bear doll.

Vermeer's eyes lit up immediately, and he stretched out a hand vigorously.

"Okay, it's circles..."

"The circle... was hit..."

Vermilion collapsed in despair.

The boss's face was ashen for a while, and he didn't say anything when he met a familiar hand, why did he suddenly lie on the ground.

Are you trying to blackmail me...

Luo Wei picked her up with a dark face, and then took the bear doll from the boss's hand, seeing that the other party's face was a bit embarrassed.

"You can take everything in the circle, right?" he asked.

"Yes, yes..." Although the boss looked embarrassed, he still nodded, "Business must be based on credibility."


Luo Wei tossed the ring in his hand, and just as Vermeer settled down, the ring snapped around her neck. The girl's first reaction was to look at the sky.

At this moment, Luo Wei grabbed her legs without hesitation and hugged her.

"Then I'll take this away."


The bear doll was stuffed into his arms, with a loop around his neck, and Vermier blinked in confusion, and was carried away by Luo Wei like a confused princess.

The boss looked at their backs, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

It's not my business...

Being hugged all the way amidst people coming and going, Vermeer's face gradually changed from confusion to peace of mind, and she hugged the little bear shyly.

"Well... I can actually do it without a condom..."


Luo Wei's face darkened.

What a bad speech.

He didn't say anything, just carried her across the sea of ​​people like this, walked forward without any haste, and caught up with the people in front after a while.

Under the candlelight of the lantern, A Yining was in front of the shop selling hair accessories, concentrating on choosing the small items on display, with her back turned to this side.


Luo Wei lowered his head silently, and glanced at the ring that was left in his hand.


"Girl, this silver hairpin is really suitable for you," said the female owner of the hair accessories shop, "I have been doing business in the East for more than ten years, and I have never seen a girl with such temperament as you."

"Okay...then wrap it up, how much is it?" A Yining asked, and couldn't put it down for a moment.

There are indeed many novelties worth visiting in this hidden street. The goods are in good condition and the prices are reasonable.

It seems that we can invite Vimir and the others to come more often in the future.

Just when she was chatting with the boss and paid the money, she was about to pick up the wrapped hairpins.

"Ripple Sword Moisturizer"

A yellow hoop landed on her neck.


The boss in front of her was also stunned, and Ayining turned her head, and saw Luo Wei standing not far away holding Vermeer, and Vermeer also had a ring around her neck, which seemed to be bound.

Realizing what was going on, she suddenly rushed up with anger.

"You bastard……"

"It seems that you really want to die by my sword today!!"

Luo Wei quickly ran away with Vermeer in his arms.

In his opinion, the expression on A Yining's face can be described in four words.

That is--

Set your sister up!

(End of this chapter)

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