Chapter 243 I have never seen such a...

"Let's play a game!"

After eating and drinking for a few minutes, Ke Luoxi raised her hands high and said.

A group of people sat very close to each other, with a variety of bottles standing at their feet, and they could take whatever they wanted, as if they were trapped in food and wine.

Really a party vibe.

"Play games, Luyi wants to play!" Luyi kicked her legs, knocked down the blue cider in the transparent bottle at her feet, and stepped on the pie.

"Hey! You bastard! Don't put your foot in the food!"

"Hey... But, it's too close, Luyi can't stretch it at all!"

Now it belongs to the situation that even if you move a little, you may touch food. Even when you straighten your legs, the inside is full of packing boxes.

What wine pond meat forest...

"Fuck!" Saya continued to be dissatisfied, "I won't touch that thing again, let that fellow Luo Wei eat it!"

Luo Wei: "...?"

Athetana glanced at them helplessly, feeling embarrassed by the piles of cakes and puddings at her feet.

You also buy too much...


She was the tallest of all, and she stretched the most, so she could only restrain herself from sticking her feet into the food.

"Hmph," Saya looked at Luo Wei with disdain, "Even if you get it on your feet, this guy will lick it clean for you."

Athetana: "..."

She didn't dare to move anymore.

Vermeer sat aside and lowered her head. She was lucky enough to get a very low alcohol alcohol, and she was still awake at the moment. She lowered her head and silently looked at the honey cake at her feet.


Luo Wei's gaze immediately turned back her plan.

"What game?" Iluth asked, taking advantage of the quarrel between the two, she quietly placed the bunches of packed squid very close to Saya.

The latter lowered his head and was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously dodging so that his knees were pressed into a portion of mashed potatoes.

Saya: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Crosy: "Hey hey..."

Saya glanced at Luo Wei in panic, and quickly wiped off the mashed potatoes with her index finger, "I... I will solve it myself! You don't need it!"

Luo Wei's forehead moved slightly.

Do you take me for a mad dog?

Just take turns to show off on the spot, right?

"It's a very interesting game. I've seen other people play it, and I've always wanted to try it!" Ke Luoxi said excitedly, holding up her beer. "The rules are very simple. Tell me something you've never done before. If anyone else on the court has done it, these guys have to drink!"

"Conversely, if no one else has done it, the person who said it must drink a whole glass!"

What otherworldly version of truth or dare...

Luo Wei's face turned dark immediately, this is not a proper digging of his black history.

Ayi glanced at him calmly, this is... an opportunity to find out how their relationship with him has progressed.

"Let me give you an example first!" Ke Luoxi said while holding up her wine glass, "I have never fought in the God War Relics!"

other people:"……"

How cruel.

Except for Ke Luoxi, everyone raised their wine glasses one after another. Athetana had directly participated in the battle by setting up the field and providing assistance.

This allowed everyone to quickly understand how the game is played, which is to say that as far as possible, they have not done things that others have done, so that most people drink.

"Hey, you took me to play after so much trouble, how could I let you go." Ke Luoxi said with a big laugh.

Lu Yi: "I'll come! I've never spent the night with Uncle Luo Wei!"

Luo Wei: "..."

Clearly, Chloe's problem was normal.

This is too fast!

Ke Luoxi held the wine glass and smiled badly, "If you lie in this game, you are not considered a true friend! This is the so-called "True Friends Big Wine Game"! "

Besides her, Wei Mier, Saya, and Aining raised their cups with complex expressions.

Anyway, just saying it overnight doesn't necessarily mean what happened!
Ayi Ning pursed her lips after drinking the plum wine.

"I... have never fought with a weapon other than a sword."

Except Rowe, drink.

When it was Iluth's turn, she first smiled and glanced at Rovi, and then seemed to decide to let him go.

"I've never failed a qualification test."

Everyone looked around, and Ke Luoxi felt a knife stabbed hard in her heart. Thinking of the five years of tossing and rolling, bitter wine entered her throat and her heart ached.

But she wasn't the only one who raised the wine glass, except for Vermier, everyone else drank it.

Everyone suddenly became suspicious.

Lu Yi?Saya?Athetana?Ayi Ning?Rowe? ?

They looked at each other, seemed to have embarrassing memories, clinked glasses silently.

Luyi pursed her lips and said, "I came out of the world of crooked scales and failed many times..."

Crooked Demons also have a separate world of existence, probably they were born from there, and only by breaking through the barrier can they come to this world.

Saya and Ayi Ning blushed and said nothing.

Luo Wei can see that the best thing about this game is that it allows everyone to get to know each other better, but without prying too much into privacy, just admitting, but not being asked for details unless he wants to say it.

As for himself...

Who hasn't failed an exam yet.

Vermeer stood aside with her chest straightened out, with her hips akimbo foolishly, looking naive.

Luo Wei reminded: "Didn't you lose control when you used high-level magic for the first time?"

"Eh... eh?" Vermeer blinked, "I tried it secretly, how do you know?"

I saw it in her diary when I went to her room.

Luo Wei squinted his eyes. This guy...couldn't have run away after causing trouble when he was a child, and didn't dare to let anyone know.

It's a pity that the first element of this little boy is water, if it is fire, I'm afraid I have to set fire to the mountain.

"Does this count..."

"Not counting," Luo Wei rubbed her head, put her hands on her waist again, "You continue."

Wei Mier sneered.jpg
Next it was Saya's turn.

She seemed to hesitate for a while, then looked at everyone.

"I've never... met my biological parents."

Everyone: "..."

Seeing that no one raised his glass, Luo Wei picked up the beer with a black face.

Good guy, what kind of orphanage party is this, what a ghost.

Why did you make the atmosphere so sad?

"It's your turn." Luo Wei reminded, he didn't want to talk too much about his parents, but he always remembered them in his heart.

If they can go back one day, maybe they will have parents...

Vermier seems to have made up his mind a long time ago.

"I've never been distracted while praying!"

No one moved.

"Huh?" She froze.

Rowe spread his hands.

See what we do, most of us never pray, naturally not distracted.

All villains.

"Ahaha..." Ke Luoxi scratched her cheek, "Although I prayed when I was young, I never got distracted."

Vermier drank the wine silently, and picked another bottle of light color from the field.

That seems to be... the rice bar bought by Ayi Ning, is the strength really low?
But Luo Wei didn't remind her too much, let her get drunk, maybe she won't pass out in a while.

"I've never had a set number of days a month to bleed."

Girls: "..."

Everyone, drink.

The contempt of Saya and Aining was directed at him, and Athetana also looked at him with a face of embarrassment.

can live...

"I thought that only women knew about this kind of thing..." Ke Luoxi was stunned, "Actually, I'm just now..."

"Okay! You don't need to say any more!" A Yining quickly interrupted her, "We don't need to know about this kind of thing!"

The last remaining one is Athetana.

The mother god looked at them in embarrassment, "I have never... consulted anyone about emotional problems, whether it is my own or not."


Vermier picked up the wine, Lovely and Lily were not there, so it was just me...

However, Saya and A Yining, who were sitting by the side, raised their wine glasses without saying a word.

The two of them also consulted Athetana?
"It's because of my sister." Ayi Ning said calmly.

"I'm..." Saya continued intermittently, "Because of having a baby."

Have a baby?
Vermier froze for a moment, having a baby? ?

Have they all reached this point? X﹏X
"Then when can Luyi play with Rosalia?" Luyi asked innocently.

"Get out! I'm not going to give birth!!"

Rowe... Saya... Rosalia? ?

Vermeer's eyes widened. It turned out that the name she heard last time meant this...


So what should I do, and what is his baby's name, Rowena?Hmm... that sounds like a dog's name, and it's not pretty.

No, I must think of a better name than Rosalia!

"As for A Yining, she must have done something secretly, worried about being sorry for my sister, right?"


Ayi Ning's face was as cold as ice.

Sword intent surged out from her body, and she threw a piece of buttered bread over, "You're done, get ready to die later."

Luyi barely avoided it, and patted her chest in shock.

"It's so dangerous, if you hit it on the chest and let Uncle Luo Wei eat it, you will definitely be kicked out by A Yining!"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Luo Wei shook his head at the side, Athetana was well-intentioned, she said this and hoped that they would let go of their prejudices and communicate more.

But it seems that the direction of communication has been crooked.

For example, Wei Mier who suddenly surged with fighting spirit beside him, Luo Wei didn't know what was going on in her mind.

"It's my time, it's my time!" Ke Luoxi said excitedly, "I've never licked a girl's feet before."

Luo Wei: "..."

Then what to say.

But besides him, Saya also raised his wine glass, which surprised everyone.

Saya: "..."

I don't want to either!
Athetana faintly discovered that the game, which was unintentionally affected, was the highlight.

I hope that there will be no time when I will be affected...

Lu Yi: "I never took the initiative to hug Uncle Luo Wei."

Ayi Ning: "You——!"

His face turned red, and Ayining didn't know how to explain it. He was at the seaside this evening, so he shouldn't act rashly alone!
Vermeer, Saya, and Athetana all raised their wine glasses.

Ayi Ning: "I have never used space tricks."

Except for Luyi, Iluth, who had just jumped over without incident, turned her head and glanced at her.

That seems to mean that the struggle between you should not affect me.

Then Saya also got into a fight with Ke Luoxi.

Saya: "I've never knocked out an order!"

Chloe: "I've never used my wings to fly in the sky!"

Iluth frowned, this time she was affected again, and drank with Saya.

Luo Wei looked at this scene and smiled. In this game, living a long time and experiencing a lot can easily become a disadvantage.

The four of them immediately started a 2V2 duel. Several people went crazy, and it affected countless people. Even Vermier, who was not affected much, drank so much that his eyes started to circle.

Her knees gave way, she knocked over a glass of orange juice, and it all splashed on her feet.

Wei Mier: @﹏@
Saya looked stunned, the orange juice soaked the white thin socks, and for some reason she seemed to have an appetite.

In addition, her feet themselves are very soft, they look like some kind of orange juice flavored sticky rice jellybeans.

Will that guy...

She looked down at her white socks and shivered in refusal.

Rowe kills the game at this point.

"I've never tried not to poop for a year."

Saya: "???"

She was so angry that her head was smoking, and she rushed to beat him up without hesitation.

But halfway through his hand, he was bitten by an unknown object that suddenly appeared.



Saya looked at Vermier who suddenly bounced up with a dazed expression, "Why are you biting me?"

"Don't snatch it tonight... It's mine, it's mine...!" Wemeer yelled weakly with his eyes closed, blushing and looking drunk.

This idiot... Could it be that he was drunk and went crazy?

Saya withdrew her hand in a little panic, but Vermier didn't let go, and was dragged by her like a salted fish, knocking over the opened wine bottle on the ground.

"Hey, hey! I won't go, so let go!"

"Not loose."

"Huh? Why are you looking like a dead fish?"

"I am a fish, I am a fish..."

As Vermeer spoke, she even shook her buttocks, indicating that she was swimming.

The strong smell of wine spread on the carpet, and Saya watched the fool swimming in the wine in astonishment, but suddenly there was a cold feeling from under her body.

"Yeah!" She shrank back and looked down at her body, "I only have this set of pajamas!"

Where there shouldn't be, there was a large water stain.

"Hahaha! Saya pissed her pants!" Lu Yi laughed at the other side.

"Get lost! I didn't!!"

"Shame, shame~" Ke Luoxi echoed drunkenly.


But she still didn't let go of this thing in her hand, so she didn't even have a place to hide.

"Let go! If this goes on, both of us will get soaked."

"Don't let go, it's my turn today!"

With her eyes closed, Vermeer's face flushed, as if all the attachments in her body were stuck in her mouth.

"I have a lot of pajamas in my room, it's okay..."

After muttering, patter, she let go of her mouth and fell down there, her white silk calf swaying to both sides, just like a little salted fish landing on the shore.

A Yining supported her head and stood up staggeringly, "You... Saya, take her... go to her room and change clothes, and I'll get the tea I made."

A group of people were drinking heavily.

Athetana had been recommended too much of the Chloe's Flame tune, and she buried her head in her knees.

Luyi was already quite dead, what she said to Saya just now was her flashback, Ke Luoxi started tearing her clothes without saying anything, and was quickly restrained by Ayi who stood up.


This group of people really can't be careless for a moment.

She went to see the tea with wobbly steps, only thinking about how she would become like this...

Did it start with a rivalry with Lu Yi... I can't remember how much I drank.

Stepping on a bottle of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, A Yining didn't notice, leaving behind the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus all the way.

Luo Wei and Iluth looked at each other.

This time, only the two of them were still awake. Even after drinking a lot, Iluth still looked slightly drunk and stood up calmly.

"I'll go outside to blow some air." She said with a smile.


Sensing the meaning of her words, Luo Wei sighed helplessly looking at the mess and all kinds of drunk girls.

Drinking is really bad.

Unsuspecting like this, I'm going to let you guys know today...

What is evil in the world!

 The source of the small game is The Witcher 3, the plot of Kaer Morhen's three friends drinking

(End of this chapter)

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