Chapter 246 The Final Winner of the Night

Saya is in the bathroom.

When she heard Vermeer's words, she panicked subconsciously, and quickly pretended to be dead and lay down on the ground.

But after 2 minutes, there was no movement on the bathroom door.

Could it be... isn't she talking to me?

Her tone sounded calm and determined, as if she had made a very serious realization, which moved people for some reason.

But Luo Wei was already in the room, how could he get in.

Could it be that……

Is it...

There are others standing at the door! ! ?
Saya's eyes were startled, who is it, A Yining?She told me not to rob tonight, but can A Yining be allowed in?

Hearing a strange sound from just now, Saya gritted her teeth and slowly got up, putting her ears on the door.

Didn't hear their conversation, only heard Vermeer's mumbled murmur, the frequency and amplitude were very slow, it made people's ears go soft for some reason.

"Can you do it all..."

"Hmm... all... ah ah..."

Saya couldn't help shaking, feeling a little weak in her body.

what happened?
Vermeer usually gives the impression that she is easy to be bullied when she speaks, and her appearance is close to her. Now it feels... as if she is being bullied miserably.

Even though he tried his best to endure, the syllables still came out uncontrollably, and even Luo Wei's breathing gradually became heavier.

Saya was stunned for a while.

Is it...

Luo Wei was whipping her with the weapon he also carried in bed?
She swallowed her throat, sat down by the door without blinking, and just listened in a daze.



After a few hours.

Kissing the side of her forehead with messy hair, the girl who had closed her eyes and hadn't recovered from her breathing showed a faint smile.

Vermier didn't have the strength to make any more noises, and fell on the ground limply, with one hand lightly placed on her stomach.

Seeing her like this, Luo Wei leaned down and kissed her for a while longer, not urging her to use magic to complete the purification.

There is enough time for the rest of the day.

So don't be so anxious.

Reluctantly kissing her lips, the girl fell asleep. Luo Wei got up and put on his clothes. He looked towards the bathroom with a gloomy expression, and came to the door to cover his breath.

Opening the door, Saya, with her long hair down, was sitting sideways by the door in Vermeer's nightgown. After seeing him, she hurriedly backed away.



The two looked at each other for a moment with different expressions.

Luo Wei sighed, she looked at her eyes, as if she was looking at an invincible demon.

I want to hide here to eavesdrop, and feel unknown and fearful on my own.

Facing her expression as if she was pulling out a spear at any time, Luo Wei stepped forward and approached her, but put his hand lightly on her head.

Then he touched it along his head.

Saya: "...!"

The angel seemed to have something to say, so Luo Wei put his hand to his mouth and made a silent gesture.

It was very difficult for Vermier to concentrate, she must have forgotten that she was still in the bathroom, that was already enough to make her shy, it was better not to let her know, lest she would faint again if she heard it.

Luo Wei silently grabbed Saya's calf and hugged her up. The latter took a slight breath and reached out to pinch his arm.


Luo Wei was in so much pain that he almost let out a pig cry.

Sister, you are a godhead.

I am a mortal without equipment, is it appropriate for you to pinch like this?

Enduring the pain, he turned around and walked towards the door of the room after leaving the bathroom. When Saya saw Vermeer lying on the bed and sleeping peacefully, she realized that she was about to send her out, so she let go of her grip.

Luo Wei thought for a while, she probably didn't find the key, so she stopped in front of the closet with the angel in her arms.

Opening the lower drawer, there are small clothes that Vermeer has neatly folded inside.

Saya: "..."

Saya looked embarrassed and fell into a slight hesitation.

What if the key is not in the living room.

Wouldn't it just be empty for one night?
With entangled eyes, she didn't think about it any more, and noticed that Luo Wei wanted to let her choose, so she grabbed one casually angrily, pushed him away and turned around.

However, it was only then that she noticed that the one she was holding casually in her hand was too shameful.

Faintly translucent, and lace.

However, now I can't say to change one, I can only stare at his back, bend down and put it on quickly.

Hearing the rustling sound from behind, Luo Wei quietly waited for her to finish changing, and waited until the other party opened the door and left as if fleeing, and returned to the bed.

Vermeer gently opened his eyes.

"Did it wake you up?" Luo Wei stroked her soft long hair, enjoying her aftertaste nostalgicly, as if nothing was enough.

The girl shook her head sleepily, "Are you going to sleep? Then take me out..."

"It's okay, you can sleep in your room."

"No need... we made an appointment to spend the night together tonight, didn't we..." She gently stroked her lower abdomen, "I'm already... very satisfied..."

Luo Wei understood what she meant.

So without saying anything, he gently picked her up.

"But... before you go out, can you kiss me for a while..."

"of course."

After receiving the answer, Vermeer smiled and raised her head slightly.


After returning to the living room, Shaye bumped into Iluth who was sitting on the sofa drinking red wine alone, saw her appear, and slightly raised her glass to her.

She ignored the witch, bent down to search the messy ground, and then thought of something, raised her head and glanced at Ayining.

Lie on the clearing that has obviously been cleared, with your feet facing this way.

One sock was missing from the foot.


She must have gone in just now, right?
Pretending to be asleep?
Otherwise, who would deliberately clean up the surroundings before passing out drunk...!
Shaye frowned, and began to search around A Yining, testing whether she was pretending to close her eyes.

"What are you looking for?" Iluth watched Saya turned Ayning over and over, sitting on the armrest of the sofa dignifiedly with one leg raised, shaking the red wine curiously.

"Find my room key."


The witch took a sip of her wine lightly.

"Oh? That's an interesting development."

However, to his surprise, Saya actually found her key under A Yining's body, and the other party never woke up during the process.

She was silent for a moment.

Could it be that Ayining's way of coping is always pretending not to admit it, so she can get along peacefully with Vermier?
Saya seems to have vaguely learned the truth.

Is this her wisdom?

While thinking, the door on the other side of the corridor opened, and Saya quickly retreated holding the key.

Luo Wei walked out holding Vermeer, and Iluth glanced at Saya, looked at them and said, "I have set up some gadgets around the workshop, so don't worry about it at night."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Luo Wei nodded, and put Vermier down in a suitable position. The girl turned around vaguely, but her hands were still on her lower abdomen.

Iluth squinted her eyes and smiled: "There are only three of us left, do you want another round?"

Another round of what...

Luo Wei's face was full of black lines, and Iluth's words could be heard to tease him, but seeing her drinking alone, it was rare for her to take the initiative to invite her, and it was better to just leave it alone.

"I can accompany you, but I have a fun proposal."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Saya took the key and got up and stood up, "I won't accompany you, I, I want to go back to the room."

It seems that she found the key under Ayi Ning's body.

Luo Wei didn't intend to forcefully stop her, anyway, she would definitely be teased by him tomorrow for being out of group, but she accidentally heard Iluth's voice:

"It seems that the so-called Valkyries are nothing more than that. They don't even dare to drink with people from the dark camp like us."

"What!" Shaye suddenly turned her head when she heard this, "I'm going to drink you until I don't dare to say such things again!"

Luo Wei: "..."

It really exploded at one point.

At least in terms of scheming, the angel is completely played by the witch in the palm of her hand.



The next day, early in the morning.

Ayi Ning woke up slowly from the drowsiness, only feeling that her head was heavy.

I can't remember what happened last night, but I always feel that someone is messing with her over and over again. I feel very irritable, but I can't open my eyes.

I also heard the voices of Luo Wei and Iluth, and Saya's loud and disobedient voice, as if someone else gave herself sober tea and did something else.

Reluctantly, she stood up, and saw that the living room was full of sleepers, but the floor was tidied up.

Everyone is there.

Luyi and Ke Luoxi were still in the same posture as last night, seeing the feet soaked in cider, Ayining frowned slightly.

Athetana was sleeping on the sofa, Ilus was facing her with her face closed with one hand, and Rowe was holding Vermeer on the carpet.


Large characters lie in the middle.

Ayi Ning: "..."

With so many people, none of them had the same sleeping position. As her blurred vision gradually became clear, she saw that there seemed to be something on Saya's face.

Taking a closer look, the face of the fourth angel has the expression of a cow painted on it.



She couldn't hold back, for some reason this appearance matched her posture, it looked really funny, and she gently covered her mouth.

Lu Yi not far away slowly raised her head.

"Hmm...what's the matter, is it time to eat?"

She sat up, and Ke Luoxi next to her woke up, and the two of them looked at each other silently.

Lu Yi:

"Pfft...! Hahaha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The two of them pointed at each other and laughed, looking at the expressions painted on each other's faces, they couldn't stop laughing.

Ayining suddenly felt something was wrong, it was too late to react, Luyi and Ke Luoxi turned to her at the same time.

Luyi: "..."

Chloe: "..."

They looked at themselves at the same time, silent.

What, what's wrong, is there something else on my face?

Just when she was frowning for a while, the two suddenly couldn't hold back at the same time, pointing at her with their stomachs in their hands and laughing mercilessly.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"


A Yining hurriedly covered her face and stood up. Their laughter was so outrageous that the others woke up one after another amidst the laughter, which made her annoyed and eager to know what was on her face.

She walked to the side mirror.

Ayi Ning: =σ王σ=


Veins popped out on her forehead, and her angry look made this silly scribble even more ridiculous.

Luo - Wei -! ! !
It looks like that guy's handwriting, and he actually painted a tiger on my face!

After waking up with the others, the living room was already bursting with laughter. Ayning walked back and saw Vermier and Saya looking at each other in confusion.



"Pfft..." Wei Mier couldn't hold back her tears, she fell back and hugged her stomach, "Hahaha... Saya, I'm sorry... I really...haha!!"

Saya frowned, and this action made the others laugh even more exaggeratedly. Luyi and Ke Luoxi slapped the floor, and Vermeer's face was as suffocated as a sweet potato.

A Yining didn't hold back either, she stood there holding the door, trying to control it but couldn't.

Ilus and Athetana, who woke up on both sides, had nothing on their faces. The mother goddess looked at them in embarrassment, and was saying something to ease their emotions, but Saya looked at her with a dull face.

"Puff... I'm sorry, Saya..."

Athetana found that she couldn't look directly at her at all, so she could only apologize sincerely, otherwise it would only be an extremely painful thing to endure.

Lu Yi, lying on the ground, noticed something.

"Ah, it's the little turtle!"

She pointed to Athetana's leg and said, everyone looked over one after another, and found that although the mother goddess didn't have a face, her arms and legs were all covered with turtles.

Athetana: "..."

She reluctantly pursed her lips for a moment and said, "If you want to laugh... just laugh at me, don't look at Saya anymore..."

Saya looked at them with contempt, all of them looked like ghosts, how could they have the nerve to laugh at her?

At this moment, Ayi Ning handed a mirror to her.

Saya silently picked it up and took a look.


The next moment, she rushed to Luo Wei's side without hesitation, looking helpless when he was still asleep, and stretched her fingers ferociously.

"You bastard!!"

It's definitely not funny to say anything else. At that time, both he and the stinky witch were calm, so she didn't care about it.

Get up quickly!After all this, you still sleep like a pig!
Iluth watched this scene with a smile. She and Luo Wei had a tacit understanding last night, and the funniest part was naturally saved until this moment.

"Wake him up now, I'm afraid he'll faint when he sees you laughing." A Yining reminded helplessly.


Saya stood up with a grumpy face, and went to wash her face without saying anything.

Ayi stared at her leaving back with deep concentration.

What the hell happened last night, and how did everyone suffer?It seems that there is nothing wrong with Ilus alone.

"I'm going to prepare breakfast, and make another pot of hangover tea by the way, you go and wash up."

She said, took a look at Vermier bent over to take care of Luo Wei, and went into the kitchen without looking back.

After a while.

Luo Wei slowly woke up in Vermeer's arms, with a thin blanket covering his body.

"Are you awake? Did you sleep well last night?"

"Ah, ah..."

Luo Wei supported his head, remembering that he had a drinking competition with them last night and had a drawing competition. In the end, the situation was chaotic, and he couldn't remember who won.

By the way, what about Saya?

Seeing that Lu Yi and Ke Luoxi were still smiling at each other's faces, they couldn't help laughing. He didn't see such an interesting scene?

Saya came back angrily after washing her face.

"You bastard! Didn't you tell me it wasn't funny?"

"Is it funny?" Luo Wei looked at her calmly, "It's not funny."

Saya clenched her fists angrily.

"Of course it's not funny after I've finished washing it!!"

"How about I draw another one for you?"


"Puff..." Ilus who was opposite couldn't help laughing.

Athetana did the same, clutching her forehead sadly, trying to calm herself down as much as possible.

Wei Mier lowered her head to allow herself to endure for a moment, then patted Saya's ankle and Luo Wei's shoulder, "Okay, get up and wash up, and Ayining's breakfast is almost ready."

Then, she said to Luyi and Ke Luoxi over there: "You guys are going too, stop laughing."

"No, wait... let me laugh a little longer..."

"No, I have to get the magic guide projection, this scene must be recorded!"

"Go, Chloe!"


Seeing the two of them holding their stomachs and helping each other to leave, Luo Wei shook his head and smiled.

This can be regarded as making them have a good time.

"Then I too..."

Planning to temporarily avoid Saya's limelight, Luo Weizhi stood up and prepared to wash up, but saw something, his eyes sank and he sat back, calmly covering himself in the blanket.

Luo Wei: "..."

"What's wrong?" Vermeer asked.

"No, nothing." Luo Wei replied with a black line on his face.

what did i see?
Under the blanket, each of my toes was painted with purple nail polish...

Luo Wei: "..."

He raised his eyes and glanced at Iluth, who was sitting directly opposite, with one leg raised gracefully.

The other party seemed to have been waiting for this look from him, and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

That was waited until the last moment to reveal——

The world was evil last night,

The attitude of the ultimate victor alone.

(End of this chapter)

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