It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 249 A Good Sister Doesn't Need To Come By A Dozen

Chapter 249 A Good Sister Doesn't Need To Come For A Dozen

After sending all the written letters through channels, Luo Wei came to the activity hall of the workshop, and several people looked at him one after another.

"It's so slow," Saya complained, "I'm still moaning when I go back to my room."

They seemed to have been discussing it for a while, and they knew that he came back because of Athetana's reminder.

"It's just a few letters," Luo Wei waved his hand. "It's not convenient for some forces to go directly, so we prepared in this way."

As for where to send them respectively, he didn't plan to go into details, and they should be able to guess part of them.

The part that can't be guessed is that Luo Wei didn't even have time to meet people this round, so he just made as many preparations as possible.


Vermeer thought.

There must be a copy of Lovely in it.

Since that day, the fifth princess has not come to see them in person, and even the goddess Mechanic is only exchanging information through letters, and their current situation is not suitable for directly boarding the Wing of Heaven.

Several people talked about their achievements today.

Including Lan Temple and Yingsu, everything that needs to be confirmed has been confirmed, and there is no abnormality in Silent Night Forest—or, there was an abnormality before, but it has been resolved by Ryan.

Iluth took off her shoes on her exclusive recliner, and relaxed her feet after a day of walking in the forest. The delicate black stockings made a salsa sound.

"Are you so relieved of that person named Ryan?" the witch asked suddenly.

Visible to the naked eye, none of them had any contact with Ryan. They only had a few meals, and they probably judged what kind of person they were from the surface.

If you hand over such an important matter to the other party, if you mess it up, you can't just take it with a sentence or two.

Luo Wei smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry, I didn't push it out of trouble or out of loyalty. This is the best choice right now."

"That's good," Ayi Ning sighed, "We discussed it just now. In fact, we don't know much about the relationship between boys, so I thought of asking you."

Luo Wei couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that they would talk about such a topic in private when he wasn't here.

"Then what was the result of your discussion?"

"It's nothing, it's just that you trust him very much and have a good relationship with him, but you don't keep in touch very much. You only exchange a few words when you meet or have something to do. The only activities that invite him to participate are basically..."

eat, right?

From Baigang Town to Crownless City, from carnival to New Year's Eve dinner, from above-ground restaurants to underground workshops...

Girls are so careful, he didn't expect so much before.

Rowe folded his hands, wanting to continue listening.

"so what?"

"So..." Ayi Ning glanced at the others and said, "If you are afraid that we will mind or cause inconvenience, I think it's okay, we just pay more attention to our words and deeds."

"Even if you go to the beach and play in a swimsuit?"

Ayi was stunned for a moment, "No, this is... please forgive me for refusing."

No matter what, she couldn't do it even if the relationship was very close, and she could tolerate Luo Wei only because his existence was too special, and if she couldn't refuse, she didn't plan to participate instead of her sister.

"So what exactly is a swimsuit?" Saya asked, frowning.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Vermeer vaguely knew some reasons, but she wanted to hear Rowe's answer more than letting her say it.

After all, he...has been asking her to behave extraordinarily according to that standard.

"You don't have to worry about this," Luo Wei closed his eyes, "I didn't invite Ryan to participate because I was concerned about your feelings."

After finally gathering them on my side, how could it be possible to send them back to have an intersection with Ryan.

"Then..." Ayi Ning paused.

"Actually," Rowe lowered his gaze, "When Ryan and I first set off from Harry Village, we were no longer on the same journey. His goal is to become a great adventurer, meet all kinds of interesting people, Go on adventures around the world."

Elise narrowed her eyes.

"What about your goal?"

"My goal?" Luo Wei smiled and looked at Vermier. "At first, I just saw a certain person being indecent in broad daylight, so I stepped forward to stop it."


Vermeer poked her hand, and everyone else looked at her.

"What did she do?" Ayi Ning asked curiously.

"Bathing naked in a waterfall..."

"Wow!!" Wimier rushed over, but did not have time to stop it, and fell injured on Luowei's legs. "The road there has long been deserted.


If you think about it this way, didn't he just come to see it on purpose?

Luo Wei spread his hands, normally no one would notice that she was there, but the blinding holy light in the game really couldn't be ignored.

Did the two of them meet like this?
Saya lowered her eyes and thought, it's really a shameless way to meet, and it's weird that that bastard would stop such a thing.

So what exactly is a swimsuit?
"In short, Ryan and I have different paths to take. It is normal that there is no intersection. However, the way to maintain friendship between men does not necessarily depend on frequent meetings." Luo Wei said, "Of course, if you think I am selfish I don't object to the idea."

selfish thoughts...

It means, don't you want Vermier and Saya to have too much contact with other men?

A Yining thought about this, but noticed that Iluth's eyes had been looking at her.

Ayi Ning lowered her head slightly, maybe, yes.From the perspective of siblings, he naturally hoped that his sister would share more with him and be closer to him than outsiders.

"Well... I, I actually think our circle of people is very good," she lowered her head and said, "If you don't want to, I also think it's good to keep it like this."

Heard rare words.

Luo Wei felt a little bit emotional, he didn't completely lock up their friendship circle, at least this younger sister knew the importance and behaved well, so she wouldn't give people the impression of being frivolous or ambiguous.

But it was heartwarming to hear her say that in person.

He probably guessed that the girls were talking about this because they were worried that he would discuss something with Ryan behind their backs, and that he was worried that he would be deceived and used outside.


Who is worried about who?

Probably because there are too many things behind the scenes, this group of girls will also feel resistant to unreasonable overprotection.

Obviously they and him are a team.

Thinking of this, he joked, "Besides, I'm not interested in the same sex, so you don't have to worry about anything."

Saya: "...?"

Ayi Ning's face turned dark.

That's not what we're worried about.

"Eh... eh?!" Vermeer seemed to never have thought of such a possibility, and made a surprised sound, but soon showed a relieved expression.

Ai Ning shook her head.

Your speed of understanding and elimination is too fast...

She turned her gaze speechlessly, looked at Luo Wei and said, "What I said at the beach before, can start tonight."

"Okay, you're talking about double cultivation, right? I'm looking forward to it." Luo Wei smiled.


Ayi Ning's face turned livid.

What kind of nonsense are you talking about seriously!

"Shuangxiu?" Vermeer blinked, "What is that?"

Seeing Iluth on the reclining chair showing an "Oh?" expression, Ayining quickly explained: "It's not what he said, it's just two people practicing together!"

"Isn't that double cultivation?" Saya said with a look of course.

Ahhh! !

A Yining was going crazy, how would she explain a proper term that was inconvenient to explain to the other party?
She looked at Luo Wei with resentment.

When you lead these guys astray, can you not lead me too!
"Yes, it's two people practicing together," Luo Wei laughed at the atmosphere of the girls, "Then what are we waiting for, let's start double..."

Ayi Ning drew out her sword.

"Let me repair your brain first!"

Vermeer squinted and looked at them with a smile, feeling that life was getting more and more interesting.


At night, Wailing Valley, a rocky flat on the high plateau of the valley.

Ayi took a deep breath to calm himself down, and opened his eyes to contemptuously look at Luo Wei who was standing opposite.

"Then we will start practicing."


Luo Wei smiled and raised his hands in surrender.

He drew his sword and chased him all the way, that shameful and angry appearance was too lovely, bright eyes and white teeth, pouted with a small nose, a posture that insisted on forcing him to admit his mistake.

Ayi Ning sighed, "Come here."

"No, I dare not."


Because just now, this younger sister didn't catch him, who knows if she would approach him with a sword on him, forcing him to explain to others one by one.

A Yining stomped her feet and said, "As long as you don't mention it again! If you don't get close, how do you see how I pinch and how my breath flows?"


"It's true! Why, you still want me to swear?"

"Well, I believe that my sister is so beautiful and gentle, she will definitely not do something like threaten me with a sword."

Luo Wei moved over slowly, Ayining pouted and gave him a look.

Yesterday he said I was a tigress, but today he changed his mind again, man is really...

She stretched her left index finger and middle finger together, showed him, and said: "This is the most basic sword finger. As long as the Qi is released towards the fingertips, it is the most basic usage. Even ordinary people, as long as they wake up Elemental power can also be used. However, if it is coordinated with swordsmanship, or simply relying on the sword to release sword energy, it belongs to the stage of getting ready to start."

After finishing speaking, Ayining used her finger as a sword, waved it casually, and the rock beside her was blasted into pieces.

Rowe twitched the corners of his mouth.

This is just getting started...

"If you have a little proficiency, you can do this." A Yining stood up in front of her body, and the rocks that had been blasted into debris just now were brought together again under the gravitational force of the sword energy. They fit together tightly, almost exactly the same as before.

Well... For the pair of sisters, compared to this, the one just now is really just a beginner.

Luo Wei stepped forward to confirm that the rock hadn't really returned to the original place, but the part that was blown away had sword energy attached to it, "sticking" all the pieces together.

"Is there any more advanced usage?" He asked.

There was a slight smile in Ayi's eyes, as if he knew that he would ask this question a long time ago, the sword edge was unsheathed, and the sword energy disappeared, and dozens of brown sword blades hung from behind.

Luo Wei was slightly surprised.

Is it possible to control the sword at this stage?
Maybe they have different ways of cultivating in Baiming Mountain, maybe it's a preconceived notion, but he thinks that the reunion of broken mirrors is more important than Yujian.

However, Luo Wei also knew that A Yining's imperial sword might also combine the characteristics of reunion after a broken mirror, and even the trajectory of every slash was clearly in her heart.

It can even chop you up and quickly put you back together...

"That's the basics of a single sword finger, but advanced fingering can do more. It's not difficult to attract Jiuxiao and mobilize the power of the earth's veins. I won't demonstrate it here."

The demonstration will scare the orcs in the valley, right...

Luo Wei looked at her in embarrassment, "Is this really something that can be learned in a short time?"

He didn't have such systematic knowledge as the other party, and he achieved a single effect by relying on the way of refining Qi and transforming the spirit and using gestures.

"These are already very basic. I haven't talked about the sect's true swordsmanship yet. Combined with the multiple uses of gestures, there will be infinite changes, but these are actually not important to you. Your swordsmanship is not from Baiming Mountain. Learn from it." To get too much is to lose everything."

Rowe curled his lips.

He felt that these basics were enough for him to learn.

My Ripple Sword has no previous experience to learn from, so I can only develop it by myself, so it is understandable to learn the sword art and absorb Qi, and learn from others.

"Speaking of which, what's the name of your move to cut out the full moon?" A Yining asked.

"The moon is full of water."

Luo Wei felt a little ashamed, as if calling out the name of the move, but he still said it.

"Ning...?" Ayi was stunned.

"Naqi was taught by your sister, and the sword art is from you," Luo Wei said truthfully, "You don't mind, do you?"

After all, this trick itself has the meaning of "water attribute cutting ring overflows and superimposes, condensing into a full moon".

Of course, if "Ning" refers to the pair of sisters, and "Yue" refers to the night...ahem...

"I... I don't mind, it's just one word anyway," Ayining didn't expect that she would be included in the sword technique, so she pursed her lips and said, "I have a very simple method that can help you Quickly learn the appropriate sword tactics."

"What is it?"

"Carry out qi resonance with me. Whenever I make a sword formula, you and I make the same gesture to make the qi restraint method consistent with mine." Ayining explained earnestly, "When you feel which one is in line with your Let me know if the Ripple Sword fits, and I will guide it to you through resonance."

This gives Rowe a sense of picking a commodity.

Leave what you like, and leave what you don't like.

He asked, "Are you referring to using your qi to adjust my way of holding qi and forcing me to learn it like refining qi to transform into a god?"

Ayi Ning nodded, "That's right, the ability to refine Qi and transform into a god is the prerequisite for this, otherwise you will not be able to resonate with me."

It turned out to be so.

Luo Wei smiled wryly and didn't know what to say, this is too convenient.

The most powerful thing about my sister is that it doesn't matter if you don't understand, she will help you learn.

I have heard of copying the answers, but I have never heard of copying the knowledge directly in my mind and letting you write the answers yourself.

It is to work hard for her.

On him, work day and night... so that he can master the corresponding skills.

I'm sorry, Anain.

I'm already in the shape of a younger sister...

Refining qi and transforming gods is completely learned by her little by little, and now the sword formula is like this again. When I go out later and people ask him how he learned this skill, he will tell me that my sister learned it for me, I am afraid that people will listen stupid.

Such a good sister doesn't need a dozen, just one is enough.

"How can I repay you?" Luo Wei said with a smile.

"I... I didn't do this for repayment, you should know it in your heart."

What I said on the beach.

In order to let her rely on herself more at ease.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei couldn't help but open his hands and walked over.

A Yining took a step back, "You... what are you doing?"

"Isn't it okay to hug my caring, considerate and understanding sister?"

"No, no." Ayi Ning looked around in panic, "You still have the nerve to say it, didn't you say that I am a tigress?"

After being rejected, Luo Wei was not depressed, and looked at her with a smile, "She is gentle and considerate, but also has a fierce and disciplined side. Isn't such a girl more likable?"


Ayi's eyes touched, and then he came back to his senses, looked to one side and dodged in a panic.

"In short... In short, I will teach you how to resonate with my qi." She said with a little redness in her ears, changing the subject.

Seeing her reaction caught off guard by the praise, Luo Wei resisted the urge to pinch her face and smiled.

"Okay, let's start then."

(End of this chapter)

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