Chapter 255 The Dreamland in Athetana's Arms
"How long has she been like this?"

Ilus supported Vermeer who had fainted on the ground, and tested her magic power with her hands.

Although the Witch doesn't have such an outrageous reserve, her understanding of magic power analysis and structure is far better than that of Vermeer, which is why she can use so many ever-changing tricks.

Seeing that she didn't notice the abnormality on Vermeer's skirt and stockings, and pressed them directly with her hand, Luo Wei felt relieved and didn't intend to remind her that there was holy water in front of her.

Paint my nails, huh?

"Before I met her, there was only water element, and the remaining three were awakened in less than a year."

Everyone: "..."

No matter how you look at it, it's because I know you.

Water, light, wind, earth.

Of the six elements, Vermier has now awakened four.In contrast to her, Sheila, who has not yet become the Holy Maiden of Black, has awakened the two elements of darkness and fire, which are just the opposite.

It's not that enemies don't get together, it's worthy of being a deadly enemy in the future.

"To put it simply, her magic power is expanding in an extremely exaggerated way." Iluth sighed out of jealousy or mockery, "If possible, I would like to arrest her and study it."

"Will she be in danger?" Ayi asked in a deep voice.

"No, if there is danger, I will put it at the very beginning," Iluth raised her head and smiled, "How could I be willing to let someone's favorite girl be in danger for no reason?"

Saya looked at him blankly, and Luo Wei frowned in embarrassment.

stop looking……

You want to verify the intention of my reaction, you can detect it without using your eyes to respond, it's too straightforward.

"Hehe... Although her own magic power is exaggerated enough," Iluth let Vermeer rest on her lap and stopped detecting, "but the real suppression of the impact of the exponential expansion of magic power is more due to The particularity in her body can not only increase the magic power unscrupulously, but also continuously concentrate and condense it to increase the concentration of magic power, but this is not some external force, but it is clearly her own talent."

"Then why did she faint?" A Yining asked.

"Having fainted?" Iluth sneered, "The magical power in the body has undergone such earth-shaking changes, but she just fainted. I would like to faint a few times like this. This qualification is what all spell users dream of."

Luo Wei folded his hands and closed his eyes.

Probably stupid people have stupid blessings. When the gods died, the gods had no conscious existence, and the influence spread to the mainland was neither good nor evil. It was a miracle.

There are only four such people in the whole continent.

And there seems to be something wrong with my brain.

Except for Vermeer and Sheila, there are two left, one is the ultimate double-standard Madonna, and the other is extremely self-awareness. It is not without reason that Luo Wei would rather push the black saint.

Maybe that's the price...

"What should we do next?" Saya looked at Luo Wei, but her eyes never changed. "Do you want to end the exploration?"

According to the past, after nearly a week of high-intensity battles, when encountering a teleportation point, I would go back to rest without hesitation.

It's not because the girls love to be clean, but because their continuous fighting intensity is completely beyond common sense, and everyone's physical strength is close to critical.

If it wasn't like this, how could Vermeer's magic power make Iluth feel jealous.

Every time she wakes up, she swells up. When she continues to practice in the limit state, the base number she uses to swell is already much higher than the previous round, and the gap will only become bigger and bigger in the future.

It's not just Saya who is improving.

"Continue." Luo Wei said calmly.

"You want to take a look at what's on the next floor," Ayin looked at him and analyzed, "If there is still an environment that requires fighting, go back and wait for Vermier."

Rowe nodded.

"Well, just to check." He turned around and looked at the crowd. "Whether we have reached the relay or the end, the answer will be given up front."

"Of course!" Saya clenched her fists, "It's all here, even if I continue to fight... just take a look and I will protect you!"

"It's really reliable." Ilus handed Vermeer to Athetana, stood up and smiled.

Reminding them to be safe, Vermier disappeared together in Athetana's arms, and was teleported back to the courtyard of silence.

Rowe looked in the direction of the entrance to the next floor.

"Let's go."

"Okay!" Lu Yi excitedly stomped her small steps on the spot, "Then hurry up and take a look and go back to celebrate~"

Several people shook their heads. They had never seen her so active. She looked like a child in Sunday school who was notified that she would be on vacation soon.

They nodded to each other, and without further ado, they stepped into the door together.


After the consciousness stabilized during the transfer, Luo Wei put his right hand on the hilt of the sword and opened his eyes.

In front of him was a closed stone space.

"here it is……"

A Yining glanced around to confirm that the place was narrow enough to be called, and there was no road leading to other places.

It's just... exactly the same as the place when they stepped into the Creator's Island. It was enclosed in an earth-stone structure, and it needed to be dug out for two to 3000 meters to connect with other spaces.

"It seems that there is one more "evidence". "Ilus closed her eyes and smiled.

"It seems so." Luo Wei understood and responded to her words.

This shows that the island of the Creator and the sanctuary of the Goddess of Purification are respectively the starting point and the ending point of this hidden shortcut.

Taking out the resonator and taking a look, the black crystal lines pointed in all directions, as if they surrounded them in all directions.

"Heh, this should be called Raiders from Heaven." Iluth looked at the situation and smiled.

"That is to say..." Saya murmured.

At this time, they had already arrived at the rear of the Artisan Association, and the conspiracy under the dark side of the entire Crownless City, the planners were about to be forced to the point of no return.

"Go back." Knowing the answer in his heart, Luo Wei calmly said.

The existence of this hidden path saves them from having to stare at the craftsman association directly after teleportation. Should it be said that the two gods have insight and gave them a chance to be fully prepared.

Really, how many places has the "Alliance of Five" paved the way in the past thousand and 200 years?

There is an inexplicable feeling of being cared for.

"It's a good thing you can bear it." Iluth looked at him shallowly. "You can still keep a calm mind when you are about to kick the door. Shouldn't it be said that you are not the kind of fool who only knows how to move forward?"

"You talk a lot today." Luo Wei shook his head and smiled wryly, he could hear that she was expecting him to find her for nail polish.

After all, he was looking for her.

"Hehe..." Iluth answered his words, "Don't worry, with my help, Vermeer should be able to recover in three days."

"That's three days, we have to make all the preparations, right?" Ayi Ning nodded.

"Hmph, it's not impossible to wait for three days, but..."

Luo Wei didn't care to participate in their discussion, and resonated the resonator with the empty bottle filled with Minoni flowers.

The breath in the bottle shimmered.

But the resonator didn't respond.


Can't find a trace of Minoni?
Luo Wei was stunned for a while, but then realized that what he had guided before was Minoni's apostle, not her true self.

As a first-level god, her existence cannot be traced by this artifact.

This is a bit of a hassle.

If the other party does not take the initiative to contact.

How can he find the fallen demon god from the outside world in this huge relic of the battle of gods?

After taking a shower in their respective rooms, Luo Wei came to the courtyard in casual clothes.

After returning from the ruins, there seems to be no special movement around, and the courtyard that once decided the fate of the world for peace remains the same as before.

He hadn't shown up for six days. In order not to break the last straw of the Craftsman Association, he needed to appear in everyone's sight.

As for why him?
Because other girls take a bath too slowly, he can understand the idea of ​​girls who are covered in mud and want to wash themselves fragrantly.

Anyway, it wasn't cheap for him in the end.

"You should have expected what will happen next, right?"

A familiar voice came, and Luo Wei turned his head. Athetana's body was sitting above, looking down at himself on the steps.

"Well, although I'm not 100% sure," Luo Wei responded without worrying about being heard in the Beast God's Domain, "The only thing I'm not sure about is how far the Crownless City will be destroyed."


Athetana closed her eyes.

When he opened it again, the blue eyes looked at him deeply.

"I hope that what you have said to me, you will take to heart as well."


Luo Wei froze for a moment, subconsciously knew which sentence it was, and covered half of his forehead in a self-deprecating manner.

"Do I look like the kind of person who sacrifices himself to save the world?"

"It's not like," Athetana raised her eyes, "but you are not a villain who has no bottom line. If you let you sit and watch the whole city die, will you not blink or hesitate?"

She has seen everything about the beast tide in Baigang Town.

The path he chose, even if he had the opportunity to look back, he couldn't find a better way.

Rowe shook his head nervously.

"Did you hear me talking to Ryan... a bit cunning, Mother Goddess."

"Naturally, that's also a very important "evidence"," Athetana smiled, "I don't want to tell you too much about the truth, but the fate of the city without a crown is affected by your choices, so you will be burdened normal. "

She opened her hands and expressed her feelings towards Luo Wei.

Every time I come back, can I be greeted with such a hug...

He lowered his head and smiled helplessly, came to the Mother Goddess with wet black hair, and welcomed him in under her arms.

"Don't be burdened, just do what you want to do, and you should know in your heart that your real goal is not limited to this city."


Luo Wei closed his eyes, his broad mind made him feel the long-lost relaxation, and his whole heart was relaxed.

In front of this gentle and loving mother god, it is really difficult to make an idea of ​​a false identity, like a peaceful harbor, where you can dock with peace of mind.

"I won't be a child all the time?" Luo Wei smiled.

"Okay, okay, I got it." Athetana patted him on the back lightly, "Then before you grow up, you can rely on me for a while longer when you can."

Luo Wei didn't deny the answer, put his arms around her waist, pressed the weight of his body on her, and fell asleep in the wide soft side pillow.

Athetana caressed his black hair, coaxing him to fall asleep like she was taking care of a child.

At this time, a team of adventurers returned from the large portal in the courtyard.

They walked through the open space, and under the reminder of one of them, everyone looked here.

Athetana: "..."

This position is able to monitor the entire courtyard and, in turn, be seen by the entire courtyard.

She just sighed softly, looked down at the side face breathing evenly in her arms, ignored those gazes, and gently comforted her over and over again.



It wasn't until evening that Luo Wei woke up slowly.

He rubbed his eyes, feeling that he was still sleepy, wiped the drool from his mouth, and wanted to continue to sleep.


He had never been so peaceful, but this made him a little wary. When he opened his eyes, his eyes froze slightly due to the green skin.

By the way, I am...

Asleep in Athetana's arms?
Luo Wei raised his head sleepily and glanced at the Mother God, who was still stroking the back of his head, with a look of helplessness in his eyes, which also indicated that it was okay for him to continue sleeping.

Well, let's continue to sleep...

When Luo Wei was thinking this way, recalling Athetana's expression just now, it seemed that something was not quite right.

Speaking of which... we seem to be in the open-air pavilion at the top of the courtyard...

He raised his head slightly and glanced towards the courtyard.

See everything at a glance...

There are adventurers in the square who are chatting, and they look at them from time to time, make eye contact with Luo Wei, and give him a deep and meaningful smile.

Luo Wei: "..."

He now knew why Athetana looked a little embarrassed.

Lying in such a conspicuous position and falling asleep on her broad chest, I'm afraid she has been baptized by a lot of sights during this time...

Why don't you call me?

Luo Wei didn't intend to fall asleep at first, but he didn't have a good rest for six days, and suddenly he felt so relieved and fell asleep in her arms without knowing it.


He looked at the glowing skin in front of him, wiped his mouth, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"That...maybe I'm too tired, I usually don't like this."

"It's ok……"

It's already been like this...

Athetana didn't want to disturb him because of other people's eyes, and would only respond with a correct posture.

What I didn't expect was...

Looking at the situation in front of him, Luo Wei was at a loss for a while, saying that it was not easy to wipe it off for her, and that it was not appropriate to leave it like this...

Probably because he was tired and too peaceful, he was drooling in sleep.

and many...

Thanks to it, the current condition of the Mother Goddess can be said to be extremely bad, it is even a little bit soaked, showing a coquettish blue color faintly.

"You don't want to watch it anymore..." Sensing that he had noticed it, Athetana's face turned bitter in embarrassment.

Luo Wei swallowed his throat and looked away, glanced behind him and blocked Athetana again.

"You... go and change your clothes."

He didn't want other men to see this scene, even from afar.

"it is good……"

Athetana also looked away, and smiled with emotion.

At times like this, he would stand up and stand in front of her.

Maybe it's just like what he said, not to see if it's childish behavior——

The most basic relationship with each other is that of friends.

(End of this chapter)

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