Chapter 257 I'm Really, Not Teaching You...

Maria couldn't help shivering.

She wasn't sure if it was the real thing she thought, but she knew that the other party was about to start.

Taking it out at such a time, she would never naively think that the other party was just looking at it, especially the expression on that face, Maria didn't know what she had gone through to be so unbearable.

"Maria, can you tell me about your leaving the temple again?"

"Saya, listen to me—"

Hearing Saya's voice, Maria stared intently at the opponent's movements, for fear that the opponent's patience would exceed the threshold.

Holding that unbelievable thing, looking at the raised particles, it seemed that she was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle, and even she secretly sweated for the other party.

"Maria, what are you going to say?"

It seemed that there was a long silence, and Maria realized that the situation in front of her made her subconsciously not want to disturb her.

Even if you know that the voice cannot be transmitted, you can talk to Saya as if nothing happened in front of this scene...

"What I want you to know is..."


"Maria? What's happening over there?"

"What I want you to know is!" Maria's voice suddenly rose an octave.

She opened her eyes wide and looked in front of her, that thing...

It will shake! ?
Looking at the other party holding it with both hands shyly, as if all eyes were pinned on it, Maria's pupils swayed in the eye sockets for a moment.

"Saya, I'm glad you came to see me but...but! You still have things to do, don't waste your time here, I should have taught you not to let emotions dominate your behavior."


"It's nothing but, let's continue talking when you bring the good news."

Hearing such an answer, Saya looked up at Luo Wei.

The latter pursed his lips.

"Then we'll go."

Really think about the younger generation.

Luo Wei didn't intend to let Saya hear what happened next, so he put his hand on her back.

"Then... let's go, Maria." Saya reluctantly turned around.

"Okay... go, go."

Hearing the footsteps going away behind her, Maria looked at the woman in front of her and put her legs together, and began to stuff the things in her hand down.

She couldn't help shivering with the other party.

On the face of the other party, there was an unparalleled joy and enjoyment. He closed his eyes and gave everything to his senses.

And gradually issued a sound of soft ears.


Rowe Brook, what the hell do you want?


The purpose of this matter cannot be known to Maria.

Otherwise, everything I do at this moment will be for her own good, and the expected effect will not be achieved.

In the end, you still have to take the blame yourself.

Walking with Saya on the way back to the beach, Luo Wei had no choice but to think that every time he wanted to be a good person, he would be regarded as a bad person, and when he wanted to be a bad person, he would be regarded as a good person.

This world is too difficult...

It seems that there is no problem at present, and it will be fine after three days for acceptance.

"Speaking of which, there is still some time, do you want to take a walk by the beach?" Luo Wei asked.

"Ah...?" Saya froze for a moment.

She raised her head and looked at the sea where the trees couldn't completely cover her, her crimson eyes lit up a little.

But soon, she suppressed her eyes again.

"No... no," Saya looked at the blades of grass on the ground, and suddenly quickened her pace, "Let's go back first."

Luo Wei watched her move forward past his back, and shook his head helplessly.

was rejected...


After returning to the workshop, Saya said hello and returned to the room. Rowe came to the courtyard and saw Ilus accompanying Athetana and Luyi in the pavilion.

The witch held a classic book in her hand, and when she saw him appear, she cast her gaze over, as if waiting for the result.

"How's Vermier?" Luo Wei walked over and asked.

"It's okay," Iluth replied holding the book, "seeing her sleeping so soundly, I feel like I'm wasting my time by standing by."

Luo Wei nodded and didn't deliberately mention Maria. After cryptically expressing that he didn't need to worry, he chatted with them in the pavilion for a while.

When I came back, I asked about the situation in the workshop next door. Ryan was still exploring in the ruins. If possible, it would be better to tell him as soon as possible.

Also worry about the bright side, they will be back the next day at the latest.

"Ah, so you are here."

A Yining came out of the workshop and saw the four of them together, walking towards them in plain clothes.

It was getting late, she didn't care to talk to a few people, and called Luo Wei away after chatting for a few minutes. It was rare to have spare time, and the sooner the two of them could finish their cultivation, the better.

After all, Luo Wei didn't say "you want to double repair with me so much" and got beaten.

After the training, both of them were sweating profusely. Ayi Ning took a breath and put away the sword, and closed her eyes slightly.

"It's over for me."

She said this to Saya who was standing on the sidelines.

When the two of them were practicing, they didn't know if they heard a voice or something, Saya came in halfway, and then stood there the whole time, waiting for someone to be self-evident.

Although Vermeer was asleep.

But it seems that there is no need to worry about the White Pheasant tonight.

Hearing the statement, Saya slowly walked over from the side, but did not go to Luo Wei's side.

"I have something to tell you."


Seeing Saya stopped in front of her, Ayining glanced at Luo Wei.

come to me?
Luo Wei smiled at her, wiped the sweat off his head and waved to them.

"Then I'll go first."

This... wait.

Seeing Luo Wei leaving without looking back, Ayi Ning was slightly stunned, a little confused about the situation for a while.

"What do you want to say to me?"

It's so late now, and Vermeer just happens to be away, shouldn't she seize the opportunity more.

Saya seemed a little hesitant, and waited until Luo Wei left completely before looking at her again.

"I want to know how you get along with Vermier."


With sweat on her face, Ayi Ning scratched her hair, not understanding the meaning of this question for a while.

"I mean... in terms of that bastard." Saya said, turning her head.

That bastard means... Luo Wei?

After reacting, Ayining was a little stunned, and an uncertain guess emerged in her heart.

How to get along with Vermeer.

Could it be that she...

"Tell me," Saya took a step forward, "Since you already have Vermier in front, how do you maintain a relationship with him?"


Ayi Ning opened her eyes wide, her premonition was confirmed, and then her face turned black.

", have you misunderstood something? There is nothing between me and him..."

"You mean, deny it in front of her?"

"No, relationship with him is not what you think, why do you have such an idea?"

Saya blinked in confusion.

"But... didn't you spend the night in his room before?"

"What, when did it happen?" Ayi took a step back and looked away.

What did she know, and what did she misunderstand?
Saya concentrated her attention, "When I went to the tavern with you to eavesdrop on his conversation with that witch, didn't he say that as a punishment, he would be licked until he knelt down and begged for mercy?"


That's obviously talking about you!

Why do you think it's me!

"You were in his room all night that night, right?" Shaye continued.

"...You, how do you know?"

Ayi was stunned.

She was indeed in Rowe's room that day, apologizing to him, telling him bedtime stories, and promising him to "draw boundaries during the day and undo them at night."

It was revealed that night! ? ?

Speaking of which, Saya ignored her for a while after that night, and also ignored her while exploring in the ruins. Is it because of this?

How did she know! ?

"I was right outside the door," Saya frowned at her, "then I heard the sound of the door being locked inside."


That is……

I locked it...

It's just because I don't want to be broken into and misunderstood, but I didn't expect...

"No, listen to me..." A Yining explained, "You misunderstood, I gave him an apology because I snubbed him that day because of the revealing incident."

"Then why lock the door?"


Ayi Ning was at a loss for words for a moment.

After thinking about it, she always felt something was wrong, raised her head and said, "I didn't want Luyi to know that I was in the same room with him, and I didn't want her to misunderstand!"

"So, you just spent the whole night in his room with him?"


The feeling of being accused sent a chill down her back, and she clearly wanted to avoid this situation.

But was questioned face to face by one of them.

"I understand," Saya frowned and thought for a while, "If you encounter this situation, find a way to cover up the past, and then express that you don't mind relationships with other people?"

Ai Ning's face trembled.

What did you understand...

"Didn't you also come the next day after that?" Saya looked at her and said.


After Luo Wei and Saya reconciled, she stayed in the room. She went there for the training of refining Qi and turning into a god.

From her point of view... this is me expressing that I don't mind the relationship between her and Luo Wei, doing it on purpose?

I clearly... want to get rid of my relationship with him, so don't misunderstand me...

How could it be a deliberate cover-up...

Ai Ning sighed deeply.

"Listen to me, Saya," she put one hand on the other's shoulder, "He and I are really not what you think, I just treat him like a brother at most, otherwise how could I let him be with you. "

"That is to say, first explain with legitimate reasons, and then express that you don't mind things with other people?"

Ahhh! !

Ayi Ning's face twitched, and she put her other hand on it, shaking Saya vigorously.

What on earth are you thinking? I'm not teaching you how to get along with Vermeer at all! !
"I don't like Rowe!" she exclaimed after she stopped shaking.

Saya was dazed and nodded.

"Okay, I don't like Rovi either!"


I'm really, not teaching you...

But she can't use this method to trick her, how can anyone use this method to maintain the relationship with other competitors.

"Saya, I'm different from you and Vermier. My sister likes Luo Wei, so I just hope to gain more status for her. For me, I just need to see the two of them happy."

"You mean...Anining?"

"Well, I know you guys know each other, so it should be understandable. My sister has a temper, and she does everything based on her interests. Although it's a bit offensive to say that, I hope he likes my sister more than you."

Saya felt a storm in her head.

Speaking of these suddenly, she seemed to understand something, and her thoughts sublimated immediately.

"You mean, let me recognize Vermier as my sister? And take the initiative to let her get more likes? But this..."

Ayi Ning: ()
"I'm not teaching you!!"

For some reason, she always felt that today's Saya was different from usual. In normal times, she would never discuss it on the premise of "I like Luo Wei".

It is more of a temper tantrum and a strong denial.

It seems that because of Vermeer's lethargy, she must have had a lot of doubts about her behavior and status.

Ai Ning sighed slowly.

Angel's mind is now full of ideas about what to do.

If she wants to understand, it seems that she can only really offer some suggestions.

"You don't want to just come in second, do you?" she asked in a low voice.

"I..." Saya looked away.

Even if she doesn't answer, you can see her thoughts.

How could someone be willing to be with the person they like, but the other person likes the other person more?
Although Luo Wei never discussed this topic, anyone could tell that that guy had a preference for Vermeer.

after all……

No one can do it, love him unreservedly like Vermeer, and contribute all of himself.

Anyone who fell in love with him would be ashamed to see such an existence.

"To be honest, I think it's wrong to have too many emotions..." Ayi Ning said with her head tilted, "But there is a discrepancy between reality and theory. Now that it has happened, it's normal for you to be so emotionally confused. .”


Saya lowered her head and did not speak.

Although Wei Mier's tolerant attitude can't be explained, just like before, the three of them applied the mask together, knowing that Saya left halfway to find Luo Wei, Wei Mier also showed a somewhat disappointed expression, but she didn't go. Instead of stopping, it seems that he will find the lost one later with his own hands.

In this awareness, Vermier is obviously better than Saya.

It's not that she doesn't mind, but she allows it, and firmly holds on to her own share.

"I don't have relevant experience, so I can't give you specific references, but I believe Athetana should be able to tell you how to do it."

"It's useless..." Saya shook her head, "I asked the Mother God before, but she didn't want to tell me."

Mother God is also helpless?
Ayi froze for a moment, this was a possibility she hadn't thought of.

"How did you ask her?"

"I asked her exactly how the baby was born...she didn't tell me."


This question is enough to be called weird.

Considering that Saya has not lived in the human world for long and still lacks basic common sense, this question should not be answered by Athetana, otherwise it will easily lead to a direction that deviates from the norm.

A Yi Ning didn't suggest asking her to change the question, who knows what else was piled up in her head.

Maybe when the time comes, I will ask how the Mother Goddess and Luo Wei maintain a lover relationship...

This is not bad, but maybe Saya will say "A Yining is doing well" and bring her into harm's way.


Never let her ask!

"In this case, there is only one person who can give you the answer."


Who else could it be.

The trouble should end it.

"That bastard."

Ayi Ning said contemptuously in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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