Chapter 259 5000 Meters of Kiss, 5000 Meters of Blow

The sky is not the domain of man.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to conquer species from the sky.

Saya's performance just now is no different from a wild horse, rampaging, and the result of trying to provoke her is trying to throw you off.

But Rowe got the hang of it.

The two shoulder straps on the left and the right were pulled, which immediately made her quiet, and she even took the initiative to wrap his arms around him.

The reins of fate.

That's what angels do.

"You...let go!"

"Quick, move on." Luo Wei gently pulled with his hand.

"Advance your head!"

"It's a left turn, it's a right turn, it's up, it's down."


Feeling his hand operating on the shoulder strap for a while, Saya was in a daze.

He actually... tried to give me orders like this? ?
Luo Wei lifted his left hand up, "Quick, turn left."

"You bastard……!"

Saya turned left.

Luo Wei grabbed it with both hands and pulled it to the sides, "Quick, go up."

Saya: "..."

Pulling inwards means descending, sliding backwards along the shoulder straps means decelerating, and lifting both sides together means accelerating...

After figuring out the rules...

This bastard, are you riding me like a horse! !

Facing the vast blue sky, Luo Wei stared at her reluctant compromise, this kind of tolerance that only existed in front of him when he was bullied.

He moved forward a little and kissed her gently on the side of the cheek.

Saya: "..."

Hmph, since you are so satisfied.

Just to accompany you for a while.

This piece of sky may not mean everything, but away from that piece of land, this time is unique and belongs to her.

I don't plan to tell her any reason, and I don't need to.

Saya wants to find her own exclusive meaning, including her troubles, and Luo Wei is spending time with her in this sky.

Soaring in the endless expanse, they are just two insignificant dots to the sky.

For them, the sky is an endless playground.

Stroking the jade-like skin on her shoulders, Saya blushed slightly, and asked Qi Sheng: "What do you want me to do?"

"I hope you are happy."

Saya lowered her eyes and blinked, her eyelashes dimly covered her eyes, and she bit her lips slightly.

"Then are you happy?" She asked after a while, flying forward against the wind.

Like this... pulling her shoulder straps.

I haven't set a price yet!

"Of course," Luo Wei smiled, "Not everyone has the opportunity to become an angel knight. This is much more interesting than driving a magic warship."

"Angel bastard! If you dare to speak out about what happened today, I will kill you!"

Comparing her to a magic warship, is this a good or bad comparison?


Why is it "on"?
Why is he driving me...?
Luo Wei stroked slowly for a while, "Don't you know, does the horse feel comfortable when touching the mount like this?"

"...Go away!! Get down for me!!"

"So you don't feel comfortable?"

"not at all!!"

"Then I stopped?"


Even though he said that, Luo Wei didn't give in, and Saya also remained silent. He kissed her neck from behind, and slightly closed her eyes on the side that was kissed.

This guy……

At first I said I was afraid of heights, but now I can do shameless things while flying.

Is this the so-called sensuality...

I didn't feel comfortable.

It's just that the body... is trembling without authorization.

Flying aimlessly in the sky, and sharing the scenery she usually sees alone with him at this moment, Saya felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Bringing only one person can change the state of mind so much.

Until now, Saya still thinks that those emotions in the world are just mediocre, but after experiencing it personally, there seems to be some differences in the sameness.

At least, in this familiar sky, she found a small foothold.


It would have been better if he hadn't held onto that kind of place.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Saya turning her head back with a contemptuous expression, Rowe asked.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking whether to stab you to death or throw you down," she said coldly, "I will never compromise on this matter without ten cent coins!"

Luo Wei smiled helplessly, she began to become very good at evaluating the value.

"Would you like to take a break?"

Looking up, the two of them didn't talk much, but the sun was hanging above their heads, and it was noon before they knew it.

" here?"

Shaye was stunned for a moment, and saw Luo Wei take out the magic dagger and cut out an almost transparent platform, allowing both of them to stand on it.

This is an altitude of 5000 meters.

Luo Wei leaned his buttocks and sat up, Saya hesitated for a moment, then sat down sideways.

"You...are you not afraid anymore?"

"Isn't it you?" Luo Wei smiled and threw a water bag over.


Did he really not care about the first time?

Looking back at that time, Saya never thought that her relationship with him would go to where it is today.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing, the relationship between people is really wonderful, if he had kissed him back then, she might have stabbed him on the deck before throwing it down.

"So, this scenery is the reason why you didn't come to see me last night, and you put on a maid outfit until today?"


Saya was drinking water, and one of them flowed out unsteadily.

"What... what!"

Luo Wei pulled his eyes back from a distance and looked at her calmly, "I may not be able to get up normally, but if we spend the night together, if you want to, you can call me to watch the sunrise together the next day."

Saya held the water bag in her hand, and sat there in a daze for a moment.

He... is he also willing to watch the sunrise with me?
For some reason, my heart suddenly became calm.

At this moment, Luo Wei approached her.

Saya subconsciously moved half a step, but kept staring at him, watching him leaning over her neckline, tasting the dripping drops of water with kisses.

Along the collarbone and neck, upwards bit by bit, she raised her head unexpectedly, and closed her eyes gently to feel it.

Then comes the chin.

He still didn't stop, even if he was as slow as she, he understood the meaning of the other party, and his warm lips covered his lips.

Kissing at an altitude of 5000 meters.

Closing her eyes to hide her shyness from the bright sun, Saya sat sideways on the spot, not noticing that the water bag in her hand was spread on the ground, the water splashed down from the opening, and Luo Wei leaned forward in front of her, demanding her soft red lips.

Bit by bit, bit by bit.

Saya responded.

Maybe the sky is her home field, there are not so many constraints, she just stays, purely wanting to respond to his heart.

Because she would never think that this is the kiss she can give her when she is thinking of other women.

Perhaps human emotions are an indescribable thing.

But at the moment, she is the only one in his eyes and emotions.

Unwilling to separate, sweat flowed down their cheeks and pooled between their lips, no one said to stop, even the scorching sun couldn't stop.

Just kissing.

It seems that time can be a little slower, and there is no need to be so anxious, just like flying with him all morning.

Not flying for the sake of flying.

Not kissing for kissing sake, either.






Slowly opened their eyes during the long bonding, as if there was a tacit understanding, looked at the sweat on each other's eyebrows, and laughed at the same time.

Faced with this scene, Saya couldn't hold on any longer, and leaned back, dripping sweat on the platform, splashing transparent water.

She never knew it before.

It turns out that kissing can last for such a long time, and it will not make people tired at all.

This made her unconsciously lower her head and put her fingers on her lips, and the feeling of touch still hasn't subsided.

"Why, haven't kissed enough?"

"Get out... get out!"

After he said this, for some reason, he suddenly didn't want to kiss him at all, and just wanted to kick him away.

This is too strange...

This emotion has never existed before.

At this moment, Luo Wei grabbed her wrist and pressed forward amid the flash of surprise in the other party's eyes, pushing her down on the platform.

The pure white wings were scattered along with the long hair, and the perfect wings were lifted up, and finally spread out.

Saya's pupils flickered, looking at the brown pupils who were close at hand, a little hesitation suddenly appeared in her crimson eyes.

Am I...

Being pinned to the ground by him who is stronger than himself, will there be a slight thought of wanting to be conquered?

This strength does not come solely from force, but that she has accomplished things that she was unable to do many times in the past, all accomplished under his presence.

She lost the motivation to resist, but she also maintained a proud stubbornness in her eyes, her past self-esteem, and she did not want to be scrutinized like this as a prey.

The look in his eyes at this moment seemed to be depending on her reaction to determine her fate.

It made her feel a tinge of fearful submission.

"You said ten forest coins just now, right?" Luo Wei stared at her without blinking, "Then you touched my butt for so long, what should you say?"


What's there to touch with your barren dog ass...!
In the final analysis, it's not that I want to carry you around at all, it's that you pull my shoulder strap...

There was a response in my heart, but I couldn't say it, I could only look at him with uncertainty like this.

"It's too cunning to always act like a baby at this time." Luo Wei smiled bitterly helplessly.


Saya blinked in confusion, with innocence and ignorance in her crimson pupils.

"But I don't plan to let you go completely." Luo Wei pressed his eyes sharply, "If you want to blame, you are too noble and beautiful."


What does this have to do with me?
What does he want to do?
Luo Wei's gaze was on her face, but it didn't mean a kiss, but a more aggressive expression, as if he wanted to eat her nobility in one bite.

"Noble Miss Saya, let me like you a little more."


Gently, she felt that Luo Wei's hand moved back along the side of the leg, and came to the back of the skirt along the pantyhose.

Saya trembled slightly.

Luo Wei stared at that noble face with embarrassment, breathing gradually into his throat, and gently kissed her timid face.

In the last round, I always wanted to conquer you.

At this altitude of 5000 meters, this arrogance gradually melted under his offensive, how could it not be moving.

"Miss Saya, I like you."


Saya's eyes widened, her cheeks blushed and she looked away.

At times like this...

With one wrist being pressed by him like this, her chest rose and fell violently, she couldn't find the courage to look at him, otherwise the last ounce of self-esteem would really dissolve in his sight.

The arrogance on his face is being licked and tasted, this bastard... I must be very satisfied with such an expression.

Blushing and biting his lips, Luo Wei slowly turned her over, and the white wings twirled accordingly.

"Miss Saya, don't look back."


Immediately, she felt that the skirt of the maid's outfit was lifted, and subconsciously held it down with her hand, but was stopped.

Even if he didn't confirm it, he knew that the pantyhose had a clear view in front of him.


Despite the thick white pantyhose, she felt a strong pang of shame.

like this... the shape is not...

"I...I'm going to kill you..." She gritted her teeth with a blushing face, and said weakly.

At this moment, Luo Wei hugged her from behind, clasping her hand that was pressing on the magic platform with both hands.

"Not only will you not kill me."

He bit her ear softly.

"You'll even let me..."

Afterwards, she felt a burst of burning heat, and obviously his face was next to her cheek, but she kept rubbing against it.

Saya's face turned red and black, and then showed contempt.

like a dog.


From Yumu Town to the suburbs of Baigang Town, on Bai Falcon Avenue.

The convoy of carriages moved forward slowly. Unlike ordinary caravans, the guards guarding the dozen or so carriages were not mercenaries or adventurers, but the official Knights of the Lion Garden.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, there must be some kind of kingdom's treasure guarded there, or a large amount of forest coins.

But as long as there is a chance to get closer, you can hear the laughter of young girls from time to time in the carriage. Judging from the relaxed tone without any burden, the option of transporting slaves is also ruled out.

There is only one answer left.

In recent months, the idol group "ACB48", which has been extremely sought after by people in the south of Shiyuan, uses vitality and youth to make people see the world's color.

"Ah... how far is Baigang Town, I miss my sister in the valley."

"Hee hee, your sister won't miss you, she must have played with her peers in the tribal leader."

"Oh... I heard that there is a Sunday school stationed in the tribal leader. Lily also contributed to this matter, right?"

"Ah...ah, yes, the scale is still very small now."

"That's great. I also want to try what it's like to study in the academy. I heard that the academy in Baigang Town is also recruiting students. Can we participate?"


There was a sudden silence in the carriage.

Like them, not to mention going to college to study, one day off will be auspicious.

"I... I'm going to the bathroom."

"I am coming too!"

"Forget it, then I'll come too, after all, Baigang Town still has half a day's journey to go."

After a while, five or six orc girls came out of the carriage and explained the situation to the knight. The surrounding knights went to check the grass first.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he nodded his head when he came back, and the girls ran in.

"Hurry up, the carriage will not wait for us."

"What's the rush, the knight has confirmed that there is no abnormality, and you are afraid that bird droppings will fall on your head."

"Haha... How is that possible? The world is so big, except for the towns and cities, most of it is no-man's land. How can there be a bird so idle and staring at you at a time like this?"

"Otherwise, wouldn't the monsters I saw on the road be covered in bird feces?"

"Hahahaha... Maybe it's extremely lucky to be hit by an accident. I really want to change my luck recently!"

Ahu Lili got up from the grass, and looked at them helplessly.

"Okay, hurry up, don't make the knight wait too long."

"I know, I know."

Several people got up one after another, and the girls looked at Ahu Lili who was serious, and exchanged bad looks.

"By the way... doesn't Lily also want to change her luck recently? After all, she has returned to the valley several times, but she has never seen that person."


Ahu Lily frowned.

"Let me tell you, it's fine to make fun of me in private, but don't..."


Something fell on her shoulder.

The orc girls in front of them froze for a moment, then covered their mouths and secretly laughed.

"Hahaha, it seems that Lily is really about to change her luck, and she will actually be hit by bird feces! It's so funny!"


Ahu Lili clenched her teeth, feeling that everything was against her recently, even bizarre things like being hit by bird feces could happen to her.

She was about to pick the leaves at hand and wipe them off, but her eyes froze for a moment.

After sucking his nose, his ears immediately perked up.

"What's wrong Lily? Why are you wagging your tail?"


Ahu Lily trembled violently, looked left and right at a loss, then raised her head, and looked at the clear sky with a sweeping view of thousands of miles.

There is nothing there.

She looked down over her shoulder and sniffed.

Then he raised his head again.


(End of this chapter)

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