Chapter 265 I keep a part
The mechanical arm was chopped off, and Zorman flew upside down.

After falling heavily on the ground, the purple ghost nails pierced into all parts of the body.

Luo Wei held the Cangliu Sword and looked down at him coldly. Zorman lay on the ground unable to move, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"You will regret what you did today."

"Why, do you really have a peerless beauty?"


Zorman's face twitched, and his facial features were twisted together, as if he was angry at his eyes.

What a joke, just for this reason...!
"However, although your control methods are very good," Luo Wei looked at him calmly, "I still think it's interesting to struggle and resist, and there is no sense of accomplishment in mind control."

Zorman: "..."

Zorman was overwhelmed by him.

Ayi Ning looked at him contemptuously.

You better be talking about ruling the people!

"Hehe..." Zorman stretched out his remaining hand, "You are just..."

As he spoke, his eyes froze for a moment, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The next moment, the man let out a heart-piercing scream, and strangled his chest heavily with his hands.


Stretching out his hand towards them again, his body was completely swallowed up by the black fire in his body, and his arms turned into debris and fell to the ground.

It seems that the third seat is not the controller of the source.

Luo Wei didn't lament how tragic this kind of death is, and turned his head to look at the others, "Turn off the surrounding equipment first."

While Yilusi and Ayining were dealing with the equipment, he walked up to Vermeer, and suddenly rubbed her brain.

What the hell are you, so fascinating.

"Hey, hey...don't, don't shake it!"

Vermeer held the staff in both hands, and she hadn't recovered from just now, and all of a sudden the little guess she had just appeared was shaken away.

"So you haven't been affected...?"

"Of course I did," Luo Wei stopped, "It's just that it's easier to solve the problem than not being affected."

"Um... what do you mean?"

Rowe shook his head with a smile.

This aura of subduing wisdom cannot be detected, it will not pose a threat, and it can even affect the godhead. I am afraid that it is the bottom line that uses magic power to protect the body spontaneously. state.

But it seems that the other party hurriedly produced this thing, only confirmed the function, and did not put it into actual use.

Zorman did this only to hold them back here, otherwise he would attack them at will, and even Jiang Zhi would resist.


How dare he use this on Saya and Iluth?

If it wasn't for Ayining who was the first to wake up with energy and noticed the abnormality in Iluth at the first time, otherwise the witch who had lost her mind would lift the ancient seal on her own, and Zorman would definitely die much faster than now.

And Saya.

How dare he provoke a irascible angel who descended from intelligence?

If he hadn't been stopped, Luo Wei wouldn't have known how Zorman would die. Even if he didn't provoke him, he might end up in the same way after a while.

You didn't have much patience in the first place, and you let her not think at all, didn't you think you didn't die fast enough?

On the sidelines, the brainless angel was even more cruel. Luo Wei spread his hands and said, "Aining was the first to recover. Iluth and I were around the same time. When I saw you talking nonsense, I decided to wait and see what happened."

Originally, it turned out to be like this.

Vermilion paused and said, "Then does this mean that I'm actually very smart, even if I lower my IQ, it won't help me?"

Seeing her foolishly scratching her head, Luo Wei smiled helplessly.

"It's quite smart. Knowing that the other party is demented, he still reasoned with the other party and gave him a hard lecture."

He looked at Vermier with pity in his eyes.

"What's the difference between that and half an hour on the curb with a dog bar."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

woo woo woo...

Did I say those words in vain? No wonder the other party looked at her in horror after I finished speaking.

"Woo..." She raised her head pitifully, and looked at Luo Wei as if she was hopeless, "That is to say, this instrument judges that I can no longer lower it..."

"That's not enough," Luo Wei couldn't help laughing, "at least you didn't reveal our own information stupidly and confront the other party."

What he was most worried about was that Vermeer would reveal everything about the ancient magic weapons, the goddess of mechanics, and even the Lan Temple and "him" behind him, and let the other party explain them one by one.

But the facts proved that she was not affected by Jiang Zhi's aura at all, and Luo Wei couldn't understand the girl whose piss was holy water.

Maybe her brain circuits are different from normal people's. It's not that those instruments can't be lowered, but they can't understand them at all.

'Is this brain really filled with intelligence?Forget it. '

That's probably how it feels.

"I... I won't give you a chance to call me!"


"Wang Wang..."

When the others came back after turning off the instrument, the eyes of Saya and Luyi returned to normal, and the angel suddenly became angry.

"That bastard died so easily? Damn it! How dare he speak of me...!!"

A Yining looked at her helplessly, originally this matter was over, why did she bring it up... I'm afraid we don't remember that Luo Wei touched your big and round place all over.

I'm afraid that my intelligence has not fully recovered.

She also glanced at Luo Wei with complicated emotions, and it turned out that she had misunderstood the matter of letting her pigeons go.



"Ah, Luyi doesn't know anything, Luyi hasn't recovered her intelligence yet!"

Because they also witnessed the whole process when they were descending their wisdom, everyone didn't intend to go through it again, and only discussed the information they could get from Zorman.

"It seems that they are planning to rebuild a city without a crown." A Yining said the obvious things first.

"And if I'm not mistaken, I plan to destroy the current city and use most of the city's people as sacrifices." Iluth thanked Ayining with her eyes, and said slowly.

To create the Goddess of Mechanics, a large number of sacrifices are needed, and the war on the surface was provoked for this. For the Artisans Association, except for the newcomers who passed the screening, all of them will be used as food for artificial gods.

And the newly-established Uncrowned City, guarded by the Goddess of Organic Engineering, plus the mind control of the craftsmen, who worked day and night to build ancient magic weapons, could indeed be called a fortress that was almost impossible to break through.

"But, can they really keep blinding God's eyes by doing these things?" Vermeer asked aloud.


This is a very serious problem.

Provoking this kind of incident on the Second Continent, the current gods may not be able to see it for a while under the influence of "him", but if the Crownless City wants to stand on this land, has it been relying on "him" to do this? ?

No matter how you think about it, the craftsmen will probably not entrust their 30-year plan to one person's feelings.

"I probably have the answer to this question." Luo Wei closed his eyes.

"What?" Saya exclaimed in surprise, "Then tell me quickly!"

Several people also looked towards him.

"The reason is very simple," Luo Wei said while looking at them, "Zolman only said that the city without a crown will be built, but he didn't say where it will be built."

"But this..." Ayining hesitated for a moment, "The geographical advantages and resource reserves here should be irreplaceable, otherwise they would just find other places to build the city now, why bother with these things."

"That's right," Luo Wei nodded, "but I'm not talking about front, back, left, and right, but up and down."

After thinking for two seconds, the girls all showed shock.

"You mean, craftsmen will plan to build a city in the ruins of God's War?" Iluth looked at him lightly.


There are not many huge spaces in the ruins of the battle of the gods. On the lower floor of the quiet courtyard, there is such a vast area as the ancient city of Boya, which is more than enough to fit a city in it.

In the last round, Crownless City was always in ruins after it was destroyed. It was repeatedly contested by the Hooffire Empire and the Lion Garden Kingdom. The refugees from the surrounding small countries disappeared during the war without attracting attention.

The artisans will sit in the ruins of the war of the gods, which can not only absorb this part of the population as inferior residents, but also absorb the rich resources in the ruins of the war of the gods, and at the same time, they will not be watched by the eyes of the gods. There is no more suitable position than here.

At that time, the war was in chaos, and it became almost impossible for foreign enemies to reach their new city through the long ruins.

Did the last round end like this?
When the world is destroyed, what will "he" gain from helping the craftsmen?It is unclear what kind of exchange conditions the artisans will make after the establishment of the new city.

But there is no doubt that the ambition to destroy the Artisan Association will definitely deal a blow to "him" and hinder the progress of the second world convergence.

"Speaking of which, I always have a strange feeling." When everyone was thinking, Vermeer suddenly scratched his head and said.

After thinking about it carefully.

Although the other party's IQ is not high, but some places always give her a deliberate impression.

She looked at the others and said, "Do you think that person's memory was really taken away?"

"I know what you want to ask," A Yining responded to her, "You want to say, since all the memories have been taken away, why do you keep some of them?"

Luo Wei: "..."

"Could it be," Saya frowned, "the other party deliberately left this information?"

"It's not surprising to have this kind of speculation," Iluth looked at them calmly, "It's come to this point, the other party also needs to show some intentions to test our reaction. After all, to them, our purpose is not clear Yes, I deliberately left a part of it to see what our attitude towards this matter is, after all, the person who controls the black fire is not the third seat."

Vermier looked at Luo Wei with some concern.

"What do you think? Am I accusing him of making the other party think that we are showing hostility?"

"It's strange that you don't criticize." Luo Wei shook his head and smiled in a low voice. "In the beginning, when you faced this kind of thing, you showed understanding, but it made the other party suspicious. Your reaction is reasonable and normal."

The artisans may or may not try to convince them, but Rowe doesn't care about that.

For this matter, there is no need to be timid at all, and it doesn't matter what the other party thinks of them.

I am not here for diplomacy.

But all the staff can think of this, and if they don't take the reserved part as a treasure, it can be regarded as the IQ of all staff is online.

"Icarus," Iluth mentioned the name after drawing all the conclusions, "I remember it's the name of the chief craftsman union."

Saying this name on purpose is probably a kind of express.

"It may also be misleading." Luo Wei didn't value the information, "Even when you're out of your mind, you deliberately avoid talking about the problem. Don't trust what the other party says when you're sober."

Several people looked at him helplessly.

In terms of insidiousness, there is really no one better than him, inexplicably giving people a sense of security that they will not be deceived.

Rowe shrugged and pointed forward.

In the rear area of ​​the field, there are transfer doors leading to the next level.

"Let's go to the next floor, whether it's a blindfold or not, it doesn't affect us."

"Wait, everyone..."

Athena's voice came suddenly.

"The back of that door is not safe, there is extremely strong energy pouring out continuously."

Luo Wei narrowed his eyes and responded, "Has it always been there?"

" wasn't there when you came in, it probably triggered after that person's death."

"Is that so..."

You can guess without even thinking about it. This is to stop them from advancing, and use the resources of the relics of the God War to continuously pour divine energy into the entrance on the next floor.

Luo Wei didn't intend to wait for the energy to run out.

"Then look for other roads. There are so many forked roads in the ruins of God's War, I don't believe they can block all of them."

The Artisan Association is not a fool, and it is expected to use its own technology to take precautions.

At least for now, they are not under the surveillance of the other party, and the other party does not know which way to go. After that, they can only turn on the switches of all the roads.

"Then let's go. By the way, we can also collect their criminal evidence. With this information, it is enough to expose them in the open."

Several people nodded and were about to leave this room to find their way.

Athetana's voice came again:

"Everyone, I just got a piece of news from a letter from Yingsu——"

Her voice was a little disturbed, not like the usual tone, I'm afraid it's not good news.

Luo Wei stopped and listened quietly.

Athetana seemed to be checking with someone, and after the confirmation, she slowly took a deep breath.


"The army of the Hooffire Empire is attacking the Crownless City."

(End of this chapter)

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