Chapter 267 The Traits of the Ultimate Person

Magical battleship, aboard the Sky Wings.

"It actually charged directly."

The petite figure was standing on the edge of the deck with a chair on it. Wearing a fluffy dress and delicate embroidered stockings, he leaned out half of his body to observe the situation on the ground.

"My lord, it's dangerous for you to do this!"

"Aren't you here?"

Lovely put down the magic telescope in his hand, ignored the nagging of his mother-in-law, jumped off the chair, dragged the complicated and fluffy princess dress, and moved the sofa chair about the same height as her slightly clumsily. On to the other deck.

After stabilizing, he directly stepped on the flannel seat with his shoes, and continued to lean out to observe.

"As I expected, Randall doesn't plan to get involved now, just to reap the benefits of the fisherman?"

"But, isn't the situation on the ground directly confirmed through the magic panel in the command room?"

"What are you thinking, how can the fixed panel be confirmed so clearly."

Are you sure?

Saya blinked, and suddenly an idea popped up.

"'re not trying to confirm where that person is, are you?"


Hearing this, the five princesses of Shiyuan almost fell off the chair, and the telescope in her hand was bumped three times before it was stable.

Lovely turned her head and looked at Saya with displeasure on her face: "What nonsense, what does my princess want him to do, and I have two letters instructing my princess to do this and that if I don't have the skills, I don't care about this kind of nonsense. Where will he die!"


I haven't said who that person is...

Lovely observed with binoculars for a while, and after confirming that he was not there, he jumped off the chair with a cold face, dragged the back of the chair violently, and dragged it back along the deck.

Saya: "..."

The resentment came out, so don't mess with her...

Lovely leaned the chair against the deck, stood up and fell silent for a moment before saying:

"It's about to start."

It's actually not her war.

After receiving the official appointment from the capital, it was not she who represented the regular army of Lion Garden, but Randall.

Without the permission of the law, the Wing of Sky has no right to fire at troops from other countries outside the country.

except on a humanitarian level,

"Call me the screen of Randall's barracks, and monitor all abnormalities inside."

There is no reason for the Hooffire Empire to launch such a hasty siege.

There must be something hiding behind it.


On the ground, Ryan watched the army getting closer and closer on the plain. If it is justifiable to cross the valley because of the terrain, it is also reasonable not to bring hooffire horses.

But he didn't even see a Red Flame Lesser Dragon.

The most elite standard equipment of the Hooffire Empire, these two are indispensable, and the horses with flaming hooves are the spiritual symbol of the empire. It is said that the path that the knights galloped will leave a field of wildfire, and no grass will grow.

Although Ryan was glad that he did not witness this scene today, the worry in his heart was getting deeper and deeper.

What the hell are they doing?
It seems unprepared. It is impossible for Marcus not to arrange these things. Are they planning to tear down the western city wall with bare hands?


Ryan still drew his sword.

This is a battlefield, and he will not underestimate the enemy's strength because of these. As the peak of the third-level god, Marcus, in fact, is enough to tear down the city wall alone.

Holding the sword high, the archers and spell team behind them got ready.

This is not the first time he has commanded a battle, but it is the first time he has confronted a commander of Marcus' level.

Not being able to understand the other party's intentions made Ryan a little uneasy.

But not lost.

Even if the other party had contributed to the order in the courtyard.


Opening his blue eyes, he swung his sword forward vigorously, releasing arrows and spells at the same time, and a dense array of throwing objects flew out from the city wall.

And at the same time.

"The magic cannon is coming, be careful to avoid it!!"

Hearing the reminder from the messenger, the city defense forces composed of various forces on the city wall retreated one after another, looking for reliable bunkers.

A white spot lit up in the field of vision, and then twelve long-range magic cannons hit the barrier one after another, causing the entire city wall to tremble.

This time, the cracks were clearly visible, only one or two steps away from the critical point.

"We can't survive the next round, haven't the artisans fixed it yet!"

"It's useless! We are analyzing the structure of the power source, which is different from the general principle!"

"Where is the craftsman's association, go find someone from the craftsman's association!"

Ryan slowly leaned out from behind the wall. It was impossible to expect craftsmen. In fact, he never saw them again after hearing the news of the Hooffire Empire's march. The power source technology of the barrier is controlled internally. The craftsmen present only Can try to imitate the scene.

Among the technical problems, I am afraid that it will be difficult to overcome for a while.

The magic cannon is a problem that must be solved. Vanessa has already taken the Dragon Clan to go, but before that, they have to face several rounds of volleys.

"Is the distance so far?" Jutman who rushed back was wearing a hood, and the black arrow was already on the string.

"It is said to be the work of Marshal West of the Empire," Ryan said in a deep voice, "It is indeed too far away, and the precision is beyond imagination."

This is much more powerful than the magical cannons that the Machinist Sect set up outside Baigang Town. Although the power is not as powerful as the main guns of the magical battleships, can mass-produced weapons be able to do this?

"Bah, ahem...Damn it, the ashes are all on my head." Joey complained, understanding why Jutman wore a hat.

But in order for people to see his face clearly, he never considered the option of a mage hat.

Several people came out from behind the bunker one after another, looking in the direction of Pingyuan, but their eyes froze for a moment.

"What's going on?" Joe Teman pulled his hood, but in fact the sky was so cloudy that there was no sunlight to disturb his vision, "Is it because I was dazzled, we didn't leave a single body when we shot just now?"

"It's not dazzled," Elf Queen Elf leaned against the wall above, but her eyes were tightly wrinkled, "It was the man who blocked the attack."

"What!? Even this kind of thing can be done?"

Joey was dumbfounded.

He looked to the front, and the one running there in the lead was undoubtedly the guy who was so strong and frightening.

"How did you do that?" Ryan stared intently.

Marcus had never displayed this ability before.

Elfa only answered him with two words——


Ryan opened his eyes slightly, and quickly reacted, leaning on the wall with one hand, looking at Marcus who was running towards this side.

Use your own blood as a price to use it?

It was only at this moment that he realized that Marcus on the battlefield was even more terrifying than his usual majestic posture.

No, it's not just scary.

Ryan shook his head and raised his sword without hesitation.



Only five seconds were given to the city defense army, and the second round of release was completed when not everyone was ready.

Arrows and spells are mixed and projected, and the method of enchantment is also mixed in. After hitting, a wind vortex will be formed on the ground, slowing down the enemy's progress and pulling the formation.


This time Ryan clearly saw that Marcus just waved his hand while running, and a blurred dark red blood shadow pulled out a large curtain and flashed past.

And all the spells and arrows were knocked down in mid-air like small stones.

"I see."

Ryan didn't recall the last inconspicuous information until then——

When Marcus first entered Wuguan City, he walked here.

Since then, he has measured the ground with his own feet and learned how long it takes the army to get within range.

Right now, with the volley of magic cannons from behind blocking their sight, most people are confused by the unscathed situation.

And trial and error cost another opportunity.

These two fruitless draws of the bow were enough for them to close a considerable distance, which was a deadly section where they could only be beaten in vain, and the loss of the army was minimized.

He is indeed the leading commander in the mainland.

Ryan calmed himself down and raised his sword again.

"All troops, free fire!"

Facing such a terrifying enemy charging this way aggressively, as if they could smash the entire city wall with a single punch, the city defense troops raised their bows and arrows, chanted spells, and continued to carry out long-range strikes.

Marcus didn't care about it this time, and let the spell hit him without any effect. He only took action when the barrage was denser, and the Hooffire Imperial Army following behind him began to suffer casualties.

Joey's voice trembled when he saw this scene: "This guy is so strong, why didn't he tear down the city wall first, so that we don't have to defend it...?"

"What are you thinking?" Jutman complained to him indifferently, "You really think this wall can't stop him."

Joey looked down at his feet and swallowed.

isn't it...

"He has already achieved the goal of destroying the barrier with the magic cannon," Sherond responded holding the battle axe, "I can't hide the fact that the army is called out, but thanks to his performance at the moment—"

Several people glanced around.


The impression of becoming a god by slaughtering with one's own strength began to affect the morale of the city defense army.

If you stay in the city and destroy the city wall, it will give people a feeling that you have to do so to benefit. But at this moment, charging forward in such a way as the commander of the army, the breath of war immediately choked people's throats.

No matter how strong Marcus is, if he stays here and faces the siege alone, he probably has no chance of winning.

And now he is followed by 5 people.

[-] troops.

"Wait, wait," Joey pursed his lips. "Let's talk about it first. If we say that we are from Lion Garden, will they treat prisoners preferentially?"

"You can shut up." Jutman didn't want to talk to him again, "You can say a few more words, and the Dragon Queen may come back later and take your sacrificial flag first."


Joey quickly zipped his mouth shut.

Several people looked at Ryan, who was standing on the edge of the city wall, and saw him raise his head, knowing that a decision had been made.

"The opponent is indeed an outstanding commander. If I really face him with perfect preparations, I'm afraid I have no hope of winning."

"But today is different."

"If even such difficulties cannot be overcome, then our efforts in the past few months will be meaningless."

As Ryan said, he pulled out the holy sword in the lake, and the golden-white flame shone like a holy star.

The city defense army was more or less attracted by the light and looked towards him.

Ryan Healy falls.

He has not been awarded the title of commander in chief. Everyone trusts him and entrusts him with the responsibility of coordinating because this adventurer has connected all the forces by himself.

That unyielding and never-extinguishing flame seemed to have the charm that could illuminate people's hearts. It was two different extremes from Marcus' killing.

But they are all qualities that can only be possessed by the ultimate person.

"The Flame Spirit... Awakened"! "

Blazing flames rose from Ryan's body, covering his whole body, and the air roared.

The bright white sword and the crimson fire, this scene is enough to attract everyone's attention, including the imperial army who is desperately shortening the distance.

Ryan carried the holy sword on one shoulder, his eyes burning with determination.

He knew very well in his heart that the city defense army needed an opportunity to reverse its morale.

Marcus looked up at him, with a hint of relief in his eyes.

Ryan closed his eyes facing his gaze, and clenched the sword with ten fingers, the unquenchable fire in his heart surged and blazed on the sword.

Originally, this trick was reserved for Luo Wei.

But there's no need to dwell on too many options right now.

Opening his eyes again, Ryan tried his best to stabilize his figure, as if if he didn't do so, his whole body's bones would be shattered.

"Use this sword to split the dawn!"

He gritted his teeth and swung the holy sword out suddenly.

""Divine Phoenix Liebo"! "

With a crisp sound, the flame seemed to be suppressed, compressed with extremely pure power, and the city wall seemed to have experienced an explosion, and the entire floor tile was pushed down.

Marcus stopped for the first time.

He looked at the phoenix flame coming from not far away, bent to one side and clenched his fists, the muscles in his arms swelled, and his skin was as bright red as blood.

In the blink of an eye, Marcus pushed out his hands and caught the sword skill that was pressing in front of him.

clang--! !

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand what kind of force is colliding. The soldiers of the Hooffire Empire flew around, and only the godheads still barely resisted.

Marcus was dragged, and his feet scratched the dirt on the ground.


The weight in his hands made him let out a muffled groan, is it really too much to rely on his body to catch it?

There are indeed not many juniors worthy of his admiration.

It's just that the previous one was impenetrable, but this one is completely pure in strength.

Not even a godhead.

Using too much divine power seemed to be out of standard, Marcus took a deep breath, and suddenly closed and opened his eyes.

The whites of his eyes turned scarlet.

boom--! !

A black-red explosion slowly broke through the Phoenix's body, and Marcus stepped forward, tearing the flames in half with both hands.

The dead sword shape screamed sadly, and the remaining sparks scattered in the air, dissipating little by little.

Marcus crossed his arms and stared at Ryan with inhuman pupils.

"Uh... Ryan, why did he tear your phoenix apart with his bare hands?" Joey said uncontrollably.

Ryan didn't respond to him, but hunting flames were burning all over his body, and the gray-white cloak danced along with it.

Although it is somewhat inappropriate on the battlefield.

But right now, here—

His heart burned with the desire to defeat a powerful enemy.


But at this moment, a few figures landed beside him, standing on the ruined city wall, together with him overlooking the imperial army that was not far away.

"It's time for us to return your favor this time," said Elufa, the Elf Queen of the Lake.

"Just take it as a thank you for everything you have done for us," said the wild elf lord Demily.

"You can always give your back to the dwarves!" said the dwarf king Kamesh, holding up his axe.

In addition, there are Goblin Holy Wizard, Ogre Chief Hammer, Kali Mountain Neutral Chief Knight Dundry, Demon King's General Kitty Qiu...

They are all lords who are respected by force, or chief fighters who are stronger than lords.

Facing a powerful enemy like Marcus, they understood Ryan's feelings very well, and at the same time wanted to fight this third-level god who had killed all the way to the god position.


Ryan stood there and looked around. Besides these people, Sherond, Jas and others were also standing there, and even Joey stood up.

"Hmph, isn't it just tearing up a phoenix?" Joey suddenly became very confident standing with so many strong people. "I still have 72 kinds of animals generated by magic, so he can tear it up."

Courtman kicked him with his boot.

Can you pay attention to the atmosphere...

Finally, I felt a little bit of a confrontation between the strong, and I was pulled down by your words.

Ryan smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you everyone, I understand that this is not my own war, so please help me!"

"it is good!!!"



Everyone said in unison.



In the ruins of the battle of the gods, craftsmen will make underground manufacturing sites.

Everyone gathered together. After reading the information collected in his hands, Luo Wei closed his eyes and frowned slightly for a moment.

"Athetana, can I trouble you to arrange for someone from Yingsu to send a message for me?"

"No problem, who do you want to pass it on to?"

"Give it to Love."

"What are you going to tell her?"

Luo Wei opened his eyes, and saw the same meaning as him from the eyes of the rest of the people.


After being silent for a while, he opened his mouth and said:
"Let her fly higher."

(End of this chapter)

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