Chapter 269

After getting the answer, Lovely stood there for a while as the female swordsman left.

Then he turned to look at Saya.

"Notify the whole ship to take off."


"You heard it! That guy begged me shamelessly. How could this princess need a piece of shit to worry about!"

Saya didn't answer, and gave orders to the ship with a magic device.

She knew that her lord princess had deliberately avoided the previous incident, since she spent the night in the room for no apparent reason last time, she never saw each other again.

But I still can't hide my concern.

Humans are weird.

Since I want to ask about that day so much, why don't I just ask?

"That...are we still observing from the deck?" Saya asked.

"No need," Lovely sighed softly, "Idiots can guess the future development. The Hooffire Army will either retreat or be wiped out."

She never underestimated Randall, and this time she let the other party reach the plan in a "justifiable" way, but she has not lost yet.

The Hooffire Empire has its purpose, and the real truth of the Crownless City is still in the hands of a sneaky person.

This war came too deliberately, not to bury something, but to excavate something.

That being the case, just wait and see.

"My lord princess..."


"Actually, I think it's better for you to meet him after the war."


Lovely didn't answer.

Saya hung there, spread her hands and said, "Is it okay to keep avoiding it like this... About the Goddess Mechanic, you have been communicating the arrangements for the past few days since that day, and you haven't gone to them, have you?" .”

Lovely gave her a complaining look.

"You're so embarrassed to say, because of your dereliction of duty, I don't even know whether I am innocent now, so I have the nerve to mention it in front of me."


Lovely narrowed his eyes and looked at her, "You, you must be thinking about your magic copper acid again, you are my machine girl, how can you always call him your lord?"

"No, no...!"

Saya flinched back.

Besides, didn't you also call...

Lovely took a breath slowly. In order not to think about these things, she spent all of her time fighting with Prime Minister Randall, not only making him withdraw ten kilometers from the eastern suburbs of Uncrowned City, but also putting pressure on the Hooffire Empire, The two sides have never turned into a major conflict before.

It's just that now the Hooffire Army insists on going its own way and breaks this balance.

All the games on the surface are done by her alone. In addition, there are ACB48's tour, the operation of the Libra Chamber of Commerce, and the resurgence of the domestic opposition. But that guy still instructs her to do this and that, so far three letters No, not even a single explanation.

It's because I don't want my feelings to be tainted with political and profit factors, but I don't even get the basic concern.

Leaving from the circle of power in the royal capital, no matter how much support she got, her subordinates were nothing more than a group of personal soldiers in name.Under such circumstances, it is easy to fire at the troops of other countries in the neutral area, not to mention that the empire will not let it go, and it will also go to a military court in the country.

If they mess up, the natural result is probably to take back the battleship, cancel the engagement, and marry a certain prince from far away.

So he doesn't care?

I don't know how much the relationship between him and Vermeer has progressed during this time...

"My lord princess..."

"I see. I don't want to be talked about by you, and I won't fill your mind with strange things. Just give up."

"I, we are about to pass through the high clouds, let's go into the cabin."


Lovely shook his head, and walked towards the cabin.

Moreover, what can I do to find him.

Did you take me that?Will you be responsible for me?How can I say this.

He didn't even confirm his mind, so he was messed up by that encounter.

Back in the cabin, Lovely came to the captain's seat, jumped up and sat on it successfully, and asked the attendant to bring a cup of high-sugar coffee.

Sipping her coffee, she sank into the chair with her chin resting on one hand, looking at the magic panel, lost in thought.

Randall's army has already arrived on West Street, and there are many large equipment such as magic arrows and crossbows, armored lions and other large equipment. No matter how stupid Marcus is, he can still hear the movement of the army, but he still has no intention of retreating. Instead, he fought More and more brave.

This made Lovely think.

In such a situation, that guy let himself fly a little higher, what is it...?

Wuguan City, outside the west gate.

Hearing the sound of marching in the city behind him, Ryan took the initiative to distance himself from Marcus.

"This is the last chance."


The other party obviously knew what the voice was, but Marcus still didn't say a word.

If the troops are not withdrawn, the loss to the entire army will definitely not be comparable to what it is now.

Is that okay?
Just when Ryan thought Marcus would ignore him until he died, the other party suddenly said:

"It's none of your business here, take your joint army and withdraw."

Ryan's pupils shrank.

"What's the reason?"

At this time, the other party suggested that they withdraw their troops instead?
The prime minister of the Lion Garden did not make any surprises from the beginning to the end, but appeared in a normal and unbelievable way. It is better to say that for the two commanders, they both made the most unexpected choices.

bang bang bang-

The sound of shelling came from a distance, Ryan raised his eyes and saw a bright white light in the distance of the plain.

This is……

"Magic Cannon! Pay attention to dodging!!"

Ryan yelled, the magic cannon that had been dismantled by Vanessa came back in an incredible way.

If it is said that more than two groups were brought, why didn't they use it at the beginning, and also when the army fell into a passive state?

Why did they attack the city in such a reckless way when they invested so much war equipment?

Ryan found that in front of these leading generals, his experience was not enough at all, and he couldn't guess their thoughts at all.

However, when he was thinking this way, he found that Marcus on the opposite side was also surprised, and turned his head to look in the same direction as him.

wait, this is...

Immediately ordered the surroundings to hide in the bunker, but Ryan was stunned for a moment, watching the magic cannon go straight over his head, cross the half-standing barrier, and throw it into the urban area of ​​Wucheng City.


Everyone turned back following the trajectory of the ballistic, and then——

Rumble boom! !
The shooting of twelve long-range magic cannons fell straight into the west street area of ​​Wuguan City, splashing a large sea of ​​light.

Ryan looked in that direction in astonishment, unable to speak for a moment.

Fire directly at civilian areas! ?

In order to fight the lion garden army in narrow terrain?

Ryan immediately turned his head to look at Marcus, but the expression on the other party's face told him no, Marshal Dong quickly withdrew his expression and closed his eyes.

"It seems there is no way out."


Ryan then heard the sound of the second round of the magic cannon, this time even farther than the first round of shelling, and even passed the marching Lion Garden army.

What the hell is this doing!
There are still many people who hid in the building and did not seek refuge. This round of shelling gave people the impression that they were deliberately going to the civilian area.

The two armies confront each other, instead of attacking the enemy in the front, they bomb the unarmed civilians with magical weapons?

"You guys, are you resurrecting something?"

Ryan remembered what happened in Baigang Town. The Mother Goddess who created blood and revived beasts might also be the God of Bone and Blood.

Is the Hooffire Empire making such a plan?

However, there is already a third-level marshal Shendong, and there are some god-level powerhouses in the Hooffire Empire. This level of combat power should not be in short supply. There is no need to exchange the lives of [-] soldiers for a third-level...

No, isn't it a third-level god?

Ryan looked at Marcus in astonishment.

"Don't look at me, learn to judge for yourself, boy, I didn't bring these magic cannons."

"What does it mean."

Surprised, Ryan knew that he had to act, and looked at Vanessa immediately.

The latter nodded, casting a contemptuous glance at Marcus.

Then spread out the dragon wings and fly away with the clansmen.

"Elufa, Kamesh, take our people back!" Ryan shouted as he walked back.

"Ha!" Kamesh turned around clumsily holding the axe, "What are you going to do? I haven't hit enough, I can hit fifty more!"

"Let's go to the city to intercept the magic cannon!"

"Okay, wait... what did you say?" Kamesh just turned around and ran two steps, and was stunned for a while, "I can still hit a hundred more here!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go quickly." The chief knight of Kalishan, Dundry, put away his sword and patted the back of his head.

"Hey! I hate humans patting my head with their hands down!"

Ryan called back the other forces while rushing into the city one after another. Elufa put away the wings of the elf and landed beside him.

"It is said to intercept the magic cannon, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Ryan answered honestly, but did not waver, "If the shelling of the civilian area is not stopped, all of this will be..."

Before the words fell, the sound of the magic cannon sounded again, and Ryan realized that there might be more than two sets of magic cannons.

The interval between launches is too short!

But this time, there were no shells.


The legion gathered inward waited for a while, and a dark ridge on the northwest side was lit up.

"Gahoo!" The goblin holy wizard's eyes widened, "That's the territory of our goblins!"

Goblin did not have an army to join the battle. This wise man with outstanding mana was invited by Ryan alone, but at this time...

Ryan had an idea.

Could it be that the other party intends to use all the power territories around Wuguan City as a source of sacrifices?
This is tantamount to forming a deadly enmity with all the surrounding forces.

Would the Hooffire Empire really do this?

In less than a minute, the territories of the dwarves, ogres, and demon kingdoms suffered one after another. Only the elves on the lake were not affected due to the enchantment repaired by the protective device.

Facing this kind of scattered situation.

Ryan closed his eyes and made a quick decision.

Let all the forces rush back to rescue, and I will lead the elves on the lake to stop the magic cannon from the Crownless City, and the goblins will send a team from the nearest dwarf to rescue.

There is no need to worry about Vanessa, the alert mountain will not be affected much, but with so many magic cannons, there must be heavy guards, and the Dragon Queen may not be able to stop them so easily.

Now is the time to rush.

The situation must be brought under control before irreversible disasters are caused.

Marcus didn't seem to have any intention of stopping them. Ryan led the lake elves into the city at high speed, just in time to bump into the army of the Lion Garden Kingdom.

Before the two sides had time to speak, a round of magic cannon was fired again, flying straight over from above.

This time, it was higher than any of the previous rounds.

It also means that the closer to the densely populated direction.

But the army of Lion Garden just watched coldly, motioning the elves to get out of the way.

Lion Park and Hooffire—

The lion will bite the throat of the horse, and the fire will burn the garden of the lion.



In the ruins of the battle of the gods, craftsmen will make underground manufacturing sites.

"Crownless City was bombarded?"

After listening to Athetana's report, Luo Wei looked to one side, his eyes became cold.

From the previous speculation and the various evidences collected so far, no matter the magic weapon or the goddess of mechanics, it is clearly far from being completed.

To create a defective god, I am afraid that at most it will be at the peak level of a third-level god. He did not hesitate to spend such a high price. The plan that has been prepared for 30 years is ignored, and the transaction with "him" is ignored. ?

The artisans will obviously not be forced to this point.

"...Yes, the round of bombing just now fell on the edge of East Avenue, but you wrote to Yingsu in advance, so they are prepared, and they are already arranging people to take refuge underground in various hidden strongholds, including the one on South Avenue. I pray that the church is also taking in people, and the city defenses on North Street are relatively strong, so I am afraid that North Street will not be chosen for bombing."

"Are these people crazy?" Saya looked annoyed. "The two armies do not fight the enemy. What's the point of venting their anger in civilian areas?"

"No, there should be other reasons," Luo Wei thought calmly, "This will not be the trump card that craftsmen will fight to the death."

Ayi Ning also rested her chin in thought.

"I'm just curious, why does the Hooffire Empire listen to craftsmen so much, especially that Marcus?"


Luo Wei closed his eyes and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"You are really my good sister."


A Yining moved her hand away and was stunned for a while, unable to understand whether he was joking or if her words reminded him of something.

Luo Wei looked at everyone with cold eyes.

"I think I know the answer."

"The Craftsman Association has found countless scapegoats, but this time the scapegoat—"

"It's the ancient magical weapon and goddess of mechanics that the Hooffire Empire has worked so hard to create."

Several people fell silent for a while.

Vermier pinched her fingers, starting from this conclusion, the clues and answers were all strung together.

That is to say, under the condition that they broke into the core and went straight to the core.

As a once secret ally.

Will the artisans sell out the Hooffire Empire?

At this moment, several people heard a short bang, which to Luo Wei's ears sounded like a gunshot.

And they all heard it, and there is no abnormality around, that means.


"I'm... fine, but?"

"But what?"

"It seems that a small bow is shooting at me."

Luo Wei took a cold breath.

"go back."

He looked up to the other members.

The teleport relay point has been found.

There might be something hidden in the courtyard, trying to attack Athetana.

No matter who arranged it, dare to do such a thing.

He is bound to make the other party pay the price.

(End of this chapter)

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