Chapter 274 At least you are still willing to talk to me
Just after Vermeer finished saying that he was stupid, the floor in the center of the courtyard lighted up slightly.

Ayi was stunned.

"It seemed to say... 'Yes.'"


The two stood up one after another, and Vermeer thought that no matter what, the whole courtyard must have reached a consensus on this matter.

I don't want to be so stupid that I hate buildings...!
"The ripples with divine power are resonating with the courtyard," Athetana said intently, "this feeling is..."

She remembers this feeling.

In the garden of the workshop, when I saw those few white flowers...

Before they had time to say it, a slim white girl slowly appeared beside them, with long pure white hair, skin that was so white that there was no blood, and a plain dress.

Vermeer looked at each other in disbelief.

"M... Minoni?"

The girl who suddenly appeared had a different appearance from the previous ones, but she was undoubtedly the messenger of the pure white demon god.

"This is... the name of my flower, I remembered... you are..." The pure white girl's body shone slightly, and she glanced around, "Where is Rowe... Brook?"

"He's not here now..." Vermeer tried to respond, "You, are you looking for him?"

They all knew about Luo Wei planting flowers in the garden.

Appearing at this time, did he finally recover from the garden and regain part of his consciousness?
Minoni slowly lowered her head.

"The waves of divine power have affected the courtyard and the outer space. Is there a god born?"

Several people looked at each other in surprise.

Athetana asked, "Did you wake up because of this situation?"

"Well...the way flowers grow, so it's like this," Minoni looked at them in a trance, "Thank you for letting me learn and provide nourishment. In this case... it should be an expression of gratitude, right?"

Vermier breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh... I almost thought I was too stupid to wake up because I couldn't stand it..."

"Huh? You mean, your intelligence level is not high?" Minoni blinked in confusion, "Sorry, I'm not very good at how to get along with these people."



Why should I say this to myself.

Athetana glanced at her with inclusive eyes, and then continued to turn to Minoni: "You seem to be closer to the existence of your body than a single messenger."

"Yes," Minoni nodded, "What I endow them with is not life, but power. When the three Minoni gather together, they can know and do things that they couldn't do before."

esoteric way of being.

Ayi pondered.

Life can be created with a weak power, and what the three flowers don't know, they can know when they are united.

A first-level god is indeed beyond imagination in every sense.

"Is this a specific manifestation of your divine power?" She asked, mainly because she was curious that if Luo Wei obtained this power, wouldn't it be able to bloom everywhere.

One is enough to make people suffer.

With a group of Luo Wei in front of him, he didn't dare to think about it, it would only make people want to pull them out of the soil.

"That's not the case, it's just that I poured into this idea. This is the possibility of my power, not the fixity."


Sure enough, she couldn't understand it, and hoped it wouldn't happen.

"Excuse me, what is your plan to find him?" Vermeer asked.

"He should be looking for my main body. Without guidance, this is almost impossible. I can only wait for me to find him there."

It turned out to be the case.

Luo Wei probably also considered this, so he brought Xiaohua back to the courtyard.

Vermier closed his eyes and pondered. It is necessary to pass this information to him through Yingsu. Now the outside is in chaos, the war has just ended, there are still falling monsters in the city, and there are magic weapons and situations in the southwest mountains. An unknown goddess of mechanics.

Although I want to cross this obstacle with him.

But she is also very clear about what she should do. Now that the craftsman will work hard to delay them even for a second, she will not leave any opportunity for the other party to take advantage of.

Then she will stay here and act as a bilateral connection to ensure the safety of the courtyard front.

"Minoni, can your state last forever?" She opened her eyes and asked.

"About 10 to 15 days."

Like flowering.

Vermeer nodded confidently, showing a firm smile.

"Then let's wait here together for his return."


The magical battleship, Sky Wings.

After getting in touch with the ground, the battleship received several urgent letters in succession.

After reading the letter in his hand, Luo Wei raised his eyes slightly.

"What's the matter?" Saya looked at him and asked, "The news of the Hooffire Army's defeat didn't make you like this."

"Minonie appeared in the courtyard."

Rowe looked away again.

But it wasn't this that made him feel emotional. Should it be that it was getting harder and harder to find the reason for that silly girl?

Although there is no mention of a single word, it seems to be able to feel the heart conveyed by her.

With the three of them and Athetana in the courtyard, there is no need to worry any more.

Seeing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Lovely kept watching from the corner of his eye.

Who is Minoni?

I haven't seen her for such a long time, is she a bit behind in information?

"His Royal Highness, the envoy from Lan Shrine has requested to board the ship."

After hearing the knight's report, Lovely looked at Luo Wei without moving his eyes, and this part of the news was mentioned to her.

Seeing that he was being asked for his opinion, Luo Wei nodded, "Then let them come up."

5 minute later.

Moira landed on the deck with a few angels, and Luo Wei, Saya, and Lovely were already waiting there.

"Five princesses of the Lion Garden, Moira, the chief combat officer of the Arashi Temple on the Broken Ridge Plateau, greets you." The short blue-haired angel bowed slightly, and when he raised his head, he gave Luo Wei an extra look.

Lovely frowned slightly.

Another good-looking woman.

Although she didn't want to have a sense of crisis, she still had a trace of unexplainable doubts.

Can't this guy sit there quietly and wait for her to think about it.

"You are here for the magic weapons of the empire." Lovely responded calmly.

As mentioned before, after the crisis of Lan Temple is resolved, when Wuguan City is in crisis, the temple may assist in intervening.

The two sides quickly exchanged information and suggestions. Since they were within the scope of their jurisdiction, they could dispatch troops without waiting for a response after reporting to the main hall. In addition to more than 70 angels, there were nearly [-] temple warriors who could participate in the crusade. .

Lovely heard more and more something was wrong.

Why does it seem that she is preparing to let her command the temple army.

But after thinking about it, it seems to be clear again. After all, the incident at the Lan Temple was originally related to the Craftsman Association, and it can be regarded as a follow-up process.

She winked at Luo Wei.

Didn't it just solve the rebellious temple chief, purify the pollution on the angels, and rescue Saya's teacher by the way?
How did you abduct the Temple Army too! ?

Luo Wei responded to her with his eyes.

Who told you not to participate in the discussion, how could you write such details in the letter.That incident was almost completely resolved by them and their party. Lan Temple not only didn't do much, but almost stabbed them in the back.

What's more, even Lanshen himself took the initiative to remind him to spare his life. As an angel who believed in Lanshen, it was only normal for him to come to cooperate with him.

"It's a pity that the support from the main hall hasn't arrived yet." Moira didn't pay attention to their eye contact. "The one who is expected to come to the Broken Ridge Plateau is the "Golden Son". epidemic problem. "

The land of the stars.

Luo Wei withdrew his gaze. Speaking of which, since the last time he scared her with a rope, he hadn't seen Mena for a while.

She probably won't be able to get away either.

"Actually," Moira said with some hesitation, "our Temple Army just needs to use actions to judge directly, but the last incident hit us hard, so I judged that cooperation...uh..."

"I see." Hearing the word cooperation, Lovely had already confirmed what she meant, "Then let me take the lead."

"Uh...?" Moira looked at Rovi in ​​a little panic, "I mean..."

Lovely: "..."

The embarrassing atmosphere made Luo Wei's face darken, and he didn't want to end up being the master of the game.

"I'm actually a subordinate of the fifth princess." He broke into cold sweat trying to smooth things over.

"Oh... oh, that's right!" Moira quickly realized.

Lovely stood there blushing, and the co-authors had just chatted for a long time, and they just wanted to ask this little fish for her opinion, and she was just incidental.

She took it so naturally...

"What, are you hot?" Saya said lightly from the side.

This sentence is simply lore.

There was a sudden silence on the field, Loveli's head was as hard as steel, embarrassment reached freezing point, and the atmosphere on the field almost froze.

"I's still early, why don't we go in and have afternoon tea together." Lovely closed his eyes and smiled.

"Isn't it getting dark today?"

"Okay..." Moira showed the same smile, automatically ignored Saya's words, and followed Lovely into the cabin.

Saya watched them go in, then looked up at the sky, frowned, and looked back at Luo Wei.

"What are they doing?"


Luo Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the angel with two ponytails standing there, and couldn't help sighing in his heart——

In terms of sophistication.

You really are a chat genius.

Without getting an explanation from him, Saya also followed in. There will probably be a few more rooms with three bedrooms and one living room soon.

Luo Wei didn't intend to participate in their evening tea, so he walked to the deck alone and looked towards the southwest.

The sky was already darkening.

The huge machinery embedded in the mountains is even more oppressive in the shadows.

blah blah——

The sound of rain falling from the clouds and splashing on the deck gradually intensified, drowning his sight.

After accumulating reserves for a day, it finally broke out at this moment.

The next thing to do is to wait, the alliance formed by Ryan has rushed to the mountains for the first round of contact, and the information brought back will determine the direction of the battleship and the temple army.

On the bright side and in the dark, the two lines of Wuguancheng officially converged for the first time.


On the ground, the mountains southwest of Wuguan City.

Torrential rain.

"Can you see it!"

"If I had clairvoyant eyes, why would I still be fighting!"


The rain blocked the line of sight, whether it was from the air or the ground, even with lighting spells, the visibility was not optimistic, and the dense rain also hindered the detection of magic power.

Lane paused briefly to put his hand on his forehead, but it didn't help.

They should have entered the boundary of the mountain, but the strange thing is that the giant mechanical beast that was originally observed in action has not made any sound at this time.

Excluding the possibility of getting lost, it can only be speculated that this kind of creation also needs to "rest" to recharge.

"Keep going," Lane said loudly, "we've got to find it."

The sudden rainstorm was an accident.

If you can't stop the magic weapon now, when it is fully charged, the warship of the five princesses will probably have to take another shot before it can enter the range.

And at this moment, someone's cry of pain suddenly came from one side.

"Ouch! My old buddy!!"

"What's the matter, Kamesh?" Elf Queen, Elf Queen in the rain, asked aloud.

The dwarf king Kamesh sat on the ground dizzy for a while, panting for breath and couldn't get up for a while.

"Well, it seems that there is a mountain here, short... dwarves are not suitable for long-distance running!!"

Just now, he seemed to have hit the mountain directly, and bounced back for him, but he didn't fall enough for a while.

One day today, he first fought against the Hooffire Empire from Wuguan City, then returned to the territory to control the chaos bombarded by magic cannons, and now ran all the way to the territory of the Dragon Clan. When I came out, I rode a boar.

Although the mountain boar was already exhausted and collapsed on the side of the road with him on his back, it also saved a lot of energy in the first half.

"We still have to take a look at the road ahead!"

As Eluffa spoke, he suddenly froze again and turned around.

"Wait, did you just say mountains?"

"Yeah," Kamesh got up with the ax in his hands, shaking his beard and described, "It's a big piece! I thought I'd bumped into the dragon's big city gate!"

"Can knock you down, are you sure it's a mountain?"

Camesh paused.

But when he ran over just now, he clearly saw that the people on both sides were fine.

He narrowed his small round eyes, and walked forward slowly holding the battle ax - a huge steel wall stood in front of him.

Kamesh couldn't help looking up from above, until his eyes were submerged in the rain, he couldn't see the end of the steel wall.


He froze there.

"Found it! It's here!"

"Here too!"

"Me too!"

The voices in the rain curtain came one after another, but the distance from each other was relatively far away, to the extent that they would even ignore it if they didn't pay attention.

Ryan also stopped in front of the steel in front of him, and he couldn't see the end.

"Illuminate the surroundings with light spells, please!" he yelled through the rain.

Immediately, streaks of radiant power lit up in the rain, and like contagion, streaks of blazing holy light lit up in the heavy rain.

Ryan: "..."

Elfa: "..."

Kamesh: "..."

The dwarf king raised his head and swallowed.

What he bumped into just now seemed to be the toe of a magic weapon.

"This thing is so big!? It's even bigger than the biggest armored giant scorpion I've ever seen!"


Ryan understood his surprise. Seen from a close distance, this thing was simply beyond imagination, far beyond what the giant armored scorpion could describe.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a moving mountain.

"John!" Ryan shouted around.

"I'm..." John came up from behind panting, "I said... do you have to run like this every time you go on a mission?"

In order to be able to accurately analyze the weakness of the magic weapon and guard against the possible goddess of mechanics, Ryan brought John and the familiar master craftsman over.

But what does John mean by every mission?


John walked up to the magic weapon out of breath.

Then he sighed silently.

"At least you're still willing to talk to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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