Chapter 280 No "fake" talk

Entering the relatively private reception room, Lovely closed the door.

"What do you need from me?"

She went to the table and made two cups of black tea herself, but when she turned around, Saya was still standing there.

The rain outside the window has not stopped.

Saya looked in that direction. Tomorrow they will return to the God War Ruins, and they will pursue the craftsmen hiding below. It is not known when the next time they will see the fifth princess.

Probably, it was just a sudden heat in my head, and I didn't want to leave any regrets before the decisive battle.

Lovely paused for a moment, looked at her and said, "There's no need to worry about anything. If there is something to discuss, I won't tell others about it."

"I would like to know……"

Saya didn't turn her gaze back.

"I want to know what you think of the relationship between that guy and Vermeer."


Is this really the problem?

The concern at the moment is hesitating whether to blame her as an outsider?

Is Saya actually supporting Vermeer's feelings for this sake?

Lovely expressed emotion. After traveling together for so long, the relationship between Vermier and other people must be pretty good. It wasn't Vermier who accompanied him in this incident, could it be that Saya took the initiative to help her carry the burden? Did you download it...?
"I didn't think much of it, they were a good match."

In the end, Saya was the only one who supported her uncertain thoughts.

"Really, what about you?" Saya asked.


Are you going to be so aggressive?

Lovely's eyes sank, and she looked in Saya's direction.

"For such a possibility, let me give in first and make any guarantees. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do it."

When it comes to tendencies, she doesn't like the feeling of being cut off from possibility, even under the threat of force.

There are opportunities to fight for things that cannot be obtained.

But blocking this road, she can't accept it anyway.


Saya was taken aback.

"That is to say, you don't mind what Vermier thinks of it, just keep the relationship with him?"


Lovely folded his arms and frowned, although the meaning of this sentence can also be understood as confirming his attitude in order to threaten.

But why does her tone sound like she is sincerely asking for advice?
"Is that so?" Saya pondered, "I thought you would deny it like A Yining."


Ayi Ning?
Wait, how can you hear other women's names at this time?
"What do you mean, you mean that Ayining and Luo Wei also have a relationship similar to Vermier's?"

"Uh...I'm not sure, but it should be."

"You threatened her?" Lovely frowned even deeper.

"No, how could that be?" Saya was stunned, "I just want to know how she gets along with Vermeer."


Lovely was a little confused for a moment.

What does it mean?
She blinked, trying to connect the inside, if Saya came to her to ask the same question, how to get along with Vermeer.

Doesn't that mean...

There was more surprise in Lovely's eyes, and her voice raised a few degrees.

"Could it be that you treat him too?!"


Saya was taken aback.

"I'm not, I don't! It's all that guy's authorization!"

Only then did she suddenly realize that the fifth princess did not know her relationship with him.

Lovely: "..."

The air froze for a moment.

The atmosphere couldn't be described as stiff, but rather murderous.

Lovely also thought that this was just a dispute between her and Vermier, but she lost to her once.

Now he told her that during her absence, competitors had sprung up like mushrooms after rain, which directly made her tremble with anger.

"Why isn't this trash fish going to die!"

She clenched her fists and didn't fight anywhere, no wonder she didn't come to find herself, she was in the tender hometown of all kinds of women, so how could she come to please her.

"Who else have you asked?" Lovely walked towards Saya.

She wants to see how many more there are!
"...No more." Saya didn't expect the reaction of the fifth princess to be so strong, and she was at a loss for a while.

At that time, Ayi Ning was quite cooperative, and kept answering her words.


Lovely took a deep breath. It was difficult for a Vermier to deal with, but now the difficulty has been tripled.

I'm afraid it's more than that. It's unimaginably complicated to deal with the relationship with them.


Why am I thinking about this?
I obviously haven't!

snort!Let this queen's impression of him decrease, just wait to regret it, you worthless stinky pig!

"However, it is said that Vanessa is going to have a baby dragon with him."


Lovely's blood pressure, which had just calmed down, rose immediately.

What's the situation? Could it be that Vanessa stayed on the battleship because of this! ?
Are they even going to hatch babies with me? ?

"By the way, how did the child come about? He said that my birth name was Rosalia. How did it come about?"


The baby's name is ready! !
Lovely straightened his shoulders and arms, and now wanted to stab that guy to death with a knife.

She never expected that she thought it was Saya who came to question her, but it turned out like this.

Why not come to threaten her with force...!
She walked over and grabbed Saya's arm. The height difference between the two was 24 centimeters, but Lovely took the initiative to pull her to the sofa.

"Come on, let's talk slowly, what else I don't know."

Saya was dumbfounded.

Why is the one who doesn't answer her again? Is it so hard to say how to give birth to a child?
As if seeing her thoughts, Lovely said in a deep voice, "Tell me, and I will tell you some ways to get along with Vermeer."

"...?" Saya's eyes widened, "Really?"

This is the first to respond positively to this.

"Of course," Love said with dissatisfaction, "I'm just embarrassed to say that trash fish's despicable habit."

It seems right to come to find the fifth princess.

But Saya thought about it, but didn't know what else to say, so she asked another question.

"By the way, what is a swimsuit?"

"...Swimsuit?" Lovely frowned. Could it be that this guy is trying to use this to make some crooked plans.

"Yes, we plan to go to the beach as a group, and he said that we must prepare swimsuits first."


Lovely couldn't help but make a sound.

"You guys are planning to go to the beach for vacation, why didn't I know!"

Ahh! !
I was busy all day long, solving obvious problems, and they actually discussed going to the beach together, without even saying a word to her, asking her if she had time! !
Saya slowly appeared from one side.

"My really don't know why I didn't tell you..."

Compared to Lovely, Saya was taken aback by Saya's appearance, staring at Ji Niang in astonishment, did she hear all the words just now?
Saya turned towards her, floating in the sky with her arms folded.

"Don't worry, I am a loyal supporter of the Queen, and I will definitely not favor Vermeer."

Lovely didn't care about this, she looked at her and said, "Saya, what did you mean when you said you didn't tell me the reason?"

Saya sighed slowly.

Then he pointed helplessly at his chest.

Lovely lowered her head subconsciously and glanced, her dress today is obviously nothing unusual...


She paused, as if she had understood something, she raised her head and glanced at Saya, and the plumpness in front of her that was so plump that it was about to come out immediately attracted her attention.

Lovely: "..."

Lovely: "..."

Lovely: "..."

"I'm just small, isn't it okay!!!!"

asshole! ! !

She was so angry that her face turned red, and the reason why she didn't tell me was because I didn't have any expectations when I put on a swimsuit! !

"But my lord, as far as I know..."


It's not what I think!And does size really matter that much?

Saya also looked down at herself.

What are they talking about?
Why is swimsuit related to the concept of size? No matter how you look at it, you can’t connect it?
Lovely's ears and neck were flushed, if he really ranked his position in this way, wouldn't he be completely at the bottom!

Why are men so hateful!

Speaking of which, Vermier is also a big monster, and Ayi Ning's impression is definitely not bad, is it true?
Saya looked at her in bewilderment.

Why did you mention a swimsuit, and the fifth princess suddenly seemed to wilt.

Lovely glanced at her angrily, looking at her appearance, especially this kind of big and unconscious, it's simply hateful! !

Only then did she realize that maybe all the women in the world are her enemies...

"I don't care!"

Lovely slapped his limbs on the sofa in aggrieved way, it is impossible to save this kind of thing, what is there to compete with.

"It's not completely's just not obvious..." Saya comforted.

These words were more like a knife piercing her heart, and Lovely was about to cry.

Isn't Ping worthy of love?
Is there no one to love if you are short?
It's been a year since my coming of age ceremony...


"I know what you want to know," Lovely said angrily, "If you want to know about that bastard's hobbies, then stomp on him until he can't fight back, that's what he likes."


What kind of behavior is this...?
Is this really useful?

Saya didn't understand, but was greatly shocked.

"It's up to you to get along with Vermier. Although she is innocent and stupid, she is not without her own sense of territory. If you invade her domain, you must be prepared to fight her."

For this sake, Lovely didn't mind having one more enemy, and the advice to her was just an exchange of information.

From the outside, this angel is quite arrogant, but I didn't expect that he is less familiar with the world than Vermeer.

Wait, speaking of—

This is obviously the helper I invited to deal with the beast horde, how could he become my enemy!
She sighed deeply, and Saya nodded thoughtfully.

Afterwards, the two chatted on this issue all the way until dawn.


The next day, early in the morning.

Locking the doors and windows last night, Luo Wei slept very peacefully, and no one rushed in with a knife.

He stayed on the bed for a while, changed his clothes and washed, then went to the next door and knocked on Saya's door.

"Wait! Call me when you're leaving!"

Hearing the voice, it seemed to be shouting at him from the bathroom.

I didn't sleep all night.

There is no concept of gossip in this world yet, God knows what these two people talked about overnight.

He shook his head and decided to go find Lovely. There was probably no need to say goodbye between the two of them. Besides, when the conspiracy of the Craftsman Association was revealed, there might be more people boarding the boat than in the courtyard.

After asking several attendants, Luo Wei found Lovely in the study.

She looked haggard.

"It's not finished yet?" Luo Wei smiled helplessly. It seemed that the two had just finished, one went back to the room to take a shower, and the other started to deal with official duties.

Lovely yawned sleepily, looking a little cold.

"It's time for you to find some reliable ministers for yourself," Luo Wei spread his hands and said, "Be careful if you continue like this, you really won't grow taller."

Hearing the words "not tall", Lovely seemed to wake up, and grunted at him dissatisfied.


Not intending to delay the progress of her early rest here, Luo Wei stopped at the door of the study, smiled and said:

"Then I will go back to the courtyard with Saya. If there is anything to do, I will contact you in time. I hope it can be resolved smoothly."

After speaking, he looked to the side again.


Ji Niang reluctantly showed up.

"Remember to remind your master to prepare a swimsuit in advance," he turned around after speaking, "That's it, don't forget."

"and many more."

Lovely suddenly stopped him from behind.

"Shaye told you?"

Luo Wei turned back with great interest and gave her a funny look.

"I haven't seen her yet. Why, did you guys talk about swimsuits last night?"

"No..." Lovely turned her head away, "I don't need to wear a swimsuit."

"Really? I think you look good in a swimsuit."


Lovely paused obviously, and the quill in his hand fell to the table.

"You...really didn't listen to Saya?"

"Do you think there is enough time?" Luo Wei spread his hands, "What does it mean that there is no need to wear a swimsuit? I didn't tell you, isn't it because you haven't come to see me?"


Lovely lowered his head and picked up the pen.

" that so, I thought..."


Rowe understood what she meant.

He turned and smiled.

"Compared to tall, short, fat, thin, and size, I think the stereotyped and uneven body is not good-looking."

When Luo Wei left, the door slammed.

Lovely stood there stunned before recovering.


"He dares to comment on my figure!! What qualifications does he have!"

"He is a stinky fish, don't be complacent!"

Saya floated slowly beside her.

My Lady... I am very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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