Chapter 288 Take Marshal East and Marshal West Back

Lion Garden Kingdom, leader of the Netes tribe.

In the tent, Bella and Domi, the clever machine girls, looked at each other uncomfortably and floated together, because Luo Wei was going to see Felika, and Luo Wei brought her machine girl along the way.

Their masters, the East and West Marshals of the Hooffire Empire, listened to the narration in silence without saying a word.

Luo Wei handed over the imitation of the magic doll and Felika's memory.

"This is the last thing she gave me, and I hope I will pass it on to you, thank you for bringing her into this world."


Felica only took the Rubik's Cube where the doll was stored, and threw her own memory aside.

Luo Wei spoke dryly, took out a bottle of magic potion to moisten his throat, "Both are famous generals in the mainland, I don't think there is any need to listen to my speculation."

He only told the story of the incident, but there is no need to worry about the understanding ability of these two people.

Filica: "..."

Marcus: "..."

The atmosphere in the tent seemed very dull, Felica was chained and sat on the bed, while Marcus stood in the corner without saying a word, examining her every reaction after hearing what had happened.

"So, you are here to kill me, right?" Felica lowered her head expressionlessly, "Then do it."

Marcus stood aside with his arms folded, "If you hadn't insisted on conducting magic research, how could things have evolved to where they are today."

Felica didn't even look at him, "If you didn't try your best to stop it every time the marshals met, how could the Congress change the construction site to Wucheng City and cooperate with the Artisans Association."

Bella and Domi looked at each other reluctantly, and turned their heads disdainfully to each other.

It seems that this situation has happened for a long time and I don't know how many times.

"Don't you know that the follow-up of magic technology is strictly prohibited by the present god?" Marcus lowered his arm, his face darkened, "This research should not have existed from the beginning."

"That's right, there shouldn't be. So next time you find out that gods stipulate that you are not allowed to become gods, are you planning to kill yourself in place?"

"This cannot be generalized. In the past thousand and 200 years, the present gods have not banned anything else, which shows that the follow-up of magic technology is a taboo that even the gods consider."

"That's right, it's a taboo. Who let humans from 200 years ago lure them here?" Filica was still holding the Rubik's Cube in her hand, "But Marcus, let me ask you... these 200 years Here, are the gods really guiding humans? During the civil strife in the empire, you and I participated in the war, where were the gods at that time? Did they come out to prevent the rebels from massacring the nine temple leaders around the empire's territory?"

Marcus fell silent on the subject.

God did not intervene to stop him, so he became a god and killed him.

Even if there were innocent people in the iron king's tribe, there will be no iron king's people in this world anymore.

"My sister, my father, all died in that war. They don't ask your value, no matter how much convenience your accumulated research can bring to the world just one step away, everything will return to zero when the knife edge falls , Did I join the war for this reason?" Felica said with a cold face, "No, I joined the war for revenge on the gods."

"I hate their rule. I hate how they cut off the possibility of human development without explaining anything. A one-size-fits-all approach is simply irresponsible. We are limited by them, but not protected by them. Such a rule is really Is it qualified?"

What Filica said was actually true.

On this point, Luo Wei also read some related documents in the last round.

When the gods left the Second Continent, they warned humans not to conduct research on "Magic Flame"-this is a highly efficient energy body in magic technology, and it is the basis for magic technology to go up to a higher level.All magic researchers in the world, no matter which field they try, will find that they can't get around the "magic flame".

But the magic flame was forbidden by the present god.

This feeling is like prohibiting humans from making generators. Even if they seek to replace it with other energy sources, the impact of the locked-down power technology cannot be compensated.

Of course, the operation of the "Starless Man" in the past to make the world converge is also thanks to the magic flame, so it is understandable that the gods banned it.

But in fact, what should be banned is not the magic flame. This kind of energy itself is not dangerous, and it is completely different from nuclear energy, which is easy to play with.

But the approach of the present god is to directly cut across the board at the foundation.

the reason is simple.

Others may not necessarily know it, but Luo Wei knows it clearly——

They really don't care.

Now the gods have no desire to dominate this world at all. After returning to the first continent, they have been committed to restoring the ecology of their own world. The temple forces left here are their eyes, but they usually don't bother to look at it.Regarding the disputes between the various races in the countries of the Second Continent, they also watched with a cold eye, with the mentality of handling their own troubles. Whether the temple sent troops or not was entirely up to the temple itself. The gods almost never personally conveyed the oracle.

Unless you die calling his name.

It's like the former head of the temple calling Lanshen's name.

Therefore, Felica's accusation is indeed correct. The Gods are the winners of the God War, but they are not qualified rulers-they don't want to rule at all.

As long as you don't use the magic flame to destroy the world again, you can play whatever you want.

"I didn't come to argue with you about the rationality of magic technology." Marcus said coldly.

"So what do you still think of me? Admit that magic technology is heresy, and then beg you to take my life in confession?"

"I'm here today..."

"I have nothing to say to you," Filica shook her head. "I've already lost everything. If you want to do it, do it as soon as possible."

"I promised Rowe Brooke that I would not take your life today."


The two fell silent at the same time.

Luo Wei shrugged aside, it seemed that he was not going to continue arguing.

"Although it's interesting to watch the two of you quarreling, shouldn't it be time for us to talk about business? There is an injustice and a debt, have you made the wrong question?"

Felica looked up at him and said, "Are you talking about yourself?"

Luo Wei: "..."

He spread his hands, "I don't seem to have betrayed you."

When telling the story, Luo Wei did not shy away from his own part. He was indeed involved in stopping the magic weapon and the goddess of mechanics, but even if he did not act, the result would be the same. The magic doll would become a sacrifice of the Craftsman Association instead. .

"It's true that you haven't," Felika looked at him and stretched out the chain on her hand, "but I'm your prisoner now."

Luo Wei walked up noncommittal, took out the dark key from his arms, and untied her from the shackles.

"Not from this moment," he threw the chains aside, "or rather, not quite."

Filica moved her hands and feet, sat on the bed and glanced in Marcus' direction.

"With your temperament, you have already decided to settle accounts with those people directly."

Marcus snorted coldly, folded his arms again without denying it.

He looked at Luo Wei, and after closing his eyes, there was the coercion of a desperate warrior in his eyes.

"I owe you a great favor this time. If your goal is the Artisan Association from the beginning, I will forcefully intervene this time whether you want it or not."

"...Tell me in advance, I don't intend to let you join my exploration team."

"Hehe," Marcus said amusedly at him, "I have to admit that my evaluation of you in the past was biased. You are more surprising than I imagined."

"Just don't write me a list of high-risk personnel in the empire... Also," Luo Wei smiled bitterly and shook his head, then looked at the two of them separately, "Let the two Marshals of East and West be laid off, who is manipulating this matter in your empire? , you should be clear about it too."

The answer is self-evident.

The Southern Marshal of the Hooffire Empire——Tifas Krillom.

"I'm no longer an imperial soldier," Marcus raised his head coldly, "but whether it's Difas or the Artisan Association, I'll let them know."

"I, Marcus—"

"eye for eye."

Marcus left with Bella.

The two of them stayed in the tent, and Felika looked at Luo Wei unchanged.

"Tell me what you need from me, a prisoner."

"Don't you need to recover your memory first?" Luo Wei asked.

Felica looked down, and the memory ball she had thrown aside casually rolled aside, as if it had become something far away from her.

"I have guessed the content inside. The end of this memory is despair. What's the point of getting it back?"

"Master Felika..." Domi hesitated whether to come up to comfort her master.

Except for the core, there is no part of him that is the same as before.

"I'm fine," Felica lifted the quilt and sat up with her back propped up. "Thank you for bringing back the module core of my doll."

"It's nothing more than a little effort, she also gave me the core dagger as a reward, do you mind if I accept it?"

"Hehe... It's better to say that it's just right. If this sword is still stained with divine power, it might be effective against the goddess of mechanics."

She looked up at Luo Wei, her eyes became resolute and serious.

"The anger in my heart is no worse than that of Marcus, since you are so close to the truth, for Marshal Nan and the Artisan Association who betrayed and used everything about me."

"As long as there is something that will cost them ten times more—"

"I will do it without hesitation."


The ruins of the battle of the gods, the courtyard of silence, and Ke Luoxi's second workshop.

When they heard the news of Luo Wei's return, several people quickly took off their aprons and went out to welcome them.

But seeing that he brought another person back, Vermeer, Saya, and Ayning were stunned at the same time.

Isn't this...Marshal Xi who has been locked in the tent in the valley?
"This is your workshop?" Felica looked up and looked around. "It's a bit skillful, but the construction of the structure is too arbitrary."

Vermier blinked her eyes.


Marshal Dong is determined not to let it in, but Marshal Xi can...

She looked at the opponent's feet, stepping on the ground naked without shoes, and couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart.

Could it be that those shoes were bought for Marshal Xi...

Judging from the size, it seems to be...

Luo Wei watched them keep looking at Felica, and said with a black face: "Marshal Xi will build a workshop in the area next to us, and now he just came to see Ke Luoxi."

He didn't feel relieved to let Felicia stay in.

There is an area next door with only infrastructure built, which is also in Athetana's beast god domain.It was originally reserved for Yingsu, but since they decided to stay in Wuguan City, it happened to be used as Felika's studio, and they also monitored her by the way.

"So, which one of you is Ke Luoxi?" Filica asked, "I replaced all the parts of my machine girl."

Although he was only wearing a pajama dress, his half-dwarf blood made him petite, but the aura of a superior in his speech could not be ignored.

Green-green hair, purple-red pupils, I can't imagine being a dwarf at all in appearance, I wonder if it's a change after free movement, compared to the time when he was captured, his eyes look brighter and brighter, and his temperament comes out immediately.

"She...she should still be in the workshop now," Vermeer glanced towards the forge, "Well, we..."

"Really, I already smell the smell of burning iron," Felica frowned, "but isn't the temperature not enough? Why does it still seem to be mushy?"

Vermilion paused.

Does...even this smell?
That's probably... the dish made by Saya...

"Can you take me to have a look," Felika turned to look at Luo Wei, "If possible, I hope to build a workshop as soon as possible and start researching."

"...Okay," Luo Wei glanced at the women in front of him, "Do you want to go together?"

All three agreed.

And above the courtyard, only Iluth was sitting in the pavilion, and seemed very interested in him taking Marshal East and Marshal West back.

Entering the hall, I could clearly feel that the three girls had a lot to say about his return this time, but Luo Wei smelled a slight smell of barbecue.

This is……?
Felica also smelled it. She shrunk her nose and looked at Luo Wei slightly.

"It seems that you are preparing to have a meal. I have been fed by others for several months. You shouldn't mind letting me join."


Before Luo Wei could answer, Saya categorically rejected her.


From Vermier's point of view, Saya's attitude is just like the dishes she cooks.

Felica was slightly taken aback, but soon smiled relieved, "I'm taking the liberty, it seems that you should have a lot of rules here."

After speaking, he walked towards the direction of burning iron.

"Not over there!" A Yining hurriedly stopped her.

"But the smell is obviously coming from here, put the kitchen and the forge together?"

"...The forge is on the left." Luo Wei reminded with a dark face.

At the same time, he glanced at Vermeer beside him.

What the hell are you doing...

Xiaoerwuzai looked at him with an expression that I have a lot to say and I want to say it, but now there is an outsider is not the time, so I beg you to deal with it quickly.

This expression is really long enough.

Luo Wei shook his head, secretly pinched the girl's buttocks, it seems that they came back before dark and left, which made them worry for no reason.

He looked helplessly at the three people who were following and did not lead the way for Felika, and whispered:
"Don't worry, after taking Felica to confirm, the rest will be your time."

(End of this chapter)

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