Chapter 297 Strange Competitors Added

On the deck of the battleship, Luo Wei bent his knees and touched his chest with one hand, and bowed to the five princesses.

Felika stood aside and also leaned over to pay tribute.

"It seems that you are the jewel in the palm of the Lion Garden Kingdom, Your Highness the "Five Princes of Libra", nice to meet you. "


How did you bring this woman to me!
"Nice to meet you, Your Excellency Marshal Xi of the Hooffire Empire, the name of the Three Heroes of Sorcerer, it is better to see once than to hear."

"You are overrated."



Rowe smiled.

Isn't this pretty good for business?
Lovely wished he could kick him out, and this time Vermeer also came, didn't he mean to go to the base camp of the Craftsman Association today? ?

Saya looked at them with disdain.

started again.

The two of them did the same in front of Vermeer, and that foolish priest was still laughing.

Vermeer stood beside her with a smile, on the one hand, she was happy after not seeing Lovely for a long time, on the other hand, she saw that Luo Wei was bullied a little bit, and felt that his current reaction was very funny.


He bullies me every day, so it turns out that he is also bullied sometimes~
In contrast to the emotionless business bragging between the two coaches, the two machine girls below were more straightforward, frowning at the foreign machine girls they met for the first time.

Domi: "..."

Saya: "..."

Luo Wei didn't get approval to get up, and Lovely didn't seem to want him to get up at all. He knelt there and said helplessly, "We want to borrow the magic workshop on the battleship."

It is clear at a glance who the Magic Workshop is for.

This trash... came to me for another woman...!Going out to mess with flowers again? !
This woman doesn't have big breasts either!

Felica followed her gaze and looked down, then smiled knowingly.

So, before the size, there should be a question of whether it is there or not.

Unexpectedly, the petite half-dwarf would have a day of victory...

"Understood." Facing the smiling Marshal Xi, Lovely's expression was obviously wrong, "I'll arrange someone to take her there, so you don't have to accompany her."

"...Yes." Luo Wei replied with a black line on his face.

The princess's knights stepped forward to lead the way, Saya gave them a contemptuous look, and led Ke Luoxi to follow Filica according to the original plan.

For the rest, Lovely glanced at the attendants, the excellent head maid came up and said "please", but she herself entered the main hatch without looking back.

Luo Wei: "..."

It seems to have stimulated this brat.

Vermier came over to help him up, and the two of them were politely begged by the head maid who stayed behind, begging them not to mind, and bent down to clean the dust on Luo Wei's knees with his own hands.


Is it worthy of "Libra"?

In terms of the balance of everything, she was able to do it without leaking, which not only gave him face, but also did not cause him to have a rebellious mentality.

But Luo Wei guessed that he would probably kneel when he went in.

All the way to the audience hall deep in the main floor of the battleship, the guards inside have already withdrawn, and only the petite figure known as the treasure of the kingdom remains in the entire palace.

At this time, she was wearing an exquisite princess tutu dress, dressed like a porcelain doll, quietly sitting on the silver and white throne that could hold five of her, her legs couldn't reach the ground, and she looked down at them condescendingly.

"Lianna, you go down too."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," the head maid answered with a bow, "I will prepare an exquisite afternoon tea for the guests."

Lyanna left too.

The hall was shining with silver light, and the floor was covered with a luxurious red carpet, but there were only three people who seemed a little empty.

"You can start talking."

I'd like to see if you have any crooked ideas this time.

"It's like this..."

"Wait," Lovely interrupted him, raised his chin and looked at him far away from the throne, "kneel down and say."

Sure enough.

She is a king and she is a minister, which is just as it should be.The higher she is, the more pleasure it will be to punish her afterwards.

Rowe curled his lips, knelt on the ground on one knee, sat on his right heel, and rested his left elbow on his left knee—he was not a knight with ceremonies, so there was no need to be too particular. The swordsman listening to the summoning ceremony is almost a random imitation of the knight's ceremony, it looks like he is squatting or stalking.

Seeing this, Vermier quickly knelt down, but was stopped by Loveli.

"Vermier doesn't need to kneel, let him kneel there alone."

"Eh... eh?"

"You come to me."


Vermier hesitated to move forward, and glanced at Luo Wei when he passed by, wondering if he would be shocked.

Luo Wei just smiled peacefully and didn't look at her.

The girl walked over suspiciously, and Lovely pointed to the armrest on the throne, "Sit there."

Vermeer glanced at the height, thought for a while and decided not to use magic, and jumped on the spot three times before going up.Lovely looked at the shaking in front of her, his face turned dark.

It's amazing to be able to shake...!
"Well...and then?" Vermeer turned around with great difficulty, and sat there dignifiedly and obediently with her legs crossed.

It looks a little silly.

Lovely gritted her teeth angrily, moved her two legs over, and unceremoniously took off her boots.


Seeing her feet laying flat on Lovely's skirt, Vermeer was a little dazed for a moment.

Lovely didn't look at her.

Gently stroking along the surface of the crystal clear white silk, from the ankle to the instep to the arch, the stroking touch made Vermeer tremble uncontrollably. this...?
"Just watch and talk." Lovely looked at Luo Wei with a proud smile on his face, "Is this how you usually play with these feet? Your perverted habit is really incomprehensible." ah."

Luo Wei: "..."

"Need I tell you how I feel?" Lovely continued, "Her feet are a little hot from being stuffed in the boots. Why, do you really want to smell it?"

Vermeer: ​​"..."

that kind of thing...

No, I don't need to go into such details...I've been wearing these boots today, of course...of course I'm getting a little hot.

"Let me smell it for you." Lovely leaned over and sniffed Vermeer's instep, showing some disgust,


Not smelly feet!

"Oh?" Lovely turned his head and glanced at Vermeer, "How many times has he played with your stinky feet like this? He must have cleaned all the smell from your finger grooves, right?"

", no..."

"Then he must be too embarrassed to mention his perverted desires." Lovely turned Vermeer's instep to Luo Wei, and spread her thumb and forefinger, the white silk's glittering and translucent hooks were faintly visible, "how is it?" , I really want to try it? You can raise the taste every time, you like this, right?"

The princess kid is clearly out for revenge.

What happened last time was unclear, and they were caught off guard by the two of them working together, and now it's her turn to ask for it back.

Really as strong as ever.

Different from Iluth's manipulative behavior, Lovely tends to use strategy to control behavior, calculate every step and then carry it out triumphantly, and the feedback generated can make her feel happy.

But how could Luo Wei let her succeed.

"Saya." He called out to the surroundings.

Saya reluctantly showed up.

"Perverted human, what do you want me to do, between you... ahhh!"

Luo Wei pulled her over, and duly took out a bottle of magic copper acid from the cloak and placed it on the ground.

It's rare to come here, how can I not bring her some gifts?

Saya didn't dare to move immediately, and couldn't take her eyes off the bottle of blue-purple cloudy solution.

Heh, use Vermeer as a shield, right?

Luo Wei lifted her up and took off the machine girl's small shoes.

"I heard that your shell board is made of magical bionics, and the softness can be adapted based on itself, right?"

"Where... where did you know this...!!"

Luo Wei squinted his eyes and signaled her to activate it consciously with his eyes, otherwise...

My Lady...

Lovely was also taken aback for a moment, she never thought that under such circumstances, this little fish could still attack her machine girl?
Luo Wei started without hesitation.

Different from the plastic shell of the previous figure, she is obviously a mechanical body, and also belongs to bionic intelligence, but the softness in her hand is just like what she should be born with.

Saya trembled all over, and the exhaust vents were all open to emit smoke.

There has never been a human... like this... I... don't want to...

"It seems that you are quite happy." Now it was Luo Wei's turn to attack, "Is this the first time a human has been touched like this, huh?"

"I... no... I... every time, every time, every time..."

Loveli's hands stopped unconsciously, and his eyes were a little dazed for a moment.

How did you force out the sequelae of Siya's song recording?

She obviously only does it when she's happy...

"Speaking of which, you are actually very similar to the goblins in the forest, except that you are bigger." Of course, Luo Wei didn't limit himself to using his hands, and Saya immediately tasted the unparalleled happiness, rowing The air port emits water vapor like boiling water.

"No, no... Lord Luo Wei... Saya wants...!"

Both Lovely and Vermier looked dumbfounded.


Strange competitors added.

"Heh...the smell is probably incomparable to human beings," Luo Wei squinted at Lovely, "Do you want to try it on your machine girl? Or are you really not confident in your stinky feet?"


Lovely's face suddenly became ugly.

How could he think of shooting Saya!That guy who betrayed his master was so easily ordered by him? ?

Luo Wei didn't look at them, but noticed Seiya's eyes, smiled and picked up the magic copper acid on the ground and shook it.

"Adding this at this time, are you expecting that kind of taste?"

"I... I didn't...!"

"But your eyes clearly miss you." Luo Wei narrowed his eyes and swayed in front of her eyes, "You have to think about it, once you use it... you won't be able to go back to the original world, okay?"

"I...can'," Saiya's shell was reddened, but her eyes couldn't resist the temptation, "I can't...Lord Luo Wei...please...! Just !"

Rowe briefly turned to Lovely.

"How about it, if this bottle goes down, the Saya you are familiar with won't come back?"

Lovely: "..."

What does it mean not to go back to the original world...

Is it so exaggerated?
She found that she still knew too little. Compared with this trash, it was simply...

"Stop, stop." Lovely swallowed and shrank back, "Yes... I lost."

Luo Wei didn't let Saya go.

"If you lose, you can use your own stinky feet as compensation, isn't it reasonable?"

"What...! I am the princess!"

"What kind of princess are you?" Luo Wei opened the cover of the magic copper acid, "I didn't hear clearly."

Lovely's heart hung up along with the lid.

She can't live without Saya.

If it completely becomes his property, then... there will be no way to restrain him in the future.

She hesitated on the throne, but Luo Wei didn't wait for her, pointed the mouth of the bottle at the small hole next to Saya's ear, and the latter took a few deep breaths, opening and closing the exhaust port and waiting eagerly.


Lovely trembled twice, raised his foot on the throne, and looked to one side for comparison.

"I am... the stinky-footed fish queen..."

Rovi immediately closed the lid, and Siya felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured into her heart, watching all this in a daze.

Obviously it's almost...

Lord Luo's obviously a little bit...

Luo Wei: "..."

This guy, his curiosity about human beings might have started when he and Vermeer were peeping at him.

He stuffed Saya into his arms and looked helplessly at the two people on the throne.

"You can talk about the punishment later. The real thing is not what you think. You should listen to what people have to say."


Lovely couldn't respond now.

Vermeer's brain was already on fire, obviously the princess didn't hold her leg, she forgot to take it back, she sat sideways and looked over there with a confused face.

With this gesture, Luo Wei relayed today's discovery in his own tone, as well as the situation that the Craftsman Association may cause in the future.


Lovely was stunned for a while when she heard that the Mechanic Goddess had been created, and then the purpose of asking Marshal Xi to come over was to develop a hiding place that could detect ancient magic weapons, and then realized.

Didn't you come to me to deal with other women...

To be precise, the best magic workshop in Wuguan City should be larger than the Wing of Sky, but considering the issue of confidentiality, it is undoubtedly the most suitable place.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but put her hand next to her mouth, thinking about it for a moment.

Wei Mier beside him was taken aback.


That rubbed my foot...

All, all on her mouth...

Lovely seemed to smell something, looked down, his fingers were still slightly warm.


I... what have I done?
At this moment, the door of the Throne Hall opened, and Saya stepped in.

"The magic transfer stone has been made, I..."

She froze there halfway through.

On the throne, the foolish priest sat on the armrest and put his legs on the fifth princess.

No shoes.

When Luo Wei turned her head, she saw the machine girl who was still smoking and flushed in the arms of the other party.

Saya: "..."

She found that her comprehension ability could not keep up with this scene.


What are you doing?
(End of this chapter)

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