Chapter 302 Accompanying You to Watch the Meteor Shower

When the two reached the depths of N07, the battle inside was not over yet.


Amidst the deafening roar, Ayi Ning could clearly see what that phantom beast looked like.

It's not a bug, but a giant golden-brown liger with a single horn on the top of its head, a strong mane on its neck, and covers the back beam like a cape, and its tail is divided into three strands at the end.Its size is not as exaggerated as a five-story building, but it is roughly estimated to be more than six meters high, which is enough to be called huge.

"What's the matter, you're disappointed that you didn't see the big bug?"

"I would rather never see it in my life," A Yining responded, but her eyes were elsewhere, "What are those grasses on the ground?"

At the feet of the Eudemons, in the center of the N07 Hidden Snow Area, the ground is covered with blue spirit grass.

It seems that because of the influence of those grasses, the air has also become very pure, with the breath of the upper space.

"Phantom Phosphorus." Luo Wei briefly explained, "It's a product of high-level space interference. If it suddenly appears somewhere, there is a high probability that phantom beasts will come."

Thanks to it, the breath of the air became as thorough as pure oxygen, with a chilly coolness that made people's hairs stand on end unconsciously.

It can also be regarded as a supernatural field in a sense.

A team of more than ten people is fighting against Eudemons, and they are basically familiar faces. Naturally, the first to bear the brunt is Ryan who is wielding the holy sword.

"How about it, do you want to go up and help?" A Yining asked.

"Do you think they need us to intervene?" Luo Wei crossed his arms. "Their tactics are different from ours. You might as well learn and observe."

"it is good……"

In fact, Ayi Ning could also tell that from the roar when they came in, this phantom beast was almost cornered.

Swinging its tail and sweeping, a large number of rocks rose from the ground, roaring and smashing towards Ryan and others.

Opening the barrier, raising the shield to block, the team collectively blocked the attack, and before the smoke and dust cleared, Ryan and Jass jumped out from left to right, and the flames lit up the darkness.

"Overlord—Extreme Flame Sword!"

Although there is such a huge difference in body shape, the flame in the figure's hand suddenly rises, covering half of the phantom beast's body in an instant, and the air is instantly illuminated by fire.

Extraordinary strength.

Ayi Ning opened his eyes of observation. Unlike Luo Wei's unfathomable and unrealistic skills, this adventurer named Ryan can fully see the process of growth and experience, and to reach this level, it is no surprise that he has extremely powerful skills. Excellent talent.

The opponent's squad tactics are also different from theirs.

On my own side, under the influence of Luo Wei, everyone's personal ability can be brought into full play. With the cooperation of each other's high efficiency, the dizzying high-tempo brings infinite possibilities, and at the same time makes people other than them completely Unable to intervene.

On the other hand, the opponent regards the team as a whole, and everyone in it will make certain sacrifices and concessions, in exchange for the overall offense and defense to be steady and steady, no one will advance rashly, and no one will fall behind.A Yining even thought that even if another [-] ordinary soldiers were stuffed in, they would be able to play the role of the team and raise them to the same level as the current team.


Even as a team, there is a core.

It can also be seen from the smoke and dust just now that when everyone works together to block the offensive, the team will entrust all their strength to the main attacker, so that they can make a winning blow with a double effect at an unexpected moment.

If it was her former self, she would be more inclined to cooperate with the team and play an overall role.After all, her fighting style is both offensive and defensive, suitable for playing in various positions, and at the same time, she needs the cooperation of other people to gain momentum and play a stronger power.

But since following Luo Wei...

A Yining found that she might gradually like the pleasure of swinging the sword wantonly.

Facing an opponent that is difficult for the team as a whole, it is undoubtedly that their rhythm has more possibilities, because in many cases, even the gods... don't know who to guard against.

This is in exchange for the difficulty of finding suitable people to integrate into them, requiring everyone to have the ability to be completely independent.

"What did you see?" Luo Wei looked at her thoughtfully and asked.

A Yining briefly explained it, and Luo Wei lowered his head and smiled.

All-star lineup, right?

The disadvantage is that it is difficult for anyone to adapt to their fighting rhythm, even if they are strong enough.

But in fact they have no shortage of teammates.

Let's not talk about Mena and Anining, nor the other teammates who have fought side by side with him in the future.Even if Ryan Sherond and the others are allowed to fight with them right now, Rowe can act as a link to connect everyone's coordination rhythm.

This is what other people cannot copy and imitate.

Connecting with the tacit understanding of the finale of the previous round, and continuing to run in during the growth process, the future will only push to an even more unimaginable height.


In the field, the phantom beast roared again, but its body had already become transparent, and a large number of ridges fell into the position like the blades of a mountain peak.

When the smoke dissipated, Ryan also stood in front of him raising his sword to defend, and everyone worked together to block the blow.

Crusade against large Eudemons, they really brought the teamwork to the extreme.


The sky suddenly shook.

The huge enchantment tore a gap above, and a meteorite like a star revealed an arc, and the clues emerged out of it.

Luo Wei narrowed his eyes and reached out his hand to stop A Yining.

Ayi Ning: "..."

I didn't want to go, didn't you let me observe here, so you are so worried about me?

Or are you afraid that if I save someone, I will be abducted by them?

She pursed her lips and stood still, seeing that small meteorite was about to fall out of the barrier, and the whole space became dark.

Ryan, who was standing in front, let out a roar.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

The team of more than ten people constantly strengthened their defenses and prepared to resist the impact. At the same time, they also applied power to Ryan, who was bursting with flames all over him. For a while, his body was full of brilliance, and he even seemed to be protected by the godhead.

But none of these can cover up the pure and clear flame itself. The arrogance seems to be awakened, and the power has undergone a qualitative change.

"Awakening of Flame Spirit! Ohhhhh!!"

Swinging away the impact of the flames all over the body, the explosive momentum gathered into a unique state, which greatly increased the limit that humans do not have.

This is not refining Qi to transform into a god.

Rather, it seems to be developed by himself, based on his own characteristics, only he can use the special boosting skills.

A Yining had to admit that this adventurer was indeed very strong.

Maybe one day in the future, she might be able to surpass her and reach the level of her sister.

What is even more surprising is his courage.It is self-evident what he wants to do at this time, but ordinary people just have the courage to stand here, let alone face it without any worries.

As the meteorite fell heavily, Ryan held the holy sword with both hands, stepped on the ground, and the ground burst into cracks like spider webs.

And he himself flew straight up like a flash of fire pattern, and once again used his tiny figure to contend against the meteorite that could cover half of the field.

"Break it—! Wuxiang Huotian Slash!!"


With a heavy impact, like two meteorites meeting, the air wave spread towards the periphery of the field, and everyone blocked their faces with their arms.

next moment--

The flames of the explosion surged up, and the meteorite was lit up to the extreme red, and a ring of fire spread along the surface to the surroundings of the sphere, dyeing the entire meteorite fiery red.

Amidst the violent tremors, Ryan's roar could still be heard:

"Crack it, give it to me—Crack it!!!"

Ayi Ning waved her sword against the barrier, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly, she was also a boy, she tried to imagine that Luo Wei shouted such lines, she always felt inexplicably ashamed.

The meteorite disintegrated amidst the roar, and piles of fiery red fragments fell to the barrier on the ground like meteors, and the entire space shook again under the continuous impact.

rumbling rumbling—


When the vibration gradually subsided, everything was quiet, only the remaining flames were burning.

Luo Wei retracted the sword of Cangliu into its sheath, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

The protagonist, who can't even do anything to a meteorite falling from the sky, probably has nothing to worry about.

Ayining used her breath to blow away the surrounding smoke, noticed the expression on his face, and asked curiously, "Why are you so happy?"

It's hard to see him with that expression.

"It's safe and sound, isn't this something to be happy about?"


Ayi Ning sighed helplessly at him.

You obviously said you don't need to interfere, so what are you worrying about.From the performance point of view, the meteorite is not very exaggerated. When I stopped the falling zenith, why didn't I see you so happy.

Speaking of...

The man seemed to be his best friend.

Why does it feel like he cares more about the other party...?
As the meteorite was knocked down, the phantom beast whose body gradually became transparent let out an unwilling roar, and completely disappeared in the light.

The team that resisted the collision pulled up the teammates who had fallen to the ground, and together they went to greet Ryan, who was half kneeling on the ground. After confirming that the surrounding conditions had disappeared, the faces of everyone showed the joy of celebration, and some even started to laugh.

"Sure enough, you don't need to worry." Ayi Ning closed her eyes, and looked sideways at Luo Wei, "So, we're done watching, what should we do next?"

Luo Wei smiled and said, "Of course I celebrated with them."

Ayi Ning: "..."

You seem to have done nothing.


After the team confirmed the situation, everything was safe, no one was even injured, and the mood gradually settled down.

Rowe chatted with Ryan about what happened today, and told them about the magic detector and the discovered device.

A Yining watched them talking and laughing, and found it difficult to blend in.

"Actually, I have noticed that you are here, my best friend," Ryan said with a smile, "I don't want to make a move because I want to see if we can get over it?"

"Oh, it's really hard for you."

"Haha, isn't this what you have always regarded as a goal that you want to surpass?"

Ayi Ning did not open his mouth to observe.

The relationship between the two seems to be better than she imagined...


She shook her head, it's better not to speculate based on the same-sex relationships in the novels.

And Dundry frowned at her and Luo Wei from a distance.

These two...

I didn't have it before, what is the spherical device that is pulled by the rope behind me?The magical pet they caught in the sewer?

Moreover, he clearly said that he didn't intend to crusade against the Eudemons, but in the end he came over to join in the fun.

Could it be... Do you think this is some kind of dating project?
Thinking about it carefully, huge phantom beasts, fierce battles, exploding meteorites, meteor sparks falling in all directions... It seems that it is indeed a very shocking picture, which is rare to see on weekdays.

It is a knightly romance to be able to witness these together.

He couldn't help but stare blankly.

As the chief knight of Kalishan, Dundry naturally has a favorite girl in China, and has always been troubled by this, how to impress the other party's heart.

Seeing Luo Wei and Ryan chatting and laughing, and the black-haired girl with an oriental appearance waiting quietly beside Luo Wei, he was slightly touched.

Is it possible...

In fact, he can also ask the girl to the sewer to try?
(End of this chapter)

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