Chapter 316 It's Nice To Have You

The meeting quickly went on for the most part in discussions.

The dwarf king Kamesh stretched his eyes, looked at the line on the magic map, and suddenly grinned.

"Haha, I read that right, why did it go down from Tietong Ridge?"

Moira, who was in charge of explaining, turned and gave him a perplexed look.



According to the observation of the magic warship, the weapons of the Artisan Association set off from the Holy Snow Falls Mountain, and will travel along the plateau to the east of the Lan Temple. About two days later, they will go south and east to the Broken Ridge Plateau, heading straight for Wuguan City.

In order not to fall directly from the cliff at an altitude of more than 3000, Tietong Ridge is not only on a straight line, but also the best buffer location.

And there is the home of the dwarves.

Kamesh stood there in a daze, then looked up at the others.

"...Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't pass through my territory. We dwarves don't mind this very much."

Several lords pouted.

Then you have to discuss it with Goddess Machinist...

Iron Barrel Ridge is surrounded by mountains on all sides, enclosing a sunken valley in the middle like an iron barrel, and the dwarven city is built inside.

"Okay." Kamesh muttered aggrievedly, "Just watch it crush me."


Eluffa sighed, and the dwarf king looked back at her with an expression of not wanting to be comforted but also wanting to be comforted.

"You'd better plan ahead."

Kamesh: "..."

The thing is obvious, plateau combat is not good for the legion, if the first round of guerrilla attack fails to stop the magical weapons, it is inevitable to step into the dwarven territory.

"On the bright side, it's just borrowing a way," another lord said, "Also, have you hollowed out the ground? Maybe we can use this situation to trap it there."

"My underground palace is only half built!" Kamesh protested, of course he knew what this meant, but whether he took action or not, there was actually little difference...

"As far as I know, dwarves are better at building ruins." Another lord said.

"What's the difference between this and the underground palace!"

"Guess why the ruins are called ruins?"

Kamesh: "..."

The newly joined adventurers and knights looked at them and felt that the relationship between these lords was better than expected. There were no verbal concerns, and they knew each other very well, so there would be no hindrance in communication.

It's all stringing them together by Ryan.

On the other hand, what was surprising was that Luo Wei, who was involved with four well-known figures from mainland China, did not say a word during the whole meeting.

The meeting seemed to have forgotten this person with a strong sense of presence, and did not even give him tactical arrangements.

Randall looked at this scene majesticly and calmly, and gave his strategy:
"Since this is the case, the order of Wuguan City will be handed over to our army. During this period, Lion Garden will temporarily stabilize the city for everyone and provide logistical support."


The lords sneered in their hearts. After the craftsman union is settled, can you still give up the city?
Ryan took a slow breath and looked at Randall.

"Then I will leave this matter to Your Excellency the Prime Minister."

This is actually the best arrangement.

Ryan couldn't see through the other party's thoughts at all, and didn't even have a clue.Facing this character, he felt that the other party had no flaws and was an extremely difficult person.

From this point of view, he couldn't rest assured to fight side by side with him, and even worried about how he would respond if the other party proposed to send troops to fight.

In terms of logistics, it is entirely possible to ask other nearby forces to prepare in advance, even if the other party repents, it will not have an immediate impact.

No matter what the other party's purpose is.

As long as Randall doesn't want a crownless city after being destroyed, everyone's goals are not inconsistent.


It is this feeling that seems to be paving the way for the future, but it is really overwhelming. I don't know what Luo Wei will think about it.

"you are welcome."

It took Randall a long time to respond to Ryan, as if to give him time to think.

In fact, the earthquake every half hour made the people in the city panic. If you want to maintain the stability of the city, it is useless to rely on the alliance alone. They have no law enforcement power at all.

Lion Garden is now the ruler of Wuguan City.

"Besides, what I said just now was not a scene," Randall smiled deeply, "After this crusade is over, Lion Garden will consider handing over Wuguancheng."


These words caused an uproar in the audience.

Randall wants to hand over the crownless city he got? !
No one expected to hear such a speech from the other party, but it was even more difficult to guess what his purpose was.

Lovely: "..."

Ryan was also stunned when he heard it, but he didn't intend to take it to heart—even if the other party changed his mind temporarily, it would be no surprise.

The opponent's layout is not at the same level as them.

"That's it, now that the action has been confirmed, it's time for us to act."

Ryan didn't intend to follow the other party's train of thought. After the order to end the meeting was issued, all parties quickly left the field to prepare for the expedition.

At this moment, Luo Wei glanced at the few people behind him.

"Don't follow me."

He went straight to Randall and stopped the prime minister who was about to leave.

Everyone looked back, a little bit dumbfounded for a while - they didn't say a word at the meeting, and then made unexpected behaviors after the meeting.

you today.

Did you come all the way to trouble Randall...

Randall looked back at him, not accidentally or seriously, but just understood his intention.

"Let's talk in another place."


At the corner of the courtyard, Randall dismissed the guarding knights and faced Rowe alone.

Wei Mier and others watched from a distance, not daring to move their eyes away.


To face that person alone, even A Yining felt that he was really brave.

Although the other party is the same.

Randall doesn't know if he has the ability to fight, but Luo Wei's actual combat level is hidden very deep. If he is not careful, his 20 years of hard work in the Lion Garden will be in vain.

Luo Wei looked up at the other party, not closing the distance.

The aura is indeed very strong, but he has experienced enough in the last round, and he does not believe that Randall is really defenseless.

"I have a simple matter to ask you for proof," he said.

"Hehe," Randall looked at him with his hands behind his back, "it shouldn't be something related to logistics operations."


Rowe shook his head.

He didn't command the legion to fight, so naturally he didn't plan to intervene in the meeting, just let Ryan follow his own pace.

At least for now, the tactics are well arranged, and he doesn't need to worry about anything.

"What I want to know is, did you organize an investigation team before you invited Celis over?"

"Of course," Randall replied quickly, "but the investigation was conducted spontaneously by civil society organizations."

This question is actually very stupid. If there is no investigation, how could it be possible to directly invite someone of Celis' level to come over.

"I remember that there is no Adventurer's Guild in Gray River Town." Rowe said coldly.

"But there are other commissioning agencies."

"If I'm not mistaken, is the person in charge behind this institution called Caroline?"

Randall smiled deeply, "It seems that you know very well."

Rowe took a breath.

Then his eyes narrowed, and he raised his eyes again.

"So this folk exploration team..."

"The whole army was wiped out." Randall slowly closed his eyes, "Together with the knights I supported."


Is that really the case?

When Luo Wei learned the corresponding answer, he felt relieved a lot.

It was a windfall to figure out this matter before facing the Craftsman Union. Thanks to it, he could see things more clearly that he hadn't seen in the last round.

"Thank you for your answer."

He didn't intend to ask any more questions, he could already think of the answer from Celis's sentence "Even the stars will fall", and it was enough for Lovely to send someone to check the rest.

But Randall smiled lowly in his throat at this time.

"A creature that devours the star and falls from the sky."

He turned sideways, but his eyes were still on Ro Wei, as if observing his reaction.

"It's okay to tell you about it."


Vermeer and the others stared blankly at Rowe walking back, while Randall also walked away surrounded by knights.

Just... finished?

He deliberately stopped Randall, but the two finished chatting in less than 3 minutes.

"Deliberately not letting us pass, what did you talk to him about?"

Ai Ning looked at him and asked.

Luo Wei curled his lips and smiled, then unexpectedly walked forward and hugged her gently.


Being hugged suddenly and rubbing her head like a child, Ayning blushed and glanced at Vermeer in panic.


Wei Mier felt that it didn't seem to mean what he thought, but for some reason, there was a kind of peace of mind, as if there was no need to worry about everything anymore.

Ellis smiled.

"'re so proactive."


A Yining's face became anxious, and she tried to push him but didn't push him away.

What is this doing……!After talking to Randall, why are you hugging me!
Fortunately, Saya went back first because she couldn't bear the shame, otherwise this...

Seeing Iluth pulling Vermeer away with a smile, as if intending to leave them alone, Ayi Ning's head almost exploded.

I am not! !
She gave Luo Wei a hard twist, and stepped on him again, her face turned red under the gaze of people from afar.

"You...what the hell are you trying to do...! If you don't say anything else, I'm going to draw my sword!"

"Say something?"

Luo Wei smiled and raised his head slowly.

"Nice to have you."


Ayi Ning opened her eyes wide and was stunned there.

Luo Wei's hand slowly reached into her long hair, gently pressed her scalp, and rubbed her cheek lovingly.

What a sister.

He suddenly realized that he was really lucky to have caught her. If the last round was a non-existent history as Vermeer said, then there is no doubt that this is the real present, and there is no need to worry about it. .

Fallen Star Beast.

In the Fate Starry Sky, the strange life residing in the Fate Star, and the taboo of Gui Wuhai are two opposite qualities.

Luo Wei is no stranger to this kind of creature, and under his control, it is obvious that what has never happened will never happen again.

Whether it's for her or Anining.

In the last round, the person who replaced Celis in the Lion Garden and killed the fallen star beasts in the Lion Garden——

Undoubtedly it was Anain.

And at this moment, the closed loop of fate has been untied, maybe it was possible to lose her in the predicted possibility, and now holding her in his arms, it only makes people feel extraordinarily pity.

So can you not say that it is good to have her here?

Although... At first it was just greedy for her.

I'm even more hungry now.

When this incident is over, it seems that it's time to make a tailor-made plan for my younger sister.

A Yi Ning's pupils trembled slightly, being caught on the scalp, making her whole body tremble involuntarily.

Why did he suddenly treat me.

so enthusiastic...

" let me go! There are too many people here...!"

Although he could feel his pity, but...why?

Am I fine...don't act like I'm terminally ill...

"You mean, let's go back to the studio for a hug?"


Ayi Ning trembled wanting to cry without tears, standing there a little messy for a moment.

And Luo Wei let go of her at this moment, and gently rubbed her head again.

"I certainly don't forget what the timing is now."

He smiled and held out his hand to her.

"Let's go, it's time for us to set off."

(End of this chapter)

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